Saturday, March 8, 2014

How many games have received a 10 from Game Informer in there Monthly Game Informer Magazine?

Yahoo user

I was looking at the 219 issue (July 2011 issue) and I was looking at some of the reviews from past games and I saw multiple 9's, 9.25's, and 9.5's. I have also seen one 9.75 from a recent issue that was as far back as like issue 214 or more recent. The game was a PC game by the way. I have never seen a game receive a 10 though and I was wondering if a game ever did get a 10/10 from Game Informer. I have heard a Uncharted game received a 10 which I wouldn't be surprised if it did since it is a very great game. Anyways, can you provide some links to prove your answer on what games received a 10/10 from Game Informer and thanks in advanced.

Yes, the second uncharted received a 10/10; I do not know for sure about the first one. I know all 3 God of War games got a 10/10, and Bioshock got a 10/10, as did Metal Gear Solid 4. Starcraft 2 was also a 10 out of 10. Halo 2 and San Andreas were the only tied 10/10s ever, and GTA4 also got a 10/10. I could not find an organized list, however, so I do not know how many more there are. I do know that a Tony Hawk game was the first 10/10 that they gave, though.
Linked their website with proof of one of the 10/10s.

Please need help I need to find computer that a lower price but?


I'm looking for computer that has same hardware has this computer but has much lower price like 1000$. Can anyone here please help find computer like this but over 1000$. Because I know alienware over there stuff, are ripped offs prices they have. Plus is possible that if I buy computer on ebay that I might get screwed over. Because that's why I'm scared to buy a computer on ebay that's worth a 1000$ but get screwed over by the guy sold the computer and lied about his computer.

Try something like this for $1000. You will have to build it yourself.

It will have much better performance than the $3500 spec of the A51.

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Title Post: How many games have received a 10 from Game Informer in there Monthly Game Informer Magazine?
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Author: Unknown

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