Saturday, March 15, 2014

Thinking about building a gaming PC, what do I need?


I'm thinking of building a gaming PC with $500-$600 can anyone tell me what specific parts I should get and how much each part costs? I've been hearing a lot about the i7 core processors and it seems like a really great product (even though I don't really know what it does haha)


Is this a good gaming PC?


Windows 7 Home Premium X64
AMD A6 2.1 GHz Quad Core
500 GB Hard Drive at 3 GB/s
XFX Radeon HD 5770 1 GB
550 W power supply
Is this good enough to play MW3 Portal 2 and Sims 3?

Your Conservative Buddy jas been brainwashed,must have had trouble finding it, you only need 4 gigs RAM, the makers must have put out the rumour to sell more, dont know why people are saying getting more than 4gb is good. If any one can name me a game which will take your total ram use above about 3gb i will eat my computer.

Even Crysis + a dvd + the internet running doesnt take my PCs ram usage above 3gb. (try running games and pressing ctrl alt del and going to the performance tab. See how much ram is actually being used by games, you will be surprised)

4gb is a good amount as it is more than you need but ram comes in 1gb or 2gb sticks and most computers have 2 or 4 ram slots so it adds up nicely.

Also look very carefully at what graphics card you are buying, about 80% of a games performance is dependant on the graphics card in my opinion.
Read that lot, don't have to believe me.

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Where I will get wwe smakdown game for PC in India,Mumbai ?

Darshan Ka

Give Me address ,
But only for Pc not for ps 2 , ps3 or psp
not also for Xbox .

I didnt get much information on it but i did see a blog about a new video game store opening in India Mumbai you may want to go check it out when it opens or if it already has ill leave the link
Good luck i hope i helped :D

Tell me the name of best 5 or 10 Pc games Available In India?


Good Answer = 5 Points
Plz tell me...... _/\_ :D

Look dear all PC games are available in India, you can get them at link :

The best games are :
1.Sleeping Dogs
2.Need for speed Most Wanted
3.L.A. Noire
4.Street fighter x tekken
5.The adventures of Tintin
6.Need for speed The Run
7.NBA 2k13
and the list goes on and on......

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Friday, March 14, 2014

Ultra cheap gaming pc?

Q. I need a ultra cheap gaming pc, it should have 8gb ram. I don't mind amd or intel. I have a harddrive sorted. By ultra cheap I mean £200 and below. I don't need a monitor, speakers, keyboard, etc. In the £200 windows (which is like £70) needs to be in there. I need to play minecraft while recording with fraps at 20+ fps if possible. Thanks. If possible all from I have tried to find some but it's soo hard. I don't mind building it myself :P

I don't think you can possible get a gaming PC in £200, but still i am suggesting this as you are not requesting other thinks like HDD, monitor, keyboard, speakers etc...



Hope This Helps!!!
5 Years gaming, software and hardware experience

Gaming pc?


Where can i get a nice gaming computer for $1200? Preferably UNDER $1500, NO HIGHER. Monitor, speaker, keyboard, and mouse not needed, i already have some from my old PC. I want to buy from retail stores, but if i must need to buy @ online, then pls gimme links. i really dont want to buy online cuz my parents dont trust the internet and ill have to find another solution for payment. also from my previous question a person told me to build one- but idk how to build one cuz im only 16 and im completely clueless on how to build and i dont have any computer degree or experience with computers. i just need a nice pc thats going to handle crysis and bioshock really nicely!!!!! plzzzz help!!!!! also no macs sorry
a person from other question told me to get this:;jsessionid=QBZM1ONJIFKO3KC4D3PFAHI?skuId=8649386&productCategoryId=abcat0501002&type=product&tab=2&id=1195599475702#productdetail

is this good for crysis and bioshock and other games?
one more question, how do u know if a computer is able to handle crysis/bioshok or not besides looking at price?
looks like im definitely going to buy this gateway pc. thanks guys

that gateway is a good PC
here's another one:
and another one:
and another:
and another:

How to tell:
look for the video card.
All of these PCs have video cards such as the 8800 GT and GTS. A high end video card is what makes up a gaming computer.

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Pre-made Gaming Desktop 2012?


Because I don't want to go through building my own Desktop (although I really should, because everyone says it's cheaper and not at all hard to do), I want to consider buying an actual pre-made gaming desktop to replace my crappy gaming laptop that was gifted to me years ago. I'm looking for something relatively cheap, although any good suggestions will do. As for how "good" of a GPU I'm looking for, I just want something that'll let me play TERA at maximum graphics while recording/streaming, no fps problems. That's mostly the extent of what I'll be using this new desktop for.

If premade Gaming desktops are too expensive and totally not a good option, I'd also accept good suggestions for complete and detailed tutorials on how to build a desktop and suggested parts.

Not sure what TERA is. I'm a hardware guy and relate games to tables.
This is probably what you want:
The FX-8120 is not a great gaming CPU:,3106-5.html
But, I would think the recording and post production editing would benefit from the FX-8120.
The graphics card is a nice HD 6850 and a price that does not break the bank.
Estimate by looking at both of above two.
You can look for youtube videos called build a pc
To get the parts:
An econo-build that maximizes graphics and upgradability.
As you can see, the number of parts is quite limited and basically you put them in the case in the right places with some bolts and screws and wings in tool-less cases and cable the parts together and load windows and update like any PC.
Ask opinions about the part set. If young teenagers can build a PC, it's not rocket science.
It's mostly about optimizing money and deciding about future upgradability.
They run out of the best ones fast:

Desktop PC that is good for gaming?

Jarrod K

I don't want an expensive one, nor do I want to build it. I just want a great one to play the latest games that run smoothly and look good. I am not fussy about frame rate or if everything isn't high res, but I do expect something more powerful than a Macbook Pro. Obviously it has to be a quad core processor, but I also would like it to run more advanced gaming emulators like PS2 and PSP. It would be good too if it also had one or two Blu-ray players, 3D capabilities, a decent HDD size. I don't whether to pick i3, i5 or i7 though, as I know they get more expensive respectfully.

I need to know what's enough.
I want a desktop, not a laptop. Didn't you read my question, or are you a spam bot?

Alienware because
It looks nice and it is like the Apple of gaming computers because it has a lot of competition but but unlike its competitors it is just too good of the competition and it also has a wonderful design that can even rival some fashion designers.
M11x - $899 (worst alienware lappy but still better than a lot of other lappies)
M14x - $1,199 (better 3D and gaming capabilities than the M11x)
M17x - $1,499 (almost perfect 3D and gaming compared to M11x and M14x)
M18x - $1,999/$2135(all capabilities have been maxed out) (these prices are laptops with no customer customization at all.

*Lighting such as the keyboards. The colours can be bought as a base such as yellow green red blue and purple for no extra cost.

*The numbers such as 11,14,17 and 188 refer to the screen size

The 18x is a beast if you see it. Colour customizable keypad. 3D wireless connection with any 3D capable device. Touch pad sensitivity controls. Laser inscriptions on a piece of metal plating. Pre installation of Steam or Eve online.
I myself am planning on getting a M18x myslef in red during summer in 2012.
The inbuilt grpahics card make s it all worth it if you look at my Toshiba NB(netbook)505 that i use for AOE 3.
Beware peronalization. I made a laptop that was beyond awesome and it costs $10,663.76 and i could not buy it Trust me the Alienware brings a new meaning to the term Gaming.

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Any games that are very similar to Gears of War in PC?


I need games that are close to gears of war, but year 2010-2012 only

Mass Effect 2 is kind of like Gears of War but its an RPG......

Games with good story 2007-2012?


Games like Devil-may-cry 3-4 or like Uncharted series , Half-life 2 ... And i don't care about genre ,but it have to be for pc.

