Saturday, May 24, 2014

How to make a Gaming PC?


I need to know what is need to make a Gaming PC.

Detail information is fully appreciated.

A Gaming PC usually defined as a PC that is capable of playing the latest 3D games without any slowdown that can affect gameplay or reaction time.

To accomplish this you will need:
- Good CPU (multi-core processor so background process does not slow down your game).
- Ample RAM (so the game can load entirely into RAM and avoid swapping to hard drive).
- Good Graphic card (one that can play games at your desired setting at 30 frame-per-sec or better).
- Good PC case (one that is silent and have good airflow to cooldown your high performance components).
- Good Monitor (low latency and high refresh rate to eliminate ghosting and slow response).
- Gaming Keyboard/Mouse (can't play without a good, responsive input device).
- Gaming Headset (if you like to chat online and immersed in the 3D environment).

The choice of components will depend on your budget. Below I include a site that can help you decide which component you may be interested in to start building a gaming PC for any budget.

Good luck!

2 monitor pc gaming?????

Sam Turner

how do i make it so that when i go in a game, the display will use both monitors. it only uses my original one but the other monitor just stayes on desktop. how do i make it both display my game?

Play game in a window, not full screen. Drag window wider across the two screens.

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Is there a PC type of the game L.A Noire ?

Q. Is there a PC type of the game L.A Noire ?

Well , no , not yet , but the game will release for PC on December or October 2011 ...

** Hope i Helped ** :P



What is the best pre built pc you can buy to run fsx on high graphics i have a budget of about £1200 or roughly $1900 i tried to do this once before but failed and regretted it, so im looking for the best advice also are they coming out with a new fs anytime soon or any other company? any advice is appreciated thanks.

I think you need something similar to these setups. Both computers are able to run FS smoothly.

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Will the 2011 Dell Inspirion Duo run the PC game Crysis? If not, what portable laptop can?

Bryce F

I wanted to get a laptop as a graduation present, and I was looking for ideas. I was hoping I could get a newer one capable of running Crysis, and I was wondering if someone might be able to point me in the right direction.
The page with the Tech specs is here:

You're probably going to have to tell us the laptop specs in order for us to figure that out

What PC laptop should I get for college 2011?

Q. I am looking into the Sony Viao F series but I am really not sure what to look for. The only thing I do know is that I do not want a mac.

My advice would not be to get VAIO's with i5 or i7 processors because they get hot and limit what graphics cards you can have for gaming.
I have the 13.3 inch S series with i3, 1066 FSB, 4 GIG DDR3 RAM and Nvidia Gforce 310M, it runs cool and runs all games, it has a metallic magnesium cover and is very portable too.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=fa86220df897656f&biw=1366&bih=665

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What pc video games should I download?


I have this average computer with a bad flash card. What are some good pc shooter games to download that will actually work on my computer?

PC specs please

You noobs that pirate games will never fully experience the real game people that pirate CS:S once you pirate that it will be really hard finding servers since other people have different version of the game, and people usually make private servers from their purchase game and people that download CS:S from any torrenting site or warez community then will have to see if the version they download fits. Buy the games Counter Strike: Source its only $20 at a retail price all STEAM games are cheaper than all the other games and will always be popular no matter how long you stopped playing the game come back the next year it will still have more players playing. It also supports the developers I admit I used to pirate but when I start buying games I got more benefits than people who pirate.

STEAM games that will remain popular:
$20- Valve: Team Fortress 2 (Highly recommend you get it)
$8- Counter Strike: Source (Highly recommend you get it)
$5- Counter Strike: 1.6 (Highly recommend you get it)
$20- Left 4 Dead & 2 (Highly recommend you get it)
$20- Guild Wars (Ehh.. get it, buy it, play it, no monthly fees!!)

*Don't buy games with monthly fess they look cool but not many people will eventually logged in and play the game also they're not refundable*

Whats more important for video games on PC?(inside)?


the RAM, processor, or video card?

or do all of them matter?

Generally everything matters. A game will have a minimum required hardware to run it (always on low) on the back of the game box or on the website. That is the lowest amount of hardware you need. The most important/noticeable/what will hold your computer back in gaming/video edition/rendering etc. is the Video Card, RAM, CPU Ghz., Power Supply, and Motherboard.

Power Supply - Computer components all have a required # of amps, etc.
Ex. Video Card 1 requires 300 Volts. Videocard 2 requires 350 Volts. If your computer doesn't have enough volts it will burn up, and can catch on fire as well as others things.

Video Cards - Video cards handle the graphics for short and can add some speed to processing.

CPU Speed (Ghz) and how many "cores" defines how fast your computer can proccess operations and how many it can process. EX. Lets say you are a dual core CPU in real life...You can read yahoo answers and search on the internet, while also your body is taking innate control of your organ systems (organ systems = all non-major background proccesses *Task Manager --> show all proccesses)

Well a Quad-Core (4 cores) CPU is going to be faster most of the time then a duel core. It comes down to GHz also. Intel makes some Quad-cores that suck, so just because you find a cheap quad somewhere that looks shiny, look at its GHz (not overclock speed if its listed but regular GHz which will be listed directly). GHz in short = speed.

RAM - Is basically i guess what your would say temporary memory. Basically right now your using your RAM to remember half of what I just wrote, but it's not memorized yet permanently in your sub conscience. It's kind of like your computers short term memory basically. Then after your done with something, it dumps it (storing it on the hard drive or deleting it). 8GB is generally all you need for RAM and 4 GB can do just fine generally, it just depends on settings/game.

Motherboard - The motherboard is essential also most of the time when upgrading, it's like the backbone (nerve information super highway) sending/receiving info from all the parts to each other.

For more info see my link or search, What is (part here)? OR search "How to build my first Desktop PC" or something along those lines.

Hope that helps.

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Best Gaming Pc Headset?

Yoel Fried

Hey, I'm looking to buy the best gaming pc headset headphones and mic in one. I'm looking for quality because I want them for music and movies too and I would perfer if they connect through analog because I have the x-fi soundcard and want to use it. I heard of G930 and the A40 but I'm not sure

I really think Logitech Wireless Gaming Headset G930 with 7.1 Surround Sound is the best there is. I got one for my boyfriend some time ago and he was extra pleased with it. It seems that the 7.1 surround sound is incredible accurate and it blows your mind.

features (via Amazon)
Gaming-grade wireless: Reliable lag-free performance with up to 40 ft. wireless range (Actual wireless range will vary with use, settings and environmental conditions)
Immersive 7.1 surround sound: Advanced Dolby technology delivers detailed positional audio
Three programmable G-keys: Customize with one-touch commands over chat clients, voice morphing and more
Noise-cancelling boom mic: Reduces background noise and auto mutes when rotated up
Works with Windows-based PCs

Best pc gaming headset?


I want a good headset with a very good bass, microphone and noise cancelling. Some sick sound would be great, like 7.1 or something :D I want it to look cool and be comfortable. But try to keep it under around 200$. :D

The Ear Force PX5 by turtle beach are amazing. They sounds great, are very strong as well as cute and comfortable. They are also programmable so that you can program them for specific games to get the best possible sounds. These headphones are also compatible with ps3, xbox 360 as well as PC. So here you have an ultimate gaming headset. It is not too expensive either. It is sold at amazon for$159.99. Here is a link >

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Friday, May 23, 2014

Highest possible PC configuration for 3ds max 2011?


