Sunday, February 9, 2014

Building a gaming pc for 900 dollars?


Hi there :D
I am planning to build a gaming pc, basicly to play games and multimedia editing (Photoshop, After effects, etc...)
I came to this build, but im not sure if its ok:
Amd Fx Series fx-8320 3,5GHz
Gigabyte Radeon R9 270x 4GB DDR5
Corsair Vegeance DDR3 1600 8GB (2x4GB)
Corsair Cx500W or 600W builder series 80
Asus M5A78L-M/USB3
Wester digital Caviar Blue 1 TB SATA3
Also i am thinking about buying a SSD storage to boot the OS and any game...
Do you think its ok, or can i make some changes?
Will it be able to run BF4 Ultra +60 FPS?

Yes I would recommend adding two SSDs. Get two 64GB SSD's for a total of 128GB and put them in Raid 0 (This makes them twice as fast but you run the risk of loosing all 128 GB of data if one of them should fail.)

As for BF4 on ultra, this benchmark should help you out:
You should be around this area, but you have only 8GB ram (He has 16), and he has a different CPU, but you also have more GPU memory. You should be fine.

Could i get a good gaming pc for 1200-1400 dollars?


One that could run skyrim on medium or high? And new vegas? What are some good pc's in that price range?

a good pc will usually cost you about 1000$ here is what I'm currently running (i've invested 900$ so far)

Optical Drives : COMBO (bluray/dvd) + DVD drive (about $60 for both)
CPU : intel i7 3770-k
Motherboard : AsRock Z77 Extreme4
Hard Drive : SeaGate Barracuda 1TB (On sale :D)
Solid State Drive : Samsung 840 series 120GB
Operating System : Windows 7 professional 64 bit (on sale :3)

I still need to get the RAM, powersupply, and graphics card.
here is the graphics card I'm planning on getting (radeon hd 7750) it can handle games like crysis 3 on high / medium settings :D

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