Saturday, August 24, 2013

What would be the best desktop computer for Hardcore gaming for under $900 AUD?

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Ben Sehic

I'm into hardcore gaming and don't know much about computers so what would be the best Desktop for gaming under $900 AUD. (Preferably with a full HD LCD monitor). Thanks


What do I need to build a gaming desktop?


I was going to buy a gaming laptop but read that desktops last longer and are upgradable ,This will be my first time building a gaming desktop my budget is 1500 or under need help on what parts I need. Thanks

Go to this website gives you prices and compatibility of parts. I always buy parts from for the best store. Buy a Rosewill case and power supply for best for the money. Buy a case with 3 fans(120mm), a power supply(psu) with 700 watts. ASRock extreme 3 motherboard with the same socket number as your processor for compatibility. Core i5 Intel processor-you don't need an i7 cpu for gaming. I use an AMD FX-4170 which works for me and costs less than the i5 although many gamers like the i5. 8GB of DDR3 ram 1600MHz. Sony optical drive dvd reader and burner for about 20 dollars. SATA 500GB or 1TB hard drive 7200 rpm 32MB cache or 64MB cache. I just bought a Radeon 7870 2GB video card at for $214 and it is great for the cost. Most people upgrade the video card every 2 years or so like I do. Thats why I stay in the 200 dollar range since in 2 years the 200 dollar one then will be twice as fast as the 200 dollar one is now. And an OS, get Windows7 for about 100 dollars-Home Premium is good for gaming- as W8 doesn't have the bugs worked out yet, you can upgrade in the future. I bought W8 for only 40 dollars but went back to Windows7 for now till w8 gets a service pack. You should be able to build a good one for under 900 to 1000 dollars.
All the parts and wires go into the only place they fit. There are 7 tiny wires from the front of the case to the mobo that have to be exactly right for it to start. The mobo manual will have a diagram that shows how to get them right, this is the trickiest part of pc building. Put the optical drive(dvd) in the case and the hard drive b4 you put in the mobo. Then install the power box and ram and video card.

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Have you ever played the game Grim Fandango?

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best gaming pc ever made image

Supply Sid

It was made for the PC back in 1998. It was a commercial flop but one of the best games for the PC ever made.

Never heard of it. I don't play PC games really, but I'll look it up right quick to comment...

I just looked it up. Doesn't seem like my type of game.

What is the most expensive video game ever made?


From what I heard, the most expensive game ever created was Shenmue for the Sega Dreamcast, it was also the game that killed Sega as a console maker. I am not sure about this, just want some confirmation.

Can't really tell you.. there's not a lot of hard facts that Game A cost X to build.. but I know that Horizons (an MMORPG) for the PC had a $10,000,000 budget to start with.. and they got more from investors before the game was released.

MMO's are going to be close to you #1 spots in terms of expense to build

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How important is a CPU in a gaming PC?

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best gaming pc 600 image

I am thinking about building a new gaming PC, but I'm on a fairly tight budget (around £600). So is it more important to invest in a good CPU and a good GPU or an average CPU and a really good GPU.

Thanks in advance for answering. :)


I would write more,but that's basically how it works for games. Grab yourself an average CPU with good overclocking potential and pair that with a decent GPU. Don't forget enough ram (2+GB) and a solid PSU.

Can anyone help me with finding a gaming PC to buy?


I think I'll ask for a gaming PC for Christmas, but I need help finding one. Can anyone direct me to somewhere I can get a gaming PC that will run games like Battlefield 3, Call of Duty and Minecraft with little to no lag that I can get delivered to/in Ireland? What kind of price range and specs am I looking at? Thanks.

Build your own. You are looking at 600 if you build your own. If you choose to get a crappy dell then it will cost you 1200.

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Can somebody recommend me parts to build my new gaming PC?

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best gaming pc 800 image

Alex L

My price range is somewhere in between $800-$1000.

I'm looking to build a gaming PC that can run most newer games efficiently on their highest settings.

Gigabyte intel p45 chipset motherboard, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 or Q9550 cpu, 4gigs of ram (ddr2 800 or 1066), western digital caviar black hard drive, dvd burner, radeon 4770/4850/4870 or geforce 9800gt/9800gtx video cards, and a corsair 520 or 550w power supply. everything else is up to you.

