Saturday, October 26, 2013

how do i make a gaming pc of quality performance and low price?

best quality gaming pc on 2010 July - Original china factory for computer usb gadgets pc gifts ...
best quality gaming pc image


i want to make an assembled gaming desktop which would give a high performance while keeping the total value of the assembled components low. can someone give me a list of all the moderately priced components required to make a gaming pc along with the instructions on how to assemble them properly?
Thanks in advance.

You people just DO NOT get it:

A) Gaming PC of Quality.
B) Low price.

Pick one.

what are some things to keep in mind when buying a graphics card for windows vista?

Breaking B

Any tips or suggestions for buying a video card that is going to be just OK for playing high quality games for PC? I don't want an extravegent expensive card but also not a cheap one that will broke in a month. Just one that will last a long time and will be just right for gaming.

If you can please suggest some brands or types.

get a GeForce GTS 250, DX10, Shader model 4.0 sli ready

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How difficult is it to build your own gaming computer?

best gaming pc ever built on Another excellent new freeware game release for the Wiz ! And quite a ...
best gaming pc ever built image


I can't afford to buy a gaming pc. But I can afford to build it myself. But I have no experience and no knowledge what so ever of how to do it. So, I'm wondering if it would be a bad idea. How safe is it really? I;m scared I'll wreck it.

In general cases, it is extremely safe if you know what you are doing. I will design one for you on a budget right now, if you like. Just give me a price range and what you're looking to do with it.

We at AA Computers design and build custom computers depending on the customer's needs. Since you're building this one yourself, I'm just going to give you the links and you can buy the parts yourself.

I will advise, however, that if you are building a computer for the first time, read the rules on proper electronics handling. Static electricity is a big killer in electronics these days.

So, what's your price range?

Basic hardware and software requirements for a gaming PC?


Well, I am doing my first ever custom built gaming PC. Need to know the basic requirements for building one, and I am not much of a computer nerd, so it would be nice if you could keep the computer talk to a minimum, if you get my drift. There is no real budget, as long as each individual item stays under 200$. I already have a few computer cases as options, so no need to worry about that, unless thee is a real need to worry.
In a nutshell, just some basic requirements for a great gaming PC, like hard drive, etc.

wonderful! gaming pcs are the pinnacle of technology today! well, if you have the pocket room for it. many people say "It must be an alienware, and must cost over $3000." Anybody who says that, is probably a troll who doesnt have anything to do with their spare time. i looked up on youtube and googled around for a couple days, and figured out how to do it. in simplest terms "plug the plug, into the plug where it fits." There are a few parts that make a computer run, the motherboard, the processor, the RAM, the graphics card, the hard drive (or ssd if you want it amazingly fast) power supply, case, and cpu cooler (i will explain this)... cpus do a bunch of stuff. so the processor (cpu) gets hot. very, very, very hot. and without a cooler, they would overheat, die, short circuit, possibly burst into flames. but the cooler, which can be air cooling or liquid cooling stops that. most processors come with a cpu cooler. (unless you're buying refurbished or lga 2011) which the stock ones do fine..... but, arent that awesome... have fun building, and it seems like rocket science, but it really isnt

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What is the best gaming PC i could make under $1200?

best gaming pc lifehacker on Video Games' Five Most Romantic Couples | Kotaku Australia
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I am deciding to buy a new gaming PC under 1200 dollars. So what is the best one I can make from or if there is a better option please tell :)


Enjoy, and I will bet anything you will expose it by running a free AV.

How should i distribute 600 to 700 dollars to build a gaming/normal stuff(haha) computer?


I Want to build a computer that can play most games fluently, such as minecraft, civilization, maybe battlefield, grand theft auto, etc. But the thing I dont know too much about computers haha. Also I usually run servers, like on minecraft, but i dont know what's the part that affects that the most. Which parts the most important? The Processor, circuitboard, graphics card, and about how much ram should i need?

