Saturday, July 27, 2013

What is a Great Value Gaming Rig Configuration?

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The title says it all. I am building my first gaming PC and want to know what is a good gaming configuration for under 900$? I want to play modern games on max including BF3. Please help me with this. Thanks.

Like I am telling everybody, that says they have a budget, your biggest savings is going to come if you already have a hard drive, even if it is a SATA2 drive, just reuse it for a few more months. The price of hard drives has doubled and tripled over the last few weeks, due to flooding overseas... The SATA2 drives will be slightly slower, but the price of a 1Tb SATA3 64mb drive is $220 here in the states, they were $76 about a month and a half ago... which will eat up most of your builds money... So if you have an old drive, use it, and that will save you alot for the time being for better faster hardware now... For budget vs. performance, you cannot beat the i5 even the 2300, 2320, 2400, 2500 i5, with a good z68 chipset motherbaord can overclock up to 3.8Ghz, which is really no slouch... Using the same graphics card, a 560GTX ti 950mhz, gained 4000 points in Futuremark 06 from just upgrading to the 2400 overclocked to the same 3.8Ghz that my old q9550 was overclocked to... To put it like this, the q9550 stock out performs about all the Phenom II quads, so as you can see even my q9550 overclocked was kinda bottlenecking my 560GTX ti... The Sandy Bridge is just that good of a platform... Look for used i5's on ebay for bid, and try to snag one cheap. I got my 2400 i5 for $120, paired with a AsRock Extreme3 Gen3 motherboard, G.Skill 2133mhz ram, and my old Gigabyte 560GTX ti... My setup would cost about $600 American, leaving you some breathing room for a good heatsink fan for the CPU, and a good cooling case, and even enough for a decent hard drive, if you don't have one...

What are the best options for a moderate priced gaming PC?


I'm making a gaming PC with a $1K budget (without monitor). What type of processor is better - AMD or Intel? Also what sort of video cards are better - Radeon or GeForce? Please respond in terms of value, not "what's the best, most expensive one on the market".
Any other tips like min specs for processor speed, RAM...would be helpful.
I probably wouldn't do any overclocking.

i was an amd fan till the c2d line, now intel is killing amd. same goes for nvidia, i liked ati but nvidia kills them now. get at least 1gb of ram, 2 if it fits ur budget. i know u said u dont think ull overclock, BUT, if u went with an asus board(very easy to overclock) and overclocked, you could get a cheaper c2d processor and overclock to save some money

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What are good gaming desktops, that are also moderately cheap?

best gaming desktop 500 on Acer AME600-UR378 Desktop (Black) � Desktop PC 2012
best gaming desktop 500 image


Could anyone please point me in the right direction as to what would be a good gaming desktop, that is also moderately cheap. (Price range of around $400-500 USD) I know next to nothing about computer specs, and whats good, and whats not. Any help would be appreciated.

For $500 a good gaming desktop is hard to find. Here is some I found with good reviews but you can't expect a great performance:

If you could afford $600 this one is good:

How much does a good quality gaming Desktop cost and what kind is best?


I'm not looking for the top of the line gaming Desktop, just something that can run games like Call of Duty or Counter Strike with no lag without having to change all the game settings. The most I would spend is $1,500. Is that enough to get something respectable?

The best is the one that you build yourself. For $1500 you can play all the latest games if you do this, since you'll be able to use more advanced components for the same price. It's really not difficult and there's countless websites and Youtube videos to guide you.

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Where are the cost effective (cheaper than a PC), graphical, diskless network appliances/X terminals?

best gaming pc setup under 500 on best sellers the new york times best sellers children s books ...
best gaming pc setup under 500 image


As I am looking to build or buy a new home, I started planning a home computing system for the house from scratch. What I have in my head is some beefy server and cheap workstations (graphical diskless thin-clients) throughout the house. I have read some up on the Linux Terminal Server Project and envisioned an amazing system possibly involving intercom (VoIP), home chat, controlled web access (I have kids), Myth TV, word processing, presentation and central fax & print. The software seems to be there for the right price. The hardware is another story. I have not been able to put together this architecture cheaper than just buying and networking full fledged Windows systems for each room. Isn't there supposed to be a cost savings with this architecture? Am I after a 2001 dream that everyone else knows has already failed? I am tired of spyware and viruses and updating multiple systems with various patches. Is it going to cost more for less?

This is a tough one. I know what you mean about wanting one central point for updates, and your VoIP dream can be realized no matter which platform you pick.

The cost savings for the thin client scenario I think was meant to be realized in ease of deployment, management and service. In your case, it's neither difficult to deploy, nor manage, nor service your PCs, since you are where the machines are and you don't have another location to support remotely.

It's easy to ship another Thin Client overnight to anywhere and have it up and running in no time. Or a spare can simply be kept on site and plugged in when another fails.

I've worked where thin clients were deployed, and my opinion is that they're a lot more trouble than they're worth for home use. Now, that's partly because they began to use the browser IN the thin client instead of JUST the remote desktop feature, so the performance was dismal.

They repurposed the terminals in a way that they weren't designed to be fast since many of the modern web controls run on the client side. The built-in browser was miserably slow, and everyone hated the setup.

Had they stuck with just Citrix ICA or MS RDP, I think the experience would have been far more robust as expected. If you can be firm and only use them as remote displays as they were meant to be, you might also have the good experience.

The licensing, as you mentioned, can be a little expensive. Although if you use Microsoft Small Business Server, you can kill some of the licensing costs and probably come out ahead overall.

Unfortunately, I haven't read up on the Linux TS project, so I'm not sure what that client and server system would entail.

What I do know is that if your kids are using computers at school for assignments or get homework, they will likely be working on Windows systems there. MS makes it cheap and easy for students and schools to have and use their products.

