Saturday, October 19, 2013

as of june 25 2012 what are the most graphically demanding pc games on the market?

best gaming desktop june 2012 on The Intel i7-2600k CPU is unlocked for overclocking flexibility and ...
best gaming desktop june 2012 image

olen g

i would like to build the ultimate gaming desktop so i would like to know the absolute most graphically demanding games on the market today...thanks...don't ask for more information because that's all you need

Aliens vs. Predator
Metro 2033
GTA4 with ENB series
That's all I know of. Metro seems to be a heavy one on PhysX.

[MAC] Apps take a long time to open?


I have a June 2012 Macbook pro (15 inch base model-nonretina). Apps take ridiculously long to open in OSX (Mountain Lion). When I use bootcamp to go into Windows 7, however, my computer is fast, apps open quickly, and games run on high. It doesn't matter what app I try to open; even system preferences takes a good 20-30 seconds to open in OSX. I shouldn't have to buy an SSD when my old 2006 HP Pavilion performed better than this. I noticed this even the first time I turned it on. I don't have many apps installed, either. I use ccleaner on a regular basis. I purchased this in August 2012 from MacMall. Nothing seems to help at all. Any suggestions are appreciated.

The answer lies in the details you do not supply.

Are you running any anti-virus software or online banking security software or a Mac Keeper or similar?

Open Activity Monitor (Desktop/Finder > Go menu > Utilities), click on the CPU tab at the top nd see if anything is running that is hogging a lot of CPU time (20%+).

How much free space is left for OS X on the hard disc? It is a dynamic beast and needs around 10% of the disc to be free for it to work - cleaning up after itself and moving things around. Try leaving it running overnight to sort itself out.

Run Disk Utility (Desktop/Finder > Go menu > Utilities) to verify that there are no problems with the hard disc.

Normal, even on an old Mac running Mountain Lion, is click on System Preferences in the Dock and it bounces once and opens.

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What are the differences between a micro atx and an atx gaming pc?

best gaming pc for the money on Best Gaming Pc Case For The Money
best gaming pc for the money image

Nathan F

I Want to start building a gaming pc or maybe buy one (depends on the price)and wanted to know if I should go for micro atx or regular atx form. Which one will also Dave some money?

if you are in gaming, get full ATX mobo and tower so that you will have enough space for coolers, gfx cards and future add ons/upgrades..

Why do people spend so much money on a gaming Pc when the same games are available on console?


I've seen gaming PC'S go up to 3,000 or more. Why do people spend so much money buying a computer that can play games similarly to console?

Well, overall, for me it's just because the PC experience is much better.

1. A midrange $600-$850 PC will be better than a console.
2. All my friends are on PC.
3. Better overall, more mature community.
4. Better graphics.
5. Better controls.
6. More freedom / customization.
7. Better exclusives.

I think you can draw a comparison to cars. Why do people buy $50k BMWs / Mercedes as opposed to a $15k Toyota. Although both will get you from point A to point B one will do it much better.

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What would the best gaming desktop be for me?

best gaming desktop under 800 on Vinnicave Computer Accessories | Mechanical Keyboard, Gaming Mice ...
best gaming desktop under 800 image


I would like extremely fast multitasking, lots a memory, Blu ray player, great graphics card and supports 3D. Oh and a budget under $800 also that its a long lasting desktop. I a smart tv that is hd and 3D and i was thinking of using that for a monitor. So can you guys point me out in the right direction and tell me a good desktop model

Let me get this straight, you think $800 is a lot? No. The GTX Titan/GTX 690/HD 7990 alone cost $1000. Also you mentioned "extremely fast multitasking, lots a memory". I suggest
-I7-3970X: $1000
-Mainboard: $200
-RAM 16GB: $120
-GTX Titan: $1000
-Other things: Should not cost more than $480
Total: About $2800
Now you have $800, in order to meet your standard, yoi will need $2800. Now you have $800, which is not even a half.
You cannot get a PC like that with $800. Get more money.

What is the best laptop to buy for gaming under 800 dollars?

Gabriel F

Wanted to buy a new laptop because this one is crapping out on me. Anywho have any advice on which laptop to buy? I would like it to have a good video card because I want to be able to play current games on it like Fallout 3 or something.