Hi, i going to purchase 1 workstation for 3ds max 2011. This PC should last me about 4-5 years. Autodesk only gives the min requirement for the software and i've not ideal what's the latest hardware available now. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. :D
Thanks for all your answer. It's been helpful. i've actually don't have a lot of budget to work with, only around 7 to 8k only. i can only hope to get as high as possible to last me 2 to 3 upgrades of software, else i'll be stuck without upgrade for the next 5 yrs. :(

Thanks all. :)

It sounds like you are preparing to have a lot of fun!
A couple of things you didn't mention:

1. When you say "state of the art" what computer class are you referring to? Laptop? Desktop? Industrial Super Computer?

2. What's your budget? 'This question's for the little people'... or 'I'm eating cat food after buying 3ds Max 2011!'.?

So, I'm gonna assume you mean what's best suited for the application within corporate reason. So. if it were MY birthday instead of yours, I'd put together a desktop system incorporating the following:

Intel Core i7 995X @ 3.60GHz CPU (And possibly overclock it to over 4Ghz)
EVGA X58 Classified 4-Way SLI Motherboard
Thermaltake VN10001W2N Level 10 GT Full Tower Case
Thermaltake Spin Q CPU Cooler (With LGA 1366 Socket Support)
Ultra Electronics Card Systems 1600W X3 Modular Power Supply
24GB of DDR3 1600MHz (or faster) Dynamic RAM
2 SLI'ed Nvidia Quadro 6000s (if you call Bill Gates 'daddy'... biological or sugar.)* OR
4 SLI'ed Nvidia GeForce GTX 580 GPUs (which together, will cost less than one Quadro 6000!)*
2 SATA 3.0 6Gb/S Controllers
4 Crucial C300-CTFDDAC256MAG SSD drives configured in RAID 10 (for OS, programs, active projects and virtual memory)
4 or 6 Hitachi Deskstar 3TB 7200 RPM 64MB SATA 3.0 6.0Gb/s 3.5in Hard Drives in RAID 10 or 5 (for data and local project archives)
Several External USB or eSATA Drives (for off-system/off site backup).
Acer GN245HQ Flatscreen Monitor
Nvidia 3D Vision Kit
Blue Ray Burner
Wireless Keyboard and Mouse
Windows 7
Open Office
Service Contract

*Note: Actually despite the cost, one GTX 580 is faster in ALMOST every way than the Nvidia Quadro 6000. But the Quadro was optimized for CAD and simulations. So one or two Quadro's is faster at 2D & 3D rendering, and higher precision math... while a GTX 580 will be faster with animation, games, and EVERYTHING else. While 4 GTX580s won't get you past 15 digits of mathematical perfection, an array of 4 of them will dust most everything else on the planet! (the Quadra 6K is 13th down the list!)

I just noticed what Adam wrote. He's right about the diference between professional GPU and consumer ones. Another reason the Quadras will offer smoother and faster rendering is that it has 6GB of display memory. But it only has 448 processor cores (What the!?! Did I just say JUST 448 processors??) while the GTX 580 has 512(!!), and 4 of them will together also have 6GB of RAM. However, as Adam aptly noted, Nvidia definitely has high performance drivers for the Quadras. I haven't seen any for the 580, though it's FAR above Autodesk's GPU requirements. So before you buy anything you should give Nvidia a call (they are nice, laid back and VERY helpful) and get their 2 cents. BUT the general rule is that you (hopefully) get what you pay for. The Quadra 6K costs more than 3K. The GTX 580 costs around $500! However you should be able (ask Nvidia about this too) to put 4 Quadra 6000s in the system I described... That should be fast enough not to have to worry about it as other things in your system will be more of a bottleneck. But seeing that the 580's the fastest, most powerful GPU in the world... fast enough to take your head KLEEN off... That just leaves one question. DO YOU HAVE $14,000.00 to spend just on video cards? WELL? Do ya... punk??

You're probably too young to know what I'm talking about! :D
Clint? Dirty Harry? No? OK.

Oh yeah...
Don't hold your breath for Shady Bridge. Intel has to re-do the silicon!

Best/Cheapest Gaming PC or Should I build one?


Title says it all basically, what is the best and cheapest gaming PC of 2011?

Or would I be better off building one? I'm kinda on a budget of under 600 or 500 right now.


I would recommend a build over a bought one, genuinely it's a cheaper. For 600$, you can build a pretty decent gaming machine so long as you exclude all I/O devices such as monitors, mouse & keyboards,etc.
If possible, swap some of your old hardware/software from your current PC to the new one, such as the Operating system and hard drives. This will save you a bit of cash. that can be spent on more essential hardware such as CPUs or video cards.

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Do i really want a 900 euro gaming pc?


I've been wanting a gaming pc for months now. I've been whining and bitching about it to my parents. Now i finally may buy it. I have 1200 euro and it feels like i'm wasting my money.. I've been a console gamer since i was 8 i'm 15 now. I want to buy a gaming pc for the graphics,resolution etc..... But it doesn't feels right. Overall console gaming is more relaxing then pc gaming. And mostly people that play on pc are nerds unlike me. I can consider buying a ps4. But after months of whining,bitching and crying it makes me look completely stupid and undecidable. Please guys help me out here!

900 euros is quite a lot, there are great gaming pcs on the market for a lot less.
For exmple this pc, its already built and reduced from £750 (889.58 euros).

At £500 (593.05 euros) it can run pretty much any game you throw at it with ease and on rather high graphic settings. It is also very easy to upgrade as the components can be easily interchanged.
Hope this helps :)

Building Gaming PC with a budget of $800-$900?


What are the best specs i can get from that amount of money? I already have mouse, monitor, keyboard, and speakers. Buying all parts from

$900 can get you pretty far.
Optical drive

This will chew through any game you can throw at it. I didn't include a 3rd party HSF, since you don't need it, but if you want one for better temps, cooler operation, or over clocking, factor in about $30 for a Cooler Master Hyper 212+. Other than that, this is a solid rig for relatively little money.

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Is this a Good Gaming PC?


Hi. I've been recenlty building some pc's (online) and found one i really like for about $900 ($1000 with shipping/tax) I was wondering if this was a good gaming pc, or if not, what shohuld i upgrade! Heres a pic of the specs! Theres a lot...

Its sure is a good gaming rig, the processor is top notch and the amount and type of RAM is good so you won't face any lag or processing issues ever. Gaming mouse and keyboards are a personal preference but the one with this bundle is quite good and above average.
PSU is enough to power up all the components though i recommend that you go for a 500W or 600W PSU for keeping you future proof and also coz its the life line of all your expensive components so keep it the best you can.
The only thing that problematic here is the graphic card as it a 4GB DDR3 which is only suited for multi-monitor setups and will not give you a very good performance while gaming as a DDR3 memory is slow and can never process all that 4GB of memory in tight and fast situations like gaming and would prove to be a bottle neck for all the other high quality components in your rig so i highly recommend that you go for either of these they are in the same price range as the one that you are planning to buy:
Sapphire AMD/ATI HD 7750 1 GB GDDR5
Zotac NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 1GB DDR5
If you can extend your budget then do go for:
PowerColor AMD/ATI HD 7750 1 GB GDDR5 or
Sapphire AMD/ATI HD 7770 1 GB GDDR5

Other than this you have a very good machine change the GPU and i'll rate it 8/10

You can see this article if you like for any further guidance:

Hope that i was helpful enough :)

video game graphics peaked?