How much to spend on a gaming PC?


How much do I need to spend on a gaming pc for the moment? I don't want to talk about future, I will have a little more money then. I want to run games such as the witcher, oblivion, half life 2, and doom 3, and crysis. How much do i need to spend?

it cost a lot, it is an expensive hobby.

but if u really want a recommendation of how to choose a gaming pc, here is where to find

You can find decent budget gaming pc for +/- $500 along with the possible future upgrade
mainstream gaming pc +/- $800-1000
High-end +/- $1500-3000

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What is a Great Value Gaming Rig Configuration?

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The title says it all. I am building my first gaming PC and want to know what is a good gaming configuration for under 900$? I want to play modern games on max including BF3. Please help me with this. Thanks.

Like I am telling everybody, that says they have a budget, your biggest savings is going to come if you already have a hard drive, even if it is a SATA2 drive, just reuse it for a few more months. The price of hard drives has doubled and tripled over the last few weeks, due to flooding overseas... The SATA2 drives will be slightly slower, but the price of a 1Tb SATA3 64mb drive is $220 here in the states, they were $76 about a month and a half ago... which will eat up most of your builds money... So if you have an old drive, use it, and that will save you alot for the time being for better faster hardware now... For budget vs. performance, you cannot beat the i5 even the 2300, 2320, 2400, 2500 i5, with a good z68 chipset motherbaord can overclock up to 3.8Ghz, which is really no slouch... Using the same graphics card, a 560GTX ti 950mhz, gained 4000 points in Futuremark 06 from just upgrading to the 2400 overclocked to the same 3.8Ghz that my old q9550 was overclocked to... To put it like this, the q9550 stock out performs about all the Phenom II quads, so as you can see even my q9550 overclocked was kinda bottlenecking my 560GTX ti... The Sandy Bridge is just that good of a platform... Look for used i5's on ebay for bid, and try to snag one cheap. I got my 2400 i5 for $120, paired with a AsRock Extreme3 Gen3 motherboard, G.Skill 2133mhz ram, and my old Gigabyte 560GTX ti... My setup would cost about $600 American, leaving you some breathing room for a good heatsink fan for the CPU, and a good cooling case, and even enough for a decent hard drive, if you don't have one...

What are the best options for a moderate priced gaming PC?


I'm making a gaming PC with a $1K budget (without monitor). What type of processor is better - AMD or Intel? Also what sort of video cards are better - Radeon or GeForce? Please respond in terms of value, not "what's the best, most expensive one on the market".
Any other tips like min specs for processor speed, RAM...would be helpful.
I probably wouldn't do any overclocking.

i was an amd fan till the c2d line, now intel is killing amd. same goes for nvidia, i liked ati but nvidia kills them now. get at least 1gb of ram, 2 if it fits ur budget. i know u said u dont think ull overclock, BUT, if u went with an asus board(very easy to overclock) and overclocked, you could get a cheaper c2d processor and overclock to save some money

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Where should I buy my Gaming PC and what specs should it have?

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best gaming pc on a budget 2013 image


During the summer of 2013 I am thinking about spending £1000 on a gaming PC, so I need to know what company makes good 'solid' PC's that do not break instantly and are 'trusted'.


A grand will get you top spec. but you will want to self build, you'll get all the parts you want and quite possibly cheaper than a prebuilt system.

I recently did a build for someone (details are on my email account) which was on a £700 budget,

asrock z77 extreme4
8gb ram
1tb hdd
WiFi card
OCZ 600w PSU.
7850 Radeon HD graphics.
120gb sandisk extreme SSD.

this came in at 700, so for 1k, you can up the graphics card to top spec and still be in budget...

prices change and tech is renewed quite often so in 6months there will be an even better spec available.

What is the best configuration for a gaming PC within $900?

Fahmid ul

I want to build a custom gaming PC with high configuration so that I can play latest games (2012) at high frame rate. My budget is $900. Please help me.

