Sunday, February 9, 2014

Two Question concerning Xbox 360 controllers/Vancouver 2010 PC game.?


1. I connected my Xbox wireless controller to my Windows 7 computer with the cable that comes together with the Play & Charge Kit. The Driver installed automatically and I was ready to go. Problem is when I turn on my controller, the Xbox starts running and my controller connects to that.

2. The reason for connecting my Xbox to my PC was the game Vancouver 2010 on my PC. At the beginning, it tells you that the game does auto-save and that to continue you need to click "A" (little picture of the Xbox controller's "A"-button). I clicked every button on my keyboard, but none of them made the info-screen go away.

Now I can't play the game unless someone tells me what to do with keyboard/mouse OR how to setup my Xbox controller properly.

Thanks in Advance
1. Thanks a lot. The game is definately for PC and it boots without problems. Just as I stated I'm stuck on the first info-screen because I don't have "A" xD

2. Surely the game, made by SEGA btw, can't expect every1 to buy an Xbox-Controller!?

Hi there,

1. The play & charge kit will not allow you to connect your xbox 360 controller to your pc. You have to buy the wireless reciever for that. I was trying to do the same thing. But its just another way for micrsoft to make more money the c*nts.

2. Vancouver 2010 should be for your PC. Because if it was an Xbox 360 game it wouldnt boot in your pc. It would only show a screen stating "to play game, put in xbox 360 console"

3. You might need to buy the xbox 360 wireless reciever for your pc. The game might require the xbox 360 controller. Or maybe theres a way to change the controller settings in the actual game.

Hope this information helped :-) I know its probably not what you want to hear. But lifes a b*tch with microsoft.

How do you play hardcore PC games?


A couple of weeks ago I have taken more interest in PC games, but I don't know how to play them. I am used to using a game controller (like Dual Shock 3) and would like to know if that is what you use for your computer or a special keyboard? I have heard a lot about a PC game Crysis and would like to know what would be the best method of playing it?

I recommend you playing crysis ( WHICH IS A GREAT GAME ) and all first person shooters with the mouse and keyboard because you have to get used to the keyboard and its easier than playing with the dual-shock .. However , the 3D person shooters and games like assassin's creed 2 can be played with both the keyboard and the dual-shock ... i always play first person shooters with the mouse and keyboard but i use the dual-shock to play football games on my pc like PES 2010 ...
You really have to try both the keyboard and the duel-shock and see what comforts you best
Hope this Helped :D

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Title Post: Two Question concerning Xbox 360 controllers/Vancouver 2010 PC game.?
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