I understand that you want a gaming laptop that's under $800, but under that price tag won't get you much. If you want to buy a good quality gaming laptop, I'd recommend that you should spend at least $1200. Gaming laptops are expensive because it's hard to put good graphic cards into computers. Most laptops run the graphics from the motherboard, but a separate graphic card can be rather pricey. The best brands for gaming are Alienware (Made by Dell) And Voodoo (Made by HP). with these brands, just DESKTOPS start at around $1200! For $800, you'll be able to get a good Toshiba, Dell or HP, but for sure not a gaming computer. If you want to save money and get a real gaming laptop, then build one yourself. IT takes a bit of effort and may take a bit longer, but you will still be able to save some money, and you can buy the parts separate so you'll get exactly what you want.
Overall, I'd recommend to either spend about $1200 and buy a gaming computer or about $1000 and build your own gaming computer. $800 will get you a nice laptop that can run your games, but the graphics won't be as good. So you decide, and I hope that I helped.

Happy 'top hunting!

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Friday, October 18, 2013

I want to play computer games with voice chat,,do i need to install the microphone?

best pc gaming voice chat on ... Cross-Gaming Headset | 2D-X - The Best Damn Video Game Site. Period
best pc gaming voice chat image


I have a WORKING COMPUTER MICROPHONE but when i try to play online games with voice chat it doensn't work. Do i need to install it to my computer somewhere or what's the problem?

Hi. Just about any microphone will work on a PC. You should not need to put in a driver but you may need to adjust your mike. Check with the webmaster of the game you are trying.

Why whenever I open up a VOIP program on my computer it restarts?


Every time I open either Ventrillo or attempt to use the in-game Voice Chat for Blizzard's World of Warcraft, my computer restarts itself? No matter what I am doing once I click 'Connect" my computer restarts.

Sounds like your PC may be infeced by a virus.

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What's a good gaming computer while on a budget?

best gaming pc under 800 on Gaming Laptops under 600 Dollars | Gaming Laptops under 800 Dollars
best gaming pc under 800 image

Patrick is

I'm no tech-wizard, so I don't know much about this stuff. But onto my point..
I'm looking for a good gaming PC that is under $2,000. I'm looking for something reliable, fast, has a large screen if it's a laptop, and can run, let's say the original Crysis game at near top-quality graphics.

Well you'll be generally happier (and save money) with a desktop.

Laptop components are less powerful than their desktop counterparts, aren't upgradeable and cost 60-70 percent more for the same performance. So a $1300 laptop performs about like an $800 desktop.

If you go with a desktop, you can get something that meets your requirements for about $1000 (without a monitor). Anyway, well under budget. If you spend about $1300-$1400 you can have a system capable of playing all current games on ultra settings.

While the best value comes from building a custom computer yourself (or having a shop do it), there are compnaies which will build a custom rig, most notably Cyberpower PC. You pick the parts, they assemble the system. That's the 2nd-best choice after building from scratch.

Here's a build I just configured for $1355 with a Core i5 2500K (best bang/buck gaming processor) and a GeForce GTX 570, which is enough to run Battlefield 3, Crysis, Crysis 2 and Skyrim on max settings.

If you need a monitor, a nice 23-24" one costs about $225 at Best Buy or Amazon.

You could go to even higher-end graphics cards if you wanted- a GTX 580 costs $106 more and the brand-new GTX 680 costs $191 more. You'd still be under your $2000 budget with either of those cards, and get even higher fps.


What are some good beginner gaming computers?


I am very new to gaming computers and I know I should build my own, but I want to first buy one premade since I have no idea how to make one. Give me some links to some if you guys can please. I don't need anything too advanced. All I really need is a gaming pc that will run all the recent games such as dishonored and things like that on medium settings with no lag. No serious power needed just some decent computers please. I don't have a price range right now but I would like to keep it under 750. I know that's low, but I have seen some decent ones that I am interested in that are cheap. So please let me know guys! Thank you!

Well, I could get you a very good gaming system, but you would have to build it yourself, BUT it is easy. Watch a YouTube vid and you are set, you just need a few tools and you can build it. It will safe you 100-200$ and you get the satisfaction of building it yourself. I based this off my 800$ high end gaming system and downgraded it some. Also, when building it yourself, not a whole lot can go wrong IF you watched a video. The CPU only fits in one way, same with the ram, sane with the video card. The parts are all built so that it is easy to build it yourself. This system is right at the border to a high-end system and even I would be very happy with it. It can take on any game at high to ultra settings with no lag.This video card can run Crysis 3 at High settings and BF3 at Ultra settings. In other words, its the most bang for your buck you can get. Also, It allows a lot of upgrading. For example if it gets slower you can stick a new GPU in it and upgrade to the 8-core AMD CPUs it supports. I built this system based on price, performance, and upgrade ability. Build:

NOTE: Intel CPUs are more expensive, but don't heat up as quickly, but for 200$ extra, they aren't worth it. AMD CPU's are better for budget systems, and have a much higher price for performance rating.