You run mc servers, but don't know how to build a computer??? *jakie chan moment* ok well... Here, before you go off and do whatever, try this, it's where I learned what Ik about PCs:
This article taught me the basics of PC hardware, and it's actually fun when you understand! Also, I'd recommend that if you want to build your own computer, or if you have one but want to upgrade it, go to PC part picker (it's a website) and click on "system build". That will take you to a list of places where you can put together your computer from scratch. But seriously, read the article first, even if it's just like the first or second page, then go build it. PC part picked does have a compatibility checker, but if you just go and get some random parts, chances are you won't be happy with what you get. Oh and do take the time to research your parts, it's worth it if you know exactly what your looking at. Final note, I'm not a professional, but if you need some help with your project, you can contact me on my email at and I will happily help you out.

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How do I build/customize/modify my laptop for gaming?

best gaming pc laptop 2013 on Check Here See more information and real Reviews about Lenovo ...
best gaming pc laptop 2013 image


I want a gaming laptop but they cost no less than $1000 and my dad says he will only pay $500 and i would have to pay the rest, but I don't have more than $400 so...
I want to build or customize or modify my laptop when I get one (probably in a month) so I would probably buy a $500 or $600 laptop with a decent system.
What laptop should I buy for this?
What should I change about it and how?
Write extra important stuff as well please!

In case you are looking for a laptop to play high definition games then you might need a laptop that comes with extremely strong processor and good graphics card. Now you must be thinking that this kind of laptop might cost you a lot, well if it was 2010 then sure, but now in 2013 you can get a powerful gaming laptop for as low as $500. Here, in this article weâre going to show you 10 cheap gaming laptops that you could get for under $500. Many people still think that cheap laptops canât deliver what it requires to play latest games as desktop pc but in reality they both are the same and have same processor within them.
the following laptop will be suitable for you!
Laptops from HP Envy series have always been on top in many of my lists already and here we go again, HP Envy dv6-7210us is on the second spot in our list of cheap gaming laptops. It totally deserves that due to its low price and latest hardware specs, it comes with 6GB RAM, AMD Quad Core processor of 1.9 GHz, 750 GB hard drive and of course Windows 8. Besides performance, sleekness and style is what makes it so perfect and totally worth, it is also very much lightweight and can be easily compared with top notch ultrabook. So, if these specs are good enough for you and can afford to pay $500 for it then youâre definitely going to enjoy playing games on it.

What gaming laptop should I get next 2013?


Right now I have a lenovo y580. It has an i7, gtx 660m, 8gb of ram, 1tb hard drive. I have had this laptop for about a year and a half and at about every two years I buy a new computer. My computer right now is great but it is getting a little old. I use it for gaming and school purposes. What laptop should I get next? My "requirements" are that it has at least a gtx 760m and an i5. My price range is from 1000 to about 1750. Thanks so much.

Laptops are not for gaming. I'd keep the one I have for school and build my own PC.

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Can anyone help me with finding a gaming PC to buy?

best gaming pc battlefield 3 on BEST GAMING SETUP 2013 - WATERCOOLED (HIGH END)!!
best gaming pc battlefield 3 image


I think I'll ask for a gaming PC for Christmas, but I need help finding one. Can anyone direct me to somewhere I can get a gaming PC that will run games like Battlefield 3, Call of Duty and Minecraft with little to no lag that I can get delivered to/in Ireland? What kind of price range and specs am I looking at? Thanks.

Build your own. You are looking at 600 if you build your own. If you choose to get a crappy dell then it will cost you 1200.

What would be the best gaming pc for me?

Kevin Fry

I'm trying to find a gaming PC that could run a modern day game such as battlefield 3 or crysis 2 at high settings. My budget is somewhere in the $2500 range. Any suggestions? If it is a customizable PC, could you tell me the best specifications? Thanks!