I believe what you looking for is this

The gaming pc would cost you around $800. It has the following parts:
* Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 motherboard,
* AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition,
* Class 9 DDR3 4x4 GB memory modules,
* MSI Radeon HD R6850 Cyclone,
* WD 500 GB SATA hard drive,
* Samsung BluRay Combo Internal,
* NZXTâs TEMPEST 210 Massive Midtower Case, and
* Acer G235hAbd 23" Widescreen LCD Monitor

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im buying a gaming pc, i have found one that looks good and dont know much about computers, is it worth buyi?

best gaming pc deals uk on Battlefield 3 Jetplay with new joystick
best gaming pc deals uk image

Jordan M <<<< here is the link to ebay, it has a price of £329 buy it now and was wondering if it is worth this price, and is a decent gaming pc

Thanks in advance, Jordan.

I don't do any gaming, but what I can tell you is this:

That's a pretty darn good deal. The specs on that machine are REALLY good for the price.

But you'd better buy it quick, because I'm getting my wallet out...haha no, just kidding.

Why are the USA and Israel conducting war games as the deadline for Iran to approve a nuke deal draws near?

Mr. Atoz

Could we be headed for war with Iran?


Happy Daze



email Sunday papersâ¦


Great Brit humour suddenly revives ??â¦


Shun PC for BC - not Politically Correct but Biblically Correctâ¦

As in all Bible prophets calling for justice for widows, orphans, aliens & strangers within your gatesâ¦

Email Sir Terry to play Ebony & Ivory

& Melting Pot, OK?

Or is that preparing the way for sleepwalking into NWO totalitarian dictatorship?â¦

Any TOGs waking up to why himself is retiring now?â¦


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Need a decent gaming computer for a cheap price?

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best gaming desktop 500 dollars image


I'm looking for a good gaming desktop computer build for a cheap price. I have a budget of 500-550 dollars. I am using this computer to play World of Warcraft. Some cool LEDs on the case would be nice too. Please help!

Don't need a decent gaming pc for WoW >.<

Can the AMD Radeon HD 6450 graphics card handle BF3 and if it can what settings will it handle it at?

Q. I am looking into buying my first gaming desktop and I am on a budget. I found one for 500 dollars and it has the AMD Radeon HD 6450 graphics card. The card has a dedicated memory of 1 gig and I know to run BF3 you need at least 512 megs of dedicated video memory. So I am assuming you can run BF3 on this card, but at what settings?

VERY LOW settings, unless you play at a very low resolution.

The 6450 is a very low end card.

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How bad of an investment is a gaming laptop compared to a gaming desktop?

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best gaming desktop 500 image

Don't knoc

In other words, can an $800 desktop outperform a $2000 laptop or is a $2000 laptop = $2000 desktop? If the previous is true, why don't I just by a cheap notebook and settle for a gaming desktop right?

Anyway, how BAD IS IT REALLY?

It's quite bad.... A $2000 laptop is about equal to a $1000 desktop, and a $900 laptop is about equal to a $500 desktop. You're losing more value because laptops aren't upgradeable other than RAM.... You can't install a newer, faster graphics card or CPU a year from now whereas on desktops you can. You can't install a better soundcard.

But no matter how much you spend, laptops cannot approach the performance of high-end desktops. Laptop components are weaker than their desktop counterparts, because they're engineered to be physically smaller, consume less power (to extend battery life) and generate less heat- absolute requirements if they're going to fit and work inside a laptop chassis.

If you look at the physical dimensions even $150ish desktop cards like the GTX 460 and Radeon HD 6850, most of the space those cards occupy is heatsink/cooling apparatus. That amount of cooling is required to run GPUs at such high clock speeds. And those cards need a spacious case with good airflow to run without overheating. Then of course you've got the power requirements- there's physically no room inside a laptop chassis for a 500W Corsair power supply. And as you progress to $250 and $350 cards, the need for power and cooling only increases.

On laptops, simple physics greatly reduces the performance of anything you can fit inside. There's no laptop you can buy which remotely approaches a $2000 desktop running dual GPUs in SLI or Crossfire. Even the highest-end laptops are fundamentally built for portability.

What Type Of Desktop Do I Need For Sims 3?


I want a good gaming desktop that is about $400-500. I have to buy a new family computer and I want to play Sims 3 on it. We already plan on installing NOD32 on it after we get it. We want Windows XP of possible. We do NOT need:a new monitor, a new mouse, a new keyboard, or new speakers. Is it possible to achieve this?

