Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I need a gaming pc that will come to 900$ MAX with monitor and OS included?


So i'm trying to build a gaming PC. And all the builds I like that i've made come to 1,000 or more with the monitor and OS (windows 7) so I need a build that will come to 800-900 total with the monitor and windows 7 included. Games i'll be playing... Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2, and Elder scrolls online whenever it comes out and maybe Skyrim and the Total War games.
I've done alot of research already lol that's why I need a build! Someone give me their build please

I made you this build that comes out to EXACTLY $900 that has a 20' LED monitor and and I managed to add a cpu cooler so that you could overstock your i5 that I put in there. This is a really nice build and I'm surprised I was able to get it for that price. This is a really good gaming computer for the money. I hope you enjoy the build I made you and I hope you are able to do something with it. If you need it cheaper just take off the cpu cooler and that will save you $25.

Your Build:

PC Monitor vs TV for gaming?


Basically I'm looking for a screen I can use for gaming on a Xbox and for watching films etc. I originally looked for a TV but all the decent TVs nowadays have all this smart wifi rubbish and you can't really get a decent small non smart TV with a refresh rate good enough for gaming. So I was wondering if I would get better value for money by getting a PC monitor instead. If so any good models you suggest?

A lot of pro gamers use computer monitors for gaming instead of TVs. the reason for this is the response time, sometimes the TV's cause lag, but Computer Monitors don't that is why pros use the monitor. Plus some people don't like big TVs because you gotta keep turning your head. I you want to use a computer monitor i would go with a good one that isn't to cheap but isn't to expensive, and make sure you get a size that you are comfortable with.

This website explains the lag and game mode purposes on TVs.

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Title Post: I need a gaming pc that will come to 900$ MAX with monitor and OS included?
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