Buy the parts on your own and build it on your own. It's like putting legos together. When you buy a prebuilt you're paying for labor, and usually they don't have ideal specs. Yeah it takes a bit more work, but with Youtube it's super easy to successfully build a computer blindly. Not to mention the fact that if you build it on your own it wont come with any bloatware.

This build I quickly made for ya will let you play games on max for a couple years, if not more. The only thing I didn't include was a monitor, mouse, and keyboard. I would get a 1080p monitor if I were you, keyboard and mouse don't matter much, but you could always look into those later.

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What is a good lap top for games like Sims that is under 600 dollars?

best gaming pc under 600 dollars on gaming pc under 600
best gaming pc under 600 dollars image


I had a great lap top before, until I tried putting Sims on it... I really want to find a new one that can handle games that use a lot of memory... I am also interested in putting things like iTunes and Adobe on it, PLEASE HELP!

Well. Any laptop with the right space will play Sims.

Now, You will have to put iTunes and Adobe on it yourself. Sometimes they come with Adobe on it as mine did.

I have looked on some websites and here's what I have...

First of all, Here is an option that Dell provide, it's Personalize your laptop....

Check out "" and "PC World"

what gaming computer should i get for 500-600 dollars?


Okay so I am a thirteen year old kid who has saved up six hundred dollars to buy a gaming computer... The only question I have is, what computer should I get that runs at least 60-70 fps in skyrim and battlefield 3 for under 600 dollars? Any ideas?

I'd get this:

It'll do what you want.

Those people who are saying you're out of your mind are idiots. Battlefield 3 can be run easily on a $600 pc if the graphics are all turned down to low.

Building a pc would probably let you run the game on medium settings, or save you a hundred. I built my PC for $1100 to run it on ultra, and I'm 16. Just watch tutorial videos, like the How to Build a Computer series on Newegg's youtube channel.

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I need a cheap but good processor for making a gaming pc?

best gaming pc processor on MSI's Wind Top AE1900 all-in-one PC comes to US at $529
best gaming pc processor image


I need a cheap but good processor for making a gaming pc. Mainly for minecraft, Cod, and mmorpgs.

depend's because cheap in the cpu world is around £100
This is a pretty good processor though mid range
AMD Black Edition - AMD Phenom II X4 3.4 GHz

Any ideas for a good gaming PC that I can use to play Skyrim or Fallout at medium to high settings?


I really want a good pre built gaming PC that has a good processor and quad core, any advice I'm 13 so I don't have a lot of money. Thanks:)

Most pre built gaming PC's are quite expensive. You can get those games for Xbox 360/PS3.

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where to buy best gaming computer?

best gaming desktop under 800 dollars on Best Gaming PC Build- Building The Best AMD FX 8350 Gaming Machine Mar ...
best gaming desktop under 800 dollars image

Dan S

i want to buy a gaming desktop for under 800 dollars, where should i go to get the best deal? I dont need a monitor at all.

fry's sure they have a website

What is the best laptop to buy for gaming under 800 dollars?

Gabriel F

Wanted to buy a new laptop because this one is crapping out on me. Anywho have any advice on which laptop to buy? I would like it to have a good video card because I want to be able to play current games on it like Fallout 3 or something.

I understand that you want a gaming laptop that's under $800, but under that price tag won't get you much. If you want to buy a good quality gaming laptop, I'd recommend that you should spend at least $1200. Gaming laptops are expensive because it's hard to put good graphic cards into computers. Most laptops run the graphics from the motherboard, but a separate graphic card can be rather pricey. The best brands for gaming are Alienware (Made by Dell) And Voodoo (Made by HP). with these brands, just DESKTOPS start at around $1200! For $800, you'll be able to get a good Toshiba, Dell or HP, but for sure not a gaming computer. If you want to save money and get a real gaming laptop, then build one yourself. IT takes a bit of effort and may take a bit longer, but you will still be able to save some money, and you can buy the parts separate so you'll get exactly what you want.
Overall, I'd recommend to either spend about $1200 and buy a gaming computer or about $1000 and build your own gaming computer. $800 will get you a nice laptop that can run your games, but the graphics won't be as good. So you decide, and I hope that I helped.