If you want them to have a more seamless experience at home, it's going to mean using Windows in some flavor. But if you do it at the SBS, that's a win. It's also unlikely that games or learning tools on their favorite web sites will work outside of MS Internet Explorer, just because when games are developed, they do it for the largest common denominator, and that's Windows with MSIE.

The one big thing I would caution on is peripherals... Will you have a way to use iTunes through remote desktop? Where does the Pod plug in? Mobile MP3 devices, CDROMs, DVDs. flash drives, cameras, scanners? Your kids have a game that requires the CD to play (nearly all games require the CD to play)? Someone's going to have to run to the big beefy server every time and swap discs. That's your blessing and your curse with a dumb terminal - all you get is redirected display, keyboard and mouse. No PnP.

That said, the Wyse S10 Thin Client looks like a good fit if you can live with the limitations.

It's priced under $300 and comes with Windows CE that supports RDP up to version 5.5.

Windows Small Business Server is around $500-$600 with 5 clients included.

You might find a used server with the SBS bundled for less if you're into bargain shopping.

I can't imagine that you'll find solid Windows desktop computers for $300 if you mean to license them legally.

I think the cost savings is there, overall, even if you decide to use Windows server and thin clients. But there's a huge tradeoff in usability when you go down that road.

One thing that can save some time if you decide to use regular Windows XP machines instead of thin clients is "cloning" software. Get 5 machines the same, build it right once, get it all patched up and happy, then clone it. Save the entire hard disk to an image file so that if you ever need to fix up a virus or spyware infested machine, you just pop in a DVD with the cloned image and forget it. You have a new machine in 10 minutes. Makes troubleshooting a moot point.

But then you have to be diligent about saving unique documents and files OFF the machine on CDs or some other media or server. One way to do this would be to redirect all the My Documents folders to a cheap RAID NAS and keeping all the files there.

It's a lot to think about. I don't envy your situation. Good luck!

My uploaded video on youtube only plays sound no movie?

Justin C

I have uploaded several gaming movies i captured using pinnacle and it works fine on that program but when i upload it on youtube it only has sound no movie playing how do i fix this? The other movies work fine on my computer but just the movies i uploaded are a problem.

To make sure that you hear sound while watching videos, please try the following:

-Adjust the volume control on your computer and speakers.
-Adjust the volume control located in the lower right corner of the YouTube Video Player.
-Ensure that the volume is up on other video players, such as Quicktime, Real Player, or Windows Media player, as this might affect the video player sound.
-If these steps don't correct the issue, you may want to try the steps below.

For Mac users:

Open "Applications" > "Utilities" > "Audio MIDI Setup"
Check the properties for "Built In Output". Make sure it's set to 44.1 KHz.

For PC users:

Click "Start".
Select "Run".
Type: sndvol32
Click "OK".
Make sure the following are not muted and the volume is up for "Volume Control" and "Wave".

Make sure you have your sound card selected as the Default device:

Click "Start".
Select "Control Panel".
Open the "Sound and Audio Devices" icon.
Click the "Audio" Tab.
Under "Sound playback" set the Default device to your sound card not your webcam/modem.
Click "OK"

If you're still having trouble, check to see if your system meets these requirements for running the video player:

Macromedia Flash Player 7.0+ plug-in
Windows 2000 or higher with latest updates installed
Mac OS X 10.3 or higher
Firefox 1.1+, Internet Explorer 5.0+, or Safari 1.0+
Broadband connection with 500+ Kbps

Videos on YouTube are streamed through an Adobe Flash player. For the best viewing experience, we suggest you install the latest version of Adobe Flash after removing any old versions you've installed.

Please completely uninstall Flash before reinstalling the latest version.

Then, restart your computer and follow Adobe's instructions for reinstalling Flash, listed here.

If your system meets all the requirements, but the video player still isn't working properly, please try troubleshooting with a different browser. Remember to test the audio on multiple videos!

If you can't hear sound within videos embedded on other websites or blogs, your computer may be blocking third-party Flash content. To correct this, follow the steps below:


The Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager should display.
Check the box labeled: "Allow third-party Flash content to store data on your computer."
To ensure the check sticks please click one of the tabs at the top of that box and then click back to the (Global Storage Settings Panel). The box should still be checked.
Once this is complete, close all browser windows and try playing an embedded video.
Please be advised that this action stores a Flash cookie on your computer. Flash enables this by default upon install.

If this step doesn't help, please check your Antivirus and Firewall software to see if you're blocking third-party Flash content.

I hope that it serves you, bye-bye! =).

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Is it possible to build a gaming PC in an old NES shell?

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I want to build a gaming pc; or at least gut my old desktop or laptop. Is it at all possible for me to build it inside of the NES shell? I think it would be a really cool retro design.


As for a Gaming PC, it'll be tricky as Gaming Video Cards are pretty big compared to the space inside a NES CASE

What should be a few necessities for a gaming pc?


I am thinking of buying a gaming pc. I am willing to spend up to around 1000 dollars(or more if necessary) I want it to play games like minecraft or call of duty. I want something so I can play if no lag. Or even record... I dont know much about computers do I don't know what I should be looking for in a computer. If i could get a link to a great one to buy it would be nice. Or even a list of things to look for. Thanks!
Also where should i buy it?

Processor: Intel Core i5 2500K or AMD Phenom II X4 970 Black Edition.

Hard Drive: 500GB or 1TB

RAM: DDR3 4GB would be sufficient but 8GB wouldn't hurt.

Graphic Card: GTX 560 Ti or the GTX 570 would do.

PSU (Power Supply Unit): 700W or 650W. (PSU is needed to power up the graphic card.)

