Sunday, February 23, 2014

Good gaming PC deal for the hardware?

S & RG

I found these two pc's in a quick search for desktops, and they seem like a pretty good deal, although I'm wary to buy an emachine or an iBuyPower for that matter... I'm looking for a pc that can handle games like Crysis 2, WoW, and other's of that type, that require better than average specs.

Neither one of those computers are very good at all. There low priced computers for a reason. Wow is not a high resourced game so you computer will run it just fine. However for a game like crysis 2 or anything new coming out then your computer is going to fall apart on the graphics side. You will be lucky if your able to perform crysis on medium graphics without tearing your eyes out. as for your videocard - It's not even a Graphics cards, its a integrated graphics chip. an old computer of mine ay work was hindered trying to run UT2004 with that chip. If you already have the basics such as keyboard and mouse and monitor and such I would just take your $600 and get a custom build.

p.s. the ram on those builds make me wanna cry. Its like old slow ram from years ago. You may as well click on an icon and go make yourself dinner. That way by the time you come back it might accually be done loading

PC hardware and PC gaming questions?

Wyatt Bunt

I have 3 question (a lot, I know right?) the first is, is it safe to use a computer with the side pannel removed and a desk fan blowing on the hardware so it doesn't overheat? Second is, would I be able to do some moderate gaming on an AMD Athlon II x4 650 (3.2ghz) for a few months? I would replace it eventually. Last is, is the SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 6770 an okay card for modrate gaming? I don't mind playing on medium settings. Thanks for the help!!!

for your first question, removing the side panel and letting a desk fan blow on the hardware is fine, i also have done that before, the only downside to it is that your system will be filled with dust and so you are required to clean it once in a while.

second, your AMD Athlon II x4 650 (3.2ghz) is good enough for gaming and besides the GPU is the major factor that determines good gaming (games are 75% GPU dependent).

and last, the SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 6770 is a good mid range card that would enable you to play all games at mid settings, it is currently ranked #45 in benchmark tests, here is the link :

BTW, the power requirement of the 6770 is 450w so a 550w +80 corsair PSU is ideal.

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Title Post: Good gaming PC deal for the hardware?
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