Happy 'top hunting!

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What is the cheapest gaming pc I can buy/build?

best gaming pc possible on 47 computer WoW setup | fosfor gadgets
best gaming pc possible image

Connor Mce

I am looking to buy a gaming pc but I also want to spend as little money as possible on it. I want to know what the least amount of money I can spend would be to be able to buy or at least build a computer that will play at least RPGs even if I have to lower the settings a bit. I hate not being able to play anything and all that i am looking to do is to change that so I can play most things on low settings.

OK, the best cheap option is upgrading a low-cost starting PC with a better graphics card.

So I recommend starting with this:

Then adding this:

That can play most things on medium settings, some easier games on high.

You could go with a cheaper graphics card like the Radeon HD 6450 but you'd get 50% slower performance and only save $15, so I don't recommend that.


How much to spend on a gaming PC?


How much do I need to spend on a gaming pc for the moment? I don't want to talk about future, I will have a little more money then. I want to run games such as the witcher, oblivion, half life 2, and doom 3, and crysis. How much do i need to spend?

it cost a lot, it is an expensive hobby.

but if u really want a recommendation of how to choose a gaming pc, here is where to find

You can find decent budget gaming pc for +/- $500 along with the possible future upgrade
mainstream gaming pc +/- $800-1000
High-end +/- $1500-3000

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What is the best antivirus for a gaming pc?

best gaming pc on ... computer retailer will not tell you building your own computer is much
best gaming pc image


What is the best antivirus to install on a gaming pc, that will protect it while gaming and while doing normal stuff like browsing the net, a little of downloads, music and videos. ?

Before you choose the best antivirus for your gaming pc,you need to know about your pc capability and what causes of problem when you're on gaming.Open this site,

In my case,use Avast because Avast does not eat my ram too much and running quietly in the background very well.

sorry for bad english.

What components i should use for a really good gaming pc?


Im 13( a little early eh?) anyways im planning to build a gaming pc in the feature so any help would be appreciated from an experienced gaming pc builder
Thanks in advance :D

If you want a gaming PC that is affordable, go with an AMD APU (it combines both the CPU and GPU to increase speed and power efficiency), and go with an SSD instead of an HDD.

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Monday, October 21, 2013

What is the best possible gaming pc you can build, in your opinion?

best gaming pc nvidia on Best Gaming Desktop Computers - Summer 2011
best gaming pc nvidia image

Adrian De

im planning on getting a gaming pc and my friend knows how to put them together so just tell what would be the absolute best gaming pc you would put together? like all the parts such as processor, graphics card, etc. money is not a problem :]

Go to, scroll down and click build your own. You can buy a bundle of the best equipment for gaming. You can also browse the whole website, and pick out whatever you want.

I would suggest that you get:

Rosewill Blackhawk Ultra computer tower(computer case). (their fans are good also)

7 or 8 core processor;

2 Tb of hard disk space;

between 8 and 12 Gb of RAM;

600 watt or better power supply;

2 Nvidia GeForce GTX 580 or 590; or Sapphire Radeon HD 6990 4GB;

also I would get some type of liquid cooling for your CPU.

Hope this was helpful.

I want to buy a gaming pc, what performance will i get with budget of 1000euro ?


I am buying a gaming pc and my budget is 1000euro. With this budget will i be able to get a gaming pc good enough to run the latest games (crysis2 battlefield3...) at maximum settings. If not around how much would a gaming pc that will be able to maxout those games without a problem cost ?

That's almost a perfect price for a gaming pc, more or less. It depends in which country do you live.

I should recommend you an nVidia GTX 680 Lightning built by MSI, that should be launched in 2 or 3 months. With that video card you should play all games on ULTRA settings.