I've been noticing that the graphics of the newer games are the same, have they finally ran out of ideas? like how cod black ops looks the same as the new elder scrolls skyrim. has anyone ever heard of octrees? why have they never used those before?
good points, i'm just saying, if they were to make the new xbox successor in 2015 use octrees, that would be fu**ing amazing, you could put so much in to that little disk of theirs. and are they still going to use disks? or are they just going to put all of it on the cloud?
@ nasty1.

no one said that they don't care about the game itself. i was just wondering why i see all these game reveiw plays and the graphics were identical.

The main reason game graphics seem to have halted somewhat at the moment is because developers usually aim games at consoles, as that's where they sell best. Even multi platform games where the primary platform is pc like battlefield 3 need to run well on consoles, and for this reason, at the moment developers are limited by console hardware. They've simply pushed Xbox 360 and PS3 to their limits and beyond what they thought they were capable of. We won't see better graphics in games until the next generation of consoles come out, which will most likely happen between Q4 2013 and Q4 2015

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Building A Gaming PC?


I am planning to buy the following Items. I would like some opinons from all you PC savvy people; also, i would like to know if a certain product dosent work with another one... Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Kentsfield 2.4GHz LGA 775 Quad-Core Processor Model BX80562Q6600, ASUS P5N-D LGA 775 NVIDIA nForce 750i SLI ATX Intel Motherboard, Kingston 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory, HITACHI Deskstar 7K1000 HDS721010KLA330 (0A35155) 1TB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive - OEM, XFX PVT94PYDDU GeForce 9600GT XXX 512MB 256-bit GDDR3 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Supported Video Card, LITE-ON Black SATA Blu-ray DVD-ROM Drive Model DH-4O1S-08, LITE-ON Black 16X DVD-ROM 52X CD-R 32X CD-RW 52X CD-ROM 2MB Cache IDE Combo, RAIDMAX Scorpio ATX-868WBP Black 0.8mm Japanese SECC ATX Mid Tower Computer Case 420watts PS2 ATX12V Power Supply, SAMSUNG 2043BWX High Gloss Piano Black 20" 5ms Widescreen LCD Monitor with Height & Pivot Adjustments and 2-port USB
Thank You!
I can't afford another Video Card at this time, but thank you!
Oh, an i will most def. gat a bigger power supply!!
Thx again Luke

Deja-Vu, what do you mean by The card needs 500+ and adding the processor?
Quad-Core or Dual-Core?? Which one??

I'd recommend visiting the Ars Technica system guide for some ideas on components for your build. You should find it useful.

Just some other thoughts; since this is a gaming PC, your better off sticking with the cheaper dual core processor and getting yourself a better graphics card (8800GT or better), or dual cards. Mostly because most programmes (including games) out there today have barely started using dual cores, much less four, so you wont actually see any kind of improvement in terms of gaming performance. You will, however, if you put that money into a better graphics card (and really, you can't go wrong with a shiny new 8800GT!).

Another thing, June should see the release of ATi's next-gen card, which is looking to be quite a monster, and shortly after Nvidias next card should also be released (ahh, competition!), which is looking to be a monster as well. Either way, you may be better off waiting a month and getting one of those two (tentatively, the Radeon 4800 series and the geForece 9900).

Power supply is quite important, it's important to get yourself something thats good quality. I'm quite partial to the Corsair VX550W, which is a very high quality PSU for its price, along with Corsairs excellent customer service.
review here

Have fun with your build, and good luck!

Gaming Pc Help!!!!!!!!!?


Hi im going to build a gaming pc that will be able to play all of the latest games on max. He is what I have so far:

Asus P8Z68-V PRO Z68 Socket 1155 8 Channel HD Audio ATX Motherboard
Arctic Power 700W PSU - 4x SATA 1x PCI-Express
Intel Core i5 2500K 3.3GHz Socket 1155 6MB Cache Retail Boxed Processor
Sony Optiarc AD-7260B 24x DVD±RW & DL SATA Optical Drive - OEM Black
Seagate 1TB 3.5" Sata-III 6GB/s Barracuda Green Hard Drive - 5900RPM 32MB Cache
D-Link Gigabit PCI Card
G Skill 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1333mhz Ripjaws Memory Kit CL9 (9-9-9-24) 1.5V
Sweex All-in-1 Internal Card Reader. OEM
EVGA GeForce GTX 580 1536MB DDR5 PCIe

is this all compatible? if not what would be?

all I need now is a computer case which one would you recommend? (i dont need the greatest one in the world just one that will do the job!)

oh yes almost forgot, Creative Sound Blaster Audigy SE 7.1 OEM PCI Soundcard thanks. any ideas on computer case?

For gaming that build is one of the best you can get, there are a few things I will point out though:

1. I don't really recognize Artic power supplies so I will only recommend what I know: the Corsair TX650 would be a great choice, so would any other 600W+ power supply from good brands like Antec or Seasonic. If you are planning in later adding a second GTX 580 you should get something like a Corsair TX850 instead to provide enough power;

2. Make sure the memory modules you've chosen are designed for your motherboard (check within the motherboard supported and recommended RAM as well in the actual RAM specs). Also, higher speed and lower timings is always welcome;

3. As for a case, if money isn't an issue the Antec Twelve Hundred, Cooler Master HAF-X, Corsair 600T, Corsair 800D, Silverstone RV03 and Silverstone FT02 are all excellent choices. However, if your budget is tighter you can choose a quality mid tower like the Antec Nine Hundred Two, Cooler Master 690 II Advanced, Thermaltake Element G, Lian-Li K58/W and Lian-Li PC-K62, which are all very good options;

4. Don't care about the people that tell you to get an Extreme Edition i7 processor, that's just useless, stupidly expensive and will actually perform worse in gaming than the i5 2500K because it's an older and outperformed technology;

I think this is all I had to mention about your build, hope it helped.


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Thursday, May 22, 2014

best pc game Peripherals?


i was wondering what the best pc game accessories like mice, gamepads , keyboards for fps games, mmorpg, and sport games?

Logitech G15 Gaming keyboard.
Creative Labs Fatality1 gaming headphones
Belkin n52te gaming pad
Razor Diamondback mouse with a Zero gaming mouse pad

Good PC Games/Peripherals to get the most out of my gaming PC :D?

who da man

Name anything, whether it be games, mice, speakers or something completely original and awesome


I use Logitech surround sound speakers, the z-5500, powerful and perfect for gaming.

The Logitech G11 keyboard, backlit blue, its way cool, and has 16 programmable keys.

F.E.A.R. 2
Mass Effect (GREAT cinematics)
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Crysis still looks amazing
And Burnout Paradise are all great looking games for the PC.

I use a Samsung TOC 22" monitor, super bright and amazing response time.

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Why does my PS3 lag offline on most games on 23 inch full 1080p LED PC monitor ?


So for 2 years I've played on my PC which was a very powerful rig ! But recently last week, I bought a PS3 Slim & I've been noticing some lag (basically rendering lag,) on most games like KZ2 (appears to run in about 35 to 40 fps & not 60), Fallout 3 GOTY (same problem), etc ! Overall the gameplay is smooth & fps are constant but it feels to me that I'm getting about 35-40 fps on all games & not more than that ! Why is this so ? Is it because I've been gaming on my powerful PC rig in the past @ 60fps ? Is it because of my small size of PC monitor (using HDMI though !)? Can someone name me some games that run a.) full 1080p b.) 60fps constant (a. & b. can be different) ? It's getting more than enough air-flow as I've placed a big ass giant table fan in front of it & after touching it for more than 5 hour, I can safely say it's not overheating or getting hot AT ALL !! It's mildly hot (but as you'd except, not more) !

