Saturday, August 17, 2013

How hard is it to build a gaming pc?

best gaming pc hardware on Computer Hardware Reviews | Top Best PC Gaming 2013
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Q. I want to build my own gaming computer, I plan on saving up around $1,000-$1,500 for it. I have a good knowledge of computers, but I'm not a wiz with them, even though I love them and want to know more about how they work. How hard would it be for me to build a gaming pc from the ground-up with almost no hardware experience?

I'm 13 and I did it.

You don't need to know too much about hardware to build one, just go on forums and on New Build, ask them to choose the parts for you.

If you want to learn about hardware, then I still recommend going on that site.

The hard part is choosing the parts and learning about what does what. The building part itself isn't that hard, so long as you have time and have a guide on the internet.

What do you need to be the "ultimate gamer"?


I'm a 14 y.o. boy who would seriously like to become the ultimate hardcore gamer, but I don't know where to start. I'm already the most serious gamer in my group of friends, and want to bring it even further. Any suggestions (best games, consoles, gaming PC hardware?) If serious hardcore gamer tells me the exact computer that they use for their PC games, that would be a great help (because my parents are getting me a new computer anyway.) Any help would be awesome. Thanks.
Wow, you guys are morons. Let me rephrase my question. What HARDWARE/SOFTWARE would you reccomend for a hungry hungry gamer like myself, wanting to broaden his horizons and join the ranks of people such as the writers of Penny Arcade. Thanks, maybe now you people won't need to think so hard.

The most hardcore gamers are PC gamers, as they can upgrade their computer's architecture to keep up with the most power demanding games. Dell builds many computers around gaming as does Alienware. You can start with them.

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What are the best parts to build a gaming pc?

best gaming pc ever built on Thermaltake Overseer RX-I VN700M1W2N Review
best gaming pc ever built image

i need to know what the best parts are to build a gaming pc like motherboard ,processor , videocard etc

Any HP or Apple parts or arsus or how ever u spell it asus something like that those have the bests parts your looking for

How difficult is it to build your own gaming computer?


I can't afford to buy a gaming pc. But I can afford to build it myself. But I have no experience and no knowledge what so ever of how to do it. So, I'm wondering if it would be a bad idea. How safe is it really? I;m scared I'll wreck it.

In general cases, it is extremely safe if you know what you are doing. I will design one for you on a budget right now, if you like. Just give me a price range and what you're looking to do with it.

We at AA Computers design and build custom computers depending on the customer's needs. Since you're building this one yourself, I'm just going to give you the links and you can buy the parts yourself.

I will advise, however, that if you are building a computer for the first time, read the rules on proper electronics handling. Static electricity is a big killer in electronics these days.

So, what's your price range?

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What is a good gaming PC to buy that will max out the latest games?

best gaming pc you can buy on Blizzard Entertainment CEO and co-founder of the world's Mike Morhaime
best gaming pc you can buy image


Hi, I have always wanted a gaming PC because I know the graphics are better than console games. And I want to be able to record with fraps and not lag while playing Skyrim Maxed out.....but I don't want to spend a lot of money so if you guys could give me suggestions and maybe post a link to where I could buy it (in stores or online). And The gameplay of the computer than that would be great.

So, my friend you want good gaming experience, but cheap. Well let's start with the processor .All of the latest games require Core 2 Duo or Quad. In the future it will be Intel i3. So I think you should buy an Intel i3. For better gaming let it be a Sandybridge core. That will cost you around 135$(that is the price in my country, good luck if you find it cheaper). Now the VGA. Buy a ATI HD6570. It eats games for breakfast. Even lunch! The price like the processor, 135$. And the memory(ram). The best ram is 4 gb. No questions. It's less than 65 $. So that is my tip.
P.S. I have the same these thing on my PC :D

i was wondering if it is really cheaper to build your own gaming PC?


my computer is getting really old now and i saw the new star wars; the old republic and thought, i need a new computer. i did a little research and the internet says its cheaper to build your own gaming PC than buy one from a store. there is only one problem, when i went to new egg to find the components i found myself overwhelmed by the options and names of everything. basically, i have no idea what I'm doing. if anyone could help, that would be awesome.

Answer was too long to put in here, I'll email you, but basically pick a budget and go for it - mail
me and I'll take you through it step by step
stupid y!a character limit....

okay I saved my essay of an answer - but you don't accept emails, you'll have to email me on here if you want the full story, but it's quite easy - just wordy lol.

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xbox 360 or ps3 in 2012?

best gaming headset for pc and xbox 2012 on Eggstinction Smugglers Tower Moon Off Roaders 2 Slam Drift Siege Of ...
best gaming headset for pc and xbox 2012 image


Should I buy an xbox 360 or ps3?
I like first-person shooters (crysis, CoD, battlefield, borderlands) most (I've been playing PC mostly for years), and all the games I like appear to be released on both consoles.
I'm looking to save money. I've heard xbox360 charges $50 a year to play online, but ps3 is free. But I've also heard there are more people on xbox's online network in the USA than ps3's. Is this correct?

I also want a system that's durable. I've heard all the RROD horror stories--has this been fixed for the newer xbox's? Does one system have a better/longer warranty? Also do both systems have built-in wi-fi for the newer models?

I already have a blu-ray player, so that's not a consideration.

Are peripherals more expensive for one system than the other?

Does one have more comfortable controllers for big hands?

I like that i can get an xbox 360 4gb for only $200. It looks like the ps3 is $250 new, but it has a 160gb hard drive.

I don't see any exclusive games for either system that I'm interested in, so it looks like my selection is good for each.

Thank you for any advice!!

Since, you're not on the market for a Blu-Ray player, the 360 is the best bet.
Having said that, there are some drawbacks and advantages.

Advantages of 360:
-Way more content as far as DLC, Apps, Arcade and Indie games, and deals and specials following all of them. Huge game marketplace
-Way bigger community than the PS3. Always people online. MLG tournaments, special events, and promotions.
-Headset. Can't stress that enough. Though most prefer to buy a 3rd party one, the Xbox 360 comes with a default headset for that vital communication when playing FPS such a Borderlands. No one wants to dish out $40+ bucks for a bluetooth one.