Hope this helps,


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What's the difference between a gaming PC and a powerful Home PC?

best gaming pc of all time on The Best Star Wars Games Ever Made - IGN
best gaming pc of all time image


Apart from the fact that the Gaming PC has a better graphics card and perhaps a skin or a colourful case of the tower.

They seem the same to me.
@1st- Couldn't they be used for both? They have the same tech specs.
@wuzzi- So it's just the graphics card like I said? If they both had the same graphics card, wouldn't it be the same?

Powerful Home PC is a general usage powerful pc with a fast processor and large ran as well as a good graphics card that is as far as it goes.
But Gaming PC is a special hardcore gamer oriented PC with Powerful components to run all games at high resolutions as well as may contain special gaming mouse and keyboard ( programmable like Lachesis) and a specific fixes for gaming even vinyls foe gaming enthusiasts thus relatively expensive

What are some good and reliable online stores to buy a gaming pc from?

Andrew A

I want a decent gaming PC but don't know where to buy from. The retailer should have good prices also.

Thanx for any help

You can build a Gaming PC for about 1200 , parts from

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Do American computer parts work in Europe ?

best gaming pc europe on It's Gaming Blog!!!: Top 10 PC Racing Games
best gaming pc europe image


I'm looking to build a gaming PC in Europe and I'm wondering do things like the CPU graphics card etc
Bought from America work in Europe. I think the GPU has to be bought from your own country

It all works off the same electrical standard because all transistor circuits need the same voltage. Only the power supply unit needs to be local.

But if you buy everything from American suppliers and import it, that will cost you a lot more (in duty and VAT) than if you buy the exact same thing from a UK supplier.

Help me find a good game pc in europe?


I am an european and dutch.
I have about â¬450 to spend on a gamer pc.
my absolute deadline is â¬550.

I want to be able to play skyrim ( dont care about graphics !!!! ) And battlefield 3 ( or bad company 2 )
I am a noob in customising so i rather dont.
We have windows lying around ( still 3 copy's ) so no software is needed! :)

CPU: Intel Core i5 2400.
GPU: GeForce GTX 560 TI
PSU: OCZ PSU 600W ModXStream Pro

That's what im running.. You can only get a gamer comp that cheap if you or a friend is building it for you.

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Need help choosing gaming laptop!?

best gaming pc 2013 under 2000 on multitaction-ces-2013-custom-pc-review-8 - Custom PC Review
best gaming pc 2013 under 2000 image


I am new to the PC world and cannot decide on which gaming laptop to buy. I will be using it for mostly shooters like battlefield and I don't want something that will have frame rate issues under high demand. My price range is around 2000 maybe 3000. I am not going to be going many places with it either. I am 15 so please don't get technical and I want to skip the hassle of customizing my own. Thank you in advance.

Take a look at these rankings:

Here are some gaming laptops:

Lenovo, Asus, HP, and Samsung are the top 4 laptop brands. I wouldn't consider any other brands.

So-called hi-end machines like Alienware are rarely worth the premium price. You pay a great deal for a customized laptop. Because they are smaller volume manufacturers, they are going to pay more for comparable hardware as what Lenovo or Asus deals with.

Dell makes Alienware and they are not worth the money charged.
Acer makes Gateway. You'd have to pay me to use one of their machines.
Sony hardware has generally been good, but they are notorious for putting huge amounts of crapware/bloatware on machines and gathering information on their consumers without their knowledge or permission.
Toshiba has bottomed the rankings. Personally, I have used them and never had a problem, but that does not appear to be the case any more.

You might be better off spending half of your $3K budget on an Asus or Lenovo gaming laptop and then the other half on a kick-ass desktop and use that when you are at home ... It will out perform the laptop hands down.

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Is the thermal paste with Coolermaster hyper 212 evo good?

best gaming pc in india on Dilips Techno Blog: Top 5 Gaming PC 2012 - Ultra High End PC
best gaming pc in india image


Title says it all,
Well im building a low budget gaming pc, with an AMD 3.6 GHz AM3+ FX4100 Processor.

The good ones like Arctic cooling mx-4 or the good ones are really expensive here in India.

So i can just use the one that comes with the hyper 212 evo?

Yes, the thermal paste that came with it works just fine. When I bought a Hyper 212+, I also bought some Antec thermal paste, but after using both on various CPUs in multiple computers, I could not detect a temperature difference.