What do you guys think is it me being paranoid (especially because I gamed on my powerful PC for so long) ? Is this the same feeling everyone gets while playing ? Or is it just me ? Will buying a 40+ inch HDTV solve my problem to some extent ! PLz.. tell me the cheapest price of a 40 inch full HDTV (don't care about company/manufacturer, i just want an estimation of cheapest quality 40inch HDTV) ? What do you think ? Can this be because of a cheap HDMI cable (red in colour)

Any PC gamer turned to PS3 gamer's advice would be really helpful, also someone gaming a PS3 on 25 inch or low monitor advice would be appreciated !

Your problem actually stems from your PS3 and not your monitor. Had the same problem when I switched to a PS3 when my PC blue-screened on me. Also, contrary to popular opinion, Fallout 3 GOTY is not perfect. In fact, a week into buying the game, i had 7 freezes and 2 crashes on my Fallout 3 GOTY, on a MONTH OLD PS3 ! The size of the monitor doesn't matter, as I run mine on a 21 inch LG monitor at 720p. My advice to you would be, if you have such a powerful PC, play Fallout on said PC. Leave the PS3 for console-only games. I've always noticed Fallout working better on the PC anyway.

Good PC gaming monitor?


Right now I'm using a 1440x900 Samsung 19' monitor for all my gaming, but I'm looking to get something bigger.

The specs I want are 1920x1200 resolution (only 16:10 ratios, not a fan of the TV style 16:9), with a size of 24". Under 6ms lag would be cool also.

Any brand, and obviously cheaper is better... ;)


Any monitor you get that is bigger will work, what you should look into if you're worried about the resolution is your graphics card. Every graphics card has a limit to the resolution that they're capably of displaying. Mine, for example, is capable of displaying only up to 1440x900 (ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO). Check your settings on your current gfx card by going to the desktop settings and seeing what the max possible resolution is on yours. If yours can display what you're looking for, then just get a bigger monitor, preferably one with HD capabilities. If you can't display the resolution you're looking for, get a new graphics card along with your new monitor.

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A really good power supply to buy for my gaming pc ?


I had a corsair 600watts at the beginning of this year an it went bad just recently. Whenever I tried to power on my pc it came on for a second and went back off. I don't know what caused the problem but what are some top quality brands when talking about power supplies ? And what are some of the advantages of buying a top quality power supply over a standard one ( i mean like does it protect my other components from damage if failure occurs ?)

My pc:
CPU - i5 2500k
GPU - GTX 560 ti
Ram - 8Gb corsair vengeance
MOB - Gigabyte Z68

Corsair? really? it just broke after a year?

I though Corsair is top quality!
I have a Corsair TX 850 on it's 3rd year of use- no problems! excellent power supply.

Is this all I need for my new Gaming PC? Need help finding a case with power supply too.?


Here is the link for all my parts. I am guessing I'm going to need a case with a power supply that has at least 450W. Send links please. I'm not the best with hardware. If you suggest something else, let me know and send links with your comment. Same thing for the case, I cannot stress this enough. Send links. Thank you.

I would go with a 600w+ power supply bcouse its more upgrade friendly and you need a case that fits your needs its hard to say what fits your needs but heres a shot

This is a 600w power supply its from corsair so its reliable, its modular so its easyier to cable manage and its 80 pluss so it uses less power (don't skimp on a power supply as it could malfunction and ruin your computer)

Here is a few suggestions on case

1.silence & space gaming case & style & easy cable management

Also you might look into a dedicated sound card for awsome sounds.

1.older but, better than no sound card

2.newer and optimized for gaming

If your looking for a how to video check this out

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tips on building my first gaming pc?


ok so i havnt hunted around for bargains on parts yet so these prices may be a little but high

New MSI N250GTS Twin Frozr 1G OC GDDR3 PCIe Video Card= $200
Corsair Dominator GT 6GB DDR3 Kit 1600Mhz C7 3x 2GB New= $400
Intel Quad Core i7 930 CPU 2.80Ghz X58 LGA1366 Socket= $360
Cooler Master 600W Power Supply= $150
Asus P6T Deluxe V2 LGA 13666 Intel X58 DDR3 Motherboard= $350
Seagate Barracuda 3.5 inch SATA 1.5TB Internal Hard Dri= $210
Cooler Master Storm Scout in Black Gaming ATX Mid-Tower= $150

these prices are all in australian dollars and come to a total of about $2000 which is something like $1600 american dollars.
so does anyone have tips on stuff i might add and stuff i might take?? have i forgotten anything? and if you could give any tips in detail it would be appreciated cos as i said this is my first pc i have built from scratch =) thanks
alright if u could email me the wish list it would be good =)
if any 1 wants to email me information u can get me at

a mid tower wont be big enough for a gamer pc. with psu cables and graphics cards getting to the size they are...

that graphics card is just below what a gamer should have. i strongly recommend ati but if fixed on nvidea a gtx 260 is the card to buy. if ati get a 5770 hd or 5830 hd or higher if can afford.

you also seemed to have gone for all the most expensive bits. expensive doesnt always mean the best. look at some reviews of the MoBo etc.

i just built a new gaming machine amd based and it cost me under $1000

i have 2 moniters but already had them.

mid tower case (getting upgraded).

asus 890gx MoBo with USB3

amd phenom 2 1055t x6 core

4 GB ddr3 1333mhz corsair (i max every game i have out and i play games like crysis, crysis warhead, COD MW2 all on a 64 bit windows 7 and havent used above 3 gigs of ram yet, getting 6 gigs will be pointless unless planning on doing a load of computer aided design type work)

ati 5770 hd 1 gig

corsair tx650w PSU

my case has a 140mm, 120mm and another 120mm intake fan and a 120mm exhaust fan and the cpu doesnt go above 40 degrees under load with stock cooler saving yet more money :)

500 giggy hard drive (sold my 320 gig one with last gaming rig that was intel so getting a new one soon thinking about SSD though)

this is a mean machine and will rival any i7 rig at simple gaming a operating system task performance. yes the i7 will shine at things like HD video coding and editing along with some cad but at a hefty price tag. amd phenom 2 hex cores are realitivly cheap take a look

Build a Gaming decent pc?


Can someone build me a gaming pc on i want it to be ivy bridge based and for 600 or 500 dollars including the os. want it to be as high performance for the price willing to pay

what this is? pc
2.gaming pc (games like skyrim,battlefield,gta iv,sleeping dogs etc....1080p high @ 40-55 fps)
3.ultimate power saver

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: Intel Core i3-3220 3.3GHz Dual-Core Processor ($118.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: ASRock B75M-DGS R2.0 Micro ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($54.98 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: G.Skill Sniper Low Voltage Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($76.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.99 @ NCIX US)
Video Card: MSI Radeon HD 7770 GHz Edition 1GB Video Card ($70.00 @ Newegg)
Case: NZXT Source 210 Elite (White) ATX Mid Tower Case ($43.26 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: Raidmax 500W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($44.99 @ Amazon)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($17.98 @ Outlet PC)
Total: $487.18
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-08-09 01:55 EDT-0400)

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Gaming laptops for under 1000 dollars?


What is a good gaming laptop for playing games such as starcraft 2 dota2 leauge of legends with high frames and and atleast normal graphics quality.