-That 50-60 bucks a year price tag for online, though you get used to it.
-Microsoft Support sucks. Nuff said. It's just horrible.

And as far as Games go, I recommend checking out Halo 4, or at least renting it when it comes out.

I need game System when will a new one come out?


ok so i have a wii and a pc and a ds but i want a better console and my friends keep telling me i need to get a xbox 360 and well i love the games and stuff for the xbox360 but i also love the grephics for the ps3 and well here what i wann know

is it worth it to buy a 360 in 2 months
should i get a ps3 or is it to pricy
should i wait like 6 months for a new system to coem out cuz like the 360 came out in 2006 so cmone people we need a new system already will there be like a xbox 720 or will there be a diffretn name like plase

just tell eme whn the next game system will come out and how much and all of that info thanks

Get a PS3 - free internet - Playstation store is a hella lot easier to use than microsoft thingy - Graphics are Rad - Games can be pretty cheap - try or Game i never pay more than 40 quid for a new release, Killzone & Resi 5 £35 each - built in wi-fi & bluetooth - blu-ray player, those Blu ray movies are killa's - i have 4 conrtol ports so Headset, Joypad, & guitar hero thingy all fit in together - why not get a playstation eye as well - Platinum range of games 20 quid

Don't get an Xbox just cause your mates have one - Get the PS3,

I did just this morning read an article that Micorsoft put out an Ad for developers to create new games for the next gen-console so maybe a very nice 2012 ish time for Xbox 720 cause thats what i would expect it to be

But for all that you could buy a upgrade a PC taking in mind it would take a heela lot of money to do - Sorry long Explanation - 30in Monitor 700 ish pounds but it has a native resolution of 2560 X 1600 - take in mind Full HD is 1920 X 1080 - not all Console release's are at these specs yet - But then you would need maybe another £1000 to buy just 2 top end Nvidia Cards to run the Graphic Content at 2560 X 1600 resolution - also you would need £300 for about 6 GB of DDR3 Ram - then you would also need a quad core at least 3 to 3.2 GHZ processor, about 600 quid for an Intel or AMD have them bout the 250 ish mark - Again a motherboard capable of running 2 graphics cards 6 GB of RAM & plenty of cooling, maybe another £250 & of course a power supply to run it all another £100 - After all that you need a case to put it in & why not a decent top of the range 7.1 sound Card so add between 3-400 quid

When i get to the end of it i think your price is nearly WOW £3000 pounds Crysis would blow my mind at that kinda rate

Get the PS3

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Friday, August 16, 2013

What Price Should I Be Paying For a Decent Gaming PC (Built Myself)?

best gaming pc for 700 pounds on MWC 2008: The L770, E251 and i200 mobile phones from Samsung slightly ...
best gaming pc for 700 pounds image


Just wondering what price would be best to purchase components for a PC that could run the latest games. I'd like to run them in full 1080p and with settings as high as possible, however, I don't want to be spending way too much money simply for ultra settings. This would be games like Skyrim, Battlefield 3, Assassin's Creed, etc. I've seen many Americans saying $700-$800, but in British Pounds that's only like £500, which didn't seem right?


If you really want a gaming computer that can play any games at max settings, it will be Atleast, $800, not including a monitor and operating system. Heres a breakdown:
CPU - $200
GPU - $200
MoBo - $150
RAM - $40
Hard Drive - $60
Power Supply - $60
Case - $60
Optical Drive - $25

About $850, but don't forget you can get a bunch of sales and rebates to lower it down to about $800

Looking to buy a computer/laptop for gaming - 700ish to spend?

Joe Sloper

Title says it all, basically 600-700 pounds to spend on a computer + monitor or laptop. Mainly playing World of Warcraft and Starcraft 2.


I would recommend you personally build the PC yourself. It is much better and the performance is greater for less money. With 600-700 you could buy a low end gaming PC but if you were to build one for the same money you would get a high end gaming PC. Buying a laptop would be waste of money and would be a stupid decision because gaming laptop tend to have overheating issues when playing games and will damage your motherboard plus if they break its a waste of £700 because there difficult or costly to repair unless you get like 5 years full warranty.

Building a PC is pretty simple to be honest, you get an instructions manual which will show you where to connect the cable, where to put your processor ect. Plus there must be tons of videos on YouTube that show you how to build a PC.

Check out They are pretty cheap and have a custom PC configurator to makes things easier If you decide not to build it yourself they can build it for you for a charge of £45. They also have pre built systems which are better than PCs made by manufacturers. They also offer a Guarantee on their products and systems.
In my opinion this is a better option than buying a PC from a manufacturer since they have many faults at times.

Hope this helps.

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What is a computer that can game, but isn't a gaming computer?

best gaming pc for wow on Buy SteelSeries WOW MMO Gaming Mouse [wow gaming mouse] Price:Rate ...
best gaming pc for wow image


Hello Everyone! I am looking for a laptop that like I said can game with ease, not much lag, but it doesn't have to be able to handle like the best graphics. I just bought a $2200 gaming PC, so I don't feel like spending all that much on a laptop, plus I need something portable for school that I can carry around easily. I also really want it to LOOK GOOD!! Sleek, thin please!
Well I have seen this in other threads, so here we go!

1. What is your budget?
About $800 at most.

2. What is the size of the notebook that you are considering?
I am thinking 13-15" maybe 17" if it is a good deal, because sometimes I do like larger laptops. I would really like it to be thinner, I don't want it to be a tank.

3. What screen resolution do you want?
As good as possible with my budget. HD is preferred, but not needed.

4. Do you need a portable or desktop replacement laptop?
Portable is preferred, nothing massive! I would like it to be thin!

5. How much battery life do you need?
About 3-4 hours would be great, more even better!

6. Do you want to play games with your laptop? If so then please list the games that you want to with the settings that you want for these games. (Low,Medium or High)?
I want to be able to play Starcraft II, World of Warcraft, Runescape (on High of course not very taxing), Borderlands (High), Minecraft (Normal distance) and other games to come probably. When it comes to Starcraft and WoW I would like high graphics of course but it isn't needed.