YES, go here

Browse around, and if you want a good system that you get more for your money, get Refurbish systems. Dont worry all refrubish stuff have been tested by the Manufactuer and Tigerdirect so it will work as if its NEW. Plus you save hundreds or even close to one thousand just by getting these systems. Browse aroudn and remember Tigerdirect has free shipping for your purchase of $100 dollars or over with a weight 35lb or under (Desktop bundles online usually weigh 30 lbs :)

Here are my recommendations, and remember there is no tax so the price you see is the GRAND TOTAL, and if you dont believe me add it to your cart and try it :)

^ These Desktops dont come witha discrete video card its built in but it doenst suck for basic gaming, you can always buy an affordable gamign video card such as a Geforce 9600 GSO or 9800 GT videocard like....


Its over your budget but im just saying that it offers BLU-RAY, QUAD CORE, 8GB DDR2 @ 800MHz , 750GB Hard drive and it has a Geforce 9600GS Video card with 768MB video memory. Yes you pay more but hey you get blu-ray player and a video card, and FYI, Blu Ray Drives itself cost around 1 bill and that 9600 GS would cost around 80 bucks. So overall its still a great buy especially for that price.

If you dotn believe me you can go to Circuit City, Best Buy and Frys and compare the prices and see if you can get all that. But based on my experince that is hella worth it and me building a custom PC i cant even build it in that spec with that budget.

Goodluck and best of wishes. have more questions? email me ill be glad to help you.

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What brand of computer offers the best value?

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I'm looking to buy a new gaming PC, and want to get the best value for my money possible. If I have ~$1500 to spend, what brand of computer would offer me the most performance for that price (Systemax, iBuyPower, etc.)? Also, what store would sell those computers for the best price (Tiger Direct, Amazon, Micro Center)?
Just FYI, I am looking for a desktop, not a laptop.

Best value for the dollar is Ibuypower or Cyberpower PC. Those are the best sites for configuring a gaming system, short of building one from scratch yourself.

Of course having it assembled, tested and Windows installed is worth the slightly higher cost. You don't have to deal with the headaches of getting a defective/DOA component and having to exchange it before you can complete your build.

They are carried by Newegg (best prices overall), Tiger Direct (2nd best) and even Walmart carries some models. But unless you're lucky enough to find a system configured exactly the way you want it, I recommend buying directly from their site.

Ordering directly has two major advantages- one, you get exactly the components you want which often isn't possible with the units sold in retail stores. For example, I always want a high-quality power supply like Corsair or Antec in my builds.

The 2nd reason to order directly addresses the one knock against CyberpowerPC and Ibuypower- their default computer cases aren't the highest quality (of course you can pick what you want when ordering direct) and some people get damaged units- reading the reviews it almost always seems to be that computers were dropped or banged around during shipping and arrived with CD drives or video cards knocked loose or broken drive bay doors etc. Probably more the fault of the shipping company than the manufacturer but still, something you have to consider.

When getting it through retail channels, boxes get shipped around more (from the manufacturer to the merchant, then from the merchant to you) with more opportunities to be mishandled at some point.

What do you think of my Gaming PC build?


What do you think of my strictly gaming pc build? Here are the specs.

HAF 912
ECS H61H2-M2
Seasonic S12II 620 620w
G.Skill 8gb 1333 Value Series
CD/DVD Burner
Windows 7

How well will it perform? Will it max out modern games? Keep in mind this system is strictly for gaming. Thanks!

You're in good shape, but for running games on max detail I'd recommend upgrading to a Core i5 2400 or 2500. There's almost no difference between the Core i5 2500 and Core i7 2600 in games, so paying more for the i7 isn't worth it for gaming. And for playing on HIGH settings, the Core i3 2120 is fine. But when you push to ultra settings in really intense titles, the CPU starts to play a bigger role. Basically in the scenarios where you'd take full advantage of a GTX 570, you'll want a bit more CPU horsepower behind it.

If your budget is tight, go with 4gb of RAM and a Core i5 2300 or 2320. At ultra settings it would pay off. Maybe consider the 448 core GTX 560 Ti classified edition instead of the GTX 570. That would save enough to upgrade your CPU. The 448 core model is really a lower-end GTX 570, based upon the same GPU.,3082-4.html

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what type of gaming headset do you wear for ps3?