These two ASUS can handle most games with no problem.
Core i7-3630QM(2.4GHz) 15.6" 8GB Memory 1TB HDD 5400rpm DVD±R/RW NVIDIA GeForce GT 635M 1920 x 1080 1 Year Accidental Damage/30-Day Zero Bright Dot

This one is $100 over but it is a good gamer
Core i7 3630QM(2.40GHz) 17.3" 12GB Memory 500GB HDD 7200rpm DVD±R/RW NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670M 1920 x 1080 1 Year Accidental Damage/30-Day Zero Bright Dot

This HP can be customized to what you need. If you want better performance upgrade the APU to a A10, dedicated graphics and increase the ram to 8GB.;pgid=c7twGfjc0ptSRpIq7ZUcoGXQ0000fb8mNv9y;sid=NID2W1inOb6JXwkRbh2qz4GoAJwzDmy78dUe8LW2AJwzDtPc7Kuhl6jI?HP-ENVY-15z-j000-Notebook-PC A8-5550M APU HD 8000 Series Graphics 6GB DDR3 750GB 5400 rpm HD Starting at $530

This HP can be customized to. Upgrade the Graphics to NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M 2048MB of dedicated video memory. Do not get this lappy without the graphics upgrade. i7-4700MQ 8GB DDR3 1TB 5400 rpm Hard Drive Starting at $870

Brand buying advice

You get what you pay for. Systems with high end parts with low prices are to be viewed with suspicion. They have to cut corners somewhere to get the price down. What cost you less today is going to cost you more tomorrow.

Apple makes a good quality laptop. The problem comes when it requires service or minor upgrades. It is near impossible to do anything with them. They even glue the battery and hard drive down so you can not change it. They solder the ram to the logic board so you can not increase it. They lock up most of the software so your stuck with what they approve.

Lenovo has serious stand behind their product problems. They bought IBM PC division and proceeded to drive the quality of the system into the ground. Their customer service is well below par. They even makes Dell customer service look good. Lenovo will not allow people to read instruction on how to access the BIOS menu or to get info on their puters on their web site unless you connect to them thru Facebook. They do this so they can spy on their users. The last and final thing to remember about them is they are a Chinese Government own company. It is up to you if you want to trust them.

Toshiba, Panasonic, Sony should be avoided because of their heavy modification of Windows and the drivers. If you remove some of the bloat they install, you can cripple the system.

Acer, Gateway, and eMachines should be avoided period. Low end system that are driving the race to the bottom.

Dell once made a good system and fell from grace. They are now struggling to regain their place in the market. Customer service is one of many problems with this company.

Alienware are glorified Dells and are more name then product. Priced extremely high for what you get. They do perform but you can get the same for less by looking around, just not packaged to be eye candy to the gamers.

Samsung has a history of using cheap parts in critical areas. Capacitors has been one area Samsung has a known history of going cheap, causing units to fail early. For that reason I would avoid them.

ASUS and HP do not modify Windows as bad as the other manufacturers. They have excellent build quality. They might add a lot of bloat but they also makes it easy to get rid of it.

Ultrabooks are the higher end of Wintel laptops but they have some of the same concerns as Apple. They make it next to impossible to change any hardware in them. Service of them will have to be done by the manufacturers. With most of them, you can not change your own battery or hard drive. They are designed to catch your eye but they are not any more special then other laptops except for the fact that they are slim or thin. Your paying for it being thin and slim. For the money your going to spend on it you can buy a much better laptop with more power.

Hybrids are the worse of the worse. The flip or detachable touch screens are just a disaster waiting to happen.

Never buy an All In One. They are far worst then laptops of any kind to service and they have a higher failure rate.

Choose wisely.


Good Pre-built Gaming PC under 1000 dollars?

Luke Smith

It would be nice if it had an i5, 8 gigs of ram, and if possible, 750 watt psu. Don't say alienware. Thanks.

It comes with an i5 cpu, 8Gb memory, 800 watt power supply, GTX 560 1Gb graphics card, Blue Ray Player, 3yr warranty, and 1TB Hard Drive. And the current selection comes with 20 dollar MIR. You can also change the case and other items to suit your needs. If you dont want the blue ray you can save yourself 40 dollars. Only pain about this website shipping is very expensive 75 dollars for 10-15 days. But there are coupon codes that work myspace for $30 off with price $799+ and Spring0410 for 5% off 999+.

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Is My Graphics Card Bad (2013)?


I have a Fujitsu laptop that's almost 2 years old. I can't play many online video games that I would like to (such as Tera), and even the ones I can play lag horribly unless I have the graphics on the lowest settings. I want to know If I should give up hope on this laptop and save for a new one, or if I can maybe fix it... With something else? o-o

Added Note: I can run Tera, but it must be on the lowest graphic settings and it still lags a bit with that.

My card is: Intel(r) graphics media accelerator HD
Memory size for the card is 1722MB

Specification is: Intel(R) Core i5 CPU M 480 @ 2.67GHz

Please and thank you ^^

Thomas Edison has a better graphics card than you buddy. Your best bet is saving up for a nice new gaming PC. Go about 600 dollars on it, and I promise you, you can play any game on Low-Med graphics. bro.

Can i run new Games on my PC..?

Mohammad W

My computer specs are:
OS : Windows 7 Ultimate
Processor : Intel Core 2 duo E6300 ~1.9Ghz
Memory : 2GB
Graphics Card : SAPPHIRE HD 5450 1GB DDR3 PCI.e HDMI

Can anybody tell me will I be able to run new 2013 games like DMC : Devil May Cry, Resident evil 6, Crysis 3 or Tomb Raider on medium to high settings because I don't want to play them with all the effects turned off..??
Also will my PC be able to run upcoming games like Splinter cell Blacklist..??
If not... Do I have to upgrade my CPU or GPU, or overclocking the Graphics card will work...??

Any help will be appreciated.... Thanks in Advance..........!!!!!
Thanks for the Info.... But i wanted to ask will i able to, at least, play those games without lagging..??
Because i am a little short on budget so i can't just upgrade the whole system... What if I just upgrade my GPU..?? & what games I can play on my current PC..??
If any one can tell me I'll be highly thankful....!!!!

you need an upgrade

intel core 2 quad processor
2 gb ram
gt 440,gt 430,hd 6570,hd 6670,gts 250 (one of this cards)


1.Always choose the latest cpu
2.Choose cpu by its cores
3.Choose cpu by its cache size
4.Choose cpu by its frequency
5.Choose cpu by its benchmark score
6.Choose cpu by comparing
7.When looking at intel core series cpu like i3 dual core remember each core is hyper threaded so it will work as well as amd fx-quad core cpu's...............

(-) means old from 2007-2010
(+) means new from 2011-2013

Intel Core 2 Quad/(-)
Intel Celeron G1610,G1620/(+)
Intel Pentium 2010,2020,2120/(+)
Intel i3 3220,3225,3240/(+)
Intel i5 2500k,3570k/(+)

Anthlon 2 x4/(-)
Phenom 2 x4/(-)
APU A10-5800K/(+)
Fx 8350/(+)



1.Choose memory by its frequency
ex:ddr3 1866mhz is twice better than ddr3 1066mhz

2.Both the motherboard & cpu should support the speed of ram
ex:if you select ddr3 1600mhz both cpu & mobo should support it

3.If you pair a high speed ram with low speed ram the system will run both the rams by lowest frequency
ex:if you put ddr3 1066mhz and ddr3 1600mhz both rams would run at 1066mhz

4.Always remember to do dual channel memory
ex:2x2 ram or 4x2 ram

5.Make sure your ram fits to your mobo standards


1.Choose a mobo that fits into your case

2.Choose a mobo that supports your cpu socket type
ex:lga 775,lga 1155,am2+,am3,fm2

3.Choose a mobo with higher ram speed support

4.Choose a mobo with more futures
ex:crossfire,sli,pcie 3.0,sata 6gb/s


1.Choose by cache size
ex:64mb cache is 4x better than 16mb cache

2.Choose by rpm
ex:7200rpm is twice better than 5400 rpm

3.Choose by speed
ex:sata 6.0gb/s is twice better than sata 3.0gb/s

4.choose by capacity
ex:1tb is much better than 250gb

5.Graphics card

-There are two main gpu company's nVidia & AMD..........
-AMD cards are cheaper than nVidia
-nVidia cards are expensive but they perform slightly better than AMD
-AMD HD 5450 is worst amd card & Geforce GT 210 is worst nVidia Card
-In GPU 64bit low cards,128 bit mid cards,256bit high end
-Dont compare any cards by its memory or how it looks...