Gaming Cabinet: Any cabinet would do, but a gaming cabinet has a pretty better built in cooling system. iBall's 'Thunder Bolt' cabinet is pretty sweet.

Mother Board: If your going to get the AMD Phenom II X4 970 Black Edition, then get the ASUS M5A88M. If going for the Intel Core i5 2500K, then get the ASUS P8H 67-MLX.

You'll need a sound card and a pair of speakers.


A Monitor. I recommend Dell monitors.

A mouse and a keyboard.

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Friday, July 26, 2013

What is the best gaming PC i could make under $1200?

best gaming pc 1200 on Ace Combat Assault Horizon - El Blog De Spearhead
best gaming pc 1200 image


I am deciding to buy a new gaming PC under 1200 dollars. So what is the best one I can make from or if there is a better option please tell :)

NEWEGG is your friend. Built mine for BF3 2 months ago. $870 total, including monitor and keyboard. Hell, for $1200, you could make a MONSTER. I can run BF3 at high with 50 frames.... not bad at all.

What website or store can i get a good reliable gaming pc?


i am planning to buy a gaming pc and i have searched websites like ibuypower, cyberpower,dell,best buy. But what do you guys think?

If you have the ability and know-how build one and buy the parts online, it is the cheapest way. I built my PC for about $1200 and it would be worth at least $1500 if it was purchased from a place that sells gamer PC's whole.

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what would you recommend an iphone or an android?

best gaming desktop july 2011 on FACEBOOK: It took us about 10 hours to do this, It's ...
best gaming desktop july 2011 image

when i say android i mean what kind. and im looking for ll touch. what are the pros and cons about and iphone, and what are the pros and cons for an android. what is better.

get a droid phone, and with a app called "double twist" you can sync all your itunes music to your android,

I prefer android over apple for the reason that its open-source, that means that the majority of the apps are free, and you get more revolutionary and cutting edge apps, and do things are even only barely available on a jail broken iphone
The android market already has 250000 apps- closing in on apple 500000; some say it will surpass it before the year is over. Also any popular iphone game or game adaptation can be found in the android market for free.
Another great thing about android as that if you dont like something (keyboard, homescreen, etc.) it can easily be swapped without jail-breaking, unlike the iphones one-size-fits-all approach.

Despite the false rumors, The iphone is also just as, if not more vulnerable to viruses as android

Other features only on android
Turn-by-turn voice GPS
Better and larger screen
No need to connect to computer to sync
Here is a big one, add a sd card
Live wallpaper
More customizable
More powerful hardware
Flash support, watch ALL the online videos

Apple lovers that say that the iphone is made of better quality material? They donât realize that Samsung, an android phone maker, supplyâs the screen, processor and memory for apple devices, so android has the advantage here.
The iphone is pretty, but not durable, drop it once- it breaks, all that glass around it? That was honestly a mistake. Android manufactures clearly saw that, and decided to do with something a little more durable.

And the iphones âretina displayâ is a huge scam. By definition a âretina displayâ is one where the human eye cannot distinguish individual pixels. But this is determined by several factors; most important being the distance between the screen and your eyes. The iphones retina distance is 12in, move any closer than that- say 7in and itâs no longer a âretina screenâ because your eyes can now see the pixels, by that same token, if I move my android phone back, to say 16-17in, amazingly, it becomes a retina screen as well! (feel free to google this)

Also apple never invents anything, there never âthe firstâ. All they do is steal old technology, give it a fresh coat of paint and mass advertise it as âmagicalâ and âinnovatingâ, thus fooling the mass of the population into believing that apple offers cutting edge technology, that in fact has been around for quite a few years.
So instead of innovating, apple actually hinders technology- after 4 years they still have low-power single core phones, while android, an example of technology in overdrive, has rumored that, after their second year, the release of quad core phones that will surpass even some desktop computers in shear processing power. (now any 2011 android is smoother and faster than the iphone)

Apple should now feel pretty worried; android has passed it in market share

Then apple panics and sues
The funny thing is that apple canât sue for being the first touchscreen or tablet, because they werenât,(Nokia fist touch screen, âarchosâ first tablet) so instead they sue for much more relevant things like, âthe rounded icon cornersâ and âhaving a flat screenâ or âthe square shape of the phoneââ¦â¦..

To top it all, if youâve seen apples 2011 presentation, they blatantly copied over five "new" features that were previously on android.
1. Notification bar
2. Twitter integration
3. No need to connect to PC to sync
4. Launch apps from lock screen
5. Tabbed browsing

And not only are they copies, but apple didnât even bother to improve, or change some of them in any way- some even have LESS features than their android counter parts, itâs basically a cheap imitation with the ever-popular iphone skin.
According to Steve jobs, these "revolutionary" new technologies that android users had since 2007 will be available on IOS5, and it would not surprise me to see some more android features from 2008 on IOS6.But the truly sad part is that due to apples marketing, in a few months, apple lovers will really think that apple invented those features and call android the copycatsâ¦yet again.

Though I suppose Google shouldâve seen it comingâ¦.

âGood artists copy great artist stealâ- Steve jobs (apple CEO)

Can use my computer and ps3 on July 9th?


I'm not a computer savvy guy! My dns is fine on both my laptop and desktop.
I'm currently playing through a game and I usually check my computer for a tip every now and then.
Will it be safe for me to have my ps3 and laptop on at midnight???

Yes... you can have both on and everything will be fine.

Many people seem to be misunderstanding the impact of the DNS Changer rootkit. If you were affected by what will happen on Monday, you WERE ALREADY infected. In fact, it's possible you were infected for many months or more!

There IS NOT a new virus going out on Monday that is going to crash the web.

