Saturday, June 14, 2014

Gaming PC under $500?


I have wanted a gaming PC for a while now, but being 13 i cant get a job. I managed to save up $500 and want a good Gaming PC. I prefer Intel i3 and up( my dad doesnt like AMD i dont know the difference) Thanks
It doesnt have to built when i buy it i will put it together if not done already

You need to raise your budget.

You can get the hardware alone for $500, but a copy of Windows costs $100 by itself. So your total cost would be closer to $600.

Here's a list of builds, each color is a different performance level. Green ($527) is the one you want. I suggest going with a cheaper case (NZXT Gamma) which saves you enough money to upgrade to the Core i3 2120.

A Dual-Core Sandy Bridge Pentium G860 beats a cheap AMD processor for gaming, although I recommend getting an i3 if possible.

Your other option in this price range is buying a used gaming computer- if someone is selling a rig that cost them $650-$800 a couple years ago, you might find a deal for around $500.

**** Update ****
The built-in APU in AMD's A6/A8 processors does have much better gaming performance than Intel's integrated graphics, but it's still inferior to even a $60 graphics card.

What is the best gaming PC for under $500?


I need to know what's the best gaming computer build for under $500.

Here is a list of a computer parts I can use...

Processor - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450 CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2501 Mhz, 2 Core(s)
RAM - 4Gigs

Also, I have no clue if laptop parts are compatible with an actual PC. If so, then I also have 500 gigabites of storage I could also use.

I would prefer if you used to create a checkout cart with the computer stuffs on it.


No such thing as a gaming PC under $500.

Unless you mean an iPad, but that's a whole nother discussion.

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MW2 October 2012 Servers Down?!?


They are down and we cant play please more info!

We at Activisin, are trying our hardest to get the servers back up. The following games are currently down
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PS3, Wii, PC)
Call of Duty: World At War (PS3, Wii, PC)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3, PC)
As of now Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 & Call of Duty: Black Ops; are online
I hope this resolves your question
Larry Stewart (Coding)

Looking for a game to play on pc?


i really enjoyed skyrim, used to play WoW, runescape, age of empires II (only kind of it's genre i ever liked) etc. basically all the cliches, wondering if anyone knows of something similar.

- not interested in any eastern Japanese style mmorpgs, don't think i'd enjoy any other than i did wow, and runescape well i was 12 and the game was way different back then, i honestly prefer simplicity in those kind of games hence why they drew me away.

I'm at the same situation you are in. WoW is just getting too old, Skyrim was great just not an MMO.. not even multiplayer.
Guild Wars (I'm sure you've heard of it) also getting a little old, developed by some of the senior developers of Blizzard Entertainment who participated in the early production of World of Warcraft. (obviously not working for Blizzard anymore) Has been a great MMORPG, and is coming out with a sequel, release date TBA 2012.
An MMO like WoW, but with better graphics, personal favorite is better character customization. The downside is it's a free-to-play game, this means no subscription fee, which means limited budget for future game development. Subscriptions are the reason Blizzard has been able to release so much addition content 4 expansions, patches, hot fixes, to the point that the game will continue for decades. Which is great for WoW, you get to keep your same character that entire time, but not great as you also get stuck with the same graphics the entire time. Free-to-play means there will be a end to the game, and where one ends another shall rise with better graphics using more recent technology, downside is all your work in your character is lost. The games are about as complex as WoW too.

As said Guild Wars 2 is not out yet. If you are interested in it there are plenty of game to keep you ocupied for the time.
Diablo III releases on May 15th, Dark fantacy action/horror RPG, with hack and slash, and dungeon crawling elements By Blizzard. Free-to-play, but not a MMO like WoW, it is multiplayer but only 2-8 players per game, but you can drop in and out of games without altering the gameplay. Very simple game, designed to be more action related, drop into a game, kill a bunch of shit, drop out, drop into a new game, repeat.

I think you might enjoy Dungeon Defenders (available on Steam), it combines action RPG and Tower Defense elements together. So you can level a character with talent points, and collect armor and weapons to gear them up, while also building a stratigic defense system using towers, walls, and bunkers to defend points of interests. It also hase some multiplayer capability. This one will require you to use your brain, particularly where to place your defenses and how heavyly you need to upgrade the defenses. But really there isn't much to the game as a whole.
Has been a great game to waste time till Diablo releases.

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Is Puget Systems a reliable retailer to buy a gaming PC?


I am not tech savvy enough to build my own PC. I am looking to buy a Gaming PC from a company that is well known and generally has many positive reviews (few negative) from the masses.

Price Range: $1500-$2500

Any one can build a computer if you know the difference between a home computer and a gaming rig your set when i was 14 i built my first from parts laying around now im 18 and have a business building computers. You just need a build pc for dummies motherboard manual and case manual and unless your a hard core over clocker 1500 dollars is outrageous go to call there number and they can guide you through everthing no pressure or contact me.
And puget systems is ok but a bit overpriced if you do what i said and still feel you cant build your own look at or they have affordable gaming rigs for sale and sell computer components if you go with building your own.

Contact me if you have any questions

DeadPool game for PC?


I know it got removed from steam, but I was wanting to buy it. So I looked on amazon for physical copies and there was only console. Same thing with Game. I looked on ebay but there was only 2 which were steam gifts (which I don't really trust).
Is the only way of playing this game on PC piracy? I don't want to do that, but if it is then I guess it shouldn't be bad because they don't sell it anymore, right!? :(
Anyone know about what happened to the physical PC copies?

If you can't get it on Steam, then the only other way is to find retailers which still have copies available. Once these retailers have sold out, piracy is the only way.

Luckily I bought my copy before this stupidity happened. It's unfair and totally lame. The developers put so much effort into the game, now consumers can't buy it? It's an awesome game, so pirating would be a good way to experience it.

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Anybody know headphones that are good for gaming and music?


But it has to have a pull out microphone. I tried ps3 headphones like this where u can pull the mic out. But I don't like it cause the headphones are uncomfortably big so here's the kind I want

-pull out mic
-under 200
-good with iPod

headsets (those headphones with mics) are mostly all horrible.

this will be helpful. seriously read the entire thing if you can, it has improved my gaming experience tremendously. (both for immersion and competitive play)

my suggestion is buy a cheap clip on mic (for like 5 bucks), the audio technica ad700, and the astro mixamp, which utilizes dolby headphones(converts 5.1+ channels into stereo specifically for headphones).These three should cost just a little over 200 combined. it will sound like the video on the link i provided at the 1:08 minute marker.
Reviews of headphones are also on that page. If you're interested in other headphones, make sure you get one with a good soundstage (like the audio technica ad700) to improve your gaming exprience.

if you really like headsets, then this is the best i can think of.
theres a review on the first link i provided. You could get the lesser models since its 200ish.

Is there a free PC capture that records the sound too?


I've been trying to make a letsplay for the game Pulse but I can't find a screen capture that records screen and sound.

Fraps will record directx games (99% of 3D games use DirectX). Bandicam can record Dx and non-Dx games (literally records whatever is on screen, regardless if its a 3D accelerated program or just your desktop). Useful for games that don't use DirectX and it records sound too.

Of course, sound recording is dependent on your own hardware and OS. If your sound card or OS doesn't support stereo mix, you can find a workaround (like a double ended jack with an exit for headphones). See here if that's your issue -

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How do you play hardcore PC games?