-In AMD cards 1st digit defies the sereies last 3 defies performance....
example:AMD HD 4,5,6,7 series 400+ very low,500+ medium,700+ high,800+ ultra
example:AMD HD 4850 would perform twice better than AMD HD 6450

-In nVidia cards 1st digit specifies the series and last 2 the performance...
example:Geforce GT 2,3,4,5,6 series 10+ low,30+ medium,50+ high
example:Geforce GT 440 would work twice better than Geforce GT 610

-some cards work on 300w example:gt 210,gt 220,gt520,gt610,gt 620,hd 5450,hd 6450,hd 5670
-some cards work on 400w example:hd 6670,gt 440,gt 640
-some cards work on 500w example:hd 7750,gts 450,gtx series.....

6.Computer Case & PSU

Use this website to calculate the amount of power required

Choose any case that looks good for you..........

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recommendation on a pre-built gaming pc website?


yes i know i should build my own to save money or get someone to do this, but i am unable to do either so I need one that is already made.

Below are the sites I have looked at, which of these would be the best to order from or is there another site that is better? and if you really want to be my hero list what parts I should get using the website. Im looking to spend around $800, but can go up to 900 if needed, for just the pc but i need everything operating system included but have speakers monitor and keyboard/mouse. I want to be able to play most of the new games coming out this year I dont need max settings but dont want min either. thanks

I understand some people don't want to build their PC, that is good news for you though because I have looked at all of these sites and found Ibuypower is cheaper than building your own. Digitalstorm is a worse value and your budget has to be pretty high for them almost 1600 cyberpower has a slightly lower cost effectiveness than ibuypower but seems to be a slightly larger company. Aside from the value they seem to have good reviews over all I have heard some stories where people get bad motherboards or other defective parts or shipments take too long. In almost all of these circumstances I have heard that Ibuypower has resolved their issue with a quick phone call. Defects happen with every company you can try HP if you want a main stream custom build but I would just go with Ibuypower if I were you. If you choose hp it will be next to impossible to upgrade or change any parts yourself the others will be very friendly to upgrading and changing parts.
for more info on each of these companies here are ratings on them.

Here is a custom PC build from ibuypower that should be suited for you needs

if you go to the services&support tab and change the shipping to deferred delivery you get 5% off if you enter in the coupon code "defer" at checkout.

PC Games...?


Where can I get trainers or cheats for
1. GTA: San Andreas
2. NFS: Most wanted
3. Boiling Point
4. Half Life 2
jhnedrmr, thanks for your concern but I don't have the time to look for a good site manually. What is Y!A for if I can't get some help here?

Take these links for your games about cheats from (the great website for games ever)
For GTA: San Andreas go to this link: (my favorite game till now)
For NFS: Most wanted go here: (great race game ever made)
For Boiling Point here my friend: (never play it)
For Half Life 2 go go go: (WOW, great game, love it 2 much) ;)
To get cheats and hints for any game you want just go to and search for the game and get the cheats for it, and I can assure you is this website is the great and the safe for game cheats and info and reviews in the Internet.

P.S I not advice you for trainers because the most of them comes with spywares and viruses.

Good luck bro.

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Gaming Pc for under 500$?

I decided I want to build my own gaming pc from scratch. What would you guys recommend to buy for under 500$? ie(motherboard, processor, ram, videocard, case)

$500 isn't very much to work with in terms of a gaming PC - to be honest you probably need to spend $100 - $150 + just on a graphics card (depending on the type of gaming you do) so now were down to $400. I have a geforce 9800GT which is amazing for the price. If you go a little cheaper (like I did) you can always pick up another down the road and SLI them.

Ram - you could probably pick up 2gb (which is more than enough for the average person) for $50 (personally I would go with ddr3 since it's the newest, might cost a little more, but well worth it).

$300 - $350 left.

Mobo - AMD will be the cheapest route to go for what your getting. I have a Phenom II x4 945 which cost me about $177 after tax, amazing CPU, put probably out of your range.
I would suggest something like this.

With a good CPU cooler you could easily overclock that to 3.6

$200 - $250 left.

Motherboard - assuming you went with my suggestion, you would need a AM3 compatible board, and ddr3 for the newest ram. This is the board I just ordered, for the price, it's a great deal. You'll get AM3, DDR3, SLI options, HDMI, etc..

Now were down to about $150

You still need a case, dvd drive, and power supply... I have an Antec 300 which cost me $50. I love it, now window, but you can always mod it if that's the stuff your into.

Power supply, I would go at least 750w, I think I spent about $70 for mine, just shop around.. Dvd drives are cheap. is your friend.

You might want to budget yourself a little higher, so you get a bigger bang for your buck. Good luck

Where can I get a gaming PC for under £300?


Well, in a short question I want to buy a Gaming PC that can play recent games like Left 4 Dead 2 without any lag/problems and it HAS to be able to play WoW on the highest graphics setting without any lag and a decent framerate. Preferebly with Windows 7. Btw I'm just asking about a PC, no monitor or keyboard or mouse.

if you look on ebay maby you will find this (Acer Aspire X3950 Intel Core i3) one. i doubt it will be under 300 but probobly in the 350- 500 range :D

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Is this a good gaming PC?


I'm building my first gaming PC and I wanted to know if this would play the most recent games on ultra. I don't really have a budget Feel free to recommend parts that you think would be better.
heres the setup:

and here's the graphics card:


I recommend something frome alienware, msi, razer, asus. A fast non-gaming pc can be like a gaming pc too(HP Phoenix)

Best Gaming Pc???


Ok, so im looking for the very best Gaming pc i can buy i want do lag issues ability to play 2+ games at once plus godly amounts of storage and so on....

I am looking at the Area-51 7500 PC from going to get it fully decked-out

good choice or bad?
The reason i would want to play 2 games at once is cuz i like to use 2 wow toons at once =P
ALSO...i have no clue how to build a damn computer lol so, it looks like im geting an alienware area 51 7500... (money is no issue)

Okay, I just want you to know, Alienware is good but their too overpriced....The same with Falcon North West and Voodoo PC.

Want my advice? I'd rather build one myself, it's more fun and a great experience, plus it's MUCH cheaper for you to buy the parts and put them together.

If you want to buy one prebuilt then I suggest you go to

Look at these links if you want to have an idea about what you wanna get if you build one:

Good Luck!!

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Gaming PC/Video Editing on a budget?


I want to build a gaming PC, but since I'm 12 years old I don't have much money. I just have 268 $ and I want a Gaming PC/Video Editing and here is what I need :
-Maybe a SSD, but a really small one
-a graphics card with at least 1 GB
-DDR3 Ram min. 4GB
-Well, of course a motherboard
-and a CPU with 2 cores and 3.00 GHz with a fan
-a case with a little window like plexi-glass
-a monitor with Full HD HDMI,D-Sub,DVI
and I need this PC for 2-4 years old games and rendering.