7. What other tasks do you want to do with your laptop? (Photo/Video editing, Etc.)
Mostly playing music, watching movies and other videos, web browsing, video/photo editing.

8. How much storage (Hard Drive capacity) do you need?
As much as possible with the budget. Preferably 500GB or more.

9. If you are considering specific sites to buy from, please post their links.
Anywhere that is reputable! I would like to order online.

10. How long do you want to keep your laptop?
I plan to keep it for my years throughout Highschool.

11. What kind of Optical drive do you need? DVD ROM/Writer,BluRay ROM/Writer,Etc ?
Anything is fine. I would like it to be able to write/burn DVD's though. Obviously, I want the best I can get!

12. Please tell us about the brands that you prefer to buy from them and the brands that you don't like and explain the reasons.
No preference really, just a good quality laptop, that LOOKS GOOD!! I have had Apple and Asus both of which I really liked.

13. What country do you live in?

I hope that covers it all. Let me know! Thanks!

How about something like this?

$650 w/ coupon code
15.6" ultrabookish laptop (5 lbs and ~.8" thick)
7 hrs. battery life just surfing web
500 GB hard disk space + 20 GB caching SSD
NVIDIA GT 640M graphics (non-LE version)
Core i5 3317U (low power version)

or you can go with the 14" version
a bit lighter ~4.4lbs
costs the same but you only get 4GB RAM

What games have insane fights and huge monsters and bosses?


Also has cool weapons, ive played lost planet 1 and 2 darksiders, prototype, WoW, league of legends dead space 1 and 2 mass effect diablo 3dragon age, skyrim and such and was curious what games have wonderful graphics cool fights and HUGE monsters i love fighting huge monsteres in games, pc games btw, it NEEDS to be for pc, thanks

diablo 3:

walkthrough mentions osme cool monsters

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Is building your own gaming PC still cheaper than buying it all put together?

best gaming pc cheap on Computer Gaming Cases on Directron Best Discount Computer Super Store ...
best gaming pc cheap image


So I have about $1.5k to spend on a good gaming pc. I would like to know whether or not it would be cheaper to just build my own computer rather than buying the thing pre-built. If it was cheaper, what specs would you recommend? I am looking to play games like BF3 and ARMA 2 (w/ DayZ of course) as well as the future releases of some series. Is my budget enough to get a good gaming PC? Again, what specs and parts do you recommend? Any help is appreciated. Thanks everybody!

Yes it IS cheaper.
If your reusing parts or not it still is slightly cheaper.

How do I go about assembling a gaming PC?


From what I heard building your own gaming PC is much cheaper than buying a brand new one. But the only problem with that is I'm only 16 and no little to nothing about how the inside of a PC works and I wluldent know where to start. So how does a 16 year old go about assembling a gaming PC? a guid? Get help from someone who has done this? I don't know where to start with this one so who wants to lend a kid a hand?

I'm 16 as well, but you should start studying the parts on what to get and look at its performance. I started looking through the sites where you can buy parts and reading the reviews of it.

Here is a video on how to build your computer - there are 3 parts :

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Are there any gaming PC sites that have international shipping?

best gaming pc in singapore on Games on Gamespy Top 25 Psone Games Of All Time Page 22
best gaming pc in singapore image


I live in Singapore and i want to buy a powerful gaming PC from cyber power but they don't have international shipping, so are there any alternatives site that have international shipping? Also, if this is not possible are there any shops in Singapore from where i can buy the PC and have it assembled by the company selling it ?

Best websites are : (best for buying games)

What do i need to know if i wish to build a normal pc that is value for money yet give good performance?


What will an average pc of today need inside it ,in terms of hardware? Also, what are the current standards of hardware components, which are value for money, and deliver exceptional performance. Pls advice on brands of the hardware also. How long can they last? What other addition can be made and their purpose.Preferably like to hear views from singaporeans and malaysians since i'm living in Singapore for prices and availability of components.

This question has no answer. What you consider an average PC and what I consider an average PC and what Dell and other makers consider an average PC is all relative. What I mean is when building a PC you have to know what you plan to use that computer for. If you want to play all the latest and greatest games and have a decent online experience then you will need a dual-core cpu and mid- to high-level video card and may even consider SLI and RAID. If you are building something to fucntion as an office computer with average gaming abilities then you don't really need dual-core and a mid-level video card would suffice.

I currently have 3 complete systems. My main system which runs games and a lot of other software is as such:

ASUS A8N5X Motherboard
AMD Athlon 4800+ X2 CPU
2 (1024) Dual-Channel XMS RAM
BFG 6600 PCI-e Graphics Adaptor
2 400GB Western Digital 7200RPM Hard Drives (in RAID0)

MY second system is almost identical except for the cpu which isnt dual-core and video which is a 6200 and the motherboard being a Gigabyte.

My third system is:

Athlon 3200+ 754 Processor
BFG 6600+ AGP Graphics
2 200GB Maxtor Hard Drives in RAID0

all three of these computers vary but all three can run any game on the market. They can also do a lot of other applications. The dual-core system is actually a waste as few, if any, applications actually take advantage of its full potential.

Also, all three of these systems can and do run Vista as I have the beta RC2 and have installed it on all three without any problems. All three are also 64bit, but since there are software issues with 64 OSes I dont use it.

Hope this helps though doubtful.

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What PC do i need to play these games?

best pc gaming graphics card 2011 on Multiple LCD Monitor Display Stands for Dual Flat Screen Setups
best pc gaming graphics card 2011 image

Blake Burk

I'm wanting to get into PC gaming. The games i want to play are

-Star wars: the Old republic
-Pay Day: The Heist
-Halo 2
-Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City, San Andreas
- and some others

(I do want a great graphics card)

My price range is $600 and below. Can you help me out?


This will help you :-

Price are in Indian Rupee, but specs is all you need.

For graphic card, go for GTX 460.

What is the best monitor on the market for FPS gaming?


I am looking for a new monitor for my PC Gaming rig. I only play FPS games.

