Friday, May 23, 2014

Is this a Good Gaming PC?


Hi. I've been recenlty building some pc's (online) and found one i really like for about $900 ($1000 with shipping/tax) I was wondering if this was a good gaming pc, or if not, what shohuld i upgrade! Heres a pic of the specs! Theres a lot...

Its sure is a good gaming rig, the processor is top notch and the amount and type of RAM is good so you won't face any lag or processing issues ever. Gaming mouse and keyboards are a personal preference but the one with this bundle is quite good and above average.
PSU is enough to power up all the components though i recommend that you go for a 500W or 600W PSU for keeping you future proof and also coz its the life line of all your expensive components so keep it the best you can.
The only thing that problematic here is the graphic card as it a 4GB DDR3 which is only suited for multi-monitor setups and will not give you a very good performance while gaming as a DDR3 memory is slow and can never process all that 4GB of memory in tight and fast situations like gaming and would prove to be a bottle neck for all the other high quality components in your rig so i highly recommend that you go for either of these they are in the same price range as the one that you are planning to buy:
Sapphire AMD/ATI HD 7750 1 GB GDDR5
Zotac NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 1GB DDR5
If you can extend your budget then do go for:
PowerColor AMD/ATI HD 7750 1 GB GDDR5 or
Sapphire AMD/ATI HD 7770 1 GB GDDR5

Other than this you have a very good machine change the GPU and i'll rate it 8/10

You can see this article if you like for any further guidance:

Hope that i was helpful enough :)

video game graphics peaked?


I've been noticing that the graphics of the newer games are the same, have they finally ran out of ideas? like how cod black ops looks the same as the new elder scrolls skyrim. has anyone ever heard of octrees? why have they never used those before?
good points, i'm just saying, if they were to make the new xbox successor in 2015 use octrees, that would be fu**ing amazing, you could put so much in to that little disk of theirs. and are they still going to use disks? or are they just going to put all of it on the cloud?
@ nasty1.

no one said that they don't care about the game itself. i was just wondering why i see all these game reveiw plays and the graphics were identical.

The main reason game graphics seem to have halted somewhat at the moment is because developers usually aim games at consoles, as that's where they sell best. Even multi platform games where the primary platform is pc like battlefield 3 need to run well on consoles, and for this reason, at the moment developers are limited by console hardware. They've simply pushed Xbox 360 and PS3 to their limits and beyond what they thought they were capable of. We won't see better graphics in games until the next generation of consoles come out, which will most likely happen between Q4 2013 and Q4 2015

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Title Post: Is this a Good Gaming PC?
Rating: 95% based on 99438 ratings. 4,5 user reviews.
Author: Unknown

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