What Cpu Tower I have to get for a ultimate Gaming PC?

reuben r

I am Going to Build a Gaming Pc and i got all the configuration in mind...However the only problem is , i dont know what cabinet or Tower model to get...Since its a gaming pc i would like the tower to be really good in looks..

So would some one recommend me one of the best tower and its price in India?

Thank you...

I hear the antec 900 is a really effiecient tower with great looks - you can preview it here -

You'l have to search some indian sites to find your prices though.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Are these good gaming pc specs for what my son wants?

best gaming pc motherboard 2013 on ... , Continued - Computex 2013: Motherboards, Peripherals, And Mobility
best gaming pc motherboard 2013 image


I was hoping someone could shed some light on if these gaming pc specs would be good enough for what my son wants to do with it. He's asked for a gaming pc for his graduation gift but we're not exactly made of money so I asked him for a few details on what he hopes to do with his PC gaming wise! (Yes, I have -some- knowledge of gaming and gaming rigs but not much!)

Now he wants to be able to play games such as Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, World of Warcraft, Mass Effect 3, Guild Wars 2 and most of all the upcoming Elder Scrolls Online game on high settings with a smooth framerate. We've spotted a reasonably priced PC that is custom built for 400-500 with the following specs:

AMD FX4100 Quad Core 4x3.6GHz
Asus Motherboard
8GB DDR3 (1333 MHz)
GeForce GT630 (1024MB DDR3-VGA-DVI-HDMI-DirectX 11)
Windows7 Home Premium 64Bit

My question is of course... will this be sufficient for what he wants? Any reply from those knowledgeable about this kind of stuff would be very much appreciated!

Yes, it's a reasonable gaming PC, enough to play Skyrim and such games at high detail and a smooth framerate.

The video card is the most important piece when building a gaming PC, and this computer's video card isn't exactly high end (it being a GeForce GT630, a budget video card), but it will be enough to play games such as Skyrim, Modern Warfare 3 and other such games at high detail. Although I find a 500 GB hard-drive more than enough, some people might want a larger 1 TB ( which is 1000 GB) hard drive.

Again, a 500 GB hard drive has no say on how fast he can play games, just the amount of data (such as games, music and videos) he can store in the computer at any given time. I say buy it, but only if you're sure the price is fair.

The video card might be a problem in the near future, (games in 2013 and 2014 will get more resource-intensive) But the video card may be upgraded if absolutely necessary with a newer one for future gaming. Other than that, it looks good.

Can I use GIGABYTE z77 motherboard with gigabyte 7970 GHz edition ?


I want to upgrade my gaming PC from XFX 7950 black edition to gigabyte 7970 ghz edition but I dont know about my motherboard can I upgrade it with out change my motherboard?
My PC specs:
CPU : I5 4670 k .
PSU : 750 W
Thank you .

Yes that upgrade is fine. Motherboards which support Core i3/i5/i7 processor (even first generation) are compatible with all PCI-E x16 cards on the market.

However unless you're getting some amazing deal, the HD 7970 isn't the best value any more. The new GeForce GTX 770 costs $400 and outperforms the older GTX 680 and HD 7970 Ghz edition.

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What is the best site to order a custom gaming pc?

best gaming pc newegg on Rosewill Galaxy-01 Black Gaming ATX Mid Tower Computer Case, comes ...
best gaming pc newegg image


I'm looking to order a custom gaming pc online in the range of 600-700 dollars (or so) and was wondering what sites would be recommended (Im getting a lot of disputing results via Google and this is a huge purchase for me)
I'm not looking to build it myself as a side note.

newegg for barebones, ibuypower, CyberPowerPC

What is the cheapest pre built gaming pc that could get at last 30 fps with minecraft sonic ethers?


I don't want to build a pc. Can you please tell me what the cheapest gaming pc is that i could get atleast 30 fps with sonic ethers unbelievable shaders mod dof

If you want prebuilt you need $600. And if custom $500. There are some advantages in custom but no in prebuild. This pc is $450 :
Add a hd 7770 and a 450w psu cost about $110+$40. Total $600. Think whats the problem in building.

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Gaming PC build that could run any game for the next few years?

best gaming pc you can build 2012 on gaming pc
best gaming pc you can build 2012 image


I'm looking into building a new gaming PC. I would like to be able to play games like Battlefield 3, Guild Wars 2, and other games coming out in the next few years. I want this computer to last me at least 4 years without needing any expensive upgrades. My budget is about 800 but I'd be willing to go up to 1000. I want to max these games out and run them at a full steady 60 frames per second.