What is "THE BEST" monitor on the market at the moment for gaming that will deliver the maximum frame rate? (My computer can play games over 100fps, but I just need a monitor that can deliver more than 60fps for me to enjoy it to the max)

Anyone know of the best?

welll.. define "The Best"

by my standards (and your not gonna like this) the BEST display would be:
NEC PA301W 30" IPS 2560x1600 monitor. for the best experiences you'l need 3 of them.
99% perfect color reproduction
excellent contract
14 bit 3D color dictionary (some 1.3 billion colors)
it supports 3D display
industry standard for graphics, video, and game designers.
its um, $2300 each, and 3 of them would be... $6900. and since its obviously extremely valuable, shipping would be like $400 ($200 to ship + $200 in insurance)

you'll need dual-link DVI -out or you'll have trouble enjoying this top-quality monitor.
this is as close as you can get to an Apple computer's display, which is the best there is.

MaximumPC's Dream Machine 2011 utilized 3 of the best monitors in the world.
they also had three nVidia GTX 580's to back i up, I seriously doubt anything less can actually handle so many pixels. at 4800x2560 most graphics cards will be struggling to produce even 5 FPS.

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What should I look for in a good gaming computer?

best gaming desktop 1200 on 1200/1600/2000 DPI USB 3D Mouse 2.4GHZ Professional Competitive Gaming ...
best gaming desktop 1200 image


I have a budget of $2000 and I want to buy a nice gaming desktop that I can use to play games.

I am used to playing on computers with like 512 MB RAM >.< so I want a really fast computer.

What are some specifications that I should get in a computer?

Depending on which games you play, the main component you should be worrying about is your graphics/video card. This is essential to providing your computer with essentially any 3D rendering done in a game. However some games require a very strong CPU as well such as Crysis in Very High Quality mode. If you are able to read a manual and even slightly tech savvy, you should be able to build your own computer, which is preferable to buying a prebuilt system from a major manufacturer.
Here is a list of components, approximate prices and a link for a system you can build for under 2000$:

Case - Antec Nine Hundred Gamer Case - Full tower ~100$

Power Supply - 750Watts is a fair- Corsair TX750W ~100$ -

At the moment, Intel Core 2 Duo processors are favored by gamers due to the fact that Quad cores are not yet fully utilized by games. AMD makes some decent CPUs but none that can match Intel price/performance wise for the time being. Thus we will proceed with an Intel chipset motherboard.

Motherboard choice 1 - slightly newer chipset - Asus P5Q Pro~140$ - Pro&manufacture=ASUS&promoid=1043

Motherboard choice 2 - slightly older chipset but has wifi ~180$

CPU choice 1- Core 2 Duo E8500 3.16ghz ~200$ -

CPU choice 2 - If you really want a Quad core the Core 2 Quad Q6600 is cheapest for ~200$ -

Video Card Choice 1 - 2x ATI Radeon HD4850 ~2x 180$ -

Video Card Choice 2 - Nvidia Geforce GTX280 ~450$ -

NOTE: Even with a single ATI HD4850, you will be able to play demanding games like Crysis, World in Conflict, Mass Effect, Supreme Commander at pretty high settings, getting two of them or the GTX280 will let you play those games in the very high settings...however the actual observed difference can be minimal.

Memory/RAM - 2x OCZ or Corsair DDR2 800mhz 4gig kits (2x2gigs) ~100$ per kit

Hard Drive - standard speed HDD is fine unless you are a speed freak - Seagate Or Western Digital 1000gigs/1terabyte ~180$ -

OS - A copy of 64bit (in order to use more than 3gigs of RAM) Windows Vista Premium OEM ~130$ -

So so far this rig costs about 1200-1500$ before taxes depending on which video card Crossfire/GTX280, amount of RAM 4 or 8gigs, and to a lesser extent, which motherboard you pick though one gives you WiFi for 40$.

Now Accessories:
Monitor - You will need a monitor with at least 1920x1200 resolution to appreciate your games fully. The new Samsung 2443BW 24" 1920X1200 (1200P) is a great monitor for the price ~340$ -

Mouse- Logitech MX518 1600DPI, this is the minimum requirements if you play FPS games ~60$ -

Keyboard - This is the only keyboard you should get for gaming the Logitech G15 2nd ed - $60 -

Blu-ray player - Blu-ray/HD-dvd/DVD-RW combo drive ~ 150$ -
If you dont need Blu-ray or just don't care, you can get a regular DVD-writer for ~30$

Other optional accessories:
-media card reader ~20$
-third party cooling - for CPU and video card
-wireless card (if you pick the P5Q pro motherboard)
-USB flash drive (always handy to have one)
-Speakers 2.1, 5.1, 7.1 - I recommend the Logitech Z-2300 for 2.1 and the Z-5500 for the 5.1

So accessories will be about another 500$ or more, though. But you can vary your build to match your needs.

Hope this helps and good luck!

Hmm - apparently, I cannot have more than 10 links, so a few of the links, you will find on your own which shouldn't be too hard.

I need to build a gaming desktop between 1000 - 1500$s?

I'm looking to build a gaming desktop in the price range of $1000 - $1500. I have been out of desktop gaming for a while so I'm not up to date on the current hardware. What would be a good system in this range that does not include: monitor, speakers. Any suggestions on decently cheap mice or keyboards would be welcome as well. Thanks in advance!

Ok, John, I think I can give you a heads up. You know that Intel just came out with their i7 core processors, and of course there is the i7 920 everyone is buying, but here is a very interesting bit of information, that Intel also released a turbo charge i7 core called the 860 and it only costs $10 more than the equivalent i7 920. It can go from a standard 2.80 Ghz to a turbocharged mode of 3.46 Ghz. If you compare the 920 ($279.99) to the 860, the 860 ($289.99) has everything, same L1 cache, etc, but you can turbocharge it. I am leaning heavily in favor of this CPU as a result for gaming. It's almost a brand new release of the i7 core and I think it is very worth while considering it as the CPU for your computer.

