Thursday, May 22, 2014

Why does my PS3 lag offline on most games on 23 inch full 1080p LED PC monitor ?


So for 2 years I've played on my PC which was a very powerful rig ! But recently last week, I bought a PS3 Slim & I've been noticing some lag (basically rendering lag,) on most games like KZ2 (appears to run in about 35 to 40 fps & not 60), Fallout 3 GOTY (same problem), etc ! Overall the gameplay is smooth & fps are constant but it feels to me that I'm getting about 35-40 fps on all games & not more than that ! Why is this so ? Is it because I've been gaming on my powerful PC rig in the past @ 60fps ? Is it because of my small size of PC monitor (using HDMI though !)? Can someone name me some games that run a.) full 1080p b.) 60fps constant (a. & b. can be different) ? It's getting more than enough air-flow as I've placed a big ass giant table fan in front of it & after touching it for more than 5 hour, I can safely say it's not overheating or getting hot AT ALL !! It's mildly hot (but as you'd except, not more) !

What do you guys think is it me being paranoid (especially because I gamed on my powerful PC for so long) ? Is this the same feeling everyone gets while playing ? Or is it just me ? Will buying a 40+ inch HDTV solve my problem to some extent ! PLz.. tell me the cheapest price of a 40 inch full HDTV (don't care about company/manufacturer, i just want an estimation of cheapest quality 40inch HDTV) ? What do you think ? Can this be because of a cheap HDMI cable (red in colour)

Any PC gamer turned to PS3 gamer's advice would be really helpful, also someone gaming a PS3 on 25 inch or low monitor advice would be appreciated !

Your problem actually stems from your PS3 and not your monitor. Had the same problem when I switched to a PS3 when my PC blue-screened on me. Also, contrary to popular opinion, Fallout 3 GOTY is not perfect. In fact, a week into buying the game, i had 7 freezes and 2 crashes on my Fallout 3 GOTY, on a MONTH OLD PS3 ! The size of the monitor doesn't matter, as I run mine on a 21 inch LG monitor at 720p. My advice to you would be, if you have such a powerful PC, play Fallout on said PC. Leave the PS3 for console-only games. I've always noticed Fallout working better on the PC anyway.

Good PC gaming monitor?


Right now I'm using a 1440x900 Samsung 19' monitor for all my gaming, but I'm looking to get something bigger.

The specs I want are 1920x1200 resolution (only 16:10 ratios, not a fan of the TV style 16:9), with a size of 24". Under 6ms lag would be cool also.

Any brand, and obviously cheaper is better... ;)


Any monitor you get that is bigger will work, what you should look into if you're worried about the resolution is your graphics card. Every graphics card has a limit to the resolution that they're capably of displaying. Mine, for example, is capable of displaying only up to 1440x900 (ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO). Check your settings on your current gfx card by going to the desktop settings and seeing what the max possible resolution is on yours. If yours can display what you're looking for, then just get a bigger monitor, preferably one with HD capabilities. If you can't display the resolution you're looking for, get a new graphics card along with your new monitor.

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Title Post: Why does my PS3 lag offline on most games on 23 inch full 1080p LED PC monitor ?
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