Thursday, February 27, 2014

what is a good size hard drive for a gaming pc?


would 1 tb be a good size or would i need 2 tb

My current gaming PC has 1 terabyte of hard drive space on it. If you're a hardcore gamer, definitely spring for the extra terabyte for 2 terabytes. It's very worth it if you have Steam, because you'll be getting DLC and all kinds of stuff and that adds up. But if you're a standard gamer, just go for 1 terabyte, it's more than most need. If you want to, meet them in the middle and get 1.5 terabytes.

how do you copy games from a PC to an external hard drive?

Matt Moffa

My computer is really really slow, a windows xp from 2000. But, i also have several games on here that i don't want to lose where i am at, but i also want my computer to be faster! So how do you copy games to the hard drive? Please leave advise; thanks!

You'll have to reinstall the games on the new PC, but copy your game saves to an external HD

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