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best gaming headset pc xbox image

Fluff Monk

im looking at buying a gaming headset for my playstation 3 on modern warfare 2. im not sure what the best brands are what type of headset is best.

do i get the closed headset with wires?
or do i get the open headset connected with bluetooth?
whats the best brand?

what type do you use?


ps3 headset
This one is the best ps3 headset. I like this headset so much...
Ear Force PX21 Gaming Headset for Playstation 3
Product Features
- Universal headset for PS3 & XBOX 360 & PC or Mac Hear stereo game sound together with PlayStation Network & XBOX LIVE or online chat Stereo expander widens the sound field to accentuate left and right sound cues
- Variable Bass Boost enhances the reality and depth of explosions gun blasts and other deep sounds
- Chat Boost automatically increases incoming chat level when the game gets louder Game sound is isolated so online players won't hear the game picked up by your mic
Separate volume controls make it easy to balance game and chat levels Mic monitor lets you hear what you're saying A single USB connection provides power - no AC adapters necessary
- Heart-Thumping Bass Boost

Is there a wireless gaming headset for xbox and pc where i don't have to disconnect wires constantly?


I'm looking at the Razer Chimaera 5.1. But my main concern is that i have my laptop and my Xbox in different rooms, and it's a hassle to have to constantly unplug my headset from my Xbox to move it to my PC. Will i be able to say, hook these up to my Xbox and maybe only unplug one thing to move to my PC?

AS far as i know,There's only one way to do this, is to connect your Headset directly to your Monitor or TV

I play both my Xbox360 and my Laptop on the same monitor Through HDMI so i don't have to keep switching all of the time. the only cable i have to switch is the HDMI .

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Friday, August 23, 2013

Is it possible to build a decent gaming computer with a budget of £450?

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I am trying to build a gaming computer for myself (its something I've wanted for a while), but I only have £450 to spend ($700 american). can someone please give me some advice for building a computer that will 1. Run smoothly 2. Have good graphical quality. any help is appreciated.

Not really, especially since everything is more expensive in the UK due to your high VAT and import taxes.
Even here, in the colonies, it's hard to build a decent gaming PC for $700 USD.
Since all branded (HP, Dell, etc) suck when it comes to gaming specs, building is the only logical option, and cheaper too.

For a decent to excellent gaming PC you would need:

Processor and motherboard:
A second generation, fast Sandy Bridge Intel processor, like at least an Intel Core i3-2130 ($150) or the best gaming processor Intel Core i5-2500K ($225)
An Intel Core i7-2600K would be overkill at $325, save the $100+ for a better graphics card.
Put any of the above processors on a Z68 chipset motherboard, socket LGA1155, with SATA III (6.0Gb/s) and USB 3.0
For AMD processors (not recommended, Intel is always better) only Phenom II x4 965, Phenom II x6 1100T or the newest eight core AMD FX-8120 or 8150 would be good enough for a gaming PC.
For any AMD processor you would need a good AM3+ socket, 990FX or X990 chipset, with SATA III (6.0Gb/s) and USB 3.0 motherboard.

A good dedicated 1GB graphics card, like at least a GeForce GTX 460 Fermi or AMD Radeon HD 5850 or better. Get any card that has a 2300 score or higher form this benchmark list:

Memory (RAM)
At least 4GB of DDR3 1333MHz or 1600MHz RAM, 8GB would be best, either one in identical pairs (for 4GB get two x 2GB, for 8GB get two x 4GB).
All new systems have fast dual channel memory mode, only runs with identical, even pairs of RAM installed.

Hard drive (or SSD + hard drive)
A 500GB or bigger Seagate Barracuda or Samsung Spinpoint SATA III (6.0Gb/s) 7200rpm hard drive.
If you also add a 90GB or 120GB fast SSD SATA III (6.0Gb/s), either a Patriot Wildfire (best SSD) or OCZ Agility 3 for your operating system install, you will get much better performance.

Power supply (PSU):
Never cheap out on your PSU, as it is basically the engine that drives your whole computer system.
Get a good quality PSU, 600 watts or bigger, 80 plus certified and from a trusted, reliable brand like Thermaltake, Enermax, Cooler Master, Antech, OCZ or Corsair.
To eliminate cable clutter, and for better air flow in your box, a modular PSU is preffered. It will allow you to only use whatever cables you actually need.