For a low-end gaming PC you're looking at $600 at least, and even that won't run all of the latest games.

Buy a prebuilt system. I know folks say you can save money by building your own but that still requires some knowledge and experience. If you buy from a good brand, you can upgrade the parts yourself, which will give you experience you'll need to build your own PC the next time around.

I suggest brands like HP or Velocity Micro ( You don't have to buy a "Gaming PC" either. Any PC with 8GB of RAM and a decent video card will play games just as well as a "Gaming PC." The only difference is Gaming PCs generally include a motherboard that can handle 2 or more video cards (for better performance) but I think that's a waste of money. So instead I buy a "Home Office" PC, and put a better video card in it.

best pre built gaming pc?


i am looking into buying a pre built gaming pc i know building one is better and cheaper i just cant be bothered and don't know what too look for i am very interested in cyberpower gaming machine i have a few here i am looking at purchasing if someone can look at them and tell me which is the best one i am very interested in this one particularly
someone can recommend a good prebuilt model running battlefield on ultra and crysis 3 on ultra or high

This is good one for gaming pc, you may go with it.

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Why the price of pc games are lesser in india?


I saw the price of splinter cell conviction in usa is $60[indian money is 3000rs approx] but they are selling it for only 1000rs[usd $20 approx] in india why do they cut any part of game ? help me


Well, here most of the people downloads pirated games and buys pirated games because they are cheaper than the original disc.

Its not only with games, its also with many of the softwares.

But well even Rs 1000/- is very expensive and most of the people cannot afford it, i think ROckstars did a good job by selling their game at Rs 499/-

Pirated DVD's cost Rs 300, so people always prefer to go for original disc which cost just Rs 199/- more.

But this is not the problem with most of the providers like EA, they sell their games at Rs 999/- so most of people will always prefer buying pirated games because they are cheaper and more affordable.

which graphic card support pc game wheelman and ashes cricket 2009 and there price in india?

oooh. prices for graphics cards are insane in India. You should look for an ATI 4850, runs about 120-150 USD, so 5553.0 INR

EDIT: actually an ATI hd4350 is much cheaper there, so buy that, it should be enough.

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Gaming pc for 800 dollars?


what would you recommend to me?

I actually need to know if the $800 is for a "complete build" or just for the tower (peripherals not needed). Do you want a pre-built or you're planning to build it yourself?

can somebody point me towards a gaming pc build under 500 dollars?


i want to build my own computer but i dont want to buy a bunch of parts and have them either not fit together or just not know what im doing. a YouTube build would be nice but not necessary.

gaming pc for $500? dream on. my graphics card cost that alone. Even a half decent card will cost you $200 nevermind the rest. If you want to play the latest games you need to up your budget to around $800.

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Is this a good budget gaming PC?


I don't have much money, so this will go towards just the tower of the PC, a budget of 500 GBP (776.62 USD).

So anyway, here are the parts:

PC Case -

nVidia GeForce GTX 460 Video card
Novatech PowerStation Gaming 600W Silent ATX2 Power supply (Xfire/SLI)
AMD Athlon II X4 630 Quad-Core Processor (2.8GHz)
ASUS M4A87TD/USB3 - AMD 870 Motherboard (Xfire/SLI)
Corsair CMV4GX3M2A1333C9 2 X 2GB DDR3 SDRAM Memory
Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 ITB Hard drive, SATA
Liteon IHAS324-32 24x Internal DVDRW Black Retail SATA
Xilence Red Wing Quiet Fan X2 120mm

All of this comes up to 459.29 Pounds (713.37 dollars)

A friend has some spare parts, that I can use to further reduce the costs if I need then, I will look for optical drive, hard drive, RAM, Windows. Everything else I will buy!

I will be playing games like Crysis, Black Ops, Bad Company 2, GRID, DiRT 2, games that use DX11. I will be playing in full HD resolution, later date if I need to overclock CPU, I will buy liquid cooling and overclock if necessary.

Is this a good budget gaming pc for someone who is almost broke?

hm.. this is a good question I hope other people will take a look at this question
anyway since you want to play DirectX 11 games with High Resolution obviously GTX460 is not the solution for you cause according to the series classification x60 belongs to mid range series,
but you can't see much of different when you play modern games like Crysis ,Dirt 2,GRID ,cause they don't demand high end PC but in future? now look at good old fellow nVidia 8800GT
the good news is you can play every game on it. non of games exclusively come for DirectX 11 either they supported for DirectX 9 or 10 so obviously you can play that on 8800GT with Max settings that because it's a High End graphic card,the life time of high end graphic card is realtively higher than Mid Range graphic cards ,can u play games on 8600 now? most of games even don't work with mid settings on 8600 card it's the reality. so think about few years beyond the present.

,Crytek says the next version of Crysis which is 2nd installment would demand less hardware requirements compare with its predecessors however still you need High End graphic card to play those "monster" games with Higher Resolution + Max Settings with 4x Anti Aliasing. but consider the budget you have got I don't think so you can go for such a graphic card. nVidia is always expensive compare with ATI so the alternative solution is try ATI but I wouldn't recommend ATI cause nVidia has much of techs compare with ATI like CUDA, PhysX which is highly apply with games like Crysis therefore PhysX uses GPU instead the CPU ,CPU can be used to another work which probably speed up the game play in higher settings.

I found out on newegg EVGA 01G-P3-1465-AR GeForce GTX 465 (Fermi) 1GB
it's slightly better than 460 which was early Was: $224.99 but
Now: $199.99 ,it's cheap ,it has 5 ratings that obviously shows its worth.

instead go for DDR3 RAM you can try with DDR2 + extra memory ,I see you intend to buy 4GB RAM but you can buy 6GB Memory which has more memory capacity but it doesn't reduce the performance believe me it works fine. DDR2 is still fine for HD gaming experience. try newegg where you can find cheap and good stuffs with lowest shipping rate.

your selection is good but don't go for 1TB hard disk just reduce to 500GB that's more than enough,
then you can save few bucks that you can use for investing on another part. of course you can feel full HD gaming experience with this budget but the thing is NOT how much you have got.but
how would you spend that.!

I would suggest this so you can consider this SYSTEM.

System FAN
Hard Disk
4GB DDR2 Memory
GPU (GeForce GTX 465 (Fermi) 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16)
(U can try this GPU but it shows relatively lower frame rate on DiretX11 games with Max Settings
and on Higher resolution

Without Shipping you can buy this for 762.92US$ on new Egg and I am pretty sure you can try on other places too. try a DVD writer instead of a BlyRAY writer which probably reduces the cost if you wanna save more.

Help building a gaming pc budget $700?


Is there that big of a difference between the i3 and i5? I don't know which one to get. I would prefer the i5 but it is more expensive, and I heard the i3 is still good. I just want to know will the i3 be able to play future games good still. I have a $700 budget and I want the i5 3570k with the Radeon 6950 but they are expensive. What other choices could I go with that would be good?

$700 is not enough, even for a good budget gaming PC. Make that $800 and you're in business...

YES, there is a big difference between an i3 and an i5, first of all, i3 are dual core processors while i5 are quad core.
For gaming, you get good enough results with an i3-2130 or even an i3-2100 processor. And YES, it will play most modern games very good, even future games.