Intel processor is also something that you definitely need.

Minimum of 8 GB ram, better 16 GB.

1000watt good PSU - should do the trick when you'll want SLi. ( two video cards )

A big SSD for storing your games.

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What is wrong with my computer?!!!?

best gaming desktop june 2012 on Gaming computer components
best gaming desktop june 2012 image
Q. Okay so today I was playing a game on the computer. I put the computer in sleep mode for like 20 mins and then when I went back to the computer I tried to click on one of my desktop icons but every time i clicked on an icon it just kept disappearing until I had no more icons left. The task bar even disappeared! So I had nothing left but my wallpaper and when I did CNTRL-ATL-DELETE to get to my login screen, I got an error message. So i held the computer's power button so it can turn off. When unturned it back on it said "DISK BOOT FAILURE". So I got my dad to put the Windows 7 disk in the computer and the setup screen had came up but my dad said it wasn't working. So he kept reinserting the disk and came to the conclusion that the hard drive went out. Now keep in mind. We just got this computer over the summer in 2012 in like June/ July. He literally built the computer with his hands. Nothing was wrong with it until now. Everything is new except the mouse, keyboard, and monitor. We even upgraded to windows 7 from XP like 3 weeks ago. What is wrong which my desktop computer? If the hard drive did go out will my files still be saved on my computer because I didn't even have a chance to back up anything.

DESKTOP Computer
Windows 7
Built the computer over the summer
GIGABYTE computer
( idk much about the computer but this is all the info I know by heart)

You answered your own question: the computer won't boot.
So either nuke the hard drive and reinstall Windows 7, since it sounds like something in the OS or a sector got messed up, or replace the hard drive.

Building a gaming computer?


Hi I am building my first gaming computer. Here are my parts that I am thinking about putting in:
Video Card:
Hard Drive:
Optical Drive:
Power Supply:
CPU: h

This totals up to be $750. I have a budget of about $800 I currently play games including: Minecraft, Team Fortress 2, and League of Legends, but I am considering to playing games (if I build this desktop) such as: COD 4 and BF3
Some questions that I have:
Am I missing any crucial parts?
Will this computer be able to handle those games?
Will I be able to use Screen Capture Software?
Are there any other better parts that you recommend?
Can I use this video card instead?


Your build is an incredibly huge over-kill for those games. But if you're planning on playing more graphically demanding games like Metro 2033 or Crysis, it's fine.

You could get a build for much cheaper...

A build like this would be much more suitable for your needs:

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Should I sell my laptop to save for a gaming computer?

best gaming desktop 1200 on ... video games rpg screenshots gaming action adventure HD Wallpaper
best gaming desktop 1200 image

Chad Poz

I have a dell vostro v13 and I was planning on selling it to get a 1500 dollar gaming computer by Christmas. I would be able to sell it for 400 on ebay. I travel from my mom to my dads house every week so the laptop was useful but I really need a gaming desktop. My dad doesn't want me to sell it but I think I should. My mom doesn't care if I sell it.

Almost every answer here is not relevant to the question :-) If you really want to play games you surely need gaming desktop, and not max or alienware - buy custom built one. You can actually buy cheaper computer that $1500 one and still will be able to play all games on max, today the best price point is around $1000-1200. Get Intel i5 based one, with 4+GB RAM and good video card like at least GTX 460 and it will be a perfect one. Check link below:

What should I look for in a good gaming computer?


I have a budget of $2000 and I want to buy a nice gaming desktop that I can use to play games.

I am used to playing on computers with like 512 MB RAM >.< so I want a really fast computer.

What are some specifications that I should get in a computer?