A couple of weeks ago I have taken more interest in PC games, but I don't know how to play them. I am used to using a game controller (like Dual Shock 3) and would like to know if that is what you use for your computer or a special keyboard? I have heard a lot about a PC game Crysis and would like to know what would be the best method of playing it?

I recommend you playing crysis ( WHICH IS A GREAT GAME ) and all first person shooters with the mouse and keyboard because you have to get used to the keyboard and its easier than playing with the dual-shock .. However , the 3D person shooters and games like assassin's creed 2 can be played with both the keyboard and the dual-shock ... i always play first person shooters with the mouse and keyboard but i use the dual-shock to play football games on my pc like PES 2010 ...
You really have to try both the keyboard and the duel-shock and see what comforts you best
Hope this Helped :D

Are these things enough to build a good 2010 gaming pc?

Hi i want to build a gaming pc that will work on most of new games specially just cause 2 and so i'm gonna buy these things.
Cpu: Intel processors 2.83 GHz - E7400 1066MHz/3M Core 2 Duo
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-G41M-ES2L (DDR2)
Memory: DDR2-800 (3gb)
Videocard: Inno3D Geforce GTS 250 1GB DDR3 Dual w/TV
Hard drive: Seagate 500GB 7200RPM S-ATA II 16MB
i have a case keyboard mouse and screen. and does it matter which power supply and optical drive i have????cuz i have kinda old ones
The main question is are these things enough to build a great 2010 gaming pc ?????
I checked the specs of the game and the ones of my pc and i think they're alright but pliiiz if u think they're old pliiiiiz give me newer items to buy!!!

No, this is more like a good 2007 gaming pc.

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Best PC gaming laptop?


I'm looking for a new gaming laptop (NOT a desktop) that preferably does not cost over $2000 (although a little above that isn't a dealbreaker). Right now I'm thinking about the Alienware M17x. Any other suggestions?
I'm also thinking about the ASUS G75VW. Better than the Alienware?

Check these two gaming laptops
MSI G Series GT780DX-406US 17.3-Inch Laptop
- Intel Core i7 processor
- 12GB RAM
- 750GB hard drive
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX570M - specs here -
(Scroll down to 'Game Benchmarks')
- Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)
- Full Color Programmable Backlight keyboard

Toshiba Qosmio X775-Q7170 17.3-Inch Gaming Laptop
- Intel Core i5-2450M processor
- 640GB hard drive
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M graphics card - specs here -
(Scroll down to game benchmarks)
- LED-backlit keyboard

Both above laptops will play Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, MW3, BF3, DiRT Showdown, etc at high to ultra settings. Also, they are your budget of $2000.

Gaming Laptop/PC Help?


Im thinking about buying a Gaming computer. I don't know alot about this stuff.. Usually I would ask my friends about this stuff but no one I know owns a gaming computer :/. I'm trying to spend within my budget ($350), if that's possible?.. If you could help me out that'll be tight. :)

1.) What is better/cheaper? Gaming Laptop or PC?

2.) Do I have to pay to play online??

3.) What is the least I should spend on a gaming computer? (I'll be playing BF4, Day-Z, The Forest)

4.) Do gaming computers overheat quickly??

That's all I think I should know.? If you'd like to add something I forgot, feel free. Also if you find any websites selling gaming computers that you think will fit me and my game style around the price im looking for that would be perfect :) Thnx

gaming desktops are always going to be cheaper in a price to performance ratio aswell as more powerful if you're spending the same price. that being said, a desktop would be your best choice, gaming laptops are really only for the convenience of portability.

as for paying for online you don't need to, that's the best part about pc gaming, you don't have to pay for something you already pay for.

as for the least to spend on a gaming computer, for the games you wan't you're going to want to spend at least like 500 bucks, anything lower and the computer just isn't going to do much in terms of gaming. mid end, you're going to be looking at about 750 bucks. and high end pc's are going to run about 1200 bucks, anything more and you're not getting that much for your money.

as for overheating, you shouldn't have too much problems aslong as you're in a nice enviorment. Spend some money on an aftermarket cooler, it will do wonders for your CPU and as for the GPU they typically have their own fans.

try out newegg to find the best prices for computers and if you want to get yours custom built, try Cyberpowerpc

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Budget Gaming PC under $800?


I desire to build a custom gaming PC for christmas this year, but my budget is...fairly low. I don't want to build one blind by choosing parts and doing the research only to be looking in the wrong place for the wrong things and wind up wasting my time.
Specs (nothing too specific):
-No less than 6gigs of RAM
-Could give two shits less about Hard drives space but must be HDD
-Prefer Intel i7 or i5 but if AMD fits the more bang for buck regime, then that's fine. (doesn't need to be unlocked... :D
-Windows 7 Home (I plan to install Ubuntu later on)
-needs a decent graphics card (so long as it can power most modern games on a medium to high setting, im fine
-Price range $650-750 (but if the price goes above or below these limits, that is fine so long as the curve isn't too large.

P.S. If any more info is needed to better help, I'll be glad to provide it. :)

I built a quick one on newegg, used my computer as a basis for it (runs everything I throw at it quite well)
I cant send you a link to the basket, so here is a printscreen:

I have the phenom 955. Its a quad core processor, provides the best bang for the buck when it comes to gaming. Its an excellent overclocker, should you need the performance boost, and you should be able to get it up to 3.4 or 3.6 without any hassle on the stock cooler.
The motherboard is actually the model up from the one I have, and when it comes to computer parts if the next one up is $5 you should go for it. It will accept a bulldozer cpu if you ever need 8 cores (doubt you will).
The RAM was a requirement from you, you probably wont end up needing 8GBs (I have 4 and have never got 100% usage) but I guess it there should you need it :P
Graphics card - The 6870 is an excellent card, and should you want to crossfire it at a later date they have excellent scaling (2 cards will give you nearly double the performance of 1)
HDD - 500gb, you said you weren't too bothered so I just suggested a 500gb, you can always change that if you feel you need to (just add another one in when you fill that one up)
Power supply is there to allow room for upgradeability (is that a word?) down the line should you wish to add another 6870. Its also modular (only connect the cables you need) which is a nice bonus
dvd drive is only really there for windows and installing disc games for me, they're all the same really
finally the case is a solid case for the price, obviously if you don't like it you can pick a different one, but everything ive given you here should be good enough!

Total cost $801.91 with $60 worth of mail in rebates so that brings it down to $741.91, so your under budget :P

Any questions add them to more information and I will try and get back to you :)

Is this a decent gaming pc?

John Smith

Here's the link.

I was hoping to play WoW and AT LEAST medium graphics on Skyrim and Crysis 2. I would upgrade the graphics chip as well. Is this a good enough computer. If not, any suggestion for a decent gaming pc under $750?

I think it's good, but not good enough for the games with finer graphics. You would need a better graphics card, in my opinion.

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What retailer can I trade PC games into?


You'll get the best trade in value for video games from a place like Play N' Trade, they value games based on market value, not "We're a huge corperation and this game is old, so it's worth nothing". I'm not sure if they take PC games though. If not, call gamestop.

What gaming PC????????????????

Lazy Larry

I need a gaming PC to replace my desktop PC. I need it to be powerful, reliable and from a trustworthy retailer. Budget £600 max. Help me please.


I am not very sure if you need to build a custom build gaming rig or buy whole ready gaming rig, but if you are assembling your own rig, than this might help you :-

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Gaming PC under $1200?


