Thursday, March 13, 2014

Laptop or Desktop help for Gaming?


I'm about to upgrade with a new computer as the laptop i use atm is a couple of years old and won't play the higher end games such as Starcraft2, Crysis and so on.
I've been looking at a 2010 iMac 21.5" or a 2010 Macbook 13".
Ofc the iMac is more powerful, Much more powerful so the best for playing high end games but i'm not used to a desktop computer i've spent my entire 'gaming life' on a laptop.
To see if i could use a desktop comfortably i got a cheap keyboard and mouse and hooked it up too my laptop and played it like it was a monitor and it was sooooo hard i felt like i needed another set of hands (If that makes sense) constantly moving from mouse to keyboard instead of having a close together trackpad with all the keys reachable with just one hand.
Is there any gamer out there that uses a desktop and can help me. Is it just something i'll get used to ? If there are any tips that will help me ? Maybe being left handed contributes to the difficulty ? Perhaps there's a 'Best place' to have the keyboard and mouse.
Or should i just stick to a laptop a stop moaning about better performance desktops ^_^

If you want to game, stay away from Macs. Yeah, desktops are not designed to be used with just one hand. Usually you have one hand on the keyboard and another on the mouse. Keep the mouse and keyboard side by side. You'll actually find that a desktop will be easier to use once you get used to it. A mouse will prove to be easier to use and more accurate than a trackpad. Whenever I use my laptop, I always hook up a mouse.

Gaming Keyboard Help?


I have a gaming desktop and I need a gaming keyboard do you know which one of these is the best? Razer Deathstalker or Razer Anansi MMO or Razer Arctosa Gaming Keyboard ???

Razer death stalker it's a great keyboard I have a keyboard better than that its called Mad Catz S.T.R.I.K.E.7 Gaming Keyboard check it out good luck :) X

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