You need a cooler with this:

There are two different ASUS motherboards I want you to look at which are: RAMPAGE II Gene ($219.99), P6T ($289.99). Of course you don't want a cheap motherboard for gaming if you have the money to invest in the best, right and I think you do. The P6T has gotten more attention than the other one, but I did a comparison of these two boards, the Rampage and the P6T have X58 chipsets and the only difference is that the P6T has 3 X PCIe 16 slots while the RAMPAGE has 2 X PCIe 16 slots. The only other difference is the audio, which on the P6T is Realteck and the Rampage is Supreme FX. Big deal! That is what I figure, and you can save yourself about 60 bucks.

This is a microATX but the holes are drilled in the ANTEC case to fit.

If you want a FULL ATX motherboard, go with the P6T for $60 more.

For Video, you probably can do it on one card, the ATI HD 4890, dual card in one. nVidia's answer has been in the GTX 285/GTX 295.
One example, the GTX 285 1 Gig, you can get for around $369.99 at Newegg.

Or you can look at an ATI HD 4890 card ($199.99), which I think is a steal!:

Both are one gig cards and they are both top of the line. I think the ATI card makes more sense and you save quite a bit of money on it compared to the GTX 285.

For memory, both motherboards take:

6 x DIMM, Max. 24 GB, DDR3 2000(O.C.)/1800(O.C.)/1600(O.C.)/1333/1066 Non-ECC,Un-buffered Memory Triple Channel

I think stability in gaming is more important than superfast memory and I would recommend the DDR3 1066 memory and populate that motherboard! This has to come in TRIPLE sticks per set, or Tri-Channel. The older DDR2 was dual channel and this is triple channel to get the turbospeed. DDR3 1333 is probably your best solution for stability and speed. Here is some really low CAS latency memory, CAS 6 - compatible with i7 processors:

A Hitachi 1 Teribyte HD SATA 3.0

A 750 Watt PSU, Corsair, SLI Ready:

A DVD writer drive, Pioneer is my favorite:

An ANTEC 1200 supercooled case:

I come up with $1295.91 on new egg.

Finally, you need a copy of the operating system. I suggest you get the OEM copy of Windows Vista ultimate:

This is the 64 bit version and allows you to upgrade to Ultimate Windows 7. That brings you up to:


I think you will have a kickass computer John if you build this one!

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What is the name of the fighting game staring Freddy Kruger ?

best gaming pc 2005 on United States From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation ...
best gaming pc 2005 image


I think it was on that BIG very big collection of sega games for pc (some kind of emulator with a big list full of games from Sega.It was a black and blue interface.The game i looking for is a fighting game with a character that look just like Freddy Kruger.I played that game in 2000-2005 i don't remember exactly.Any game with Freddy can help me.

don't know if it was a console type game, i do remember playing a game on the internet called Brood wars or Blood wars or something- Freddy Kruger was one of the playable characters, with Optimus Prime, Jason Voorhes, Goku and some others too

What wattage should I be looking for in a power supply for my PC build?


I'm currently ready to purchase parts to build a new gaming PC and sadly, in the past, I've always had to ask for assistance with choosing a PSU/Power Supply. I want to go with Corsair for the brand as I hear really good things about them. I just cannot, for the life of me, figure out what wattage I need!

Also, I do not plan on overclocking at all and if there are tips, formulas or references that may help me with this issue in the future they would be greatly appreciated. My current combine carts from Newegg/Tigerdirect are as listed below.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration!

CPU - Intel i5 3570k
MoBo - Asus P8Z77-V LX
GPU - EVGA GTX 680 4 Gigabyte - Non OC'd
RAM - 4 x 4 Gigabyte (16gb) 1600 mhz
SSD - 60gb Intel SSD
HDD - 2tb Seagate SSD
Cooling - Corsair H70 (Is actually on sale for less than the H60)

Your system is going to require about 600W of power. IF you plan to expand such as adding an additional GFX card you should account for an additional 150 - 200 watts. I would recommend around 850W to account for potential upgrades.

Things to consider are 800 - 900 watts of power. Number of SATA connectors and PCIe connectors. Modular PSU are better for cable management but not necessary. Efficiency is also important.

A test in 2005 revealed computer power supplies are generally about 70â80% efficient. For a 75% efficient power supply to produce 75 W of DC output it would require 100 W of AC input and dissipate the remaining 25 W in heat. Higher-quality power supplies can be over 80% efficient; energy efficient PSU's waste less energy in heat, and requires less airflow to cool, and as a result will be quieter.

Various initiatives are underway to improve the efficiency of computer power supplies. Climate savers computing initiative promotes energy saving and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging development and use of more efficient power supplies. 80 PLUS certifies power supplies that meet certain efficiency criteria, and encourages their use via financial incentives. Efficient power supplies also save money by wasting less power; as a result they use less electricity to power the same computer, and they emit less waste heat which results significant energy savings on central air conditioning in the summer. The gains of using an efficient power supply are more substantial in computers that use a lot of power.

Look for PSU with an efficiency rating of 80 PLUS GOLD or 80 PLUS PLATINUM. 80 PLUS SILVER is just as good but GOLD and PLATINUM is better. 850W would be your best bet, but if you do not plan to upgrade for a few years a 650W PSU will be fine for your build.

Hope this helps and GL.

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What computer would be best for school work, gaming(Bf3 Skyrim) fast internet?

best gaming pc under 750 on Best Under $750 Gaming Desktop 2013 - Build Your Own PC
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What computer and specs from Dell would be best for ^^ and just a generally fast good computer under £750

Your budget would be around $1000, so I guess it would be much better if you get a customized (build it yourself) PC since they would be significantly much cheaper than DELL thus you'll get more out of your money.

Parts that would be good for your intended use:

H77 mobo
8 gb DDR3 1600 mhz
500 gb - 1 TB HDD
GTX 560 ti

GAMING PC UNDER 750. Do not want to buy straight from store?


I have a monitor, huge case, and speakers. Space is not a issue, so excluding the things mentioned could someone put together a very good computer system under 750 for gaming. That could comfortable run a game like Crysis. I would like a harddrive of atleast 120 gb or more but 240 would be very nice.

Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 ST3500418AS 500GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Hard Drive - OEM $64.99

COOLMAX NW-650B 650W ATX12V SLI Ready CrossFire Ready Power Supply - Retail $54.99

EVGA 896-P3-1257-AR GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 Superclocked Edition 896MB 448-bit GDDR3 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready AND
OCZ Vista Upgrade 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory Model + COD:WaW game $179.99

Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 2.33GHz LGA 775 95W Quad-Core Processor Model BX80580Q8200 - Retail AND
XFX MB750I72P9 LGA 775 NVIDIA nForce 750i SLI ATX Intel Motherboard - Retail $294.98

Total before shipping(as I dont know where you live) $644.94

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What are the advantages of a mac over a pc? Are they worth the difference in price?

best gaming pc vendor on ... price catalog Specs, best price, where to buy in KSA
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Angela H

Am i going to be disappointed with a 13" macbook, if my home pc monitor is 20"?

The only advantage (and not much of one, read below and look at the links) of the Mac is being able to run OS X LEGALLY (PCs for the most part can do it illegally).. I would avoid the mac.

PC=Variety of specs, options, quality, prices, vendors, support
Mac=One vendor, limited options, still more expensive. Look below for more information..

Today, Macs use a subset of PC hardware. Why spend extra to get the same CPU chips, graphics cards and OS X isn't as secure as you think..

Don't believe the lies that Macs are better than PCs at graphics/animation.. Dreamworks Animation under studio click on Technology of Animation, an independent film maker I know uses PCs, a graphic artist I used to know uses PCs also.

A number of PCs can also run OS X (Mac OS) as well just that Apple makes it illegal in order to get Market share.. The reason why Mac can run native Windows is because it is using a subset of PC hardware,

If you decide to buy a Mac for running Windows, you will still have to get the same virus/spyware protection, and run into the same issues as a regular PC.

Now is a Mac worth buying for OS X?

I say: NO... for the following reasons...

Aprox 90% of the market is Windows and most PCs have windows already pre-installed.
1) Some websites require Internet Explorer, to run IE on Mac you really get ies4osx which is the Windows version of IE running really buggy and illegal if you don't have a legitimate copy of Windows.
2) Supports more devices (printers and other things you hook into the computer).
3) More business software/games
4) Want the dock on OS X (Mac)? google/yahoo rocketdock, objectdoc.
5) Used by businesses.

1) FREE (most versions are)
2) Install software by either 1) Synaptic Package Manager, 2) Add/Remove 3) Opening a .deb or .rpm file (depending on distribution)
2) Like the Mac OS X effects? go yahoo/google COMPIZ FUSION which can do any cool effect a Mac can do and many ore.... (there is no flickering when you use it like on the video, not sure why the person has the flicker)
3) Mac OS X Doc? google/yahoo Avant Window Navigator.Cairo Dock,
4) It is FASTER/MORE SECURE to surf on the internet
5) Some Windows programs work with Wnehq/Crossover (also avail on Mac, but why pay $$$)

Instructions how to download, burn and boot
Dual Boot Instructions

Mac OS X was hacked in 2006 less than 30 minutes, and within 2 minutes in a contest in 2008, and within 10 seconds in 2009. In 2008, Linux and Vista were not hacked until another day when restrictions were lowered. Vista was next, and then Linux. In 2009 Windows 7 fell shortly after the Mac but Linux was unscathed.
Macs are standardized with Cameras, if your Mac gets hacked, the hacker can turn on your camera with more ease.
Please Note: All OS's have vulnerabilities.,130061744,139241748,00.htm

Mac OS X has viruses (and significantly on the rise), a friend of mine has a virused Mac. As more users use Macs, more viruses will come out for it. Especially when users think "they are safe".

Contrary to belief, Macs are not better quality. Apple also has been changing suppliers to try to "lower the price" and thus lowering quality. Even with the lower prices, Macs still cost more, they spend a higher percent of budget trying to make it look pretty, and marketing.

Sample of problems: Overheating Macbooks, OS X- not responding to keyboard, some units with 16bit screens, etc. Apple statistics are misleading since Mac users with problem machines are more likely to go out and buy a new computer than PC users. Apple is lowering prices which means you can expect lower quality than in the past. Apple had switched the manufacturers producing parts. OS X also has problems slowing down.

Repairs are more expensive than PCs since the IMac, Mac Mini are compact units, and Apple charges a premium for their services. Some repairs can be done by another repair service but the compact design of the computer causes problems.
With an IMac, if the problem is with the monitor, the whole computer would have to be brought in.
IMac and Mac mini lack expansion.

A similar equipped PC is much cheaper to purchase than Mac. Lets use Dell (but you can compare with another PC Brand if you like)

Dell Inspiron Laptop Starting Price: $500
Ending Price: $500
15" Screen
CPU: 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo [5% slower]
Graphics: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X4500HD [Not as good/fine for general use[
Memory: 3GB DDR2 SDRAM [75% of ram)
Hard Drive: 320GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm (same)

Cybperpower Notebook Xplorer X5-2900 Starting Price: $755
Ending Price After upgrades (not including 5% rebate): $860
15" Screen
CPU: (upgrade to) 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (+$100) [FASTER]
Hard Drive: (upgrade to) 320GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm (+$5) [LARGER HARD DRIVE]

Macbook Starting laptop Price: $1000
Ending Price After Upgrades: $1200
13" Screen (SMALLER)
CPU: 2.1GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (SLOWER)
Graphics: Nvidia GFORCE 9400 256MB
Memory: (upgrade to) 4GB DDR2 SDRAM (SAME)
Hard Drive (upgrade to) 320B Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm (SAME)


PLEASE NOTE: I compare Apple Mac's vs Dells best deal. If you really want an all-in one the Dell all-in-one has more ram, wireless keyboard and mouse and equivalent to $400 for free making the Imac still more expensive when you matching specs. Personally I don't think the All-in-Ones are a good choice, and consider them overpriced, lack expandability and repairs both more expensive and require the entire computer.

PS: Apple knows that they need to make Macintosh look different than PC so all Macs except the Mac Pro will not have a tower option. Apple's low end lacks expandability but it makes the Mac "look different", if Mac had a tower for low-end, more people would realize the similarities between the two.

