Saturday, September 28, 2013

Can i develop sophisticated computer games with unity 3D all by myself?

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Dhin Chak

I am a C# programmer and I'm looking forward to learning unity 3d & blender and wanna develop cool 3d games ranging from games for consoles like PS3 to Mobile Phones and Tablet PC Games. Now, can i do this all by myself or it requires a complete team for developing games like these?

You can get some really nice games off Unity by yourself in a very short amount of time. Just take in note that when I say in a short about of time, I don't mean in one day. I mean a short amount of time relative to hand scripting a game in c++ ( which for a 3D game can takes months -if not years ).

If you learn all the functions Unity has to offer, you can probably get a decent game out in about 1 month with minimum bugs. Problem with using a game engine is that you're limited to what you can do with your game.

Are there any free android apps where you can keep a virtual pet?


I would like an app for my android PC tablet.

Dragonvale is a hotest game on iPhone. But I do not know if it can work on Android. You can give it a try.

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