Depending on which games you play, the main component you should be worrying about is your graphics/video card. This is essential to providing your computer with essentially any 3D rendering done in a game. However some games require a very strong CPU as well such as Crysis in Very High Quality mode. If you are able to read a manual and even slightly tech savvy, you should be able to build your own computer, which is preferable to buying a prebuilt system from a major manufacturer.
Here is a list of components, approximate prices and a link for a system you can build for under 2000$:

Case - Antec Nine Hundred Gamer Case - Full tower ~100$

Power Supply - 750Watts is a fair- Corsair TX750W ~100$ -

At the moment, Intel Core 2 Duo processors are favored by gamers due to the fact that Quad cores are not yet fully utilized by games. AMD makes some decent CPUs but none that can match Intel price/performance wise for the time being. Thus we will proceed with an Intel chipset motherboard.

Motherboard choice 1 - slightly newer chipset - Asus P5Q Pro~140$ - Pro&manufacture=ASUS&promoid=1043

Motherboard choice 2 - slightly older chipset but has wifi ~180$

CPU choice 1- Core 2 Duo E8500 3.16ghz ~200$ -

CPU choice 2 - If you really want a Quad core the Core 2 Quad Q6600 is cheapest for ~200$ -

Video Card Choice 1 - 2x ATI Radeon HD4850 ~2x 180$ -

Video Card Choice 2 - Nvidia Geforce GTX280 ~450$ -

NOTE: Even with a single ATI HD4850, you will be able to play demanding games like Crysis, World in Conflict, Mass Effect, Supreme Commander at pretty high settings, getting two of them or the GTX280 will let you play those games in the very high settings...however the actual observed difference can be minimal.

Memory/RAM - 2x OCZ or Corsair DDR2 800mhz 4gig kits (2x2gigs) ~100$ per kit

Hard Drive - standard speed HDD is fine unless you are a speed freak - Seagate Or Western Digital 1000gigs/1terabyte ~180$ -

OS - A copy of 64bit (in order to use more than 3gigs of RAM) Windows Vista Premium OEM ~130$ -

So so far this rig costs about 1200-1500$ before taxes depending on which video card Crossfire/GTX280, amount of RAM 4 or 8gigs, and to a lesser extent, which motherboard you pick though one gives you WiFi for 40$.

Now Accessories:
Monitor - You will need a monitor with at least 1920x1200 resolution to appreciate your games fully. The new Samsung 2443BW 24" 1920X1200 (1200P) is a great monitor for the price ~340$ -

Mouse- Logitech MX518 1600DPI, this is the minimum requirements if you play FPS games ~60$ -

Keyboard - This is the only keyboard you should get for gaming the Logitech G15 2nd ed - $60 -

Blu-ray player - Blu-ray/HD-dvd/DVD-RW combo drive ~ 150$ -
If you dont need Blu-ray or just don't care, you can get a regular DVD-writer for ~30$

Other optional accessories:
-media card reader ~20$
-third party cooling - for CPU and video card
-wireless card (if you pick the P5Q pro motherboard)
-USB flash drive (always handy to have one)
-Speakers 2.1, 5.1, 7.1 - I recommend the Logitech Z-2300 for 2.1 and the Z-5500 for the 5.1

So accessories will be about another 500$ or more, though. But you can vary your build to match your needs.

Hope this helps and good luck!

Hmm - apparently, I cannot have more than 10 links, so a few of the links, you will find on your own which shouldn't be too hard.

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If I want to play a pc game, does the cd have to be inside the disk drive?

best pc gaming news on Top 10 PC Games - Best New PC Games, News, Reviews & Ratings!
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If i got a pc game (say diablo 3 or fallout new vegas), would i have to have the games cd in the drive every time i want to play it?

for Diablo III a digital version was announcesd:

so you might not need CD at all!!

What are some retail games that have a Steam premium activation code?

Andrew Heo

I want to get premium for my Steam account. Since I don't have a credit card, basically my only choice is to buy a PC game from a retail store and get an activation code from it. The question is: which games have them? My parents won't allow M rated (and T, depending on the game) games, because they don't want me to be those teens on the news that killed people, and that the main factor was caused by violent video games. Thanks in advance.