Dell: ($700)
CPU: 2.33 GHZ Dell Inspiron QUAD (4 Processor) CORE
SCREEN: 20inch Screen
HARD DRIVE: 500 GB hard Drive

The Mac Mini since it has no monitor, keyboard, mouse, very skimpy on options and setup and is not the best deal... The IMac is better price than the Mac Mini.

IMac ($1300)
CPU: 2.4 GHZ DUAL (2 Processor) CORE (SLOWER CPU)
SCREEN: 20inch Screen
MEMORY: (upgrade to) 4GB Ram (SAME)
HARD DRIVE: (upgrade to ) 320 GB hard Drive (LESS HARD DRIVE)
OPTICAL DRIVE: 8x DVD Reader/Writer (1/2 speed)

Equivalents to ILife

FREE Windows Stufff
Avira Antivir (FREE) for 2009 personal edition is free (there is a paid version) the free version was rated the best by consumer reports 2009. Avast (Free- Click under Free Software and download Avast Home Edition)

Windows Defender (FREE)
Malware Bytes (FREE) Limitation - No Realtime protection on free version.
Super Anti-Spyware (FREE)


How much would it cost to build a computer from the ground up that can run most any modern games on very high?

Adam K

I want to know roughly how much it would cost to custom build a computer that can play any game on any settings. Also it would be nice to know which parts to buy first, you know, like a place to start and then somewhere to go from there. Thanks in advance.

(EDIT OMG, I wrote a book. Sorry! You do have a lot of reading to do to build your own though. )

It depends what exactly you are going for. My brother builds a PC once in a blue moon and he throws the best he can afford at it because he's not going to mess with it again for YEARS (his last one was 10 years old!) and he wants it to handle software for a long time. So when he builds, he gets the newest technology and his system is way overpowered for current software. It's also mad expensive, the last one running close to $5,000 a year ago.

I rebuild from the chassis (case/powersupply) up about every four years, with minor upgrades in between. Every other time I build one, the chassis is replaced as well since I'm likely to get a better powersupply and/or case with more features.

I buy technology that's been on the market for a year or more, and I target myself at around $2000, but that cost varies depending on what I wind up deciding on. Last build was about $1800 a year ago, an Asus motherboard, 2Gb ram, dual core Athalon, 3 hard drives, 1 DVD - all SAS and a GeForce 7950 video card. I might upgrade the video card this year though.

For the most part, I always recommend getting every thing at the same time, preferably from the same vendor like which has a great return policy and often good financing or free shipping. When you get things together you see how they function together and if something goes wrong you are still covered by warranty.

I hate buying one piece at a time - you won't really know how well it all works until everything is in place. At the minimum you need a power supply, case, CD/DVD, video, CPU, memory, any additional cooling, keyboard and mouse. If you are transferring a hard drive, you will have to work through the errors from the operating system when it realizes it's on new hardware. Building from the ground up though, I get a new drive and just reinstall the OS and start new.

Buy retail items for the longer warranty and the included cables. Buy OEM bare components if you want to save money.

About the only thing I would safely buy separately is the case, cooling fans and power supply. All other components tend to rely on each other. I start with the motherboard, and look for features I want. I prefer CPU and memory upgrade-ability, on-board sound, lots of USB ports, a spanking front side bus speed and jumperless configuration.

Once you determine the motherboard, you'll then know what CPU, memory, AGP (for video) and drive types are compatible. Then you go about getting components that match the features of the motherboard, and buy them all at the same time.

You might want to visit places like Anand Tech ( Tom's Hardware ( and read about do it yourself computer systems, and building your own. Some online stores actually carry "barebones" systems to start with that contain the basic internal components that you can customize with other parts.

But if you have never done this before, take your time and read as much as you can about building your system from websites that specialize in PC hardware.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

what are some good websites to purchase a gaming pc?

best gaming pc website on Alienware Aurora ALX Desktop Pemmz Gaming Laptop
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Sam D

I am looking to purchase a new gaming pc. what are some websites that offer reliable gaming computers for fair prices.

Build your-own PC:
(in order from best to good, Price-wise)

^this site is 5 star, with customer reviews, Very in-depth specifications,search priority, prices and even New-realease Game Freebies!

^these guys are all-around great service, with customer reviews, in-depth pictures and support, 1 star off though bucaouse newegg's prices are better

^ found this site on google, with good customer reviews, don't know much about it though.

Buy Pre-Built PC

^these guys let you custimize you own PC, after purchase, they send it to you pre-Built!

^these guys are all-around great service, with customer reviews, in-depth pictures and support

^Want to buy an great gaming PC without looking? here's your answer.

What is the cheapest and/or best website (UK) to build a custom gaming PC?


I am living in the UK, and have seen quite a few different websites for this sole purpose more often than not, and was wondering if some websites are better than others. If you know a good website for PC packages as well I am looking for a gaming PC for hopefully no more than £1000, and I'm not sure I'm willing to choose to spend any more on one than that. Thanks

Any of those websites you have already seen can produce a custom made gaming PC for you at minimal cost. I am sure you will get a powerful system to run all your games and future generations of games for the £1000 you are ready to spend.

In fact you can build this system by your self selecting the components you prefer from the thousands on the market now-a-days.

I do all my building work myself never trusting all those companies who only want your hard earned money, giving you sub-standard products in return.

Most sites you have seen would know how to knock one together for you, it is the component selection that really makes the difference.

I hope I have been of some help here.

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Gaming Laptop for under $200 (Possibly $100) (COMMAND AND CONQUER)?

best gaming pc 2013 under 500 on This Samsung Series 5 laptop is an amazing bargain at
best gaming pc 2013 under 500 image


Hello all,

So my dad is looking for a cheap laptop mainly under $100 but i say $200 because he is buying it USED. The main reason its so cheap is because he just plans to use the internet, Listen to music and Play a series of 1 game. That game is Command and Conquer, even though he wont be able to play the new one thats comming out in 2013, he will play it on mine because i have a custom build PC (took time to research, but epicness) So its just command and conquer and no other game. We have every single commmand and conquer that came out. So right now he is looking on Craigslist..Only because its used but Help me out here, as this is the hardest thing to figure out.