Depends if you still need a monitor and/or an operating system

If you have a monitor and operating system then try this:

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: Intel Core i7-2600K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($279.99 @ NCIX US)
Motherboard: MSI Z77A-G41 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Value Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1333 Memory ($37.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($89.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: XFX Radeon HD 7950 3GB Video Card ($292.55 @ Newegg)
Case: Azza CSAZ-1000 ATX Full Tower Case ($89.98 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: XFX ProSeries 750W 80 PLUS Silver Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($79.99 @ NCIX US)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($24.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $965.46
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2012-12-27 00:43 EST-0500)


If you already have a monitor but no operating system then:

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: Intel Core i7-2600K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($279.99 @ NCIX US)
Motherboard: MSI Z77A-G41 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Value Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1333 Memory ($37.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($89.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: Sapphire Radeon HD 6950 2GB Video Card ($216.98 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Azza CSAZ-1000 ATX Full Tower Case ($89.98 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: XFX ProSeries 750W 80 PLUS Silver Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($79.99 @ NCIX US)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($24.98 @ Newegg)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit) ($89.98 @ Outlet PC)
Total: $979.87
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2012-12-27 00:41 EST-0500)


Operating System but no monitor:

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($189.99 @ Microcenter)
Motherboard: MSI Z77A-G41 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill NS Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1333 Memory ($37.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($89.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: PowerColor Radeon HD 6950 1GB Video Card ($263.22 @ NCIX US)
Case: Azza CSAZ-1000 ATX Full Tower Case ($89.98 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: XFX ProSeries 750W 80 PLUS Silver Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($79.99 @ NCIX US)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($24.98 @ Newegg)
Monitor: Acer G245HQLbd 60Hz 23.6" Monitor ($129.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $976.12
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2012-12-27 00:50 EST-0500)


Other options:
Downgrade CPU to a Intel i5 2310 and get a 32gb SSD to install the operating system on

What is the best configuration for a gaming PC within $900?

Fahmid ul

I want to build a custom gaming PC with high configuration so that I can play latest games (2012) at high frame rate. My budget is $900. Please help me.

I believe what you looking for is this

The gaming pc would cost you around $800. It has the following parts:
* Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 motherboard,
* AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition,
* Class 9 DDR3 4x4 GB memory modules,
* MSI Radeon HD R6850 Cyclone,
* WD 500 GB SATA hard drive,
* Samsung BluRay Combo Internal,
* NZXTâs TEMPEST 210 Massive Midtower Case, and
* Acer G235hAbd 23" Widescreen LCD Monitor

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How do you build a gaming pc?

best gaming pc 3000 on ... Gaming Mouse Price List - Best Gaming Mouse from Razer, Logitech
best gaming pc 3000 image


i was hoping for some help, i was wanting to build a gaming pc (Win 8) i know enough to assemble one but i was wondering what exactly, for the price, is a good graphics card, processor, hard drive, ect.

$350 build :

$400 build :

$600 build :

$500 build :
$750 build :
$800 build :

$1000 build :
$1500 build :

$2500 build:

$3000 build :

Can you suggest you me a good strategy game for PC?


Hi, I am going to buy a new strategy game for PC. I like games where I can start from the stone age and continue developing a society to for instance year 3000. I also like games where I can be a president of countries and decide there politics.

Any suggestions?

Rise of Nations suits your description perfectly. But there is no year 3000, just 'till modern age. Try Rise of Nations: rise of legends, I think there's future technology there.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

im going to build a gaming pc and i need help on what type of parts to get?

best gaming pc 1500 on Britt World Wide (BWW) Conference
best gaming pc 1500 image

Kilo Hares

I am going to build a gaming PC ,and im new to this so i don't know what to get. I have a budget of 1000 to 1500. Which parts would give me the most power, effectiveness, and durability. Preferable something that would last the longest and let me play battlefield on a high resolution. Thank you for your help.

Go to and select your parts. I would suggest getting a GTX 660, an AMD FX 4.0ghz, and at least 8gb of DDR3 RAM.

What's a good list of PC components for building a gaming PC?