PC Case:
Any case with bottom mount for power supply and enough space to allow for good air flow and proper cooling.

Operating system:
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit OEM ($100)
Not sure if they even sell OEM OS in the UK...

@Raghav Jindal
H67 is not a good chipset, really. Z68 is the best, P67 is also good, although older.
And prices in the UK will be significantly higher than India.

Can i say macbook pro with retina is a gaming pc and designed to everything?


I am computer engg. 1st year student and I want to buy best laptop in the world before i go to university
What am i looking fo?:
2)web development
3)video(for youtube) and picture editing
4)hardcore gaming(sometimes)
5)compiling and making sofwares
6)slim, beautiful, eye catching
7)watching hd movies

There is only one more laptop which i am considering and thought of buying: razor blade

because i live in India i can't get razor laptop shipped here. Razor doesn't ship outside US and Canada

but my aunt lives in US so i have no prob. in getting it from her.

the only prob. i think razor blade have is? it's just a gaming laptop not a multi purpose laptop. Also, i don't wanna go with Alienware(someone told Alienware is overpriced crap and target kids saying we make THE BEST GAMING LAPTOPS)

I have seen people playing games like skyrim, GTA4, bioshock, crysis3, battlefield3,nfs shift and other graphic intensive games as well. I can't say apple is not a gaming laptop.....but all want to know is will it future games like GTA5 and other running on boot camp. Also, I have heard that mac turns too hot while playing games even dell laptop turns too hot without even playing games.....hahaha but is it NORMAL?

which mac i want to buy:
2.7GHz quad-core
Intel Core i7 processor (Turbo Boost up to 3.7GHz) with 6MB shared L3 cache

plz don't suggest me anything related to money. Cost is not a factor for me.

The Razer Blade would be the better choice. Macs are not suited for gaming.

If cost isn't a factor, go on eBay and find an Alienware. Despite what people say, they ARE good computers. You just can't buy them from the company directly, it's costly. You're better off buying Alienware-branded items on eBay. Just make sure you can trust the seller.

Macs won't run Crysis 3, BF3, Skyrim, or any of the games you listed. If you installed bootcamp, MAYBE, but probably not BF3.

I'd go with the Alienware x51 personally. It's not a laptop but a console-sized gaming PC. so you will have the power of a desktop and will be able to upgrade it easily, unlike laptops. And if it has HDMI you could easily plug it into any TV or monitor. Again, do NOT buy it on the Dell/Alienware site. You will find better deals on eBay, I got my Aurora R4 for $1700. Had to do some upgrading and plan to do more in the near future but it was an amazing deal versus the $5000 the official website wanted.

You could try CyberPowerPC as well, but this is also a costly option much like Alienware which is why I didn't go with it.

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What are the best games my PC can run optimally?

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best pc gaming gear 2012 image


-HP Pavilion dv7 Notebook PC (17.3")
-8.00GB RAM
-1.00GB VRAM
-1TB Hard Drive
-i7 Processor

I have GTA IV and it lags -___-

Dont worry gta 4 is a shit and even lags on best perfomance pc's
Best games of 2012/13
n some old ones :-D .
I will suggest u some great games
1. First person shooter
.far cry 3,cod mw3,battlefield 3,crysis 2 n 3.
2 3rd person shooter,rpg
gears of war <old is gold awesome game>, dead space. 1, 2 n 3, mass effect .1, 2 n 3,bulletstorm,witcher 2,devil may cry 4,5 ,resident evil 4,5<nt gd bt decent>, 6 awesome, tomb raider 2013, metro 2033 n last light
3 open worl and rpg games
gta 4,skyrim <with awesome graphics>

Is World of Warcraft making my Macbook Pro too hot?


I have a 2012 Macbook pro model A1286 regular display. I installed a cpu temp app and my average temps range between 35-50 degrees celsius when surfing the web, watching video's, playing music etc. But when I play World of Warcraft I've seen the temperature reach up to 90 celsius. It doesn't stay that hot for long because the fans kick into high gear and bring the temp down to an average of 75-85 celsius while playing WoW. I have my WoW graphics settings pretty high and I can get up to 90 frames per second. I know if I bring my WoW settings down the temp should lower a bit, but do I even have to worry about it at 75 to 85 C ? I have not yet had any issues with performance either. From what I've read most sources say if it stays under 100 celsius it should be ok, but I'd like to hear some other opinions about it.