First of all, you will be lucky to find a system for $100 to $200 bucks with the right combination of hardware able to run any C&C game. With all the hastel & hope that a used system off Craigâs list will even work in a week or two from the time you get it, youâre better off just going online or a store & spend $300 to $400 for a brand new system you know is going to work 3 to 4 years from now. At that point you can at least get $200 out of it on Craigâs list when youâre done, so in the end youâre only spending $200 at most anyways.

Down in source I posted 2 links to two laptops that have more than enough hardware to run almost any game on the market to date. Both are quad core systems, with 4 GB DDR3 ram to support it. Also comes equipped with the Radeon HD 6520G & is upgradable to 8GB DDR3 1600 MHz ram if needed witch I'm sure wonât ever be the case. Best part about these are that there both under $400, only difference is one has a 320 GB HDD & the other has a 500 GB HDD!

Help with budget gaming rig?


So I wanna spend about 450 euro MAX on a pc
This what I have thought of

Intel core i3 2100=120 euro
HD 7750=100-110 euro
4 GB RAM kingston= 50 euro

270 euro on this + 120 more on all the other componets (Mobo,disks,keyboard,mouse,500 GB hard drive etc)

This is made from scratch so I am not going for the i5 2500k or a high end card,ill most likely make a 150 euro ugrabe in next 2013 christmas (I guess)

SO is this a good build that will run games like bf3 at medium/high at 50+ fps? Any changes/advices?

Do not know what the conversion is here in the states, but I think I would get more ram, all you can afford. 8Gb min, be advised that you can only go to 16 under windows home, you will need professional to go the 32 GB which is what i have. While the i3 is a good choice, you can go to AMD 6 core for about the same price which has better performance. All mother boards are not equal , check all specs before.

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What's a good gaming video card for my computer?

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My motherboard is an "Asus M2N68-LA". I want to be able to play games like Bioshock and CSS, also Portal. It needs to be low profile or low profile ready because I have a slimline case. Also it would be really nice if it were under like 50$.

Let me guess - you've got a slimline HP or Compaq PC.

The best low profile card out there is the Radeon HD 5570 - but it runs closer to $80. The 5450 is right around $50, and will just meet the minimum video specs of Bioshock and Portal

The 5450 is a power sipping 19W card that will go into almost any system without trouble. The 5570 pulls around 43W, so it might be a strain if you have a very small power supply typical of those slimline PCs.

What are the best parts for a gaming pc on a $1200 budget?


Lookin to build my own pc, but not sure what's the best parts are to use

For a gaming pc.

CPU: You would want to start with a 2500k processor, since it easily fits in your budget, and it's one of the best for gaming. (~220$~)

Motherboard: I would suggest this one: the ASRock P67 Extreme4 gen3. It's a P67 chipset, so it can be overclocked, it has support for 1155/1156 heatsinks as well as as the 775's(I think it's the 775). This board also has 2 PciE 3.0 as well as 1 PCIe 2.0 slot, so this board leaves your compatible to video cards that will come out later on. Also, it has a motherboard connector for the front usb 3.0's.(this is just the motherboard I recommended due to it being future proof, you really should look for one that has the features you need). (154$+)

Case: well, this is really down to what you like.

GPU: for your video cards, you could fit 2x HD 6950 2GB's in your budget which would run really great. ( around 500$, depending on what brand)

Power supply: to run 2x 6950's I would at least 750w to be safe. The corsair tx750 v2 would probably do you well. (115$)

Hard drive: you really don't need a 6gb/s hard drive as no hard drives today can fully saturate the sata 2's 3gb/s bandwith. Unless you can find one for around the same price as sata 2's, it wouldn't be worth the extra money. You can get 1TB hard drive's for around 60$

Finally, Ram: you can get 2x 4GB sticks of ram for about 50-60$, you really don't need any sticks faster than 1600.

For all the parts, has very good prices on computer items, so there would be a good place to start =) You can get any case under 100$ and still be at your 1200$ budget.

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How much can I overclock a graphics card?

best gaming pc cheap on Gaming Computers Cheap on Laptop Models Meet The Requirements For Both ...
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I picked up an old gaming pc cheap for my young son to play on but it only had a radeon 9550 so for only $20 I got a hold of a radeon HD 2600 Pro IceQ Turbo 512mb. The card has like 500 awards for its cooling technology. Anyways, I got it the ATI Tray Tools which allows you to overclock its core and memory speeds as well as complete fan speed control and voltage increase capabilities. The question is how much overclocking is safe? This question is not only for Temps but for the actual core and memory speed increments. This card at idle with stock clocks stays at 52c and while gaming it gets up to about 58c. This seems Cool. So what are the safe zones? Keep in mind I am also asking about the core and memory speed increments not just Temp. Thanks!

I don't normally answer questions about overclocking.

Comparing the older 9550 to the 2600 Pro I found this:

Both are AGP which is what I expected. I looked up and compared the Pro to the next up card, the 2600 XT.

The specs are quite similar except for the clock speeds and the RAM type. You may try by ramping up the core clock speed a bit and test it out a bit at a time, say for arguments sake, 10 at a time. Slow and sure is safer IMHO. I definitely would not go all the way to the numbers of the XT in one go but I would push it up and see if you can keep it stable and not too hot. As to the temps I would be cautious over 65C and less if any instability or corruption occurred. Remember these cards are not exactly available on every street corner so to burn it out would be a bad thing. I urge caution and patience in this.

Good luck.

Is building your own gaming PC still cheaper than buying it all put together?


So I have about $1.5k to spend on a good gaming pc. I would like to know whether or not it would be cheaper to just build my own computer rather than buying the thing pre-built. If it was cheaper, what specs would you recommend? I am looking to play games like BF3 and ARMA 2 (w/ DayZ of course) as well as the future releases of some series. Is my budget enough to get a good gaming PC? Again, what specs and parts do you recommend? Any help is appreciated. Thanks everybody!

Yes it IS cheaper.
If your reusing parts or not it still is slightly cheaper.

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