Monday, February 24, 2014

Which is the best pc game ever???


Only PC games..

The best PC game of all time is Diablo. But personally I think it sucks butt. I would say, Unreal Tournament is the best FPS, then Half Life. Check here : for the true listings.

Is pc gaming dead? will it ever die? or is it growing?


Pc gaming(which i love) doesnt see as many games or users as consoles. does this mean its dying? or simply that the consoles are growing faster then pc? will pc take over once console become like mini pcs? or is pc gaming gonna fizzle out in the next couple years? or is pc gaming not threatend at all by console gaming?

PC gaming will never truly die; its a platform that is constantly changing to meet the demands of the gaming world. I dunno what the other guy was talkin about, you can plug controllers into a PC, you can put a Bluray player in a computer as well and as far as graphics processing the computer is FAR more capable than any console oh and you can play games online as well. As long as there are games there will be PC gaming.

Also try playing an RTS without a keyboard and mouse and that alone is one reason why PC gaming will stick around.

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Title Post: Which is the best pc game ever???
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