(sorry for my bad english)
Games i already have: "Skyrim", "Batman AA","Batman AC","Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning","Borderlands","Witcher" (1-2), "Blades of time","Crysis 2", Battlefield 3","Two Worlds 2","Fallout 3","Sleeping dogs","Gta4","Metro 2033","Assassins Creed" (series),"Portal 2","Deus Ex: Human Revolution","Mass effect"(series),"Alan Wake","BioShock"(series)," Darksiders","Max Payne 3","Prototype"(series) ...

Mass Effect series
Assassin's Creed series
Metal Gear Solid series
Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City
Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas

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Looking for Open World or Sandbox games for PC?

Lynn Scher

I have a lower-end, graphically challenged PC, and I'm looking for a good, open world or sandbox (whichever phrase you like to use) game. I find that if the game was made prior to 2007, it will generally run on my laptop.

I have read many posts on various sites regarding the same question, mostly to see people not actually answering the question, but instead saying things like, "Duh, upgrade your computer" or arguing about why one game "sux".

I can not upgrade my system at this time.

Here are the games I currently have for console, which my husband is now bogarting, in the genre I'm looking for:

Fallout 3
Fallout New Vegas
ES Oblivion
ES Skyrim

Here are the console games I love but have played TO DEATH:
Fable II
Darkstone (yeah, it's old but my absolute favorite game of all time)
Gauntlet Legends
Gauntlet Seven Sorrows
The Punisher
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
The entire Halo series
Bioshock 1 and 2
Diablo 2
Neverwinter Nights (NWN 2 won't run on my laptop, lags terribly)
Sacred Gold (Sacred 2 lags)
Titans Quest (before it crashed)
Arcanum Steampunk game... can't remember what it's called.
Pretty much everything on

I am also quite broke at this point in time, so buying a console game (the 360 is the one my husband is bogarting, I have the older xbox in the bedroom) is not an option. Let's stick with PC games.

Please, for the love of all that is holy, don't recommend minecraft. I want to kill things, not build things. Building skills and leveling up is wonderful and I love doing that. I just don't want to spend my time moving blocks around.

Blood and gore does not bother me at all, nor does swearing.

I appreciate any answers I can get... oh, another thing... I'm 50 years old, so things like Maple Story and Runescape (far too mmo for my taste) aren't for me.

Thanks everyone! I should pay you all for having to sit and read all my blathering on!
I appreciate the answers so far but... I am specifically looking for games PRIOR TO (meaning before) 2007. Also, I believe I stated that I'm broke, so playing WoW isn't going to work for me.

I also already have Fate, Fate 2, and Torchlight.

Thank you!

Call of Duty: World at War is an awesome new gametype for this game. Unlocked after campaign completion, zombies allows up to four players to try to fight off an endless horde of zombies, which come in rounds. For each zombie killed, you get some points. Those points can be used to open doors on the map to get around or buying new weapons (you start off with a pistol). Each round, the zombies get harder and come in larger numbers. They come through barriers, which can be rebuilt for extra points. Only one zombies map comes with the game, but three more can be unlocked by buying the map packs for the game. This mode is extremely addictive, and is fun solo or with friends.

Entering the world of PC gaming help!?


So I'm trying to enter the world of PC gaming. Now I don't have a couple grand to spend on a gaming laptop but I am looking for a decent one. From what I've seen many ASUS laptops are pretty decent and have what I'm looking for. I am I on track or am I so wrong it hurts! Love to see some recommendations!

If you don't plan to build your own pc(building one would be better) you can go for pre-build systems like CyberpowerPC or iBuyPower. You can also just buy an alienware x51 or an aurora. When buying a gaming pc know what the specs are. Know what you are buying and don't assume price tells quality. Don't go for gaming PCs that are build by HP, or Acer. Asus is fine. But HP and other companys over pay for their "gaming computers" and you can save a lot of money if you go another route. Spend some time on Toms Hardware and learn about computer specs and what is right for you. Also you can have a laptop for gaming, there perfect for "on the go" or "LAN party" computer. Here are some essentails you need to learn when buying your first gaming computer:
Again don't get HP, Dell(alienware is an exception), Acer etc
Know what you are doing
Make sure there compatible
Google "PC bottleneck"
4 GB of RAM
Expensive fancy RAM is not necessary. 8GB 1333mhz ram is fine
NEVER cheap out on the graphics card
Make sure your power supply is 80 bronze or higher
Look at reviews
Don't cheap out
Know what you are buying
Don't buy disconnected items off eBay
Don't get ripped off

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Which Gaming PC To Buy For Around £750?


I want to buy a gaming pc to play games like Battlefield, Fifa, Call Of Duty, GTA, Assassins Creed and Minecraft. I don't want to spend over £750. I would appreciate any help like brand of model of computers.


I would personally recommend taking a look at these 3 high performance gaming desktop PC's all accompanied with full reviews.

I hope this helps you find a gaming PC perfectly suited to your individual needs

How much does a good gaming PC cost?

Sea Man

A gaming PC for the average consumer will spend under $750 for the "No Frills" bundled system with average generic components, average performance, and average looking case. An LCD/LED monitor will cost an extra $150 or so.

The price above is dependent on which country and currency that determines the average cost of a computer system.

For browsing and very limited gaming with a screen, it will cost around $500 to $750.

As you mentioned "Good" and not the "Ultimate" or "Best", then you'll be look at middle range with reasonable quality brands, parts and expecting to achieve the recommended gaming resolution of at least 1920+ with medium to high graphics settings and the way the computer and keyboard/mouse looks is up to the consumer's choice and budget; et cetera.

Then you'll be look at least $1500 to $1750. For something that is Best; then the cost is $1750 to $2250. And for Ultimate; you're looking at around $2250 to $3250.

These prices above reflect on the current local consumer market, and only refers to the components if you were to custom build the system yourself for a desktop PC. The price is also based on a singular purpose system for gaming only with a single graphics card.

Those who are looking for the extremes in gaming performance will be spending up to $5,000+ for multiple graphics cards, a large consuming power supply with 4 figures as they can go as high as 1500W or more; memory, hard drive performance; audio capabilities, peripheral accessories et cetera.

I built a dedicated desktop system about 4 years ago specifically for file storage using a proper Raid 5 card to handle 8x SATA drives; and based upon the drives and the card itself; it was close to $3,000; so in saying so, it depends on the usage and configuration of a computer system.

Branded systems, you will expect to pay a lot more; and if it is a notebook; significantly more.

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Good pre built gaming PC for under 1000 dollars?

Luke Smith

I would like it to have at least 8 gigs of RAM, an i7, and if possible 650+ watt PSU, although i suppose i could go down to 600.

Why would you want an i7? It won't increase your gaming performance in the slightest over an i5.

Look at this article for more info on why this is the case:

could someone recommend me a gaming desktop for under 1000 Dollars?

Peter D

I'm wondering if anyone knows a good desktop that is able to run Modern Warfare Two and other recent games decently. And doesn't lag like crazy. I'm hoping for at like 800 at least or around there.

considering your budget you can build a very nice gaming pc but im gonna suggest many desktops and u choose the one u want: the prices depends on the country u live in . those prices are in my country so dont take them as a base for ur buying...

