Saturday, March 1, 2014

Good gaming desktop under 600$?


id like it to play at least skyrim on medium graphics and it dose not have to but it would be nice if it came with a monitor and i can only go up to 650 $
thank you c man is it easy to install the graphics card

Since a monitor costs about $100 that means you can only spend $550 on the tower. In that price range, your best option is upgrading a low-cost starting computer with a better graphics card.

Any off-the-shelf computers in that price range will NOT come with a decent graphics card, just low-end cards or integrated graphics. Keep in mind that 70% of your overall performance in games depends upon the graphics card, not the CPU. So the most important component for a gaming computer is a good graphics card (even for Skyrim, which is more CPU-intensive than most titles)

So you could start with this:;jsessionid=4196E41D0281C6EB05A1D0FA460FA037.bbolsp-app05-46?id=1218644421363&skuId=5424595&st=gateway%20desktop&cp=1&lp=1

Then add this:

And you'd be fine for playing on medium or high settings.

The Radeon HD 7750 is the best graphics card you can install in off-the-shelf towers from Dell, HP, Gateway etc. Any better card requires upgrading your computer's power supply first.

And in Skyrim, the HD 7750 even outperforms slightly more expensive models like the Radoen HD 6770 and GeForce GTX 550 Ti.,3074-5.html

You could also build a computer from scratch, but that's probably slightly more expensive because Windows 7 alone costs $100.

Can i get a decent gaming desktop for beetween 400-600$ to play Worldofwarcaft?


I know that this acer was on sale for $564. Which my dad said we didnt need a new computer when my computer has 19gb and less the 500ram and a 1999-2000 graphic card.Intel pent[4]. But what other decent computer can i get like the acer that was on sale in circuitcity?

For $600 you can get a pretty decent gaming computer. Dual core processor, 2 gigs of ram, 8 series GeForce and what not from Carbonfrost Systems.

Thats their website if you want to see what kind of comps they make but I recommend you contact them at

As they are always having secret and you will be able to get some stuff free including a game or something. They use all name brand parts and the warranty is top notch. Probably one of the best deals around.

good luck

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