Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What are some things to keep in mind when buying a graphics card for windows vista?

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Breaking B

Any tips or suggestions for buying a video card that is going to be just OK for playing high quality games for PC? I don't want an extravegent expensive card but also not a cheap one that will broke in a month. Just one that will last a long time and will be just right for gaming. Not games like GTA 4, more like shooters, such as FEAR or combat arms or CS

If you can please suggest some brands or types.

First, if you are going to run Windows Vista then you must have a card with more than 128 MB of video memory to run Aero. Second, if you are going to play a lot of games then you are going to need a graphics card that supports Direct X10.

I recommend the ASUS EAH4890 HTDI. It has an ATI GPU with 1GB of DDR5 video memory while nVidia cards only have DDR3 memory. It supports ATI Crossfire and DX10. Also very easy to overclock.

Here is a card I suggest-

Here is where to buy-

Here is a review you can watch-

how do i make a gaming pc of quality performance and low price?


i want to make an assembled gaming desktop which would give a high performance while keeping the total value of the assembled components low. can someone give me a list of all the moderately priced components required to make a gaming pc along with the instructions on how to assemble them properly?
Thanks in advance.

You people just DO NOT get it:

A) Gaming PC of Quality.
B) Low price.

Pick one.

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Title Post: What are some things to keep in mind when buying a graphics card for windows vista?
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