Friday, March 14, 2014

Pre-made Gaming Desktop 2012?


Because I don't want to go through building my own Desktop (although I really should, because everyone says it's cheaper and not at all hard to do), I want to consider buying an actual pre-made gaming desktop to replace my crappy gaming laptop that was gifted to me years ago. I'm looking for something relatively cheap, although any good suggestions will do. As for how "good" of a GPU I'm looking for, I just want something that'll let me play TERA at maximum graphics while recording/streaming, no fps problems. That's mostly the extent of what I'll be using this new desktop for.

If premade Gaming desktops are too expensive and totally not a good option, I'd also accept good suggestions for complete and detailed tutorials on how to build a desktop and suggested parts.

Not sure what TERA is. I'm a hardware guy and relate games to tables.
This is probably what you want:
The FX-8120 is not a great gaming CPU:,3106-5.html
But, I would think the recording and post production editing would benefit from the FX-8120.
The graphics card is a nice HD 6850 and a price that does not break the bank.
Estimate by looking at both of above two.
You can look for youtube videos called build a pc
To get the parts:
An econo-build that maximizes graphics and upgradability.
As you can see, the number of parts is quite limited and basically you put them in the case in the right places with some bolts and screws and wings in tool-less cases and cable the parts together and load windows and update like any PC.
Ask opinions about the part set. If young teenagers can build a PC, it's not rocket science.
It's mostly about optimizing money and deciding about future upgradability.
They run out of the best ones fast:

Desktop PC that is good for gaming?

Jarrod K

I don't want an expensive one, nor do I want to build it. I just want a great one to play the latest games that run smoothly and look good. I am not fussy about frame rate or if everything isn't high res, but I do expect something more powerful than a Macbook Pro. Obviously it has to be a quad core processor, but I also would like it to run more advanced gaming emulators like PS2 and PSP. It would be good too if it also had one or two Blu-ray players, 3D capabilities, a decent HDD size. I don't whether to pick i3, i5 or i7 though, as I know they get more expensive respectfully.

I need to know what's enough.
I want a desktop, not a laptop. Didn't you read my question, or are you a spam bot?

Alienware because
It looks nice and it is like the Apple of gaming computers because it has a lot of competition but but unlike its competitors it is just too good of the competition and it also has a wonderful design that can even rival some fashion designers.
M11x - $899 (worst alienware lappy but still better than a lot of other lappies)
M14x - $1,199 (better 3D and gaming capabilities than the M11x)
M17x - $1,499 (almost perfect 3D and gaming compared to M11x and M14x)
M18x - $1,999/$2135(all capabilities have been maxed out) (these prices are laptops with no customer customization at all.

*Lighting such as the keyboards. The colours can be bought as a base such as yellow green red blue and purple for no extra cost.

*The numbers such as 11,14,17 and 188 refer to the screen size

The 18x is a beast if you see it. Colour customizable keypad. 3D wireless connection with any 3D capable device. Touch pad sensitivity controls. Laser inscriptions on a piece of metal plating. Pre installation of Steam or Eve online.
I myself am planning on getting a M18x myslef in red during summer in 2012.
The inbuilt grpahics card make s it all worth it if you look at my Toshiba NB(netbook)505 that i use for AOE 3.
Beware peronalization. I made a laptop that was beyond awesome and it costs $10,663.76 and i could not buy it Trust me the Alienware brings a new meaning to the term Gaming.

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