Saturday, March 8, 2014

How can I go about finding a company, or someone to raise money or donate a computer to someone?


My husband has Cystic Fibrosis, he is almost 24 years old and he was given about a year left to live in July of 2012.

Since then he has been trying to make a bucket list of sorts, things he wants or needs, or just would like to have before he passes. He has been an avid video gamer all his life due to his illness, he was never really able to go outside and play, and as he grew up it just got worse and worse until he's almost completely bedridden. So he has always found solace and happiness in being able to play video games, mainly PC games. I want to be able to buy him a desktop and a laptop for when he has to be admitted to the hospital, and he has to stay for a minimum of 1 month, usually more. This is the only dream he can realistically achieve due to the severity of his illness at this point. (His lung function is less than 18%, he cannot move around much without getting severely out of breath)

He was offered to make a "wish" to the Dream Foundation a few months back, but after all the hype, they haven't really been responding to him anymore, so we're starting to feel that it's a lost cause with them.

I definitely do not have the money to buy the gaming laptop/desktop that he needs, even if I were to save every extra penny, it would take more than a year and it could be too late by then.

So I would be so grateful if there is any information on any computer companies or the like, or any sort of foundation or fund that would be able to do this for him quickly, and not take 5+ months. We would be able to provide proof of his condition, doctor's letters etc as well.. Thanks

Contact the Elfin Society of GE. They are constantly donating Computer Equipment
Or contact YOUR Church and have them solicit the Gates Foundation, Game Stop, Best Buy and so on..
Also try your local library. Gate foundation is always donating new ones to libraries and olds ones are given away.

What is wrong with my computer?!!!?

Q. Okay so today I was playing a game on the computer. I put the computer in sleep mode for like 20 mins and then when I went back to the computer I tried to click on one of my desktop icons but every time i clicked on an icon it just kept disappearing until I had no more icons left. The task bar even disappeared! So I had nothing left but my wallpaper and when I did CNTRL-ATL-DELETE to get to my login screen, I got an error message. So i held the computer's power button so it can turn off. When unturned it back on it said "DISK BOOT FAILURE". So I got my dad to put the Windows 7 disk in the computer and the setup screen had came up but my dad said it wasn't working. So he kept reinserting the disk and came to the conclusion that the hard drive went out. Now keep in mind. We just got this computer over the summer in 2012 in like June/ July. He literally built the computer with his hands. Nothing was wrong with it until now. Everything is new except the mouse, keyboard, and monitor. We even upgraded to windows 7 from XP like 3 weeks ago. What is wrong which my desktop computer? If the hard drive did go out will my files still be saved on my computer because I didn't even have a chance to back up anything.

DESKTOP Computer
Windows 7
Built the computer over the summer
GIGABYTE computer
( idk much about the computer but this is all the info I know by heart)

You answered your own question: the computer won't boot.
So either nuke the hard drive and reinstall Windows 7, since it sounds like something in the OS or a sector got messed up, or replace the hard drive.

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Title Post: How can I go about finding a company, or someone to raise money or donate a computer to someone?
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