1st: 2.80 GHz - i7-860 8M/LGA1156 around $347 or less

Intel DP55WB around 113$ or less

Kingston DDR3-1333 2x2gb for around 50$ each

Cooler Master Gladiator 600 Mid ATX - No PSU for around 69$ pic----->
or this case ThermalTake VJ2000BWS M5 Black Win pic------------->

Western Digital 1.5TB 7200RPM S-ATAII 32MB around $135.00

LG CH08 DVDRW Combo reads Blu-ray SATA Lightscribe $163.00
or a cheap one LG GH22NS50-22X DVDRW - Dual Layer SATA w/SecureDisk Black $24.00

Inno3D Geforce GTX 260 896MB DDR3 Dual w/TV $233.00
or Inno3D Geforce GTS 250 1GB DDR3 Dual w/TV $177.00

in this one i didnt include any mouse or keyboard or monitor cuz those are up to u

2nd: Cooler Master Elite 335 ATX w/ Elite Power 460W PSU Black
Intel Core 2.66 GHz - i5-750 1066MHz/8M/LGA1156 Original Boxed
Kingston 2GB DDR3-1333 PC2-10600
LG GH22NS50-22X DVDRW - Dual Layer SATA w/SecureDisk
Point Of View Geforce 9800GT 1GB DDR3 Dual w/TV-OUT
Benq T2200HD Wide 21.5" LCD Monitor
this one will be arround 800$ because of the monitor

both pcs are good but i advise to get the first one

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rage for pc problem!? help!?

Whacky whi

i tried to play rage, and this came up. how do i fix this?

Rage.1683.3 win-x86 Release Jan 6 2012 11:05:52
------ Initializing File System ------
Current search path:
C:/Users/Chase/Saved Games/id Software/Rage/base/
c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/rage/base/
file system initialized.
BenchmarkGameData: ofs 0 and 0x1208090624x
61 microseconds
24 microseconds
21 microseconds
21 microseconds
21 microseconds
22 microseconds
21 microseconds
19 microseconds
21 microseconds
20 microseconds
Average seek time without outliers: 21 microseconds
fileBenchmarkImpliesGameIsOnHD: true
1 CPU package, 2 physical cores, 4 logical cores
2394 MHz Intel CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & SSSE3 & SSE41 & SSE42 & AVX & HTT
32768 kB 1st level cache, 262144 kB 2nd level cache, 3145728 kB 3rd level cache
8144 MB System Memory
Winsock Initialized
Found interface: {1A029AE2-780E-483C-9F16-ACBF071595D4} Intel(R) Centrino(R) WiMAX 6150 - NULL netmask - skipped
Found interface: {922ADD9D-2F20-441D-9903-D51841D66B80} Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter #2 - NULL netmask - skipped
Found interface: {8611E1C4-FDE4-4279-8583-612D8AD985D1} Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter - NULL netmask - skipped
Found interface: {88C7D77C-1BEB-425A-A05D-28B3FA9E34F1} Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 6150 -
Found interface: {89E3C754-384C-45CB-9E17-222AA86B1338} Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller - NULL netmask - skipped
Sys_InitNetworking: adding loopback interface
execing default.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
execing default.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
execing default.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
execing default.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
idLib::SetProduction( PROD_PRODUCTION )
couldn't exec rageConfig.cfg
Resetting cheat cvar: aas2_showFloorTrace
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_alignToPointDist
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_minCornerCircleRadius
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_cornerCircleRadius
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_turningCircleAlignmentTolerance
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_pointTolerance
Resetting cheat cvar: atv_bumpForwardScale
Resetting cheat cvar: aa_ZoomSnapScale
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_playerScaleMinimum
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_scaleMinimum
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_ScreenPercentage
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_IconSizeSplitscreen
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_IconSize
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_GoalHeightOffset
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_scale_foot
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_scale_vehicle
Resetting cheat cvar: blendTree_scale
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_jobnav_mindist
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_ant_first_step_foot
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_ant_step_foot
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_ant_first_step
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_ant_step
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_scopeZoomDistance
Resetting cheat cvar: gc_fictionBlurAmount
Resetting cheat cvar: cine_cameraAccel
Resetting cheat cvar: rcbomb_initialOffset
Resetting cheat cvar: cam_deathCamblurTime
Resetting cheat cvar: cam_deathCamblurAmount
Resetting cheat cvar: revivecam_HeightEnd
Resetting cheat cvar: revivecam_HeightStart
Resetting cheat cvar: spl_qn_pathbonus
Resetting cheat cvar: spl_qn_zpenelty
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_invFadeTime
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_NonPlayerOneShotChance
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_droppedLootDistance
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_jump_dist
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_push_dist
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_push_decayIn
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_push_decayOut
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_checkDist
Resetting cheat cvar: g_playerDamageThreshold
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_combatSubtitleRange
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_subtitleRange
Resetting cheat cvar: vehicle_clientImpactDmg_MaxDmg
Resetting cheat cvar: vehicle_clientImpactDmg_MinDmg
Resetting cheat cvar: vehicle_clientImpactDmg_MaxVel
Resetting cheat cvar: vehicle_clientImpactDmg_MinVel
Resetting cheat cvar: v_steerControlClamp
Resetting cheat cvar: v_steerControlInfluence
Resetting cheat cvar: v_compressiontime
Resetting cheat cvar: v_dusttime
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientZoomInDelay
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientAuthoritative_warnDist
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientAuthoritative_minDistZ
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientAuthoritative_Lerp
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientAuthoritative_minDist
Resetting cheat cvar: net_voiceVolume
Resetting cheat cvar: net_peer_throttle_bps_decay
Resetting cheat cvar: net_debughud3_bps_max
------- Initializing renderSystem --------
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...using WGL_EXT_swap_control
X..WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear not found
unknown error: 0xc0072095

Clean up the game or get the new one from the store...

Good luck!

which is better for me pc or ps3?


i want to play with friends at home and we are 4 which do you recomend

If you play 4 in your home I suggest to buy a Wii U.

Because it has Great Family and Friends to play in the same room. (only to wait when it comes up in November 18(-30) 2012)

PS3 has not really have a family just only for 2 (unless you buy an extra 2 controllers but it has less games for 4 players like to play Rayman Origins)

But PC is depence on specs on your computer and different games and have 3-4 joystick you need to install to play it.

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

what is the function of a pc sound card on the whole and in gaming particularly?


i have a pc with the following specs:
q6600 core 2 quad 2.4 ghz, DG 35 EC motherboard, 260 gtx geforce graphics card

do u think i should also have a sound card and if yes then which sound card would be goood, please guide me

well if you want to hear sound well then duh you need a sound card.

Any Advice on pc sound systems and cards for abit of gaming but more for music ?

gaming jac

Any Advice on pc sound systems and sound cards for abit of gaming but more for music ??

budget 300-350 pounds ? thanks

For gaming I would advice a sound card from the Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi series. These sound cards have good support by game developers, who add special X-Fi elements to their games. Do not purchase one of the more expensive sound cards which has onboard memory; since you do "a bit of gaming", you would not require it.

For listening to music it depends on your personal preference. There are two choices: you could purchase a sound card which is meant to make your music sound nicer, or you could purchase a sound card which is meant to make your music sound like it is recorded onto CD.

Sound cards from the Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi series will make your music sound nicer, just like most computer sound cards will do, except these specific sound cards do it better, for not too much money. These sound cards add some "color" to your games and music and will make it sound warmer, deeper, et cetera. Professional sound cards on the other hand will make you hear the music as it was intended, the way it was recorded by the artist. They do not "color" the music in any way.

If you would want to purchase a professional sound card, have a look at those by Edirol or M-Audio for example. You can purchase an internal one, or an external one which can be connected via USB or FireWire. Very important, having a professional sound card is nothing if you do not have professional speakers though. Since speakers are often intended to make your music sound nicer, these do not "match" the idea behind a professional sound card. Make sure to purchase speakers which do not "color" the sound with your professional sound card.

My advice, go for a sound card from the Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi series, unless you are an audiophile or music producer (like me). Purchase some good speakers to go with it. If you have the room for it and if you can place them properly, go for a 5.1 speaker system. If you do not have the room for it or you cannot place them properly, purchase a 2.1 speaker system instead. You can place the sub woofer out of sight and one speaker on each side of your computer screen for example.