I used to have this problem with my old computer. Try turning down the graphics settings in game. I had the lowest settings on my old PC but it still heated up so I would also suggest getting a fan to sit underneath your laptop if the problem carries on once you've turned down the settings.

The temp does sound very high though for a laptop. My PC has about 8 fans but I wouldn't let it go over 80C tbh - then again laptops DO get hotter than desktops.

I wouldn't worry too much unless it starts shutting down because of the temp.

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What's the price range for a gaming pc built for framerate?

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best gaming pc for $750 image


I've been wanting to build a gaming PC for a while, and I want to build one that could be easily upgraded in the future, but would be able to run games like Arma 3, Farcry 3, and Skyrim on atleast medium graphics between 45-60 fps. A specific price range, and a guess on what graphics card, CPU speed, and ram would be needed is what I'm generally asking.

Don't listen to the guy below me with 750$ you will be able to run anything at high/ultra
If you need help with a build skype me at CursusComputers and il help with your build

How many watts of power will I need for my gaming computer?


This summer I plan on building my own gaming PC and assembling it at home because it is cheaper and I like to customize things myself. It is an 850 dollar computer but the specs are exceptional. For the motherboard and processor, I am following a YouTube tutorial. In the YouTube video it says only 500 watts of power are needed, but in the comment section somebody (who was picked for best answer) claims that you actually need at least 630. I am planning on getting a 750 watt battery anyways, but if I don't need to, I'll try and get something cheaper. So how much power will I need based on this setup:

Intel Core i5-3470 Quad-Core Processor 3.2 GHz 4 Core LGA 1155 - BX80637I53470 â ($188.79)

Graphics Card:
Gigabyte Radeon HD 7850 Graphics Card (2GB) â ($194.99)

MSI LGA1155/Intel B75/DDR3/SATA3 USB 3.0/A&GbE/MicroATX Motherboard B75MA-P45 â ($64.99)

Corsair Vengeance 8 GB (2 x 4 GB ) â ($59.98)

Hard Drive:
500GB Western Digital Caviar Blue Hard Drive â ($59.99)

Power Supply:
Corsair CX750 Builder Series ATX 80 PLUS Bronze Certified Power Supply (750W) â ($88.24)

Optical Drive:
Asus 24xDVD-RW Serial ATA Internal OEM Drive DRW-24B1ST (Black) â ($20.04)

NZXT Technologies SOURCE 220 CA-SO220-01 Matt Steel Mesh Front Mid Tower Case with USB 3.0 â ($68.98)

Operating System:
Windows 7 System Builder â ($95.88)

ASUS VS197D-P 18.5-Inch HD LCD Monitor â ($89.24)

500W (or greater) power supply with one 75W 6-pin PCI Express power connector recommended

Thus, for a system with a single HD7850, a good branded 600W PSU is the ideal one to get and since your mobo does not support crossfire, then that 750W is too much for that build since Xfire is already not possible.

BTW, for Xfire, amd recommends 600W minimum, thus 700W is the ideal one to have (just an added info).

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Where can I find diagnostics for Windows XP?

best gaming pc setup under 500 on HP Tablet TC1100 Driver - Download | Drivers:
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Where can I find a diagnostics program for Windows XP? My computer is randomly stopping various programs I have installed, and I'd like to test the operating system. Does anyone know of diagnostics programs, and if so, where I might find them?

Everest Ultimate Edition is a system diagnostics and benchmarking solution for PC users, based on the award-winning EVEREST Technology. During system optimizations and tweaking it provides essential system and overclock information, advanced hardware monitoring and diagnostics capabilities to check the effects of the applied settings. CPU, FPU, and memory benchmarks are available to measure the actual system performance and compare it to previous states or other systems. Furthermore, complete software, operating system and security information makes EVEREST Ultimate Edition a comprehensive system diagnostics tool that offers a total of 100 pages of information about your PC.

Version 2.80.534 adds support for RAID arrays, Centrino mobile 3rd generation, new benchmarks, updates hardware/software repository.