I am buying a new PC and have $1200. What is the best I could get from either or memory express. And it will at least take me a week or something to buy so please do not include the current deals , just include the normal/regular price :) THANKS :) and yeah i heard memory express has the price match so please keep that in mind :) THANK YOU :)

The cheapest option is to build it. It's easy to do, and you could build a good pc for gaming with less than that. The specs on the one I have now are (that I can name off the top of me head)

16 GB DDR3 ram
Amd phenom 2 black edition with (I think) 4 or 5 cores
Nvidia GTS 450 GPU (oldest part on the computer that I got last year and took out of my old computer)
Lazer 800 watt (I think) PSU
And I can't remember the motherboard.

Built it for 700 bucks (including the price if the case and excluding the price if the GPU which I did not buy with the rest if the parts) I am able to play every game I have on Mac settings.

Gaming Setup Under 700$?


Hey guys, as you can see, I wanna build a gaming pc under 700$ (including win7). I would also like this GPU because it comes with Bioshock, Crysis 3 and Farcry 3/blood dragon free. I intend to play BF3/4, Arma2/3 and Dayz Standalone at med-high settings. Thanks

The HD7950 that you're eyeing to get can play all games on max settings on 1080p, thus is a very decent card although I am pretty sure that your $700 budget would not be sufficient because the card alone is already $300.

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Xbox 360 or Gaming PC?


I currently own a 5 year old PC (AMD Duron 1.3 GHz CPU, 1 GB DDR1 RAM, Nvidea GeForce FX 5200 video card, Asus Motherboard) and a 4 year old PS2. I'm thinking of either purchasing an Xbox 360 or a gaming PC, but I'm not sure which one to go with. I know a new gaming PC will be quite expensive, so I AM a bit more biased towards an Xbox 360. What do you guys think? Here are some factors to take into account:

1) I mostly like fighting games (Street Fighter, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Smackdown vs Raw, etc) and action/adventure games (Prince of Persia, Assassin's Creed, Spider-Man, Batman, Prototype, Dead Rising, etc)

2) I mostly play by myself, but sometimes with a friend.

3) I DO NOT PLAY ONLINE BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE A FAST ENOUGH INTERNET CONNECTION AT HOME (making this in Caps before a lot of people recommend a PC for it's online capabilities)

4) I won't be purchasing second hand (prefer to buy my gadgets new)

5) I currently only use my PC for chatting, surfing the net, emails, listening to music... not much really
6) and I do NOT play online.

Honestly, I would still recommend the gaming PC.

Most of the major games that are on the Xbox 360 are on the PC as well, only you can customize controls, and they're much more intuitive.

Fork out the extra 5-10 dollars a month for faster internet. They're ripping you off, yes, but they're ripping you off even MORE with the slower speeds. Gaming is best when played online with other people, as most games are designed for play with other people. Xbox 360 games also typically to be more expensive for longer, as well.

If price is the most important thing right NOW, though, then sure, stick with the 360. I have a feeling that down the line you'll start to realize the Xbox 360 is not nearly as efficient for gamers as a PC is, though.

Third person PC game with Melee combat?


I'm looking for some games with an action/adventure melee feel to them. I'm trying to stray bit away from guns but wouldn't mind something like bows. If you ever heard/played Alice:Madness Returns, That is the kinda game I'm looking for. And also, it must be for the PC because I travel to much to be lugging around a console.
I appreciate the ideas but I should also add in that I'm trying to avoid MMORPG's I love them but trying to get a single player game for when friends aren't available and I'm not in the mood for grinding level's/gear

Kingdoms of Amalur has PC version.

The story sucks, but the combat is great.

Try also Draksiders. The hero (War) has a gun but his main weapon is a sword. He also has a big scythe for circular melee combat.

These might not fit you, but see Batman Arkham Asylum and Batman Arkham City. Batman has his gadgets, yes, but his main attacks are punches and kicks. Best comic book videogames.

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Im looking for a good gaming pc but for a low price?

Leslie and

im looking for a pc that will play wow very smooth and look clear and thats the only game i will be playing do u think this is a good computer that will meet these standards or does anyone else know of any other good deals? is this a good computer?

I was just googling and came across this product hope it helps you

iBUYPOWER Gamer Power A561D3 Gaming Desktop
*Future-proofing: Thanks to power AMD CPU, this system will be able to handle gaming, entertainment
*NVIDIA GT210 512MB dedicated: This system comes with 512MB dedicated graphics card vram
*iBUYPOWER has provided countless numbers of configurable Gaming Desktops and Notebooks
*Processor: AMD Athlon II X4 (2.8GHz) Processor Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT210 512MB Hard Disk Drive: 500GB 7200rpm
*Processor: AMD Athlon II X4 (2.8GHz) Processor Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT210 512MB Hard Disk Drive: 500GB 7200rpm
*Serial-ATA Memory: 4GB DDR3-1333 Optical Drive: 24 x DL DVD+/-RW Drive Window 7 Home Premium

Also check out at Ebay

can someone help me build a gaming desktop pc for under $1000?

Eric Opper

I know most of the parts of a computer but i dont trust myself when it comes to picking out all the parts i need to build my own gaming pc. I am on a 1000 dollar budget but want a great gaming pc that can also help speed up my architecture programs im running.

I want intel i7 quad core processor(hopefully 3.0 but can go with 2.8),
atleast 1 GB nvidia or AMD video memory,
8 or 12 GB RAM
and a great cooling system so my system never overheats or anything.
a cover that allows massive cooling

these are just specs that i'd like to have but if my expectations are too high or not high enough then i trust your judgement! i dont know anything about motherboards or cooling systems or covers. please email me at if you have questions! thanks!
hmm ok well what would it cost then for the type of computer i want? i am not limited to 1000 but dont want 1500 or up

$1000 is too high budget!!
Best priced gaming machine.

Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition 3.4GHz for $189
This is the best gaming processor and the highest AMD processor. It
beats the lowest Core i7 processor in gaming performance and other
benchmarks. The lowest Core i7 processor is the Core i7 920 2.66GHz
which costs $288. So this processor is $100 lesser than Core i7 920,
but beats it in gaming benchmarks and Compression and Decompession
speeds, etc.. The Core i7 is better in movie encoding and stuff.
And the stock clock speed of the Phenom II X4 is 3.4GHz whereas the
Core i7 is 2.66GHz. The AMD Phenom II X4 965 is a black edition
processor so it has unlocked CPU Multiplier, so it overclocks like
heaven. The AMD can reach 4.2GHz speeds easily due to this, and still
remain stable and the temperature under 60C which is normal. The Core
i7 920 cannot overclock that much. It can go to 3.4GHz but you have to
increase the voltage to the processor and use water cooling blocks to
make it stable. This is dangerous to the processor. Just see the
customer review of the Phenom II X4 processor in that newegg page.
But the Core i7 processors which cost above $400, dont have any match
now. But soon AMD is bringing in mass market 6 core processor which
would be cheaper than those Core i7 4 core processors.

ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO AM3 AMD 785G Motherboard for $85
This is AM3 socket motherboard for AMD processors and supports DDR3
RAMs upto 8GB.

If you go for the Core i7 processors then the similar motherboard
range starts from $189. Huge Saving!
And the main advantage of getting the AMD processor and motherboard is
due to its socket AM3 which is future proof. The Intels change their
socket with every new processor series so that they can sell more
motherboards with each upgrade. Like Core i7 has LGA 1366 whereas
Core2Duo has LGA 775. So in the future if any new processor comes and
you want to upgrade to it, then you have to throw this costly
motherboard and buy a new one for that processor.
But all future AMD processors are going to remain AM3 socket, so this
motherboard will work even if you upgrade to any new processor from
AMD(6 core, 8 core, 10 core whatever).
AMD and Intel are both launching their 6 core processors, the Intel
Core i9 and the AMD Hexacore. But the Core i9 socket will be different
from Core i7. Whereas the AMD processor will still be AM3.
So you tension of future upgrading is minimized.

