Monday, March 10, 2014

Macbook pro 2012 or pc build?


Hello everyone my name james and im 16 years old.Im an active gamer on pc i play 30-35 hours a week.I have problem now cause when i go on holidays i need a pc with me so i can play on esl league.With 3000euros i made super pc and it plays the game very easy.bUt the macbook pro wont play bf3 and other games easily bug its quite good for laptop so please tell me what should i do

I suggest you build one. Alternately, you can build a laptop, here's some good sites;

What is a good PC to buy for gaming?


I find myself mostly on my PC instead of on my xbox or ps3 because of both school work and the flexibility of the computer. (Movies, PowerPoints, Projects, Mini games + Fax ect.) All I want is a decent gaming PC that will run Battlefield 3 and have a descent speed while running multiple programs at once. I'm not too tech savvy so does anyone know the specs i need to run that game on high res? What do i need and how much will it cost? I hear i can just buy a low end 2012 PC and just swap parts. If so, what parts do i need to increase performance while not using too much electricity?

Depends if you're going on a laptop an amd radeon graphics laptops are the top based on performance and efficiency to casual gaming.
If you want a desktop you would need 4-6GB of RAM, a quad core CPU 2GHz+, a GPU a midrange one should suffice, an HDD of 500GB

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