I have railworks 2 (now updated to 3 for free) and that gave me premium account using the key in my game case

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Where should I buy my Gaming PC and what specs should it have?

best gaming pc parts 2013 on Best Gaming PCs | Best Gaming Desktops | Best PCs for Games
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During the summer of 2013 I am thinking about spending £1000 on a gaming PC, so I need to know what company makes good 'solid' PC's that do not break instantly and are 'trusted'.


A grand will get you top spec. but you will want to self build, you'll get all the parts you want and quite possibly cheaper than a prebuilt system.

I recently did a build for someone (details are on my email account) which was on a £700 budget,

asrock z77 extreme4
8gb ram
1tb hdd
WiFi card
OCZ 600w PSU.
7850 Radeon HD graphics.
120gb sandisk extreme SSD.

this came in at 700, so for 1k, you can up the graphics card to top spec and still be in budget...

prices change and tech is renewed quite often so in 6months there will be an even better spec available.

What are the best graphics cards of 2013 so far?


I'm currently putting together a gaming PC, and I would like to know what the best graphics cards of the early part of this year are, so I can make my project worth the money I'm spending on it.

What graphics cards would you guys recommend?

well, nVidia just released the Geforce GTX Titan...for $1000 dollars you can have the best of the best ;)

If you're looking for something reasonable thought, the nVidia GTX 560 Ti is a great card, I don't know AMD cards that well, sorry.

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What is a good gaming computer thats cheap?

best gaming desktop for 900 on Best Gaming Computers - Cheap gaming desktop PC reviews, guides and ...
best gaming desktop for 900 image

Kyle S

Im looking to buy a gaming desktop, but wasnt sure whats good to buy price wise but works the best, inwas looking to stay under $900 but that will be able to run Guild Wars 2 fluidly.

if it is just the computer itself with no monitor you should be looking at an Intel i5 Cpu (Ivy-Bridge) or an Amd 8*** series Cpu. look for at least a Nvidia GTX 650 ti or a Radeon HD 7770. 4-8Gbs of Ram is fine and make sure it doesn't have a cheapy power supply! you best choice is to build one yourself so you get everything just the way you want it and it would be cheaper too...

How much does a basic gaming computer cost?


How much would I have to pay for a basic gaming desktop? I only want to be able to run high-end games like Skyrim on the lowest reccommended graphics settings at a reliable framerate WITHOUT OVERHEATING. Right now my computer runs Skyrim on the lowest graphic settings and frequently overheats and crashes. Also, would it cost less to build one? Where would I learn how to do that?

Fake gaming pc already assemble -500 /800 dollars , real good ones about 900 dollars and above, to build your own running about 650 and on up is the best way to go ,

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What games have insane fights and huge monsters and bosses?

best gaming pc games on ... gaming computer over the weekend and have survived to tell you about
best gaming pc games image


Also has cool weapons, ive played lost planet 1 and 2 darksiders, prototype, WoW, league of legends dead space 1 and 2 mass effect diablo 3dragon age, skyrim and such and was curious what games have wonderful graphics cool fights and HUGE monsters i love fighting huge monsteres in games, pc games btw, it NEEDS to be for pc, thanks

diablo 3:

walkthrough mentions osme cool monsters

What games have insane fights and huge monsters?


It has to be for pc and has cool weapons, ive played lost planet 1 and 2 darksiders, prototype, WoW, league of legends dead space 1 and 2 mass effect diablo 3dragon age, skyrim and such and was curious what games have wonderful graphics cool fights and HUGE monsters i love fighting huge monsteres in games, pc games btw, thanks!

I dont know what the bosses in Aion are like but it has better graphics then wow so...
Prototype 2??
Other than that I would say get some mods for skyrim for bigger and badder bosses.

...RUNESCAPE (jokes)

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