OCZ Gold Edition 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR3 RAMs for $79

This motherboard for AMD has 4 RAM slots. These are 2Gb x 2 RAMs
and will take two slots. Presently no application or game in the world
requires more than 3GB. So 4Gb is more than enough. Adding more RAM is
wastage as it wont be used. When you will really require more RAM i.e
after 3 - 4 years then add in another 4GB.
Single 4GB RAMs are costing hell.

Graphics Card:
HIS H577FM1GD Radeon HD 5770 DirectX 11 support for $162
Future Proof Next-Gen gaming!!

What about NVIDIA you ask ? In case you didn't notice, at the green
side NVIDIA right now is on a DirectX 11 bashing marketing program.
Their program goes like this: DX11 games won't arrive until 2010 so
why purchase a DX11 card ? Well, next year when a lot of games will
start supporting DX11, you can rest assured that your card is
compatible and that you are not stuck with an outdated DX10.0 class
product. For your future game path, DX11 is an upgrade train you do
not want to miss out on. Why is NVIDIA doing this ? Well, they just do
not have their DX11 class products ready and selling on the market.

Power Supply:
OCZ ModXStream Pro OCZ500MXSP 500W for $40

Computer Case:
COOLER MASTER Storm Scout SGC-2000-KKN1-GP for $80
Excellent cooling!

Samsung 24" for $209

Keyboard and mice: $30

APC 550VA for $66

Total $936

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Is it possible to get a nice gaming pc for a price around 800$?

Q. If so would it run empire total war? Or a game like it?

Get the Sony Vaio NW series its an awesome gaming laptop which is around $800

Gaming Desktop for around £800?


I need a new desktop, and have around £800 in vouchers for curry's / PC world. I have been researching it for a while, and gradually getting more and confused! I know what specs i would like and wandered if these were ambitious or i could get better....

Quad core Intel processor, 4GB RAM, High-end graphics cards 1GB?

i already have a monitor and other bits and pieces, just the tower is needed..... some examples and links would be much appreciated thanks

For building a PC, especially one for gaming, you should shell out a few bucks for "PC Gamer" magazine. Each month in the hardware section in the back of the magazine thereâs a current recommendation for parts to build a system. They give a dream system for those with deep pockets, a medium system that should work for most games, and a budget system for those with limited resources. They also have reviews. The best thing would be to find it at the library where you can look over the back-issues to see the articles and reviews of hardware.

These will give you an idea of what to put in a balanced system.

Remember, too, that if you use a 32 bit operating system, it cannot use more than about 3GB, so no use purchasing 4GB. Get three 1GB sticks. However, if you use a 64 bit operating system, then you can use as much as the motherboard and your budget will allow.

Be sure and use DDR3 memory. It has come down in price and is faster than DDR2.

Consider waiting until Oct. 22nd and purchase a copy of Windows 7 for your operating system when it is released. It will blow away Vista and the outdated XP.

Stick with an i7 or i5 processor, or, at least one that uses the 45nm technology - not the dated 65nm technolgy. A 1GB graphics card may be overkill. It could blow most of your budget. Look for something in 256MB or maybe 512MB.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

PC Sandbox/Open World game?


I need some pc sandbox/open world games that are rated 12+ by esrb....

Morrowind, Oblivion - these sorts of games. Though as I'm not a massive computer game expert, I am not sure what is meant by sandbox. However I do know that for the pc these games come with TES editing program which means you can edit just about anything in the game, make changes to how you see fit, or even just create new things.

Some good World War 2 video games for PC?


Looking for some good World War 2 video games for PC.
Have already played Call of Duty series, Battlefield series, and Company of Heroes.

If possible, the gameplay should focus on the European front, not too much Pacific.

Also, I only have Radeon 4350HD so please keep that in mind.

There is a game called "Red Orchestra : Ostfront 41 - 45" That is based in the Eastern Front. You can play as either the Wermacht or the Red Army. It is an older game so it should run great on your PC. A sequel is coming out soon to this game. There is also "Wolfenstein" which is another game based in Europe although it is a little more of a Science Fiction game then a war game like COD.

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PC Gaming vs Console Gaming?

Q. I'm a PC gamer and I want to know if I should make the switch to console? I know you don't have to tell me: PC is far more superior that console. Graphics on PC is great, the hardware is far ahead of console and graphics are better, but does all that matter when there's no one playing on PC? I looked up the stats on Steam and all the games I like have only around a thousand players playing it, soon in a year or two there will be none. With console I have no worries, Consoles just so much more cheaper and convenient. So the question is should I make the change?

Good gaming PC are $1000 expensive , but PC games are way cheap
Consoles are $300 cheap but there's games are expensive too.
For the amount you pay to upgrade your PC which is about $250 for decent video card, you can skip it once and buy a Console for only $300
It doesn't have to be a switch, you can use both if them, i have a decent PC, it's not the best for gaming but it does the job,, i purchased an Xbox beside my PC, it's good to play consoles exclusives , and games that can't run smoothly on my PC i can just buy the console version of the game.

what is the best gaming pc?


i have been searching for a gaming pc for a while now and i need help on which one is the best. i realize it is based on your opinions but i would like to know what is the best for you and see if it matches to what i need. i have a budget of $2000 but i can add about 300 to it. i need to know what the specs are and how long it would take to ship or where i can buy it locally

The gaming pc does not have to be $2000. The ibuypower gamer supreme will be more than enough for the above average user and it costs less than $1630. You will have more than enough money saved to buy all the games you want.

Take a look at the pictures and specs here -

Case NZXT Guardian 921 RB - Red Gaming Case
Processor Intel®Coreâ¢i7 3770K Processor
CPU Cooling Liquid CPU Cooling System
Memory 12GB DDR3-1333 Memory Module
Hard Drive 1.5TB 7200rpm SATA-III 6Gb/s Hard Drive
Power Supply 800 Watt Standard Power Supply
Optical Drive 24X Dual Layer DVD +/-RW
Card Reader 12-in-1 Internal Flash Media Card Reader/Writer

Hope this helps.

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Is it worth getting a gaming PC for Skyrim and the "mods"?

Q. Why or why not? And what PC is good enough for gaming?

For just Skyrim no it's not. However if you are going to be using it for a lot of games than yes it is worth it to get a gaming computer. The best pc for hard core gaming is actually a computer you build yourself or you pay someone to build for you.Than you know that it will have the right specs to run all the games you want in high def and it put very little strain on your machine.

Need help finding a gaming PC that will run Skyrim with mods?


I'm looking for a PC that will run Skyrim with mods.
I know nothing about computers so plz give me links to a PC
I would like a laptop fine if its not
the prices around $1000 can be a little over

Here you go mate. A powerful gaming Laptop that will run Skyrim with mods without lag.

It's $1009

Any Desktop or Laptops on that website will run Skyrim with mods on Ultra-High settings at 120 FPS.

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I need help buying a gaming pc or laptop that is cheap. at least 600 dollars.?


Ok, honestly, I'm 15 years old know nothing about building a computer or anything of the sort and need "professional" assistance. Or at least knowledgeable. I really don't wanna have to build my own. Just order it pre built. Thanks for any assistance in advance.

