Friday, February 14, 2014

Best Gaming Desktop Computer for $800?


I'm still browsing around for the computer I'm getting on Christmas and I was wondering if anyone could link me a good gaming desktop computer for under $800?

Isn't this better than that anyways? Same graphics, same RAM, more GHz.. o _o

Check Centaurus Computers - they have much higher quality than Cyber/ipower. They also overclock for free - and it makes a big difference - 20-30% boost to the CPU and GPU can change your game. They ship free and build fast.
For $800 I recommend AMD Phenom II X4 machines with 4GB DDR3 and any video card like GT 240 or ATI 5670, better with ATI 5750 or GTS 450.
Send them an email and ask for any promotions - they offer a lot of staff as a free upgrades.

Best 2012 Gaming Desktops for $800-$1000?


I am looking for a good solid newer gaming desktop for around $800-$1000. I plan on using this p.c for years to come, so parts that current day games don't fully optimize yet I still want to have even if I have to pay a little more (ex. i7 over i5). I do not want to build my own, I have looked up the prices for parts and saving $100 (if your lucky) for me doesn't out weigh the risk/reward. I plan on duel and triple monitoring and doing a couple of things all at once, overclocking, want it to able to run Guild Wars 2, BF3, DOTA 2, and Mass effect 3 on Great settings, I do video editing, and finally I do a ton of moding and use a lot of business programs.

Basic Must have specs:

-1 tb hard drive
-12 GB ram to much?
- High top notch graphics card
-Windows 7
-3.4 GHZ i might can do with with a 2.6 GHZ
- would prefer i7 processor but not set in stone

I found a couple computers that look really good but I have yet to find really good reviews on them.

-Microtel Computer® AMTI9041®-AMTI9041-Processor-Microsoft/dp/B004FRSVPU%3FSubscriptionId%3D19BAZMZQFZJ6G2QYGCG2%26tag%3Dsquid1357652-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB004FRSVPU

-CyberPower X58 Configurator
-Mega Special II

Just tell me what you guys think, need good reviews with lots of facts and reasoning.

Try surfing Newegg for their desktop deals I suppose. I can't see the Amazon link but the CyperPower link is exactly why I dislike prebuilt computers. There are no choices and they lock you into less than desirable components (presumably because they need to get rid of stocks). They give you a 2600k in that "Mega Special II" when the 2700k runs at faster, has a higher multiplier for better overclocking, and is only $10 more.

You should seriously reconsider building your own PC. You will save a lot more than 100 dollars, you'll probably be able to build a computer with a graphics card that's a generation ahead for the same price you will spend on a premade computer. Moreover, if you already have Windows 7 64-bit on a computer you can just use your old key which saves you some more money.

1 TB drive: Pretty standard in prebuilt computers. You might want to look into investing in a small SSD as a secondary, it will really help you out with loading times for games and definitely for your video projects.

12 GB RAM: Even though RAM is super cheap nowadays (especially with all the mail-in rebates flying around) you probably don't need more than 8 (Two 4GB chips).

"High top notch graphics card": Well that's a difficult question to answer. You won't be able to get the most high end cards available with your budget. But considering your needs I suggest you take a look at the Radeon HD 6870 or 6950 or 6970. They are pretty cheap-to-mid-range priced high-end cards that will run BF3 and those other games (when they come out) on ultra settings without any problems.

Processor: Your budget probably doesn't have room for an i7, which to be honest is unnecessary. Future games are unlikely to utilize i7 structure and you're better off investing the difference in a good graphics card which will definitely be more important. You can take a look at the i5 2500k which is pretty amazing for the price and an overclocking monster. I hear you can easily get it up to 4.5 ghz on a cheap aftermarket air cooler.

The good thing about the above setup is that it definitely will be within your budget, plus you can easily add another graphics card for crossfire and overclock your i5 a bit more in a year or so and still be competitive.

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