What actually happened is back in November of 2011, the FBI raided the offices of a group that was responsible for the DNS Changer rootkit. If your computer was infected by this malware, your legitimate DNS entries would be changed to fake DNS entries that pointed to this group's illegal DNS servers. From there, they could capture and monitor much of your Internet traffic.

When the FBI raided those facilities, they didn't want to just turn everything off; this would have crippled infected users immediately. So they setup a bunch of proxy DNS servers, using the DNS Changer IP Addresses, so infected computers could still reach the Internet and use the provided tools to clean infected systems.

What is happening on Monday is the FBI is finally going to shut down those proxy DNS servers. Anyone infected with the DNS Changer rootkit who hasn't cleaned their computers will not be able to access the Internet. NOT because they pick up some new infection, but rather because they never bothered to clean up an infection that was ALREADY there.

If your computer has passed the DNS test, you're OK! You'll have no issues if you're on the Internet at midnight.

Hope that helped!

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What's a good gaming computer while on a budget?

best gaming pc under 800 on The Best Laptops for Under $600 (TOP 5) Music Videos
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Patrick is

I'm no tech-wizard, so I don't know much about this stuff. But onto my point..
I'm looking for a good gaming PC that is under $2,000. I'm looking for something reliable, fast, has a large screen if it's a laptop, and can run, let's say the original Crysis game at near top-quality graphics.

Well you'll be generally happier (and save money) with a desktop.

Laptop components are less powerful than their desktop counterparts, aren't upgradeable and cost 60-70 percent more for the same performance. So a $1300 laptop performs about like an $800 desktop.

If you go with a desktop, you can get something that meets your requirements for about $1000 (without a monitor). Anyway, well under budget. If you spend about $1300-$1400 you can have a system capable of playing all current games on ultra settings.

While the best value comes from building a custom computer yourself (or having a shop do it), there are compnaies which will build a custom rig, most notably Cyberpower PC. You pick the parts, they assemble the system. That's the 2nd-best choice after building from scratch.

Here's a build I just configured for $1355 with a Core i5 2500K (best bang/buck gaming processor) and a GeForce GTX 570, which is enough to run Battlefield 3, Crysis, Crysis 2 and Skyrim on max settings.

If you need a monitor, a nice 23-24" one costs about $225 at Best Buy or Amazon.

You could go to even higher-end graphics cards if you wanted- a GTX 580 costs $106 more and the brand-new GTX 680 costs $191 more. You'd still be under your $2000 budget with either of those cards, and get even higher fps.


What kind of laptop should I get for college?


So I will be attending college this fall and need to get a laptop that is under $800. I want to get a PC preferably running on Windows 7 home premium. I am going to school for graphic design and computer animation so a dedicated graphic card is a must in order to run the programs ill be working in. I would also like to be able to play games on my laptop with ease.

Any help is appreciated!

Only laptop available with a dedicated graphic card is Alienware.

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How do I install World of warcraft?

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I got all three versions as a gift tonight for pc, world fo warcrat, burning crusade, and lich king.

I installed the first main game first here (not the expansions), then after i went to install the first expansion the burning crusade it just says "play"? no option to install also with lich king? i thought you had to install these expansions i am very confused here?

go in to your wow acct there should be a mange acct button wut ur looken for is the download to your pc button it will give u all 3 to install but will take a bit longer so do it before u go to bed or somethen

Do you think that the next generation Xbox will allow the uploading/downloading of mods for certain games?

Ben Carr

Like for games that the companies promote modding in the pc world like Bethesda does with Fallout and The Elder Scrolls. And now that Xbox is putting minecraft on the market, there is another reason. This would revolutionize console gaming and boost the sales immensly. Do you think that this should/will happen?

Honestly dude i dont think we need next gen consoles in the first place. The ps3 and 360 are perfectly fine, companies should be more worried about making a good game,not building a console with miniscule upgrades.

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What parts should I replace on my Gaming PC?

best gaming pc peripherals on ExtremePC Ltd NZ, Gaming Computers | Laptops | Custom PC | Computer ...
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What parts should I replace on my Gaming PC?
My PC can still play up to date games, but I feel that it's falling behind a bit since I used to be able to play games on their very highest graphical setting. Since a new generation of consoles is coming out, I can only assume that graphics will take a big leap forward. So I ask, what parts on my PC should I replace to keep it up to date with the highest graphic games? My specks are:

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz

RAM: 8.00GB

GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series


OS: Windows 7 x64 Home Premium.

-I only intend to play games, not record, video edit or photo edit, just games.
-My budget is about 400 dollars but I'm willing to spend more if necessary.

Your all hardware is uptodate for todays gen games.!!!!
but u can change u r gpu to nividia gt series!!!
or a i7 sandy bridge will do good, instead fr a high end graphic card.!!!!

1) This guys english sucks. miserably.

2) Unless your doing active rendering, than your CPU is fine.

3) Nvidia cards are horrendous unless you only play FPS games(The way the rendering occurs).

4) Id suggest either:
A) getting gaming peripherals(Mice, keyboards, etc - id suggest RAZER)
B) Getting another graphics card(6850 or 6870 depending on what you have) and set them up in a CROSSFIRE configuration.
C) Add Screens for AMD HydraVision.
D) Add Disk Drives if you know what your doing.

^ or a mix of the above.

How do I swap to my GPU card from dedicated graphics?


I purchased a custom made gaming PC and when I plug the VGA output on the dedicated graphics card the screen stays black and it doesn't work, but when I plug into the motherboard VGA it works fine. I've tried updating drivers through Nvidia's website. I am using the GeForce GTS 450. Anyone have any idea's what I'm doing wrong? Maybe the person who made my computer didn't plug the graphics card in right? Thanks.