Do you realize that "at least" means "no less than", right? If something is at least $600, it will cost no less than $600.

If that IS what you meant, you should be happy with any of the laptops in the $1000-$1200 range. Sure, you CAN pay more, but you're getting into the range of "diminishing returns."

If you meant to say "at most $600" (which means "no more than"), I gotta agree with Binary Jigsaw. I've seen some half-decent gaming laptops for about $800, but none that I would actually recommend.

Gaming PC For 600 dollars?


I wanna know if anybody can put together a part list for a gaming PC. This is going to be my first gaming PC. I need at least 8 gigs of ram and a dedicated Graphics Card. The CPU also has to have an Am3+ socket. This must include a operating system and a monitor. And if possible can you please get the prices off of Amazon or Newegg? Thank you! cx

P.S: Can you make sure this can run games made from 2010 to 2013 on low to medium settings?

Build this one
Its an awesome computer just amazing plays all games
and he even has a guid showing you step by step how to put every part in the case and how to plug everything in you talking about medium settings? this beast will play pretty much everything in 1080p maxed out settings (at least almost maxed in most cases)
thats a link for the first part
Good luck

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Best possible gaming pc upgrades for $700?

Emily Wern

Hello i'm looking to upgrade my pc to play some games. Right now i can barely run anything.

This is my current pc:

I have a budget at about $700


To get you started down the right track on your gaming build without breaking your budget you can just upgrade some components of the already existing PC. The processor is good, anything that's at least dual core is good for gaming and the speed of the CPU isn't bad either. The things I'd recommend you upgrade are the RAM, graphics card and power supply.

I've taken the liberty of looking up some components that should fit your system and provide what you're looking for:

Graphics Card:
Power Supply:

The power supply upgrade is to provide enough juice to the newer, meaner graphics card. The RAM is to max out your PC's memory, providing a bit of a jump to your PC's normal operating speed. And the graphics upgrade should let you play a wide variety of newer games, keep in mind that it may not always display at ultra graphics settings, but you'll be able to run them at decent settings. Oh, and the price for all this should come around to $274.97 before taxes and shipping.

If you feel like upgrading even more and going for even better graphics quality in your games go for this other card: which will still work great with the other components I've picked out for you, but will bring the final price to $644.97 before shipping and taxes.

Hope it helps.

700 dollar next gen gaming pc build?


i wanna build a next gen pc with the budget of 600 to 700 dollars, i want it to run battlield 4, titanfall assassins creed 4 and the other nest gen games. i want to be in use till 2015 to 2016.

if not then please suggest something near
this will be my first pc build, i would also like to guide me in this or just send a link to the tutorial. and also it would nice if you included the links of parts

You should build this Gaming PC.
Level.1 ($650 to $725)
- Intel Core i5 4670K CPU
- 8GB 1600MHz Memory
- Corsair H60 Liquid Cooling
- 120GB Corsair Neutron GTX SSD
- 1TB 7200RPM HDD
- ASUS Z87 Chipset Motherboard
- 600W Corsair CX Power Supply
- Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro
Level.2 ($710 to $890)
- Intel Core i7 4770K CPU
- 16GB 1600MHz Memory
- Corsair H100i Liquid Cooling
- 240GB Corsair Neutron GTX SSD
- 1TB 7200RPM Storage HDD
- ASUS Z87 Chipset Motherboard
- 1050W Corsair HX Power Supply
- Blu-Ray Player/DVD Writer
- Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro
Level.3 ($1000 to $1600)
- Intel Core i7 4960X CPU
- 32GB 1866MHz Memory
- 2x SLI NVIDIA GTX 780 Ti 3GB
- Exotic Custom Liquid Cooling
- 240GB Corsair Neutron GTX SSD
- 1TB 7200RPM Storage HDD
- ASUS X79 Chipset Motherboard
- 1200W Corsair AX1200i PSU
- Blu-Ray Player/DVD Writer
- Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro

I'm 100% sure that these three PCs can handle next-gen games very nicely.

My gaming Desktop specs-
Processor: Intel Core i7 Extreme Edition 4960X 3.6GHz Six-Core
Motherboard: ASUS Rampage IV Extreme X79 Intel X79 Chipset (Features USB 3.0 & SATA 6Gb/s)
System Memory: 32GB DDR3 1866MHz Corsair Dominator Platinum DHX
PSU: PROMOTION 1500W EVGA SUPERNOVA NEX1500 Classified (Dual/Triple/Quad SLI Compatible)
Optical Drive: Blu-Ray Player/DVD Writer- Play Blu-Ray and Burn DVDs (Slim Slot Loading Edition)
Storage 1: 2x 1TB Solid State (Samsung 840 EVO Series)
Storage 2: 1x 4TB Western Digital Caviar 7200 RPM 6Gbps
Storage 3: 1x 4TB Western Digital 7200 RPM SATA 6Gbps
Graphics Cards: 3x SLI Quad NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN 6GB (Includes PhysX)
Sound Card: Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR (Ultimate in Audio Playback and Creation)
O.S: Windows 7 Ultimate (64-Bit)
CPU Boost: Stage 2 Overclock CPU 4.5GHz to 4.8GHz
GPU Boost: Maximum Overclocked with full stability
O.S Boost: Auto Disable & tweak all non-crucial services
Extreme Cooling: H20 HydroLux Copper DS Copper Pipe Custom Cooling System (Video Cards CPU Chipset)
Airflow Control: DS HydroLux Thermal Management Control Board & Software
Internal Lighting: DS HydroLux RGB LED Lighting System
Chassis Fans: Upgrade 6 Chassis Fans with Blue LED
Surge Protector: APC BR1500G Uninterruptible Backup Surge Conditioner
Audio: Corsair SP2500 High-power 2.1 System (Includes Subwoofer)
Keyboard: Corsair Vengeance K95 Fully Mechanical Gaming Keyboard (Black Brushed Aluminum Finish)
Mouse: Razer Deathadder 2013 Infrared 6400 DPI

My gaming Laptop specs-
Processor: Intel Core i7 Extreme Edition 4930MX 3.90Ghz Quad Core 8MB Cache
Display: 17.3 Inch 1920x1080 LED-Backlit Display
Thermal Compound: Premium CPU & GPU TC
Memory: 32GB DDR3 1600MHz
MSATA SSD Drive: 240GB Solid State MSATA 6GBPS
Storage 1: 1 TB 5400RPM SATA 3GB/S
Storage 2: 1TB 5400RPM SATA 3GB/S
Optical Drive: Blu-Ray Player & Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer (Blu-Ray 6x)
Wireless Card: Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 Bluetooth 4.0
Mouse: Razer Deathadder 2013 Infrared 6400 DPI
O.S: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-Bit

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is there a game for PC that is basically unbeatable and just continues on forever?


Not many games have longevity.... i want a computer game thats either a long standing survival game or a city creation faction game. maybe something like fallout but just raw survival without a real way to win or a game with a ton of city management along with a good military outlook.
nah i have those games, except wow.... i dont want all the junk that comes with mmorpg. i love fallout and skyrim and play them both but i want like i am legend in a video game or a game like anon 2070 with a bit less online and a bit more war

Civilization V?? Spore?? There's not too many games out there like what you're asking for. Most games eventually have an end. And yes, even Fallout and Skyrim have a relatively definite end.

The Sims 3 (or Sims 2/1) would be one game that has the potential to go on forever. Assuming you don't let your last Sim die and you keep having kids and such you can play that game literally forever, because there is no end.