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Best Budget for a Gaming PC?


I'm hoping to build a new Gaming Computer by the end of the 2013 year. Currently, I'm either playing the Xbox 360, or playing on a crappy Intel Celeron B820. Obviously, that laptop isn't meant for gaming. I want something that can handle games like The Elder Scrolls on medium-high settings with a solid framerate.

I will be building my own PC to save the money (and put it towards better parts). So the first question is: is really the place to go? It seems that in every forum I have gone to, newegg is mentioned at least 5 times.

The real question here is this: what parts are the best bang for the buck for different price ranges?
And, if it is truly worth it, what parts are the best for a $1000 budget?

So if you could, go ahead and name all the parts (cpu, gpu, motherboard, case, etc.) for those price ranges. Also, I would appreciate if you could say how much of an upgrade one this is to another (4GB of RAM compared to 8GB, etc)

Lastly, I've heard people saying that dual-core processors wont be able to run games in the how long will the parts I get last in your opinions.

Thanks so much everyone. Yahoo Answers is truly the best!

This is the best motherboard for PC gaming, It supports 4 way SLI, which means more graphic Video ram

Over clocked, you can get up to 4GB Vram on that thing then with the motherboard times that by 4, you got yourself an amazing system

This will run games as smooth with a probability of 60+ frames a second on most games.

The Motherboard can support up to 64GB ram so you want to buy and ONLY buy 8GB ram sticks. The more ram the merrier, with 64, you can be playing, skyrim, streaming a video(I.E, Hulu or netflix) in HD, and then browse the web like reddit or stumbleupon,

However, to cut the cost, you want to start with something small, like 16GB, but the more ram you have the faster it is.

A juicy powersupply to support overclocking and all the functions

This is the tower I am getting, its a sexy thing but you can find your own personal preference depending on taste


parts price listed roughly ~1,600 USD
Retail premade PC price ~8,500 USD

â¬500-550 gaming PC budget build?


I would like to build a gaming PC with a budget of â¬500-â¬550
I would like to have a nvidia graphics card and all components bought from Europe (Excluding UK)
Any suggestions are much appreciated

try finding this parts in europe maybe ebay........

it costs 650$ that's 490 euros enjoy dude
plus add 50$ for the build if you cannot build it.............

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: AMD A10-5800K 3.8GHz Quad-Core Processor ($119.99 @ Microcenter)
Motherboard: ASRock FM2A75M-DGS Micro ATX FM2 Motherboard ($54.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: Crucial Ballistix 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($74.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($67.23 @ Outlet PC)
Video Card: MSI Radeon HD 7770 GHz Edition 1GB Video Card ($79.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Thermaltake VL800P1W2N (Black/Red) ATX Mid Tower Case ($43.98 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: Corsair Builder 500W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V Power Supply ($47.99 @ Microcenter)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($16.99 @ Newegg)
Monitor: Hannspree HE225DPB 21.5" Monitor ($99.99 @ Newegg)
Keyboard: Microsoft Wireless Desktop 3000 Wireless Standard Keyboard w/Optical Mouse ($36.49 @ Adorama)
Total: $642.63
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-06-09 15:15 EDT-0400)

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Laptop or Desktop help for Gaming?


I'm about to upgrade with a new computer as the laptop i use atm is a couple of years old and won't play the higher end games such as Starcraft2, Crysis and so on.
I've been looking at a 2010 iMac 21.5" or a 2010 Macbook 13".
Ofc the iMac is more powerful, Much more powerful so the best for playing high end games but i'm not used to a desktop computer i've spent my entire 'gaming life' on a laptop.
To see if i could use a desktop comfortably i got a cheap keyboard and mouse and hooked it up too my laptop and played it like it was a monitor and it was sooooo hard i felt like i needed another set of hands (If that makes sense) constantly moving from mouse to keyboard instead of having a close together trackpad with all the keys reachable with just one hand.
Is there any gamer out there that uses a desktop and can help me. Is it just something i'll get used to ? If there are any tips that will help me ? Maybe being left handed contributes to the difficulty ? Perhaps there's a 'Best place' to have the keyboard and mouse.
Or should i just stick to a laptop a stop moaning about better performance desktops ^_^

If you want to game, stay away from Macs. Yeah, desktops are not designed to be used with just one hand. Usually you have one hand on the keyboard and another on the mouse. Keep the mouse and keyboard side by side. You'll actually find that a desktop will be easier to use once you get used to it. A mouse will prove to be easier to use and more accurate than a trackpad. Whenever I use my laptop, I always hook up a mouse.

Gaming Keyboard Help?


I have a gaming desktop and I need a gaming keyboard do you know which one of these is the best? Razer Deathstalker or Razer Anansi MMO or Razer Arctosa Gaming Keyboard ???

Razer death stalker it's a great keyboard I have a keyboard better than that its called Mad Catz S.T.R.I.K.E.7 Gaming Keyboard check it out good luck :) X

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What is the best gaming laptop for 700?


I want a laptop than can run mw3 gta 4 nfs most wanted 2012 fifa 13 on medium settings what do you reccomend that is 700 and below

This ASUS laptop is $200 above your price point but it can handle most of what you throw at it.
Core i7 3630QM(2.40GHz) 15.6" 8GB Memory 1TB HDD 5400rpm DVD±R/RW NVIDIA GeForce GT 635M 1 Year Accidental Damage/30-Day Zero Bright Dot

This HP can be customized to what you need, Bump the APU to a A10 and higher ram for better performance.;pgid=c7twGfjc0ptSRpIq7ZUcoGXQ0000fb8mNv9y;sid=NID2W1inOb6JXwkRbh2qz4GoAJwzDmy78dUe8LW2AJwzDtPc7Kuhl6jI?HP-ENVY-15z-j000-Notebook-PC A8-5550M APU HD 8000 Series Graphics 6GB DDR3 750GB 5400 rpm HD After rebate $500

These are not customizable;pgid=c7twGfjc0ptSRpIq7ZUcoGXQ0000ptFcn-Ce;sid=UfkUk5vYup7bi8p-xu5OB0LXZeXRxq_ElKxaT319WyKZOCFLk0_Q5UIX?HP-ENVY-Sleekbook-6-1110us
HP SleekBook AMD Quad-Core A8-4555M APU AMD Radeon HD 7600G 4 GB DDR3 500 GB SATA (5400 rpm) After rebates $500 less then an inch thick 4.5lbs;pgid=c7twGfjc0ptSRpIq7ZUcoGXQ0000ptFcn-Ce;sid=UfkUk5vYup7bi8p-xu5OB0LXZeXRxq_ElKxaT319WyKZOCFLk0_Q5UIX?HP-ENVY-dv7-7230us-Notebook-PC
17" DV7-7230US laptop AMD Quad-Core A8-4500M APU AMD Radeon HD 7640G 6 GB DDR3 750 GB SATA (5400 rpm) After rebates $500

Brand buying advise

You get what you pay for. Systems with high end parts with low prices are to be viewed with suspicion. They have to cut corners somewhere to get the price down. What cost you less today is going to cost you more tomorrow.

Apple makes a good quality laptop. The problem comes when it requires service or minor upgrades. It is near impossible to do anything with them. They even glue the battery and hard drive down so you can not change it. They solder the ram to the logic board so you can not increase it. They lock up most of the software so your stuck with what they approve.

Lenovo has serious stand behind their product problems. They bought IBM PC division and proceeded to drive the quality of the system into the ground. Their customer service is well below par. They even makes Dell customer service look good. The last and final thing to remember about them is they are a Chinese Government own company. It is up to you if you want to trust them.

Toshiba, Panasonic, Sony should be avoided because of their heavy modification of Windows and the drivers. If you remove some of the bloat they install, you can cripple the system.