First I would take out the graphic card and reseat it. Make sure the computer is off and touch something metal to ground yourself before you go in. I am guessing that card uses the 6 pin connector from the power supply. Check that too. If it still does not recognize the card on the restart you might have to go into the BIOS. Do a restart with the cable hooked to the on-board graphics. It varies from computer to computer but to do this I would start tapping Delete at the restart. When you get into the BIOS check for the on-board video card under Integrated Peripherals and disable it. Exit by saving the changes made. It will proceed to boot. Swap the VGA to the 450. You can do this while the computer boots. Hope this helps. Good Luck.

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Trying to build a gaming computer but I have no idea where to start?

best gaming pc you can build 2013 on best sellers the new york times best sellers children s books ...
best gaming pc you can build 2013 image

My goal for 2013 was to build a amazing gaming rig, (I was going to do this in 2012 but couldn't come up with the money)

My Rig I'm, wanting to build is a triple monitor setup (For Eye-Infinity)
I'm wanting to play future games such as battlefield 4, and games now like Crysis 3 and Dead Space 3.
I'm wanting to be able to play these games at ultra settings, that way I never have to worry about lag (Like on consoles which are at low settings). I'm wanting to know what graphics card I would need what kind of CPU I would need ect. And The TOTAL Price, The most I'm wanting to spend is $2000 at the max, I don't want to spend more than that I don't mind but The most I am willing to go to is $2750. I have some parts picked out right now which I have linked below but would like to know what else I will need to have a powerful gaming pc,

(please do try to make it a lower budget (lower the budget, the more games I can get for the PC :P)

PC Case :

Monitor :

Optical Drive :

Hard Drive:

Operating System :

Please help me out here guys I'm wanting to build a epic gaming rig for 2013 - 2014!!! thanks!

Hello, No need for $2750, $2000 is more than enough.

Case : Poor pick, Get cooler master scout2 case, can add 6 120 mm fans, 2 front usb 3 ports, 2 front usb 2 ports.
Monitor : Nice pick.
Optical Drive : Holy shit! xD Amazing one :D do not get it unless if you REALLY need blue ray optical drive.
HDD : Nice pick. even though WD is better than segate.
OS : Good choice! be away from Windows 8 if you want gaming pc.

Take this build, will max anything out there, futureproof for at least 3 years.

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($229.99 @ Microcenter)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($33.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme4 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($134.98 @ Amazon)
Memory: Corsair DOMINATOR 16GB (4 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($179.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($152.61 @ NCIX US)
Storage: Samsung 840 Pro Series 256GB 2.5" Solid State Disk ($214.99 @ NCIX US)
Video Card: Gigabyte Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition 3GB Video Card ($449.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Cooler Master Storm Scout 2 ATX Mid Tower Case ($129.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Cooler Master Silent Pro M 850W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($137.98 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $1664.50
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-04-04 19:11 EDT-0400)

Add your monitor, OS, optical drive. Get 6 120 mm case fans.
You wattage needed is only 470W, i give you 850 for future upgrade / overcloacking.
I swear you DO NOT NEED anything more.

Good luck with your pc :)

Edit :
Oh sorry did not notice that you want triple monitor!
hmmm still OK, you will need about 2100 - 2300 $

PS : Amazing PC :)

Are these good gaming pc specs for what my son wants?


I was hoping someone could shed some light on if these gaming pc specs would be good enough for what my son wants to do with it. He's asked for a gaming pc for his graduation gift but we're not exactly made of money so I asked him for a few details on what he hopes to do with his PC gaming wise! (Yes, I have -some- knowledge of gaming and gaming rigs but not much!)

Now he wants to be able to play games such as Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, World of Warcraft, Mass Effect 3, Guild Wars 2 and most of all the upcoming Elder Scrolls Online game on high settings with a smooth framerate. We've spotted a reasonably priced PC that is custom built for 400-500 with the following specs:

AMD FX4100 Quad Core 4x3.6GHz
Asus Motherboard
8GB DDR3 (1333 MHz)
GeForce GT630 (1024MB DDR3-VGA-DVI-HDMI-DirectX 11)
Windows7 Home Premium 64Bit

My question is of course... will this be sufficient for what he wants? Any reply from those knowledgeable about this kind of stuff would be very much appreciated!

Yes, it's a reasonable gaming PC, enough to play Skyrim and such games at high detail and a smooth framerate.

The video card is the most important piece when building a gaming PC, and this computer's video card isn't exactly high end (it being a GeForce GT630, a budget video card), but it will be enough to play games such as Skyrim, Modern Warfare 3 and other such games at high detail. Although I find a 500 GB hard-drive more than enough, some people might want a larger 1 TB ( which is 1000 GB) hard drive.

Again, a 500 GB hard drive has no say on how fast he can play games, just the amount of data (such as games, music and videos) he can store in the computer at any given time. I say buy it, but only if you're sure the price is fair.

The video card might be a problem in the near future, (games in 2013 and 2014 will get more resource-intensive) But the video card may be upgraded if absolutely necessary with a newer one for future gaming. Other than that, it looks good.

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Can someone help me with building a gaming desktop?

best gaming pc motherboard 2013 on Best 27 Inch PC Gaming Monitor 2012  2013
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Hello, I am quite new to PC gaming, but I would like to make the switch from my Xbox 360 to a PC. My Xbox is pretty old and I fear it might not have much time left, so I would like to switch over to PC gaming. I honestly have no idea about customizing desktop computers for gaming, and I just want to do some research before wasting my money on something that I could have built myself for a cheaper price. If anyone could point me to tutorials on how to build a PC for gaming, that would be great. I'm not looking for a super computer, just something that can handle Black Ops 2, Skyrim, Assassins Creed, and games like that. Thank you for your replies in advance!