I forget if Spore has an end.... I'm pretty sure Civ V has an end though, but w/e.

There's a new city game out too, Cities XL 2012.

WoW is pretty long, and it's hard to find an end. But for the most part you just get stuck doing the same thing over and over, especially when you reach the level cap. You constantly grind and play the same dungeons to get loot and tokens for better gear. That's pretty much it.

Minecraft is also a decent game, if you can accept it's playstyle and graphics. It too is a game that really has no actual main objective or end. You just play in your own little world (on multiplayer on a server) and do... whatever you want to do.

New zombie games for Xbox 360? (2012/13)?


I was just wondering whether there was any new zombie games planned to come out in 2012 or 2013 for Xbox 360 (Apart from Black Ops 2 zombies as I know about that already :))? Because there actually isn't that many out at the moment - well that are really good anyway or that I've heard of. Thanks.

You might just want to check this bad boy out should be coming later this year to Xbox Live arcade and PC called class3 it's a open world zombie survival game that doesn't just focus on run'n'gun generic BS but long term survival ; Fortifying a base, creating a network of outpost's, growing crops, looting buildings, going scavenging for weapons ammo food fuel ect, rescuing survivors and of course killing Zombies, driving about in car's that you find,making explosives.

It's literally a" What would you do if a zombie apocalypse happened ? " game where you live out a zombie apocalypse .

Oh and the best bit is that it's just a stepping stone to there upcoming MMO called class4

Here's the link seriously check it out not nearly enough people know about this little gem .

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what is a good gaming pc for around $800?


I am using it to play bf3 and record it. I will be doing video editing in adobe premiere pro and after effects. This is my first pc build. I will not be doing any oc.

Most of the builds that I do are for businesses, often with similar specs but with dual hard drives running in Raid 1.

If you aren't aware of the TomsHardware website, let me introduce you to the website that tests systems and keeps everyone up-to-date with what is happening with computer hardware.

I specifically want to direct you to their System Builder Marathon that they do quarterly using the latest available components, latest one "System Builder Marathon, March 2012: System Value Compared,3163.html
You should find this most helpful. No second guessing 'will this work with this?', etc.

I use this myself to determine the components of a specific gaming build.

Hope this helps.

What is an affordable gaming PC for around 1,800?


I'm looking for a pc where I can upgrade it in the future like graphics cards or fans. I want it to have dual video cards and a fast processor. So which specifications would you recommend that would suit a person best for a computer in this price range. Thanks ( Mainly for gaming. )

hi,i suggest you this for a good gaming pc:



video card





keyboard,mouse,sound card,network card,speakers.hope that helps

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Good gaming PC company?


I was considering getting a new gaming PC within the next 6 months or so. I enjoy having them built for me by a company. I was gonna do Dell but their prices seem a bit high. Anyone know a reputable online company that builds excellent PCs at good price? A few friends of mine suggested
Anyone have any experience with these or know another?

A "Good" gaming PC is going to be expensive. IS essentially Dell (alienware was bought by dell) but they make the top of the line cream of the crop gaming systems.

Pretty much be best bang for you buck to build a "top of the line" system is to build for yourself. But the cheaper way to go if your cash strapped is dell. Just remember that CPU processing power is important but totally secondary to graphics processing.

Why are many game companies no longer releasing games for PC and only for platforms(xbox, ps3,)?


Just out of curiosity I wanted to know if there was a reason why game companies are releasing games later or not releasing games for the PC at all. Guesses are fine but actual evidence would be better :)
wait....Steam DOESN'T make a crapload of money?

Well its pretty obvious that console gamers are a way larger demographic over PC gamers. The Video Game industry knows this so they target the larger audience hence they get more money than they would with a PC port. So that why don't bother sometimes to make one, there either isn't enough money to be made or could potentially lose some money if they did bother. Games like fear and cod which both started out as PC games never made the money they do now with consoles.

While i myself am devoted to PC gaming and firmly belive that they are superior over consoles, I can see why they are the largest of the group.

Consoles are simple, easy, and reliable way to play video games. Little kids and seniors know how use them. You don't have to worry about system requirements, or all those little technical issues that you do have to worry with a PC. You just pop in the disk and play.

Also its cheaper. I know i hear people say that you can just upgrade your PC with a new card and that cheaper than having to buy a new consoles but that's not always true. You still have the account for the initial build, and if you want a good gaming rig today with the latest hardware it could cost upwards of 600$-1000$ to build one, the new nvidia 400 series card are worth 200$-400$ dollars alone! plus the processor, the case, the power supply, motherboard ,etc. all that adds up. for 200$ you can just go buy a xbox 360 or a ps3 without all the fuss.

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Best Video Games For Pc?


I want to know some good video games. Like skyrim, halo, cod, fallout. Adventure/shooter or first person shooter games. For the Pc.

First person shooters games-
Try out far cry 3, it is an amazing open world first-person shooter game made by Ubisoft.
Try Bioshock out. The new addition bioshock infinite has come out too. I've never played it but my friend suggests that I play it.
Maybe battlefield 3?

Open world-
I don't know if you'd like the assassin's creed series because it isn't a shooter but you should have a look at it.
Try Oblivion, the game before Skyrim or Grand Theft Auto IV.

Best pc games and download links?


what are the best video games for pc and can you give me the free download links?

MOST PC games aren't free.
I can't provide a lot of links, but I can suggest:

NOT free games:
To get these games for free, I'd recommend looking up the title on YouTube (ex; 'Free Amnesia download full') and finding a video with the best feedback and likes. I do this sometimes, but because it's illegal I try not to do it often. You won't get in trouble as long as you don't do it with 100 games. >>

-Amnesia: The Dark Decent; A M rated horror game, takes place in a dark castle, you play the role of an English man named Daniel, who lost his memory. A disturbing dark force is after him, and he must remember where he is. Monsters lurk in the castle. There is no combat in this game, you can only run and hide. It's defiantly a great horror game!

-Portal and Portal 2; A game made by Valve, it's a first person almost Sci-Fi themed game. You play as Chell, a woman who awakens in a strange facility by a robotic female voice (GLaDOS) and is given a 'Portal Gun' which creates portals on the walls, ceilings or floors. You use these portals to get through 20+ 'test chambers' Portal 2 is pretty much the same. But it's a great game!

-The Walking Dead; A really great zombie survival game based off of the TV series. You play as Lee Everett, a man who killed another man for sleeping with his wife. When being driven to prison, the police officer driving him hits a 'man' crossing the street. Lee wakes up in a car crash, with zombies around him. He later meets a little girl who her parents haven't returned home and they struggle to survive.It's very interactive.

-Dead Island; Another zombie survival, it's very fun to play. You choose from a group of characters, who each have their same story. The playable characters are immune to the zombie disease, but the island is still crawling with zombies. The game takes place on a beautiful island resort. There's a lot to do, but it can get difficult at times!

-The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim; A high quality single player game. The game is packed full of action. It takes place in 'old times' no electricity, more of a dungeons and dragons kind of thing. You can customize your character from a selection of several races. The world is beautiful, and packed full of nature and beauty. This game is defiantly worth it's price (60$), but I got mine for free. xD

-Half-Life 1 and 2; Both games made by Valve, you play as a man named Gordon Freeman, it's a first person shooter type game. You battle alien-like creatures as you travel across the earth.

