Tuesday, March 11, 2014

is this a good gaming pc setup?

Hey everyone, this is going to be my first build and I was wondering if anyone could review my components list and make sure everything is compatible. BTW I will be getting a hard drive and optical drives from my old PC.

Well....looks pretty good, but for gaming you'll want a better card than the 5670/ I'd say at LEAST a 5770. You can get the Core i5 2500K for $80 less and put that $$ into a better video card, maybe even an Nvidia 460 GTX or 6870 Radeon. The hyperthreading that the i7 2600 has is useless for games and will perform on the same level as an i5 2500K. Plus the i5 2500K is very overclockable while the i7 2600 non-K processor is not

Have a Core i7 2600K @ 4.4 ghz + Nvidia 570 GTX myself. You could also get by with 4 GB of RAM, and up your PSU to 600 watts if you get a better GPU

Whats the best possible Gaming PC Setup?

Hey, im just looking at putting together my own Gaming rig, and I was just wondering whats everyones opinion on, "THE BEST" Gaming PC Setup. I'd love to hear everyones answers! I play a load of games on steam, but hate the lag, and the stupid, "I have to turn my resolution down to play" bs.

Anyways, Thanks!
id like to run things at at LEAST 50fps.

Try not to go overkill, just whats the best for the price.

I think I see this question at least once every day, and really there is no correct answer for it.
It really depends on your expectations and budget. Just asking for the best is just stupid, component wise, the best would cost over $10,000 for the desktop alone. Thatâs something with all the bells and whistles, 2x Xeon hex core processors, (thatâs 16 cores, though most games can rarely use more than 2 cores, you may desire this capability for something other than just gaming) Quad-SLI GTX 690s (yes the Quad-SLI GTX 680s can outperform the 690s, the 690s take up half the space allowing you to add a NPU and APU/SPU easily) 64GB of RAM @ 2400MHz, then you add in about 2 or 4x 600GB Intel 520 series SSD (can read and write at speeds of 550MB/s). You also got multiple ROM drives for all your disk needs. A 1200W or 1400W PSU to power it all. Liquid cooling system for all of it (nice LC systems cost a lot though) A mobo that can socket 2 CPUs, 8 RAM channels, and at least 4 PCI slots.

But you probably donât have a need for all of that. I wouldnât even want it if someone gave it to me for free. WTF am I going to do with 16 cores? Quad SLI would be nice but everything else is so far past overkill.

If you are wanting some suggestions, I would recommend answering these questions:
What resolution? (this include playing a game across multiple screens, or 3D vision)
What graphics settings? (High, Medium, or Low)
What frame rate at the above specifications are you wanting to achieve?

The resolution is the big one, Iâm sure I can guess you want high settings and at a frame rate between 30-60fps.

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Title Post: is this a good gaming pc setup?
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