I want an epic gaming pc, that WON'T break the bank. I'm willing to go upwards around $1500-$2000. I want a total Kick-A$$ gaming pc. I most certainly will not do liquid cooling (i mean with resevoirs, pumps, and all that stuff) Any money you can save me will be great. I don't need a monitor, mouse, headphones, or any of that stuff. I want this focused on parts not peripherals. Links Please :))


Just make sure you get SSD (I would combine it with SATA so you have both speed for system/programs and storage for data). SSD could seem quite expensive, but if you buy a smaller one, really just for fast system and programs, it shouldn't be so much money. ¨
Make sure you have atleast 8 GB RAM - it's not so expensive.
Also never skimp on cooling, that's very important. It doesn't have to be liquid.

Now you can look how much money you got left, and considering that you could choose which CPU and GPU (and correct motherboard and power supply) you can afford. I wouldn't go below 2 GB memory on GPU if you are a serious gamer. CPU probably 4 cores.

I'm not going to make you a list, but these are most significant "epic gaming PC factors" for me :-)
Hope you pick well, and enjoy your gaming experience.

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Tell Me Top 10 Games [PC]?

best gaming pc ever made 2012 on We are thinking of a vanity kind of like this....I think M prefers the ...
best gaming pc ever made 2012 image


Guys Tell Me Top 10 Games For My PC..

My PC Configuration Is :

Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz

Ram : 4 GB

Graphics Card : GeForce GT 520

Hard Disk Space : 100 GB

OS : Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 32-bit

Sound Card : NVIDIA High Definition Audio

Video RAM : 3.5 GB

Pixel Shader : 5.0

Direct X : 11

I Want Action Games , Racing Games , Adventure Games..

> Hitman Absolution

> GTA 4 + Episodes of liberty city

> Virtua tennis 4

> GRID (Most REALISTIC racing game EVER MADE)

> Alan Wake (The only "Scary" game i've played in this generation of gaming)

> BioShock Infinite (This game is really hot)

> Darksiders 2 (Awesome Adventure game)

> Max Payne 3

> Prototype 2 (Best game of 2012 IMO)

> Dark Souls (This game is hard but addicting as hell)

> Tomb Raider Reboot (This game is really amazing)

Any good ds/3ds games out?


I have a 3ds and want to get a game or two right now I have super street fighter 3d and splinter cell 3d and was wondering if there are any GOOD ds/3ds games out now if it helps I enjoy shooting action type games oh and I have pokemon black, so any suggestions?

I hope you are enjoying your 3DS :)

Anyway, there are many good games out for the DS and 3DS, it depends what you like. Here are some good games that are action/shooting games:

DS (these won't support 3D, but will probably be cheaper - most of these are action games, not shooters):

Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword [DS]
Metroid Prime Hunters [DS]**
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks [DS]**
Final Fantasy IV [DS]
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum [DS]
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow [DS]
Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies [DS]**
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass [DS]**
Pokemon HeartGold Version/Pokemon SoulSilver [DS]
Chrono Trigger [DS]
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars [DS]**
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [DS]**

The games that I put ** next to are the ones I highly recommend, such as Grand Theft Auto, a game that lets you travel around a city doing whatever you want - steal cars, kill people, rob, play mini games, or do action packed missions. Another great one is Call of Duty 4. If you already have this for PC/PS3/360/Wii, then there is no point in getting this. If you don't, then this is a great shooting game to buy.

Now, here are some 3DS shooting/action games (these will have better graphics and 3D than the DS ones I mentioned above, but will probably be more expensive):

Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars [3DS] - This is a strategy game that involves commanding a squad of army troops from an overhead view.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D [3DS]** - This is more of a puzzle/adventure game, but it has action elements to it. It involves sword fighting, using bow and arrows, defeating great bosses and travelling through an ancient world completing quests and exploring dungeons.

Dead or Alive: Dimensions [3DS]** - This game is very similar to Street Fighter 4 for 3DS, but has some key differences. It is a fighting game too, but has different characters, a different story, different levels, different moves and different modes. It is more action-oriented than Street Fighter, so you might prefer this to it.

Star Fox 64 3D [3DS] - This game doesn't have the best graphics, story or online ever, but it is a very fun game. It is a shooting/action game where you control either a spaceship, submarine or tank and blast your way through countless enemies and memorable stages. It also features wireless play with up to 4 friends!

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D [3DS] - A shooting game where you have to defend against increasingly hard amounts of incoming enemies zombies. A lot of action in here.

Once again, games with ** are ones I highly recommend you check out. Now, there are also some great action games that haven't come out yet because the 3DS is quite new. Here are a list of upcoming 3DS games that have great action:

Resident Evil: Revelations** - This is a shooting game where you defend yourself against zombies and other creatures. Many people say this game has the best graphics on the 3DS, and I agree. (This is coming in early 2012)

Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D** - This is probably one of the most action filled games coming to the 3DS. It features an x-military soldier stranded in a jungle filled with military units. You must fight, sneak and blast your way out! (Coming in early 2012).