Chassis - NZXT Phantom 410 ($84)
CPU - Intel i5-3570K ($210)
Motherboard - Asrock Z77 Pro 3 ($95)
RAM - Corsair Vengeance LP 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1600 ($72)
Video card - Asus GTX 660 Ti ($255)
Hard drive - Seagate Barracuda 1TB ($70)
Optical drive - Samsung DVD RW ($15)
Power Supply - Thermaltake Smart Series 750w ($90)
Operating system - Windows 7 or 8 ($90)
Mouse - Razer Deathadder 2013 ($55)
Display - Viewsonic VX2370Smh-LED ($165)
Solid-state drive - Crucial M4 128GB ($115)
Sound card - Creative Sound Blaster Titanium HD ($140)

These all seem like some good deals , best of all these parts really work well ...

How much will it cost to build a high-end gaming computer in 2013?

Theo Turne

I'm thinking of building a new gaming PC this year (I built one in 2010 for around £1000 but its getting a bit dated now). I expect to be building around June-July time, and given the current speculation on future releases from Intel/AMD, my specs will be approximately as follows:

HD 8970 3GB
16GB 1600MHz RAM
Crossfire ready LGA1150 Motherboard
Decent case with 750/850W PSU (for potential Crossfire)
256GB SSD (no HDDs, I hardly use any space, currently running Win 7 with 5 games, using 120GB)
Windows 8 Pro (with Blue upgrade)
Peripherals: 1080p 27" monitor, decent gaming mouse/keyboard/headset (expected to be £300-400 for all peripherals)

What sort of price do you think this would equate to? Note that the launch price of the i7-4770k is expected to be about the same as that of the 3770k, and likewise for the HD 8970. Could I get it for under £2000 (a little over $3000)?

Fell free to make comments on my choices/suggestions (I will consider getting an nVidia GPU but not an AMD CPU). Thanks!
Please note that I live in the UK and therefore prices are around 20% higher than in America.
@Wcdih... I'm not going to get X79 as it won't be any better for gaming than X87. I have a friend with an i5 2500k and a GTX560Ti, another with an i7 3930k and a GTX560Ti and they get Identical fps. Have you got any links to the specs of that i5 you mentioned?

processor is too much, i5 3570k is all you need.

if you are gettign 16 gigs of ram make sure its 4 x 4 gigs and not 2 x 8 gigs and 8 gig sticks have higher latency timings in general.

rest looks good.

could easily get for £2000

personally i would just upgrade your current one if you spend £1000 on it 3 years ago it must have an i7 or similar and good psu. just get a new graphics card and SSD.

the only thing i would change is the monitor, if you are going over 26" you are far better off swapping to a 2560 x 1600 res monitor, trust me it looks amazing.

my friend has one of these, its amazing:

okay its probably gonna cost closer to £500 - 525 with all the keyboard mouse etc now but trust me its worth it, if your paying £2000 you may aswell go for the best.


editing due to your post.

you do realise processor has nothing to do with gaming performance. the i7 4770k will perform almost no different than an old phenom 2 965 in gaming if paired with identical graphics cards.

aslong a as a processor can run a game having a better one will make, at most, 2 - 3 FPS difference.

your friends get the same performance because they have the same graphics card, if the one with a i5 2500k got a 660ti he would have far better gaming performance than the one with the i7. seems to be down at the moment but if you look at the benches between CPUs and scroll down to the bottom and look at gaming performance you will see minute changes between the 3570k and the 3770k processors but , in comparison, huge changes between the nvidia 660 and the nvidia 680.

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Where is the best place to buy pc parts?

best gaming pc yahoo on ... yahoo,ask,kooshow,,henxen trade,online consultaion
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I know Amazon is a great place. Please do not say eBay, as their customer support is rubbish and 1/3 of their items for sale are knock off. I live in United Kingdom, and I am planning on building a gaming pc. I know what parts I want to but, but what I don't know is where to buy them. The prices for the parts on Amazon are good, not amazing but good. I looked on Newegg and their price is outstanding, only they don't ship internationally.

Could anyone recommend a place to buy pc parts, please? Thanks in advance.

P.S only recommend if you have been their before, thanks.

I build Gaming desktops and get all my parts from Nova tech its just down the road from me and they are good price wise with quality parts .;_ylt=Awrj4kZztBdRwE4Awy9hxrF_?

I want to buy a PC that's good for gaming. What sort of requirements should I look out for?


What exactly makes a good gaming PC? Are there any computers you could recommend?

A gaming computer is basically just a regular computer made up of high performance parts. You don't really need to be an expert to build you first computer; nowadays there are lots of guides online etc and you also have forums and things like Yahoo answers to get help from.

Also make sure you get good brands. They are a little expensive but I have never had a piece of hardware go out on me even if my computer is four years old.

To get starting with your first computer check out the below guide:

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What is a better TV to get, plasma vs lcd?

best gaming pc under 60k on Best Workstation PC Computer Builds | Custom PC Review
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Q. So i want to get a tv that has really good video quality that i would use it to watch tv (standard definition), play a lot of video games, and watch my blu ray movies. I have read that there is a burn in problem with video games on a plasma, but what if i don't keep a still image while playing? I also read that the burn in problem isn't as bad as it use to be. I plan on getting it in 1080p with 120hz or more.

Well here are the pros and cons of Liquid Crystal display:

Unlike most television technologies, Liquid crystal display (LCD) works by filtering light. LCD TVs use less electricity and generate far less heat because unlike creating light filtering light requires a low voltage. LCD TVs have their drawbacks, such as price when compared to plasma TVs with the same screen dimensions.

Today heavy and bulky are not the only TV options, thin and light flat screen TVs are immensely popular. LCD televisions weigh less than a plasma TV of the same screen size. An LCD television is easy to move around your home and is a great option for tailgating. Any surface that will support a painting will generally support mounting of an LCD TV.