Acer, Gateway, and eMachines should be avoided period. Low end system that are driving the race to the bottom.

Dell once made a good system and fell from grace. They are now struggling to regain their place in the market. Customer service is one of many problems with this company.

Alienware are glorified Dells and are more name then product. Priced extremely high for what you get. They do perform but you can get the same for less by looking around, just not packaged to be eye candy to the gamers.

Samsung has a history of using cheap parts in critical areas. Capacitors has been one area Samsung has a known history of going cheap, causing units to fail early. For that reason I would avoid them.

ASUS and HP do not modify Windows as bad as the other manufacturers. They have excellent build quality. They might add a lot of bloat but they also makes it easy to get rid of it.

Ultrabooks are the higher end of Wintel laptops but they have some of the same concerns as Apple. They make it next to impossible to change any hardware in them. Service of them will have to be done by the manufacturers. With most of them, you can not change your own battery or hard drive. They are designed to catch your eye but they are not any more special then other laptops except for the fact that they are slim or thin. Your paying for it being thin and slim. For the money your going to spend on it you can buy a much better laptop with more power.

Hybrids are the worse of the worse. The flip or detachable touch screens are just a disaster waiting to happen.

Never buy an All In One. They are far worst then laptops of any kind to service and they have a higher failure rate.

Choose wisely.


Need help finding a gaming pc?


I would like to buy a gaming pc in the price range of 500-700 dollars and i dont want to make it myself. if you find a pc can you give me a link from newegg?.. and the games i would really like to run is mostly Guild Wars 2 and new free to play games that have good graphics. im not looking to run games on max settings medium are fine but i would like to run games on max settings. if you can help me find a pc that would be really helpful thanks!

It really depends whether or not you want a stationary or a laptop.
I would go with a stationary. Every single gaming laptop I've tried have gone downhill in one year or so.
If you want to go with the stationary option I would suggest CyberPower PC Black Pearl.
I will leave a page in sources giving you specifics about it and it's opponents from other developers.
I will also leave a link where you can buy it for 509 dollars. It's list price 689 dollars so if you don't feel safe buying from Amazon it still fits your budget. You may also buy a previously owned for about 300 dollars, although this may be unsafe.
This pc should run every single game produced in 2012 on full graphics.
Although this is a great pc, I would always suggest you building it from components you buy online. This is not difficult and you can find tutorials on youtube. This is a good long term investment because you will be able to simply change out you old parts whenever they get outdated instead of always having to buy a new computer.
Good luck to you :)

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Help building a gaming pc budget $700?


Is there that big of a difference between the i3 and i5? I don't know which one to get. I would prefer the i5 but it is more expensive, and I heard the i3 is still good. I just want to know will the i3 be able to play future games good still. I have a $700 budget and I want the i5 3570k with the Radeon 6950 but they are expensive. What other choices could I go with that would be good?

$700 is not enough, even for a good budget gaming PC. Make that $800 and you're in business...

YES, there is a big difference between an i3 and an i5, first of all, i3 are dual core processors while i5 are quad core.
For gaming, you get good enough results with an i3-2130 or even an i3-2100 processor. And YES, it will play most modern games very good, even future games.


See here:

Processor: Intel Core i3-2100 Sandy Bridge 3.1GHz LGA 1155 65W Desktop Processor - $119.99
Or Intel Core i3-2130 Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz LGA 1155 65W Dual-Core Desktop Processor - $149.99
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Pro3 LGA 1155 Intel Z77 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard - $119.99
After market CPU Cooler - Cooler Master Hyper EVO - $34.99 (Stock Intel cooler sucks and it's noisy too)
Memory (RAM): G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM 1600MHz - $46.99
Graphics Card: 1GB GDDR5 MSI GeForce GTX460 Fermi - $139.99
Hard Drive: 500GB Seagate Barracuda SATA III (6.0Gb/s), 7200rpm - $79.99
Optical Drive: LITE-ON DVD Burner - Bulk Black SATA Model iHAS124-04 - OEM - $17.99
Power Supply (PSU): CORSAIR Builder Series CX600 V2 600W ATX12V v2.3 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC Power Supply - $69.99
PC Case (Tower): Rosewill CHALLENGER Black Gaming ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - $49.99
or COOLER MASTER HAF 912 RC-912-KKN1 Black SECC/ ABS Plastic ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - $59.99
Operating System (OS): Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit OEM - $99.99

TOTAL: $779.90 or $819.90
All prices are in $USD and in the USA, as of end of April 2012, they might be slightly different one way or the other by now.

The Intel Core i5-3570K is $239.99 and the i5-2500K is $219.99. That will add another $100 or more to your total price, but will also get you far better performance and future proofing.
Radeon HD 6950 is $200 or over, so it will add another $60 or more to the price. it is a much better card than the GTX460 Fermi.
For best possible with the parts above you will spend a total of around $950.

Parts for a gaming pc around $1000?


I want to build my own gaming pc and I want some suggestions for part to my pc. Please link the parts (from new egg preferably)

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Gaming PC build for $600?


I want to make a pc that I can make 3D renders faster and go into PC gaming like I want to play :Team Fortress 2, Crysis 3 on ultra, Bioshock Infinite on Ultra settings and Battlefield 3 and Borderlands 2 while recording the screen with fraps for game commentary and play Ps2 I need a list of specs that I could buy the parts individually

your demands are unrealistic :/

For what you want, you should get something like
Amd FX8350 + 8GB ddr3-1866 memory with lowest timings you can get, amd 7950 or 7970 graphics card (or wait for the 8000 series which would be better since thats like in 2 months).
Also the new amd FX steamroller cpus are coming out in a few months aswell.

If you want to do 3d rendering, you want an amd graphics card due to its far higher double precision then nvidia cards. (unless you are getting workstation class cards)

For playing games like crysis 3 at 1920x1080 on ultra at 60 fps you are probably looking for a min of a 7950 in performance.

For screen recording and/or video streaming you pretty much want the fx8350. Or maybe the i7-4770k but thats far more expensive.

FX8350 = $180-200
8GB of ram = $70-90
amd fx990 motherboard = $130-150
case = $60-80
PSU = $60-80
HDD = $80-100
amd 7950 = $300

So you are looking at $800-1000 for what you want.
Idk why you think you can do that with $600...

And this is not even including windows, keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers/headset.

Wanting to build a gaming pc for 600$!?


Im looking to build my own gaming pc. I want to play games like BF3 on high and WoW on ultra which shouldnt be to hard. Try to keep it in range of 500-600$. Thanks!

playing BF3 on high with a $600 PC isn't the problem, getting all those rebates even more.

here's the partslist

to your other question concerning that Avatar computer from Newegg I have to say that it's not as good as this build (older cpu FX 6100, pretty weak graphics card GT 640, but useless 16GB ram. you will hardly need more than 5GB even when playing BF3).

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mac mini or gaming pc parts?


im thinking about getting a mac mini but also want parts for a gaming pc what should i get mac mini or gaming pc parts?

Gaming pc all the way...
So much more you can do with that

building gaming pc, is the parts good?


My first PC build. I'm new to this so I just wanna make sure I get right parts and everything I need. I did not purchase yet but are these parts good for PC gaming? Do I need to add anything, or get rid of anything? Thx!!


-Intel i7 4770k
-nividia gtx 760 graphics
-corsair vengeance 8gb ddr3 ram
-Asus z87-pro LGA 1150 Intel z87 data mobo
-lenovo 1tb
-corsair 850w PSU
-Intel dual band wireless
-diypc adventurer tower case
-windows 8.1 64

(I play a lot of bf3 but looking forward to bf4 ultra settings)

In all honesty, if your main focus is gaming, the i7-4770K will not help you with your FPS over the i5-4670K. Reason being is that hyper-threading does not take great advantage in almost every game on the market to date.If I were you i would get the 4670K and spend the extra $100 you would spent on the 4770K and get a better GPU, as PC gaming today is more GPU intensive then it is CPU intensive. All in all everything else looks great for your configuration of parts.