Kid Icarus: Uprising** - This is an action/shooting game that follows Pit, a hero who fights gigantic creatures and enemies. It is made by Nintendo, just like the Zelda games, so you know it will be good because they made the 3DS! (coming in early 2012).

Monster Hunter 4** - This is an action/adventure game that doesn't involve shooting, but offers great exploration and action packed gameplay of you fighting your way through monsters and dinosaurs. It features great graphics and online multiplayer play too! (coming late 2012).

Now, not all of the great games on the DS and 3DS are action/shooting games. Here are some games that I recommend you get that are not really action, but still amazing!:

Super Mario 3D Land (coming this November)
Mario Kart 7 (coming this December)
New Super Mario Bros. DS (already out)
Animal Crossing: Wild World (already out)
Kirby Mass Attack (already out)
Professor Layton (already out)
Pilotwings Resort (already out)
Ridge Racer 3D (already out)
Luigi's Mansion 2 (coming in mid-2012)
Driver: Renegade 3D (already out)

So there is a massive list of great games for DS, for 3DS, that are action-based and that are not action based. I have given you a lot of options and hope you look in to some of them and find something you like! Enjoy your Nintendo 3DS, and enjoy whatever games you end up buying! Hope I helped!

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I need help building a computer to handle Diablo 3 and Battlefield 3 plus surfer and downloading ?

best gaming desktop 500 on Ozone Gaming Gear Ground Level Gaming Mouse Pad - PARENT ASIN from ...
best gaming desktop 500 image


I am Novice when it comes to building computers. I was tempted to buy the Walmart gaming desktop for under 500. But i rather ask first here. So if anyone can help. I will be extremely thankful. Note i dont have anything so if i could get a list of all the parts .
CyberpowerPC Black Gamer Ultra GUA250 Desktop PC with AMD Quad-Core FX-4100 Processor, 8GB Memory, 1TB Hard Drive and Windows 7 Home Premium with Windows 8 Pro Upgrade Option. NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 Graphics

With 1GB video memory, DVI, HDMI and VGA capabilities
this is what the gaming computer on the walmart has to offer .

first off. DO NOT BUY PRE-BUILT PCs.

Every single time, 1000 times out of 1000, the company of the computer you bought made profit by cutting costs such as giving you total SH i T components that aren't advertised on the specs. Like the power supply. Like the motherboard. Like the brand of video card (not the manufacturer of the reference model ATI/NVIDIA).

Build your own PC by buying a motherboard, processor, RAM, video card, hard drive, optical CD drive, power supply and case.

In the end, when you order all of your parts, you will save money that would have been profit in Walmart's pockets and whoever built your PC.

You learn about what's in the case. It's a rewarding feeling. You have 100% control. There's no bull s H_ it Indian tech support people to talk to.

Go to newegg. They're the most reliable website to buy PC parts. Start with a video card in your price range that has good benchmarks and reviews. This is the main component for video game performance. Once you pick one, find a motherboard that supports it (PCI express slots), a case that fits it (shouldn't be too hard, but be careful), make sure your processor matches the socket type of your motherboard, make sure your RAM works with your motherboard (keep in mind windows 32bit only supports 4GB or less of RAM, so get Windows 64-bit CD from new egg), use newegg's power supply calculator to find out how beefy of a powersupply you need, and always round up to play it safe. modular = no cables permanently attached to power supply (cleanest). semi-modular = only permanently attached cables are the ones you need (24pin mobo and 4+4 pin processor), so still nice.

the most reliable companies for each part in my opinion are listed below:

Motherboard: ASUS
Processor: Intel
RAM: Corsair
Video Card: AMD GPU, assembled by ASUS
Optical disk Drive: Very stupid almost-outdated thing but you need it to install your OS, go with ASUS OEM version. your power supply will come with the apropriate power cable and your motherboard will come with a data cable for it.
Hard Drive: Western Digital. Keep in mind they have 3 types, color coded. Green is for tree huggers, black is for performance. Go with caviar black.
Power supply: Corsair
If you get an SSD, go for Intel. SSDs are like hard drives, but have no moving parts. They are alot more expensive per gigabyte. But they are FAST. If you want Windows to load within 10 seconds of pressing the power button, install windows to the SSD. If you want your games to load FAST and perform BEAUTIFULLY, install it to the SSD. Put all of your files and music and videos on your HARD DRIVE because you don't need those to open quick lol.