LCD TVs have brilliant color definition and unrivaled screen brightness that last for the life of the set. An LCD television on the other hand suffers from not-as-deep black levels compared to plasmas and CRTs because the LCD TV filters rather than creates light.

The deepest black on LCD Television is often a very dark gray because of the way some light will always pass through. Additionally, direct view LCDs generally have narrower viewing angles than comparable plasma TVs because of the manner in which light passes through the LCD cell.

Unlike many plasma TVs, most LCDs have a non-reflective face that prevents room lighting from degrading picture quality. Plasma, however, generally processes motion better than an LCD Television. 50Hz LCDs suffer from ghosting, which is trail left behind moving images. An alternative to the 50Hz TV is the 100Hz, while far more expensive does not suffer from ghosting and creates better black levels.

An issue that plagues all HDTVs is an inability to maintain picture quality while displaying analog and standard digital signals. LCDs tend to suffer from this fault worse than plasmas. Almost all LCD TVs now include high quality up-scaling chips that process the low-resolution signal and convert it to the TV's native resolution. This processing creates a cleaner, smoother motion with fewer artifacts and more preserved detail. However, the result is still generally inferior to similar processing on a plasma TV.

Another advantage of LCD TV is that they are not susceptible to burn-in, which could be a consideration for gamers and users who will use them to display a computer desktop. All phosphor based displays, such as plasma, rear projection, and CRT, are susceptible to burn-in, meaning that static images can leave an impression (or shadow) burned onto the screen. A counterpoint to this is that today's plasmas are highly resistant (but not impervious) to burn-in.

A plasma TV's light output degrades with time due to phosphor wear while an LCD Television's light output will be constant for its entire lifespan. LCD TVs' have a rated lifespan of 60K hours, which is ten years if it is used sixteen hours per day and far longer for most owners. In addition, the industry will soon conquer LCD TVs' current limitations and the strengths of the technology give it great long-term viability.

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Televisions
Technology Overview & Description
Liquid Crystal Display, or LCD TVs use a florescent backlight (see LED Backlight Technologies for an update) to send light through its liquid crystal molecules and a polarizing substrate. LCD TVs work passively, with red, green and blue pixels. By applying voltage to the pixels using a matrix of wires, the pixels can be darkened to prevent the backlight from showing through. Many LCD displays double as computer displays by allowing standard analogue VGA input, a great option if you need your display to pull double duty as a PC monitor to save money and space. Nearly all LCD TVs offer flexible mounting options including walls or under cabinets.

What's Next
Thinner, bigger, faster, cheaper. Direct view LCD screens are just starting to break the size barrier that once held them back (with some models getting as large as 100+" though don't expect volume shipments) and it will be up to the manufacturing plants to convert or expand to the point where these larger screens become affordable and economical to produce. LCDs are not yet the best for black levels, but they are getting better due to LED backlighting and the "blur" effect, where the pixels cannot refresh fast enough for the screen motion, is all but extinct in newer 120Hz models.

LCD Display Advantages
Good color reproduction and improving contrast (high contrast tied to peak brightness capability however)
Very thin, getting thinner (thank Hitachi and Sharp)

Relatively lightweight with flexible mounting options
Perfect sharpness at native resolution
Excellent longevity
Among the brightest direct view displays
No practical screen burn-in effect
Silent with no moving parts or fans
LCD Display Disadvantages
Notorious "screen door" effect on smaller mobile displays
Very difficult to produce deep black

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What is the best hp laptop for gamers? im looking for one that is durable and affordable?

best gaming pc hp on Dell Latitude 10 Tablet | Top New Computers 2013
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Priti S

I bought a dv5 1116 em and it had to go to the service centre 5 times in 4 months!- (they replaced the motherboard twice!). Please advice me on a laptop that i can play games on (im not looking for a really advanced gaming pc-just a moderate one), but my priority would be durability and lesser system failures!!- it has to be a hp because im exchanging it with a store.

Its not importand what model to use , if want hp then just go to that store and ask for a laptop that has next things or simi of them : ram 1gb , cpu 1700 or 2000mhz core 2 due , vga 512mb , hdd as you want , that would be a nice moderate laptop , if you want to run heavier games then make sure to make ram 2gb and vga 1gb , anyway when you buy such a laptop then it usually comes with windows vista or 7 , so format it and install xp because its better for games and faster and make less load on ram


How much cheaper are pc and laptops from china compared to australia or us.?


I am planning on getting a gaming laptop or buying gaming pc parts from china but i want to know around how much cheaper they are in china compared to Australia and USA.

Not much cheaper at all. However, there is no sales tax in China.

People who talk about quality of computer has NO knowledge about computer whatsoever.

Dell, HP, etc. do NOT produce computers. They buy CPUs, RAM sticks, hard drives, motherboards, video cards, sound cards, tower cases, power supplies, then put them together in under 20 min. each and resell at a rip off prices. It's like you buy the hotdog, and buns, and catchup, then put them together. It doesn't matter if it's your mom or your dad put them together. The quality is the same!

It's the same companies who make these computer parts.
The only two major CPU makers are Intel and AMD.
The only two major video cards makers are Nvidia and ATI.(ATI was bought by AMD. Intel also make some onboard video but nothing high end)
Hard drive companies - Western Digital, etc.
Sound card companies - Creative Labs, etc.
Motherboard companies - Asus, Abit, etc.
etc. etc.

Whether the computer is sold in the U.S. or in China, they all contain the SAME parts from the SAME companies listed above! That's the reason why the prices aren't much different in China or in the U.S.

