Monday, February 10, 2014

Are these good specs & value for a Gaming PC?


Hi everyone, just wondering if this is good value for the specifications of this PC: & how many years would you say I could go on playing high-end games until upgrading any of the components..

Motherboard: P67 Intel
CPU: Intel Core I7 2600K
Graphics Card: nVidia GTX 560
Ram: 16GB
Hard disk: 2x 1TB (2 TB in total)
24x optical drive
OP system: Windows 7 Home premium 64bit.
Has 2x USB 3.0 ports & 6x USB 2.0 ports
Comes with 24" HD Acer Monitor + a generic keyboard & mouse.

$1644 AU ($1764 USD)

Actually Justin, if you were to read the question, it asks if the specs for this computer are good value for the price, as well as how many years I could play high-end games on it before upgrading... And how can I brag about something I haven't bought yet?
Thank you.

Oh yea your set! you wont be needing to upgrade any time soon, you have 16GB of RAM and most games now recommend 3 to 4GB and your GPU is very good, a GTX 560 is pretty new and a beast card at that and your CPU is a beast as well, your loaded so don't worry about having to upgrade any time soon. 1644 is definately a lot of money but you could get for a lil cheaper if you custom built it yourself but I'd go for it cause you got some serious hardware in that thing. As for how long it would be till you need upgrade, it really just depends on you because it depends on what level of graphic setting your running your games at but my personal opinion is prob in the next 5 or so yeas, I have a Radeon 3850 which came out in 07 and I'm still running new games at medium to high settings but that's excluding crysis and crysis warhead of course.

What hidden item Pc game has higher replay value?

Dar V

I brought a game online called Kuros, and I really liked it on Unfortunately, the puzzles never change nor the finding games change. I got to the point that I know how to find and solve every puzzle in the game and beaten over 5 times. Now, I'm wondering if there are any hidden object games with puzzle games and search that changes for a challenge every time you replay

Fallout 3 which would take normally over 300 hours to do everything in game and that is not a far shot estimate at all, the game is huge. It's based in and around D.C and some of Virginia.

You have the option to be your own person make your own character be as good or bad as you want. Be a savior and help people? Or become a slaver, raider in and around the ruins of D.C

There are choices in the game were you can save a city which was built around an unexploded Atomic Bomb and disable it or you can rig it too go off.

The choice is yours

The trailier to the game is here to get a peak at the game

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Title Post: Are these good specs & value for a Gaming PC?
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