1-500$ total price = your computer is for your grandmother for checking e-mails and playing solitaire and minesweeper.

501-799$ total price = your computer could probably play Battlefield 3 at an average resolution and medium settings at about 25fps (kinda crappy my friend)

800-999$ total price = you're building a good computer, could play BF3 at larger than average resolution at high settings at about 35fps (this is on the fence between good and bad, so why not spend a TINY bit more and have a GOOD PC? see below!~

1000-1200$ total price = if you have at least a 78xx card from AMD, you can play BF3 at large resolutions on ultra settings at about 50fps (amazing, my friend)

it will take a while and you will be very worried at times like i was during your build. you will have questions. i strongly urge you to watch Newegg's how to build a computer videos on youtube. there's 3 parts. 1 is choosing your components, which is what you have to do first. part 2 is building your computer. i watched that 45 minute video like 10 times (450 mins total, about 8 hours).

the tricky parts you gotta be careful about are as follows:

zero insertion force of CPU into motherboard socket.
always having to de-staticize yourself when touching your motherboard by touching a metal surface.
plugging in very small leads to jumper pins on your motherboard
screwing the fragile fricking motherboard on to the standoffs on your case

Good luck my friend. build it yourself and you will be happier and have better performance. i just built mine yesterday and im about to install the drivers and finish my college semester before i play some AWESOME games. i cant decide on battlefield 3 or waiting till BF4 ;D

forgot to list my personal opinion of the best company when it comes to the case. go with Corsair. the carbide 500r is perfect. that's what i built and it's amazing. JUST TAKE MY WORD BRO

How bad of an investment is a gaming laptop compared to a gaming desktop?

Don't knoc

In other words, can an $800 desktop outperform a $2000 laptop or is a $2000 laptop = $2000 desktop? If the previous is true, why don't I just by a cheap notebook and settle for a gaming desktop right?

Anyway, how BAD IS IT REALLY?

It's quite bad.... A $2000 laptop is about equal to a $1000 desktop, and a $900 laptop is about equal to a $500 desktop. You're losing more value because laptops aren't upgradeable other than RAM.... You can't install a newer, faster graphics card or CPU a year from now whereas on desktops you can. You can't install a better soundcard.

But no matter how much you spend, laptops cannot approach the performance of high-end desktops. Laptop components are weaker than their desktop counterparts, because they're engineered to be physically smaller, consume less power (to extend battery life) and generate less heat- absolute requirements if they're going to fit and work inside a laptop chassis.

If you look at the physical dimensions even $150ish desktop cards like the GTX 460 and Radeon HD 6850, most of the space those cards occupy is heatsink/cooling apparatus. That amount of cooling is required to run GPUs at such high clock speeds. And those cards need a spacious case with good airflow to run without overheating. Then of course you've got the power requirements- there's physically no room inside a laptop chassis for a 500W Corsair power supply. And as you progress to $250 and $350 cards, the need for power and cooling only increases.

On laptops, simple physics greatly reduces the performance of anything you can fit inside. There's no laptop you can buy which remotely approaches a $2000 desktop running dual GPUs in SLI or Crossfire. Even the highest-end laptops are fundamentally built for portability.

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What components i should use for a really good gaming pc?

best gaming pc to get on Rosewill to Launch New Throne Gaming Case and Dual LED ...
best gaming pc to get image


Im 13( a little early eh?) anyways im planning to build a gaming pc in the feature so any help would be appreciated from an experienced gaming pc builder
Thanks in advance :D

If you want a gaming PC that is affordable, go with an AMD APU (it combines both the CPU and GPU to increase speed and power efficiency), and go with an SSD instead of an HDD.

What gaming pc would work best for me?


I've been considering purchasing a gaming pc, as I've been gaming a lot more than I used to and found a pretty nice monitor just a little bit smaller than the average TV.

My laptop's obviously not really the best to play games on.

I'd like the games (stuff like Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Bioshock, etc) to look good and work smoothly. That's all.

Any ideas? Minimum requirements?

I suggest you CybertronPC, as you have said that you need a gaming PC to play games like Mass Effect, Assassins Creed and Bioshock. This PC is well built for game processing, it has 3.6 GHz quad-core of AMD, 8GB DDR3 SDRAM, 500 GB hard drive and 1 GB video card of AMD radeon.

So as far as gaming is concern it is a great machine to play high graphic games and the recommended specifications of the games you mentioned are lower than CybertronPC's this model. Here you can find actual user review of this gaming machine:

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