Wednesday, March 5, 2014

PC hardware and PC gaming questions?

Wyatt Bunt

I have 3 question (a lot, I know right?) the first is, is it safe to use a computer with the side pannel removed and a desk fan blowing on the hardware so it doesn't overheat? Second is, would I be able to do some moderate gaming on an AMD Athlon II x4 650 (3.2ghz) for a few months? I would replace it eventually. Last is, is the SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 6770 an okay card for modrate gaming? I don't mind playing on medium settings. Thanks for the help!!!

for your first question, removing the side panel and letting a desk fan blow on the hardware is fine, i also have done that before, the only downside to it is that your system will be filled with dust and so you are required to clean it once in a while.

second, your AMD Athlon II x4 650 (3.2ghz) is good enough for gaming and besides the GPU is the major factor that determines good gaming (games are 75% GPU dependent).

and last, the SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 6770 is a good mid range card that would enable you to play all games at mid settings, it is currently ranked #45 in benchmark tests, here is the link :

BTW, the power requirement of the 6770 is 450w so a 550w +80 corsair PSU is ideal.

Help Pc gaming hardware!?


so xbox one and ps4 well they did not get my attenttion i was wondering if any of you guys could help me out on building a pc lik what componets do i need or should I just go to best buy and ask Im also on $400 budget Please Im new to this pc stuff so Please what do you recommand me ?

These are some custom PC builds:
For $350:
For $400:
You can play many games on 720p and some on even 1080p, the videos tell you everything you need to know.
Check them out!

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