Hope this helped you,


~Member Of The Intel Response Squad~

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aren't game cartridges almost basically like pc video cards?


The console has the power switch like a pc, the cartridge goes ino the slot like a regular pci xpress or agp card in a pc, and the internal processor of the console reads the instructions or code from the card or catridge to get your video on screen, right? It seems very similar to how a video card would work in a pc.

Consoles are essentially mini-computers. They include the processor, sound and graphics cards/adapters, optical drives/cartridge readers, and so forth. Video cards are essentially a secondary CPU (often referred to as a GPU) which strictly performs the graphics rendering, letting the CPU do the other calculations (like the path of a bullet or figuring out what's in front of you, etc).

The cartridge or game disc is what contains the code, which is processed by the CPU and GPU... which then send the output to your video source to show what's going on.

video card for gaming pc?


i just bought a new computer and have this video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 512MB 16X PCI Express. Whenever i try to play a game like halo 2 or cod4 it is really laggy even though i have the latest drivers and they are on the lowest settings. So i am going to get a new video card. Which one should i get? this one: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT 1GB 16X PCI Express(Major Brand Powered by NVIDIA)[+

or this one: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 1GB 16X PCI Express


I have the nvidea 9600gt 512 card in my machine i bought it 3 months ago its an amazing card.I dont understand why u are having lag problems when using the card u already have....the reason why i say this is because i used to play cod4/halo/half life/portal/etc using a 6800gt 256mb card and they all ran fine for me on high setting apart from cod4 where i was at medium.,maybe u need more ram for ya pc,do u have lag problems while playing the single player part of halo? or is it just online,if its when u are online then its your net connection causing the lag not your card.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Parts for a gaming pc around $1000?


I want to build my own gaming pc and I want some suggestions for part to my pc. Please link the parts (from new egg preferably)

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Where to buy a awsome gaming pc?


Can anyone recommend some good sites thats trusted, where I can buy a gaming pc?

I got this gaming Pc about 2 weeks ago,since i am a pro gamer i prefer a gaming pc worth 2000 bucks, but one night i was just looking for a good gaming pc and you know what i came to a web site which a gaming pc for about 799$ and when i visited it again it said 750.99$ for the same computer, for the same Intel core i7 and every thing was the same.The same day it self i ordered it online and they told me if i want some configurations in my gaming pc.Its been 2 weeks after i got my brand new gaming pc and the good thing about it is,i got a free gaming disc of Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 , it's pretty cool,nice deal for that price. the second thing is im playing it online fantastic deal! BUY AND EN JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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xbox360 vs pc gaming.?


could i build a computer cheaper than buying an xbox360 and get better or the same style and smooth of game play?

short answer: no a gaming pc will always cost more than a console.

long answer:
A computer is going to cost more because it isn't just for gaming and it requires a lot of hardware parts to purchase to put together a system.

You can though build a computer and get better looking games than the xbox360 and you won't lose any smoothness in gameplay.

The 360 is more affordable solution but pc gaming with the right hardware can give you a great experience, and the games will also look much better than the 360.
However with pc gaming most of the games are first person shooters and rts, and those games are best played using a keyboard and mouse.

Confilicting drivers, spywares and other stuff isn't really a problem that is being made out to be. Once again a pc isn't just for gaming, its got so many other purposes so resources will be used for lots of other things too. Spyware and so on can be taken care of by applying anti-virus/spyware/firewall programs.

End of the day xbox360 is a good choice to get if you want to pick up and play straightway whereas with the pc you have to first install a game; there are also lot of different types of games to choose from not to say the pc is lacking. The 360 is cheaper solution and still has games that look really good but some xbox 360's do break down. My personal opinion if you want variety in console gaming then have a look at the ps3 too as it is picking up the pace.

With PC gaming if you build a good system it can play better looking games than the 360 with smooth gameplay intact and for the long run in terms of graphics and functionality the PC is the choice but only if you have the money. Online play is free too.
As for constant upgrading, you don't have to that much if you already bought good piece of hardware; and upgrading will always be there to constantly make games look better then it is and add better gameplay experience where the consoles can't improve its graphics.

If its just a base unit you are looking at then you can build a more than decent pc by buying wisely for not that much, more like $700-$900 but will still cost more than the 360, so you get what you pay for.

Playing pc games in HD resolution is possible, 1280x1024 is 720p and games still look and perform great. And with price figure I quote it can definately be achieved if its just a base unit.
Higher resolutions than that can be achieved but it is then when you most importantly need a powerful graphics card to get those higher resolutions.

I myself prefer to enjoy the best of both worlds, I enjoy console gaming sitting on the couch having fun but I also have PC that is capable of producing better graphics/gameplay and performance than a console.

I need a Gaming Pc - £900 Budget =/?

Q. Any suggestions on parts ? Or a complete list please =)

Could you throw any good links for Custom building sites, or part sellers as well please ?

I was thinking of.....

2x 512Mb RAM
300Gig + HDD
Intel 2.8 Processor (I don't really want 64x)
Windows XP Pro (I've heard Vista aint that good lol)
Nvidia GeForce 8600... something around that
A motherboard with PCI-E slots & Decent Power & Cooling

(This is mainly for online gaming such as: COD4, CSS, BF2 and all that sort of stuff)

E2160 (run it at 300 FSB(2.7ghz(stock vcore 1.35 auto to see it's true performance though people have clocked it at 3.2 with a vcore or 1.45)C2Ds(It may be labeled pentium dual core but it's just a E4x00 series with 1/2 of it's cache disabled) are 2.2 times faster per clock than the Pentium D EE.(older pentium 4 /D use an architecture which was made for high clockspeeds not speed for marketing reasons.)

2x 1gig games use more than 1gig now BF2 uses 1.4 gigs

HD 2900 pro $279(same as a XT but slightly slower clock speeds matches the 8800 GTS 640mb (320mb can't handle new games) (the 8600 gt is very slow (x1950pro>7900 GS>8600 GT)and is matched by the 7600 gt in some games)

Windows XP SP2 or Vista (when it gets a service pack windows always sucks without one)but you do want to see cool Dx10 effects (albeit there is only very few( although CoH looks noticeably better in DX10 due to a lot better lighting) so DX9 looks just a little bit worse)

320gig HDD

P35 chipset Asus =mother board

Antec Power supply atleast 500 watts + (don't ever use generic) $30+

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Whats a good gaming pc?


What's a good gaming pc for under $1000? That can play most games but doesn't have to be on highest quality.

Answer 1000 dollars 900 dollars 960 dollars

they are all pretty good :-) Though i prefer the custom ones :-)

Can I make a gaming computer for under 500 dollars?


I would like to build a good computer that can run games smooth for under 500 dollars. I have someone helping me build it so I just need to buy the parts. I was wondering what parts I can buy and how many fps games will run with the parts.

The fool above me forgot ram, power supply, and operating software, arguably the most important things.

Oh, and bull shit to his 15 years computer building experience. You don't forget about those things, just don't listen to him.


For 500 you really can't build anything that would run games. I'm sorry, but you really can't. If you plan on playing games you will need about a 700-900 dollar budget and with that you can get an entry level PC. If you can't afford that I would really suggest just buying a video game console such as the PS3 or Xbox 360.