PowerStrip provides advanced, multi-monitor, programmable hardware support to a wide range of graphics cards - from the venerable Matrox Millennium I to the latest ATI X850 and NVidia SLI solutions. It is in fact the only program of its type to support multiple graphics cards from multiple chipset vendors, simultaneously, under every Windows operating system from Windows 95 to the x64-bit edition of XP. A simple menu that pops up from the system tray provides access to some 500 controls over your display hardware, including sophisticated color correction tools, period level adjustments over screen geometry, and driver independent clock controls. A powerful application profiler can detect when programs are launched and respond by activating specific display settings, gamma adjustments, performance switches and even clock speeds - returning everything to normal when the program closes. In-game gamma hotkeys let you light up the darkest hallways during game play, and hardware control over refresh rates - with floating point precision - ensure you're never stuck at just 60Hz no matter what OS you're using. A quick setup wizard gets you up and running with minimal fuss, extensive context-sensitive help is available for all controls, and live updates are supported to ensure you're always running the latest release. Finally, an assortment of system and productivity tools - among them, extensive diagnostics, AGP device configuration, desktop icon management, a system idle thread, Windows resource monitoring, physical memory optimization, an on-screen display, and the most advanced monitor support in the industry - round out the compact 800kb package

Would this be a good choice for building a gaming pc?


I am interested in building my own gaming pc, but I am not very experienced in choosing computer hardware. Does this setup look like it would give good performance on games like COD and Left 4 Dead and is worth the cost?

great go for it (more ram though)

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What's the best strategy game out for pc as of now?

best gaming pc on earth on 35+ Epic Astronauts To Follow On Twitter
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I'm looking for a good strategy game for pc I use to be real into civilization but have been told 5 has went downhill I've been recommended total war but don't know much about it. Just wanting to know some opinions and any aspects of the game that make it good

Starcraft 2
Company of Heroes
Supreme commander
Dawn of war 2
Age of Empires 3
Warcraft 3
Men of War
LOTR battle of middle earth 2
Command and conquer 3

Whats the name of the game where you mix four different elements together to make more elements?


Im looking for the PC game where you mix elements like water, fire , earth and wind to unlock different elements. Not the alchemy game where you have to match pieces together to unlock the board.

doodle god

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I need help building a gaming computer, can someone help?

best gaming pc build under 800 on Gaming Desktops on Thermaltake V3 Gaming Pc Gaming Computers
best gaming pc build under 800 image


I want to build a gaming computer for under $800, I want to be able to mainly run World of Warcraft at its full potential, and of course other PC games at their full settings like Oblivion. If anyone can build me a list of the perfect parts for the computer and prices that would be awesome.

Maximum PC recently ran an article on a $667 gaming PC, which should meet your needs nicely. The article even includes step-by-step instructions on assembling the components if you need help with that. Link:

What are some good beginner gaming computers?


I am very new to gaming computers and I know I should build my own, but I want to first buy one premade since I have no idea how to make one. Give me some links to some if you guys can please. I don't need anything too advanced. All I really need is a gaming pc that will run all the recent games such as dishonored and things like that on medium settings with no lag. No serious power needed just some decent computers please. I don't have a price range right now but I would like to keep it under 750. I know that's low, but I have seen some decent ones that I am interested in that are cheap. So please let me know guys! Thank you!

Well, I could get you a very good gaming system, but you would have to build it yourself, BUT it is easy. Watch a YouTube vid and you are set, you just need a few tools and you can build it. It will safe you 100-200$ and you get the satisfaction of building it yourself. I based this off my 800$ high end gaming system and downgraded it some. Also, when building it yourself, not a whole lot can go wrong IF you watched a video. The CPU only fits in one way, same with the ram, sane with the video card. The parts are all built so that it is easy to build it yourself. This system is right at the border to a high-end system and even I would be very happy with it. It can take on any game at high to ultra settings with no lag.This video card can run Crysis 3 at High settings and BF3 at Ultra settings. In other words, its the most bang for your buck you can get. Also, It allows a lot of upgrading. For example if it gets slower you can stick a new GPU in it and upgrade to the 8-core AMD CPUs it supports. I built this system based on price, performance, and upgrade ability. Build:

NOTE: Intel CPUs are more expensive, but don't heat up as quickly, but for 200$ extra, they aren't worth it. AMD CPU's are better for budget systems, and have a much higher price for performance rating.

Hope this helps,


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