Sunday, December 22, 2013

What Gaming Laptop Should I Get?

best gaming pc ever made 2013 on Knit Jones: Bittersweet
best gaming pc ever made 2013 image

R.B. M

Ok, I'm a PC gamer in college so I am looking for a gaming laptop. Currently, I have a laptop with integrated graphics... I know right. So, I am looking to choose between some high quality gaming laptops, but I need your quality expertise in helping me choose. Keep in mind that this is going to be the most expensive thing I have ever bought in my life. This is a list of specs I want:

GPU: GTX Nvidia 780M

Memory: Dual Channel 16GB

Processor: Intel 4th Gen i7-(4700MQ-4900MQ) Not sure what to choose.

Hard Drive #1 (may add more in future): Preferably the 1TB Samsung 840 EVO Series SATA3 SSD because I don't understand all the caching stuff. (What are your thoughts?)

Preferable fingerprint reader for easy access.

The things that I am not sure about are the screen size and the brand. I do not know what will give me the best 'bang for my buck'. I am currently looking at:

A Sager 15.6" i7-4900MQ, 1TB SSD, Windows 8 (Will get the Win. 7 Ultimate at my university for $16) for $2,799 or I could downgrade to an i7-4800MQ for $2,614

An Alienware 17.3" i7-4800 MQ, Windows 7 Premium, 256GB mSATA SSD Boot + 750GB 7200RPM SATA 6Gb/s all for $2,659.

The big differences are that the Sager is a 15.6" but it has a 1TB SDD hard drive and a fingerprint reader where the Alienware 17 is a 17.3", has a much better design imo, and mSATA caching with no fingerprint reader. All the other specs like GPU and Memory are the same.

I have seen the keyboard layout of the 15.6" Sager and I don't really care for it as much. I also have been gaming on a 15.6" screen laptop with no problem. Will an upgrade to a 17.3" screen make that much of a difference? I don't really worry about portability because I plan to use my current laptop for everyday use and classwork. But what do you think? Are there better brands out there that may save me money with these specs? Is the mSATA caching complicated or should I just roll with it? I am looking to buy before the end of the year so what would be the best time to buy? Also, should I spend extra on a 17.3" Sager or Alienware 18 that will allow me to add more GPUs in the future (adds about $500)? Thanks for reading.

Take a look at these rankings:

Some good gaming machines can be found here.

I haven't seen any ratings regarding Razers or Sagers, but I tend to doubt they will out perform one made by Asus, Lenovo, or HP given similar configuration while at the same time you pay a premium for the names Razer, Alienware, and Sager without really getting anything else.

Lenovo, Asus, HP, and Samsung are the top 4 laptop brands. I wouldn't consider any other brands.

Dell makes Alienware and they are not worth the money charged.
Acer makes Gateway. You'd have to pay me to use one of their machines.
Sony hardware has generally been good, but they are notorious for putting huge amounts of crapware/bloatware on machines and gathering information on their consumers without their knowledge or permission.
Toshiba has bottomed the rankings. Personally, I have used them and never had a problem, but that does not appear to be the case any more.

Screen size is totally up to you. If 15.6 does it for you, then enjoy. Be sure it is a 1600 x 900 screen. Also, if you are going to actually need this to be portable, the 15.6" screen will be much more user friendly. If you want a big screen and aren't mobile, then save yourself $500 and get a desktop instead ...

The performance of the two CPUs are close enough such that the $200 price difference is a waste of money.

Caching vs. SSD. A machine with an mSATA drive for caching puts the most commonly used files on the SSD while pulling the less commonly used stuff from the HDD. This gives you the increased performance of an SSD when it will most benefit you while saving you literally hundreds of dollars. The 840 EVO costs $600 at

Realize that a keyboard is something with which you interact CONSTANTLY. If there is anything you don't like about the keyboard now, it will only get worse in the future.

I can only say I wish I had your kind of money sitting around when I went to college.

what do you think about this console fanboy?


for the most part

Vishal Mulia
Final fantasy 14 is comin

Adam Eddin
it's been out for 2 years
but t's an online mmo

Vishal Mulia
But that's for the CPU

Adam Eddin
you mean PC?

Vishal Mulia
I'm talking about for the ps3

Adam Eddin
pc is better then console anyways\

Vishal Mulia
Never will believe thä

Adam Eddin

Vishal Mulia
I'm not looking at it

Adam Eddin
because you're ignorant
pc's have better graphics

Vishal Mulia
Thanks man

Adam Eddin
better games
ceeper games
changable hardware
consoles have
old ass hardware $60 dollar games and no mods

Vishal Mulia
What ever

Adam Eddin
think about it like thios
what will play games better
a machine huilt in 2006 or one built in 2013?

Vishal Mulia
Nah I like consol the feel of the control the less nerdy out look
The giant tv

Adam Eddin
you can use a console controller on a pc. try harder

Vishal Mulia
Not really try Harding
Made for gaming why not use them

Adam Eddin
you do know consoles are MADE out of oudated PC parts\

Vishal Mulia
Still console better

Adam Eddin
care to explain ?

Vishal Mulia
NO not really

Adam Eddin

Vishal Mulia
It's just is

Adam Eddin
you say console is better but can't form a decent argument. console fanboys are hillarious .

Vishal Mulia
Well thanks man any way bye

Adam Eddin
not to menton. the giant tv can be used on a pc. and images look the same because of the distance
i'll say it again
try harder
please don't harass the console fanboy

CONSOLES R BETTER :D, i can lay in bed in front of my TV with my ps3 controller. :)

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Title Post: What Gaming Laptop Should I Get?
Rating: 95% based on 99438 ratings. 4,5 user reviews.
Author: Unknown

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