With 1000 dollars I can build this;

Intel i3-2130 - 140
Intel H67 mobo - 110
8gb 1333mhz ram - 50
Radeon 6870 - 170
Corsair CX500 psu - 60
WD blue 500gb 7200rpm hard drive - 100
Generic DVD drive - 40
Zalman z9 plus case - 70
Windows 7 64bit OEM - 100

So this will be a well working machine capable of maxing alot of games, with an affordable price tag. Total comes to 840, assuming you have peripherals

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is this a good gaming pc setup?

Hey everyone, this is going to be my first build and I was wondering if anyone could review my components list and make sure everything is compatible. BTW I will be getting a hard drive and optical drives from my old PC.

Well....looks pretty good, but for gaming you'll want a better card than the 5670/ I'd say at LEAST a 5770. You can get the Core i5 2500K for $80 less and put that $$ into a better video card, maybe even an Nvidia 460 GTX or 6870 Radeon. The hyperthreading that the i7 2600 has is useless for games and will perform on the same level as an i5 2500K. Plus the i5 2500K is very overclockable while the i7 2600 non-K processor is not

Have a Core i7 2600K @ 4.4 ghz + Nvidia 570 GTX myself. You could also get by with 4 GB of RAM, and up your PSU to 600 watts if you get a better GPU

Whats the best possible Gaming PC Setup?

Hey, im just looking at putting together my own Gaming rig, and I was just wondering whats everyones opinion on, "THE BEST" Gaming PC Setup. I'd love to hear everyones answers! I play a load of games on steam, but hate the lag, and the stupid, "I have to turn my resolution down to play" bs.

Anyways, Thanks!
id like to run things at at LEAST 50fps.

Try not to go overkill, just whats the best for the price.

I think I see this question at least once every day, and really there is no correct answer for it.
It really depends on your expectations and budget. Just asking for the best is just stupid, component wise, the best would cost over $10,000 for the desktop alone. Thatâs something with all the bells and whistles, 2x Xeon hex core processors, (thatâs 16 cores, though most games can rarely use more than 2 cores, you may desire this capability for something other than just gaming) Quad-SLI GTX 690s (yes the Quad-SLI GTX 680s can outperform the 690s, the 690s take up half the space allowing you to add a NPU and APU/SPU easily) 64GB of RAM @ 2400MHz, then you add in about 2 or 4x 600GB Intel 520 series SSD (can read and write at speeds of 550MB/s). You also got multiple ROM drives for all your disk needs. A 1200W or 1400W PSU to power it all. Liquid cooling system for all of it (nice LC systems cost a lot though) A mobo that can socket 2 CPUs, 8 RAM channels, and at least 4 PCI slots.

But you probably donât have a need for all of that. I wouldnât even want it if someone gave it to me for free. WTF am I going to do with 16 cores? Quad SLI would be nice but everything else is so far past overkill.

If you are wanting some suggestions, I would recommend answering these questions:
What resolution? (this include playing a game across multiple screens, or 3D vision)
What graphics settings? (High, Medium, or Low)
What frame rate at the above specifications are you wanting to achieve?

The resolution is the big one, Iâm sure I can guess you want high settings and at a frame rate between 30-60fps.

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help deciding on gaming pc AMD vs NVIDIA?

Andrew Ost

I'm trying to buy a pc that i'll use for mostly gaming. I like the cyberpower pc's but i'm trying to decide between the gxi450 and the gxi 990

the 450 has

Intel i5-3570k ivy bridge 3.4 Ghz
1024 GB 7200 rpm Hard Drive Solid State Drive
AMD Radeon HD7750 1GB dedicated video memory
windows 8

the gxi 990 has

intel i7-3770k ivy bridge 3.5 ghz
1024 GB 7200 rpm Hard Drive
NVIDIA GeForce GT620 2GB dedicated memory
windows 8

My big question is whether the AMD HD 7750 1GB is worse then the NVIDIA GT620 2GB? is the 2GB memory better or is it better to have a 1GB HD AMD?

My second question is whether either of these PC's can handle newer games like skyrim and mass effect 3 on high setings (not necessarily ultra super high but at least better than the xbox graphics) and which one handles games better and by how much

please help
the first one costs $769 and the second is listed on amazon at $789 but would probably be a little more since i'm gonna buy it from a store if i can find it in stock so i dont have to wait for shipping.

Whether those are the best PCs for the price I cannot state, since you left off price. Also, it is better to know all the details to see what will need replacing.
In any event, your question is simple. gaming generally needs a powerful GPU[Typo - Graphics card] and the GT 620 is only slightly better than the INtel HD 4000 in the CPU, so the first is far better than the second.
You can put a Dual core pentium in the first and it should usually outperform the second in gaming.

Do a CAN I RUN on Far Cry 3 in Game Debate. That game is CPU and GPU intensive

which pc game need geforce nvidia 8600?

Vincent Va

i want to buy a new game i am tired of the game which system requrimennr is geforce nvidia 7900
and in which date games are need a system requirement geforce nvidia 9800 now in 2010 all games are on 7900 gt or gx
which date does the game come out
which need gefore series 9 like geforce nvidia 9800 i meand in 2011 or in 2012

Most games today only require a Geforce 7900 or better. However, there are new games coming out that requires the Geforce 8 series.

I have seen a game that requires a Geforce 8600GT, but I forgot the name of it. There is a Stars Wars game coming out that requires a 8800GT and recommends a 9800GT [1].

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I want to build a gaming pc for under 500.?


Anyhow I don't know too much about pcs. I have came up with this build. I was wondering if this is any good . Any changes or sugestions please.

That's not much of a Gaming PC, ASRock isn't a very good gaming motherboard. You would need at least 8gb of Ram for a gaming PC.

You would also want to go with Intel over AMD. I'd go with an ASUS motherboard (either Rampage or Sabertooth) you can't be cheap with a gaming PC.

You can not build a Gaming PC for under $500. At least not a good one.

If you MUST go with AMD, you'd want to go with this:

Processor: AMD FX6300 6 core 3.5ghz ($119)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H100 ($80)
Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-78LMT-USB3 ($65)
GPU: HIS Radeon HD7870 2GB ($210)
PSU: Corsair CX500 v2.3 600W 80 plus ($70)
RAM: CORSAIR XMS 8GB 240-Pin ($70)
HDD: Western Digital WD AV-GP ($90)
ODrive: Pioneer BDR-208DBK ($58)
case: CoolerMaster Elite 431 plus ($60)

Gaming PC under $500?


I have wanted a gaming PC for a while now, but being 13 i cant get a job. I managed to save up $500 and want a good Gaming PC. I prefer Intel i3 and up( my dad doesnt like AMD i dont know the difference) Thanks
It doesnt have to built when i buy it i will put it together if not done already

You need to raise your budget.

You can get the hardware alone for $500, but a copy of Windows costs $100 by itself. So your total cost would be closer to $600.

Here's a list of builds, each color is a different performance level. Green ($527) is the one you want. I suggest going with a cheaper case (NZXT Gamma) which saves you enough money to upgrade to the Core i3 2120.

A Dual-Core Sandy Bridge Pentium G860 beats a cheap AMD processor for gaming, although I recommend getting an i3 if possible.

Your other option in this price range is buying a used gaming computer- if someone is selling a rig that cost them $650-$800 a couple years ago, you might find a deal for around $500.

**** Update ****
The built-in APU in AMD's A6/A8 processors does have much better gaming performance than Intel's integrated graphics, but it's still inferior to even a $60 graphics card.

