Thursday, March 6, 2014

What is the best pre built gaming pc of 2012 I can find in stores?


I'm looking for a gaming pc that can handle a game like BF3 I know the answer is to build a pc but I'm not ready for that at the moment..

HI, so im not sure what your budget is but if its in the range of about 800-1000 check out this link,
Its a really solid computer with all the specs you need ( i suggest getting either Option B or D). You say your not ready to build a pc? this site is for people EXACTLY like you they build custom pc's for gaming and they actually do it very well compared to most.
If you can spend a little more check this one out too.
It also can play BF3 but should be able to play it at around ultra instead of maybe medium-high settings! hope this helped and i hope to see you online!!

How to build a gaming pc?


I am considering getting a pc mainly for gaming (I would still use it for other things of course), but I do not want to spend over 600 dollars. For that budget, shoud I just get the ps4 or xbox one? If not, then where do I start?

PC gaming is different to console gaming.
There are more games for consoles than PC, but PC gaming is a bit quicker and more flexible/dexterous. Can also be more technical depending on the game.

List of components:

Video Card:
Hard Drive:
Optical Drive:
Power Supply:
Operating system:

Check this out for PC.
Builds Under $500

Builds Under $1000

Power calculators.
Bench marking graphics cards.

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Title Post: What is the best pre built gaming pc of 2012 I can find in stores?
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Author: Unknown

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