I don't buy completed computers. I buy parts and put them together which is EXACTLY what Dell etc. does! (they buy parts from above companies, and put them together. Like I said before, it takes only 20 min with 2 hands and a screw driver) Only difference is that I put BETTER(I don't pair up fast CPU with slow memory and onboard video to create bottlenecks like Dell does) parts in there according to my needs. In the end, with the same amount of money, I build BETTER computers than Dell can offer. OR, With the same hardware parts, I save lots of money than buying from Dell.

By the way, I've been building computers for the last eight years. ALL video cards and motherboards I bought in the U.S. have labels of "Made in China". It only means China did the production. The technology and specifications are still belong to the above companies. By the way, it also means the LARGE MAJOR portion of the profit also goes to these companies instead of Chinese manufacturers in case you think China "stole" the money.
P.S. The founders of Nvidia and ATI were both Chinese. Memory chips were also invented by Chinese. All motherboard companies are in fact Taiwanese companies, whose population are 98% Chinese, and their productions are always in mainland China. Intel chips usually are being produced in Malaysia. I also had AMD chip bought in the U.S. as "made in China".

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What is the best possible gaming pc you can build, in your opinion?

best gaming pc newegg on Re: Next PC Build
best gaming pc newegg image

Adrian De

im planning on getting a gaming pc and my friend knows how to put them together so just tell what would be the absolute best gaming pc you would put together? like all the parts such as processor, graphics card, etc. money is not a problem :]

Go to, scroll down and click build your own. You can buy a bundle of the best equipment for gaming. You can also browse the whole website, and pick out whatever you want.

I would suggest that you get:

Rosewill Blackhawk Ultra computer tower(computer case). (their fans are good also)

7 or 8 core processor;

2 Tb of hard disk space;

between 8 and 12 Gb of RAM;

600 watt or better power supply;

2 Nvidia GeForce GTX 580 or 590; or Sapphire Radeon HD 6990 4GB;

also I would get some type of liquid cooling for your CPU.

Hope this was helpful.

What company should i go with to get a decent gaming pc?


I am looking to get a decent gaming pc nothing super. I have read so many conflicting things on different companies. Should I go alienware, ibuypower, or cyberpower. I am kinda computer illiterate so building my own is not an option. Any suggestions

Cyberpower builds are the best that you can find that are not way overpriced compared to other brands . So Just go to newegg and look into their cyberpower PC's that are currently on sale =P

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What is the best Gaming PC I can build with 1200 dollars?

best gaming pc 1200 on Halo Wars Xbox 360 Game HD Wallpapers Images Pictures Pics and Photos.
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What is the best Gaming PC I can build with 1200 dollars?

i5 3570k $240
biostar z77 $100
G.SKILL Ares Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) $47
GeForce GTX 570 $275
Crucial M4 CT128M4SSD2 2.5" 128GB SATA III $125
WD ble 1 TB $100
sony 24 x dvd burner $18
corsair tx 650 $90
thermaltake v3 $50
cm 212 hyper evo $30

windows 7 64 bit premium $100

that comes in under 1200 dollars u can upgrade the case to ur liking as that is always a personal thing-every1 has diff tastes

What is the best gaming PC i could make under $1200?


I am deciding to buy a new gaming PC under 1200 dollars. So what is the best one I can make from or if there is a better option please tell :)


Enjoy, and I will bet anything you will expose it by running a free AV.

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How much would it cost to put together a gaming pc?

best gaming pc alienware on Simple Guide for Selecting the Best Buy Laptops | Laptops Guide
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I want to get a nice gaming pc, but an alienware computer is out of the question at their prices... Can anyone help me find information on how to put together a solid gaming pc of my own? Help such as what parts I'm going to need, how much they would cost, a rough estimate of how much the sum of the parts would be. I'm looking to play games such as SC2 and WoW. Thanks!

May I introduce to you: Hardware Revolution's $500 gaming build!

How much more would the i7 core processor benefit me than the i5 core processor performance wise?


I'm buying a gaming PC (the alienware aurora) along with an ATI radeon HD 5870 1GB GDDR5 (single GPU) and I was wondering if using the i7 core processor would benefit me performance wise more than the i5 core processor. If it does how much greater is the performance? Is it by a lot or a little?

i dont know of any games that can use 8 cores and only a handful that use 4. so gaming you wont see a huge difference (maybe in the future though) but you will see performance in other takes and multi tasking

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Challenge to custom build a gaming computer under £500.?

best quiet gaming pc on ... quiet town of Redemption--
best quiet gaming pc image


I challenge anyone to 'custom build' a gaming PC, right here on yahoo - for under £500. Not including the monitor, or any unnecessary devices such as keyboards and mice!

Best specs wins!

UK is expensive, however i tried

cpu: Intel Core i5-2500K (£159.95)
mobo: Asus P8P67-M Intel P67 (£90)
ram: Mushkin 4GB (2x2GB) DDR3 1333 (£30)
gpu: MSI GeForce GTX 550Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5 (£95.40)
hdd: Samsung HD502HJ F3 500GB 7200rpm (£29.40)
odd: Sony Optical DVD Writer, AD-7260S-0B, SATA (£15.55)
psu: Be Quiet! Pure Power 530W 80 Plus Certified (£45)
case: Antec 100 One Hundred Black Mid Tower Chassis (£45.30)
total: £510 inc. VAT

all parts from

Should i get a fan with 1600rpm and 18dB or one with 2500rpm and 33dB?


So i got a gaming PC for xmas and there is an open slot in the back for a fan.
I've been looking around allot and i've come across 2 fans which seem very good.
So the first one has 1600rpm (rotations per minute) and has 18dB.
The other one has 2500rpm but with 33dB.
All suggestions are welcome and thank you for your help!

go for the one with the lowers db. It's MUCH quieter - virtually silent.

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