Saturday, February 15, 2014

xbox controller for pc games?


I can't figure out how to get my controller to work properly with my pc games. I've installed the drivers and everything is done correctly, but the controller won't turn on and work. Is there something I'm missing here?
I have a wired controller and plugged it in, sorry i forgot to mention that.
I'm just trying to play some older games, using the keyboard is just taxing for those games lol. I am on a laptop and I plugged it in the back usb port.

Only a wired 360 controller will work, any wireless controller can be plugged into a PC but it is only the battery that is connected to the USB to allow it to charge, so yeah only wired controllers will work

-Hmm Im not sure then tbh mate, mine just plugs in and works, did you try putting it into a different usb socket, preferably on the back of the pc as appose to the front case usb sockets? also what game are you trying to play with it? mine works with most emulators and modern games that want to support it such as fps games, im not sure it would work on an RTS game like command and conquer etc.. though you say it doesnt even turn on.. so yeah Im not sure why that would be tbh mate

360 controllers for pc gaming?


I have a laptop I use mostly for gaming, I also have a wired 360 controller I use with it. My laptop has 3 usb ports and was wondering that if I bought 2 more controllers could I play with my 2 friends on my laptop?

yes you can use more than one xbox 360 controller on the same laptop or PC.

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