Saturday, May 24, 2014

What pc video games should I download?


I have this average computer with a bad flash card. What are some good pc shooter games to download that will actually work on my computer?

PC specs please

You noobs that pirate games will never fully experience the real game people that pirate CS:S once you pirate that it will be really hard finding servers since other people have different version of the game, and people usually make private servers from their purchase game and people that download CS:S from any torrenting site or warez community then will have to see if the version they download fits. Buy the games Counter Strike: Source its only $20 at a retail price all STEAM games are cheaper than all the other games and will always be popular no matter how long you stopped playing the game come back the next year it will still have more players playing. It also supports the developers I admit I used to pirate but when I start buying games I got more benefits than people who pirate.

STEAM games that will remain popular:
$20- Valve: Team Fortress 2 (Highly recommend you get it)
$8- Counter Strike: Source (Highly recommend you get it)
$5- Counter Strike: 1.6 (Highly recommend you get it)
$20- Left 4 Dead & 2 (Highly recommend you get it)
$20- Guild Wars (Ehh.. get it, buy it, play it, no monthly fees!!)

*Don't buy games with monthly fess they look cool but not many people will eventually logged in and play the game also they're not refundable*

Whats more important for video games on PC?(inside)?


the RAM, processor, or video card?

or do all of them matter?

Generally everything matters. A game will have a minimum required hardware to run it (always on low) on the back of the game box or on the website. That is the lowest amount of hardware you need. The most important/noticeable/what will hold your computer back in gaming/video edition/rendering etc. is the Video Card, RAM, CPU Ghz., Power Supply, and Motherboard.

Power Supply - Computer components all have a required # of amps, etc.
Ex. Video Card 1 requires 300 Volts. Videocard 2 requires 350 Volts. If your computer doesn't have enough volts it will burn up, and can catch on fire as well as others things.

Video Cards - Video cards handle the graphics for short and can add some speed to processing.

CPU Speed (Ghz) and how many "cores" defines how fast your computer can proccess operations and how many it can process. EX. Lets say you are a dual core CPU in real life...You can read yahoo answers and search on the internet, while also your body is taking innate control of your organ systems (organ systems = all non-major background proccesses *Task Manager --> show all proccesses)

Well a Quad-Core (4 cores) CPU is going to be faster most of the time then a duel core. It comes down to GHz also. Intel makes some Quad-cores that suck, so just because you find a cheap quad somewhere that looks shiny, look at its GHz (not overclock speed if its listed but regular GHz which will be listed directly). GHz in short = speed.

RAM - Is basically i guess what your would say temporary memory. Basically right now your using your RAM to remember half of what I just wrote, but it's not memorized yet permanently in your sub conscience. It's kind of like your computers short term memory basically. Then after your done with something, it dumps it (storing it on the hard drive or deleting it). 8GB is generally all you need for RAM and 4 GB can do just fine generally, it just depends on settings/game.

Motherboard - The motherboard is essential also most of the time when upgrading, it's like the backbone (nerve information super highway) sending/receiving info from all the parts to each other.

For more info see my link or search, What is (part here)? OR search "How to build my first Desktop PC" or something along those lines.

Hope that helps.

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