-Minecraft; This game is very 'free' roaming. There is 'survival' mode, in which you dig and mine to gather materials to use to survive the night. You hunt for food to survive, and mine to find and upgrade your weapons. At night, monsters appear and roam the fields at night and will kill you. There's also creative mode, where you have all resources in-game to build your ultimate homes or whatever you want. This game also has multiplayer mode.

FREE games:

-Team Fortress 2; This game is FREE, another game made by Valve. You can download it free on Steam. It's a multiplayer game where the players are put on teams and fight each other on a large battle area type thing. It's more like a 1st person shooter. But it's a really good game.

-Slender; A FREE horror game based off of the legend of the Slender Man. You are trying to collect notes, in order to escape the slender man. If you look back, he may be right behind you. He teleports and kills you if you look at him too long. There are various free mods for this game, such as Sanatorium, Hospice,Slender Elementary, and Slender Mansion.

For more information on any of these games, just Google them. :)
I payed for all these games, except the free ones, Skyrim and Minecraft.
But it's possible to get any game free though it's illegal.

These are all games I've personally played, and I like all of them.

Hope it helped!!


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Would this gaming PC be okay for less than £300?


I'm thinking about building a gaming PC but I only have a £300 budget. I have composed a list of items that I have found on Amazon. Would these items fit together to play the latest and upcoming games?

The total of the PC is:


Case: K3 Gaming ATX Case with HD Audio
MoBo: MSI H61M-P31-G3 Motherboard
GPU: Asus Radeon HD 7770 DirectCU Graphics Card
RAM: Intel Pentium G620 2.6GHz
PSU: 500W (comes with the case)
Memory: Western Digital Green

Not a bad pc for the price but it certainly won't be able to play latest and upcoming games even on low settings. (Here I am talking about modern games like bf4, crysis3, skyrim, gta5 etc)

If you want to play all the modern games then i would recommend you to save another £300 or £400 and with £600 you can get a PC which can run all games.

$300-350 Budget for gaming PC?


Tomorrow I should be getting a paycheck around $300-350, and I want to use all of it to build a pc that can play games such as BF3, Skyrim, Deus Ex:Human Revolution, The Witcher 2, Diablo 3 and many other game alike on graphic settings near upper medium-high with 60fps, the computer I have just wont cut it anymore for gaming.
Whats the best build for my budget? Is $350 enough of a budget to build a PC strong enough to run those types of games near high at 60~ fps? If not, what kind of budget am I looking at? Thanks.
Im not looking for ULTRA settings or 120fps.
Medium to high with 45-60 fps is all I need, and I already have a decent gfx card.

of the mentioned games BF3 is the most demanding, so i put together a setup good enough to play it on medium-high

cpu: Intel i3-2120 LGA 1155 ($125)
mobo: Biostar H61 LGA 1155 ($50)
ram: G.Skill 2x2GB DDR3 1333 ($25)
hdd: Samsung F3 500GB ($80)
odd: LG DVD burner ($20)
psu: Cooler Master GX 450W 80Plus Bronze ($45)
case: Antec Gaming Series One ($50)
gpu: assuming you have something in the range of the GeForce GTX 550 Ti ($000)
total $395 (prices taken from

this is without OS, monitor, speakers, keyboard & mouse

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Best gaming PC 2013 1000-1500$?



The best processor for gaming that is out there right now is the Intel i5 3560K. i7 isn't necessary for gaming and is more suited for doing picture and movie editing or Photoshop kind of applications and would cost you about $100 more. I would pair a 3560K with a mid-range MOBO and 16 gb of ram. The real test in cost would depend on how crazy you want to get with the graphics cards. Check out this link for benchmarks on most of the highest-end graphics cards and prices as well:

For a crazy high-end gamer, I would suggest (if starting from scratch) spending about $800 to $1000 on everything before GPU and the remaining money on the GPU(s) themselves. Of course there are always ways to cut price by getting 8 gb of ram, and maybe a cheaper case. All is up to you :)

Should I buy ps3 or Gaming PC?


O, so I have old computer and I am planning to buy new one!! But on the other side there is PS3 witch's amazing!! I don't know what to do? I found gaming pc for just 280$! Here is PC:
MSI FM2-A55M-E33
AMD Fusion Processor
AMD A4-4000 APU 2-Core 3.0 GHz
AMD Radeon
Radeon⢠HD 6570
AMD Radeon HD 6570 2GB
4GB DDR3 1333MHz Kingston
500GB SATA 2
Spire CoolBox 500W
ATX 500W

But there is also PS3(260$).And I don't know what to do!
Games that I want to play on ps3:(games that PC don't have!)
The Last Of Us, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, Uncharted 1,2,3, Journey, Flowers, Flow(i love ps3 exclusives) and some other games like: Assassin's Creed (1,2,Brotherhood,Revelations,3,4), Tomb Raider (2013), RE6,... and many other games!! But problem "They cost a lot!", I don't have money for big price games! I know It will be more exlusive with ps3 on my Tv with joystick in my hands! But games are so good and so expensive!! But I never had any console!! Love ps3!

Now! Do you think this PC is powerfull for those games like: AC, Tomb Raider, Deadpool and more...
Also I think maby I should get PC because of this:(PC exclusives!)
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs(love horror games), Among the sleep, Slender, Penumbra, and more indie horror games..
That is what I like about PC, you can always get some amnesia mods, new indie horror games(all of them are free)! And Pc games are more cheaper than Ps3 games! But PS3 is more exclusive!

What you think I should buy?!( can you show me your explanation,please?)

It's a tough call. I game on both a pc and a 360 (never been a big PlayStation fan, but that's just a matter of taste; it's a fine console), and I wouldn't say one is better than the other. HOWEVER. With the PS4 coming out soonish, I'd say to go with the PC. The hardware in PCs now is more advanced than that in consoles (the PS3 came out when?), and it's not terribly difficult or expensive to upgrade your graphics card in a year or two, or to otherwise improve your computer's performance.

So, in this case, I think you're probably better off going with the PC.

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Is this a good gaming pc?


My budget is $1200 (Australian dollars)
Buying from Pc Case Gear and Scorptec.
i don't need a moniter keyboard or mouse.
My plan is
Intel Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz Quad-Core
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing
ASRock Z68 Extreme3 Gen3 ATX LGA1155
Kingston HyperX 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600
Seagate Barracuda 500GB 3.5" 7200RPM
Gigabyte Radeon HD 6950 1GB
Cooler Master HAF 922 ATX Mid Tower
Samsung SH-222AB DVD/CD Writer
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SP1 3-Pack (64-bit)
Total $1235
Would there be any problems?

Okay friend, here are my suggestions:

Processor - perfect for gaming =P

Motherboard - I have been hearing many negative comments about ASROCK but I don't know how true because what I am using right now is a gigabyte mobo and haven't tried an ASROCK yet. Why not get a better brand like ASUS, heard plenty of good comments about it actually.

HDD - 500gb is good but 1 TB is the ideal.

Video card - is the most important hardware for gaming, The HD6950 is a great card BUT if you could stretch your budget a bit you could get the GTX 560 ti 448 cores which is only "slightly slower" than the GTX 570 thus like the gtx 570, it can also play all games on max settings on 1080p with good FPS.

I actually do not know the prices there in australia so i'll just list this as a comparison:

GIGABYTE GV-R695OC-1GD Radeon HD 6950 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.1 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card - $240 at newegg

EVGA 012-P3-2066-KR GeForce GTX 560 Ti (Fermi) 448 Cores FTW 1280MB 320-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Support Video Card - $290 at newegg.