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Monday, March 10, 2014

decent pc tower under 600 dollars?

the amster

ok im not big on computers but im gettin there im lookin for a tower that can play games like team fortress 2 left for dead 2 all that good stuff but nothing fancy under 600 $$$ like i said thanks for the help
im sorry i 4got but here are the things i need to play the games Supported OS: Windows® 7 / Vista / Vista64 / XP
Processor: Intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz
Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista
Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible video card with Shader model 3.0. NVidia 7600, ATI X1600 or better
Hard Drive: At least 7.5 GB of free space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Recommended: Pentium 4 processor (3.0GHz, or better), 1GB RAM, DirectX® 9 level Graphics Card, Windows® Vista/XP/2000, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

I can only recommend a built tower with the parts. I will not now, nor ever, recommend a brand-in-a-box for gaming. Here's the list:

CPU - AMD Phenom II X3 710 2.6GHz Triple-Core: $110
Motherboard - ECS Black Series A780GM-A: $60 ($40 after $20 mail-in rebate)
RAM - 4GB PQI Turbo DDR2 667: $86
Hard Drive - 320GB WD SATA: $48
Video Card - GeForce 9500 GT: $55 ($35 after $20 mail-in-rebate)
Optical Drive - LG 22X DVD-RW: $27
Case/PSU - Logisys Black/Silver Case w/480W Power Supply: $30
OS - Windows 7 Professional OEM: $140 (Pro has an XP mode which might prove useful with some games.)

Total: $556 (-$40 in mail-in rebates to ECS and Galaxy)

This exceeds your specs to make the games run well as opposed to just running. :-)

It seems that a previous poster forgot to include Windows 7. That's not good. I also don't know about that PCUSA company. That price looks too good to be true and I've been around PCs for over 20 years and I've never heard of them. I read their company statement and whoever wrote that sure doesn't have English as their first language.

gaming laptops under 600 dollars?

Mr M4

I want a budget gaming laptop. got 600 and i need a laptop that could run games like battlefield 3 and Crysis on High.
i7 would be great haha


The first answer is pretty accurate ^^. Secondly desktops are much better and cheaper for gaming. Thinking about the numbers in my head 1k+ sounds about right for what I put into my computer. I got a decent deal with Newegg they always have great prices so I'm sure without all the discounts I could've reached beyond 1.3k or maybe beyond. Anyway not to sh*t on your parade the best gaming comps I know of come from Origin PC. I've heard good things about Alienware as well.

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Help for an good gaming pc?


I have an budget of 1400$
Can you help me choose the system parts

There are a lot of options when it comes to building a PC (since you said "system parts", pretty sure you aren't looking at a pre-built system). I'd honestly suggest looking at some of the system configurators that various custom build sites offer to see what they offer. Check multiple vendors (I've listed 3 below, but there are many others) and see what they include in their high end offerings. You should have no problem building a decent gaming system for under $1400 (I built my current system for $1116, reusing my video card from my previous PC).

CPU: The Intel i5 2500K or higher processor seems to be favored by gamers. I'm running the i7 2700K in my system. AMD quad core will cost a bit less and may be fine for most games but Intel is leading on performance (even though it will cost you a bit more).

RAM: 6-8 GB of RAM will be plenty for a gaming system. Games don't really take advantage of larger amounts of RAM at this time and I wouldn't expect them to go much above that in the near future (developers won't aim for systems much higher than the common systems by the gaming community). I'm running 8 GB DDR3 1600 MHz.

Motherboard: This comes down to personal preference in most cases. I'd look at a site like NewEgg to see which boards have a large number of positive reviews. Vendors offer boards with a wide variety of features so you'll need to figure out which works best for you. I'm running the GigaByte GA-Z68A-D3H-B3 board for the Z68 chipset, the multiple PCI-Express ports, and enough SATA-III ports for my planned configuration.

Hard drive: 500 GB to 1 TB drives are fairly common and reasonably priced. While there are some articles debating the merits of SATA-III vs SATA-II performance gains, the price difference isn't significant enough to worry about it. Go for the SATA-III version of whatever size drive meets your needs. I tend to go with Western Digital or Seagate (although every vendor can have a bad model so check the reviews)

SSD: I'm not running an SSD but this is one of the next items I'll be looking to purchase. Since I have the Z68 chipset on my motherboard, I'll probably just get a 60GB version and run the cache mode.

Video card: Tom's Hardware has a GPU hierarchy chart that should give you a pretty good idea on the newer higher performing cards to consider. I'm running the AMD HD RADEON 5770 and may add a second or third of those if I find performance issues (none yet).

Case: Another area where you have a lot of options. I'm using the CoolerMaster 690 II. The case is rather large but supports a lot of fans (including a water cooling system for my CPU).

Cooling: Lots of options here. I'm using the CoolIt ECO II-240 water cooling for the CPU. Price wasn't too far off traditional coolers so I figured to give it a shot.

Power Supply: Look at a PSU that has component based cables. This will let you only install the cables that you need to use and improve air flow. Look at all the components you select and you'll know the capacity that you'll need. Power calculators are available on various sites (including NewEgg).

I purchased a custom build system from XtremeGear (the second link below) for $1116, but look around to see what is available. I was surprised to find that buying individual components weren't necessarily cheaper than buying a custom build (at least at the time I made my purchase) so don't rule out custom builders.

Custom gaming pc?

Q. I hope I'm not asking for much. I want a game pc so bad but I don't know where to start. Could someone out there possibly, just maybe tell me everything that is in your pc? This is for pc gamers only.

Here, ill copy an answer from a previous question into here. It should be very informative:

Building a PC isn't that hard, but you must be patient. Patience is key when building and you will always learn tricks of the trade. I love looking at different websites finding out how much stuff costs and why it does, what the technology is, why we are using it. You must must MUST do the research. It's easy to go out on one website and find everything you want, but to do it and know what you're getting and if it's a good price is a different thing. When researching the stuff like video cards, go to the company's website or if the website has specifications that you don't know about, look it up on google. Everyone has questions about technology, so don't think you're alone by any standard. When I took a computer building class in high school, we were given $500 to build a computer for a teacher, finding out what the needs were of the teacher, researching the products and finding the right prices to fit the budget. Sure, cut back here, add more there, but it's all about what you want. Check out these websites for great prices:,

People are always asking how one cpu or video card stacks up to each other. (ex. AMD vs. Intel or nVidia vs. ATI) Tom's hardware is the perfect place for that. Every year, they make benchmarks displaying how each thing stacks up to the next. It's always up to date and pretty amazing to see. Not only that, but they show you how they are used in popular games and applications that are user friendly. In fact, Tom's hardware even makes it easier by letting you choose which card you want to compare to another.

When you think you have found the product you want, reviews are some of the best ways to go to make sure the product will last. offers good information on high end products as well as new technology. If you can't find anything there, go to or or anywhere that might have reviews. has tons of reviews for nearly everything people buy. In fact, they encourage reviews. gives people $5 sometimes for reviewing products. Reviewing my sound boring, but its part of the research and could save you in the long run.

No, building a PC isn't hard, but here is a short list of things to keep in mind when you are shopping.
1) Does my motherboard socket number match my cpu socket number? AKA is it compatiable?
2) Do I have the right kind of RAM? bus speed match?
3) Video card or integrated? If video card, PCI-E or AGP? If PCI-E, SLI or Crossfire or neither (motherboard too)?
4) 500w of power is a safe number
5) Hard drive? EIDE or SATA? Got an OS?
6) Overclocking? Enough power? Right kind of heatsink?
7) Does it have the right number of ports? I/O? USB? Firewire? Parallel? Ethernet?
8) CD-RW? DVD? DVD-RW? Floppy?
9) Fans? Lights? (This is if you want cool looks)
10) Is the case what you want? Will it fit your needs?
11) When installing parts in the case, always always ALWAYS ground yourself. The easiest way to do this is to always have a body part (flesh) touching the computer case while installing. This prevent shorts and won't cause the motherboard to "fry".
12) Have fun. Enjoy building the computer.

I hope you have success in this venture and that it's fun. But don't forget to always ask questions. Don't buy something because it sounds cool. Look it up, find out what you are really getting. That way you know what's going into the computer and know that it works.

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