See here:

Processor: Intel Core i3-2100 Sandy Bridge 3.1GHz LGA 1155 65W Desktop Processor - $119.99
Or Intel Core i3-2130 Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz LGA 1155 65W Dual-Core Desktop Processor - $149.99
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Pro3 LGA 1155 Intel Z77 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard - $119.99
After market CPU Cooler - Cooler Master Hyper EVO - $34.99 (Stock Intel cooler sucks and it's noisy too)
Memory (RAM): G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM 1600MHz - $46.99
Graphics Card: 1GB GDDR5 MSI GeForce GTX460 Fermi - $139.99
Hard Drive: 500GB Seagate Barracuda SATA III (6.0Gb/s), 7200rpm - $79.99
Optical Drive: LITE-ON DVD Burner - Bulk Black SATA Model iHAS124-04 - OEM - $17.99
Power Supply (PSU): CORSAIR Builder Series CX600 V2 600W ATX12V v2.3 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC Power Supply - $69.99
PC Case (Tower): Rosewill CHALLENGER Black Gaming ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - $49.99
or COOLER MASTER HAF 912 RC-912-KKN1 Black SECC/ ABS Plastic ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - $59.99
Operating System (OS): Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit OEM - $99.99

TOTAL: $779.90 or $819.90
All prices are in $USD and in the USA, as of end of April 2012, they might be slightly different one way or the other by now.

The Intel Core i5-3570K is $239.99 and the i5-2500K is $219.99. That will add another $100 or more to your total price, but will also get you far better performance and future proofing.
Radeon HD 6950 is $200 or over, so it will add another $60 or more to the price. it is a much better card than the GTX460 Fermi.
For best possible with the parts above you will spend a total of around $950.

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is this a good gaming pc?


Operating systemGenuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bitedit
ProcessorIntel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 quad-core processor with Turbo-Boost [up to 3.8GHz, 8MB cache]edit
Memory8GB DDR3-1333MHz SDRAM [4 DIMMs]edit
Hard driveFREE UPGRADE! 1.5TB 7200 rpm SATA 3Gb/s hard drive from 750GBedit
Office softwareNo additional office softwareedit
Security softwareNorton Internet Security(TM) 2011 - 15 monthedit
Graphics card1GB DDR3 AMD Radeon HD 6450 [DVI, HDMI. VGA adapter]edit
Primary optical driveFREE UPGRADE! Blu-ray player & Lightscribe SuperMulti DVD burneredit
NetworkingIntegrated Ethernet port, No wireless LANedit
Productivity ports15-in-1 memory card reader, 1 USB, audioedit
TV & entertainment experienceNo TV Tuneredit
Sound CardBeats Audio (tm) -- integrated studio quality soundedit
Keyboard and MouseHP USB keyboard and optical mouseedit

i just copied and pasted this from the hp website after i customized it
i was just wondering if this would be a suitable gaming pc
i just changed the graphics card based on your guys feedback. This is the new one

2GB DDR3 ATI Radeon HD 5570 [DVI, HDMI, DP, VGA adapter]

for a gaming pc your main focus should be the gpu and it seems you picked the cheapest dedicated one. try for something like a 6870. you can downgrade to an i5-2500 and 4GB of ram without any noticable performance loss and put that money into a better gpu. in fact, 4GB @ 1600 would be better than 8GB @ 1333 especially if they have the same timings

wireless unstable while playing games on pc.?


basically my wireless is unstable when im playing online games on pc. its laggy and it keeps disconnecting itself even tho its fully connected.
Could a faulty/dying network adapter be the problem? nobody else in my house gets dc's besides me.

any help is greatly appreciated. thanks

Check if there are other things messing with your wireless, like cordless phones and such.

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Good pre-built gaming pc under $2000 (Serious answers and please no build your own!)?


I need a gaming PC that will last me for at least this year the main games I want to get for this PC (So you have an idea of the specs I'm aiming for) are Witcher 2 (It looks amazing) and Skyrim.
I've been looking at the HP Pavillion elite and that looks pretty good. But are there any better ones I could get?
The problem with building one myself is one I probably wouldn't be able to do it :P I'm good with electronics but not with small things like putting wires together..
and two there is practically no one in my local area who would help me build it.. None that I've found at least.

Even though you said no "build your own" I do have to say this. No matter what, you are ALWAYS going to over pay for a pre-built computer. You could build a computer of that spec for around $1600. So you can save a heck of a lot if you just build it yourself.

gaming pc for under $200?


I am on a really tight budget and want to know if it is possible that I can build a gaming pc for 200 dollars or maybe even a little bit more and also can you list the parts and do you think i can play skyrim, mw3, bioshock(on medium settings) or something like that on that pc

If it has to i will go for $300

The minimum you'll need for a decent gaming PC is around $800, without peripherals like a monitor or keyboard/mouse, nor does it include an operating system.

You can go a bit cheaper, but then you'll have to compromise on the more expensive parts, like the processor and video card, which are exactly those parts that make-up the heart of a gaming machine...

Being an Intel guy, the least I would recommend is an i5 2400 in combination with an ATI HD6870 or NVidia GTX560 video card. Lower than that and too many recent games will have to be played in lower settings or at lower screen resolutions (I game in 1920x1080 and set that as a standard)...

That's the gist of it, Marcos...

At least, you have $200 to $300 to start with. So, saving will maybe taking some time, but it will be the more satisfying when you finally will get what you really desire, instead of having to settle for something which doesn't quite cut the mustard...

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Building a good gaming PC for under 800$?

Liam Murph

I want to build a gaming PC for the latest games (a good video card, processor, etc.) for under 800$.
Could you guys suggest any parts to use?

i've seen your other question with your own build. if it's completed with a power supply and operating system, the final price will exceed the $1100 mark.

here's a complete and serious suggestion for $800 that can run any of the latest games on high or even max. settings including BF3, Skyrim and the like.

mobo - ASRock H77M LGA 1155 Intel H77 ($75)
ram - G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3 1600 ($46)
gpu - MSI R7850 Twin Frozr 2GD5/OC Radeon HD 7850 2GB ($240)
hdd - Seagate Barracuda ST31000524AS 1TB 7200 RPM SATA 6.0Gb ($100)
opt. drive - LG DVD Burner Black SATA Model GH24NS90 ($18)
psu - OCZ ModXStream Pro 600W Modular High Performance ($75)
case - Antec Gaming Series One Black Steel ATX Mid Tower ($50)
OS - Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit - OEM ($100)
...... no, i didn't forget the cpu. and now hold your breath
cpu - Intel Pentium G860 Sandy Bridge 3.0GHz ($90)
total $794 (shipping not included)

in order to not exceed the total of $800 i had to make a compromise. i've checked if it would be possible to play the latest games on high settings with a Sandy Bridge processor of the G8xx family and it turned out - it is! the G860 even meets the recommended requirements of BF3.

if you can stretch the budget beyond the $900 mark, it's up to you to get the i5-3570K.
games are not dependend on a super fast cpu but on a fast gpu.

Need help building a gaming PC for $800?


I'm building a gaming PC and i have no idea where to start... I need someone who would be willing to email back and forth with me so i know what parts to buy and whatnot... Thank you

A gaming computer for 800 dollars without the OS, disk drive, internet connections, mouse, keyboard, and monitor will only last you a good 2 years on high settings for a game, after that is up you are going to spend another say 300-400 dollars to keep playing high settings and all of this is Not including the components I listed above. I went on part picker and made the best machine for close to 3,000 without those components, this build would probably last as a top notch for only 6-7 years. It really depends on how hard game publishers push for advanced games elements.

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