And here is a benchmark link where the gtx 560 ti 448 cores beats the HD6950 on almost all games =P

RAM - Very ideal, 8 gb ddr3 1600 mhz =P

Is this a good Gaming PC for $1300?


Hi Everyone.

I am from Australia and I plan to spend $1200.00 - $1300.00 (including postage and no operating system)

Is this a good build?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Case: Antec Dark Fleet DF-30

PSU: Antec High Current Gamer 620W

CPU: AMD Phenom II x6 1090T

RAM: G.Skill 2x4 GB DDR3 (1600mhz) CL8

MoBo: ASUS M4A88TD-M EVO/USB3 Motherboard

Video Card: Gigabyte Silent Cell ATi Radeon HD 5770 1GB

HDD: 1TB WD Caviar Green

Optical: DVD-RW 22x

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I forgot to add a 21.5" Monitor, Logitech Keyboard + Mouse and Logitech x530 Speakers!

In Australia I would check the prices at U-Mart and Computer alliance.

IDK, that seems a little bit high. That and the 1100T isn't much of a gaming processor. The Core i5-2500K is far better at gaming compared to the 1100T. The 6 core thing is more of a gimmick and games don't need more than 4 cores. Most games only use 2-3 cores.

I'd either get the Core i5-2500K or a Phenom II X4 955, 965, 970, or 975.

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How I Can Build Gaming PC at LOW Price ?


I have AMD athlon 64 3000+ , 512 mb Ram .. i am unable to play games like GTA san andrias etc. i am thinking to buy a new Graphic Card .. Which one is cheap and best
i only want to play only one game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas . i am big fan of rockstar games ..

If you looking for just a new video Card, you should go with a ATI X1950GT which is about 110 dollars and can play any new games out there on pretty hight settings, but if thats still too much for you and all you wana play is San Andres you should get a ATI X800pro or eithe r a X1600pro, which should be around 75 dollar. You can find these on... newegg is the best source of buying hardware in my opinion. Hope this helped.

People wheres the lowest priced Computer Components WebShop?


Im looking to make a gaming PC with really cheap but powerful parts like a AMD 8 Core and some good graphics cards! DO NOT PUT NEW EGG OR OVERCLOCKERS SOMETHING UNKNOWN!

a gaming pc is not cheap. nobody will give you lower prices than the manufacturer price. please stop dreaming and grow up, the world is not a 12-year-old's (your, actually) dreamland where prices are set according to your pocket.

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Monday, June 9, 2014

Best gaming pc to play wow for under 600?

Dallas D

Hey Im looking to build/buy a computer that is under 600$ that will run wow on max settings. Can someone give me all of the specs they would think to make a great computer, also links to the parts/computer would be most appreciated. (also don't tell me that the wow doesn't take a lot to run it I know that. I would also like to play games such as battlefield 3 on medium or high settings.) I will give out best answer. Thanks :)

I3-2120- $120

GTX 560 ti- $210

Mobo- $55

8gb Ram- $33

500gb hard drive- $55

Optical drive-$17

650W PSU-$80


You still need a monitor and an OS but that will max out wow and run BF3, Skyrim, And GTA IV on high No AA

All comes out to about $606+tax/shipping

Gaming PC for EQ-EQ2-WOW?


I am going to invest up to $1500 into a gaming PC. I played Everquest until 2005 on a pent II, so anything is an upgrade. I looked at, and it looks promising, except for I noticed a little more negative feedback that I had hoped for.

What I am looking for is a PC that will run oneof the three games, whichever I happen to be in the mood for. Basically I would use this PC for gaming only, with the possibility of getting a program to edit movies off my new dvd camera. Any input would be appreciated. I am mediocre when it comes to PC lingo, but I know speed and video card are major components for a gaming system. Thansk in advance!

To run a game like EQ or Wow you can actually make your own pc for less then 800 dollars and run it easily on max settings. Just make sure you have a gig or more of ddr3 ram, have a processor thats above 2.7 mhz and 1mb cache if possible, and also try to have an nvidia card thats 7 series or higher. If you're going to have Radeon i'm not too sure about what those equate to. But yeah those are the main things you need to worry about. Just make sure you build the computer yourself if possible because otherwise retailers will bone you. is good for computer parts.

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Amd Processor Good??????? Gaming Pc Builds?


I want to know if amd is actually really good for gaming and can handle games with out the gpu and i am talking about the AMD A10-7850K 3.70GHz Quad-Core APU w/ Radeon R7 8GCN Cores Graphics
i am not sure if that's entirely a processor or if it it comes with a gpu kind of but yeah... Also is it better then intel for gaming? If this is all true or even if Amd is not better then intel cane you guys give me some recommendations for a amd gaming desktop.. My budget is 500 to maybe like 650 at the most and i need atleast 8gb or more and no graphics card if it goes over and 1 tb and windows 7 but if windows 8 is the better option ill go with windows 8.. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!

If you really want a good gaming pc then do not go down the A10 AMD route, I am not against AMD I actually like their stuff because of the value you get. BUT trying to game with a built in GPU on the CPU is NOT the way to go. I have built many gaming rigs with AMD and Intel, the best are always an intel with a discrete video card. An i3 4130 Haswell with a GTX650boost or GTX760 is the minimum you should be looking at. You dont have to go to an i5 or i7 for good gaming performance if you are on a budget, just make sure to spend a decent amount on your video card. 8Gb ram should be used and a large 1-2TB fast Sata 6Gb Hard disk.
You dont have to spend the earth on a motherboard either, something like the skt 1150 Asus H81-PLUS would be fine with the latest i3. This will give you far superior performance and longevity to the AMD system you are thinking about.

Take no notice of the previous member "snake" he does not have clue what he's talking about.

Whats the best gaming pc fro £300?

Q. I'm 14 so please don't tell me to build one. i just got spore and a few other games for my birthday but my laptop won;t play them so any gaming pc fro under £300 will help thanks.

you will struggle to get a gaming pc for £300.
a good graphics card is around £100 minimum. but looking at spore specs you could get a hd4670 (£60)

try ebay or online free ads and buy a second hand one.
then upgrade the graphics card.


* * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
* * 512 MB RAM
* * A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
* * At least 4 GB of hard drive space, with at least 1 GB additional space for creations.

* * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
* * 768 MB RAM
* * A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
* * At least 4 GB of hard drive space, with at least 1 GB additional space for creations.

* When launching the game, some Microsoft Vista users may receive a warning about running out of address space along with a link to the Microsoft Knowledge Base. If you see this message, it is recommended that you follow the instructions and go to the website listed in the message to update your system.

* For computers using built-in graphics chipsets, the game requires at least:
* * Intel Integrated Chipset, 945GM or above.
* * 2.6 GHz Pentium D CPU, or 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo, or equivalent.
* * 768 MB RAM

* Supported Video Cards
* NVIDIA GeForce series
* FX 5900, FX 5950
* 6200, 6500, 6600, 6800,
* 7200, 7300, 7600, 7800, 7900, 7950
* 8400, 8500, 8600, 8800
* 9600, 9800, GTX 260, GTX 280

* Intel® Extreme Graphics
* GMA 950, GMA X3000, GMA X3100

* ATI Radeon⢠series
* 9500, 9600, 9800
* X300, X600, X700, X800, X850
* X1300, X1600, X1800, X1900, X1950
* 2400, 2600, 2900
* 3450, 3650, 3850, 3870,
* 4850

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