Friday, February 7, 2014

What is a good gaming PC?


I'm looking to get a gaming PC because the new Xbox sucks and I'm not a PS fan. So I'm looking for a good PC. I've never had one so I don't know much about them. What is a good but cheap PC. I'm willing to pay $1000 if I have too but would like to avoid that. Any help is great. Thank you!

The gaming Pc is the one you build for yourself. You'll save hundreds of dollars building it yourself. They're real easy to build also. Go to youtube and find a video how to build one and a video quoting "gaming pc for $1000 2013". To show what parts to buy. Already built gaming pc are pretty much a rip off.

Gaming PC Parts for Most Steam Games!?


In February 2013 I am planning on buying PC parts for a gaming computer. I want the computer to play most of the games on steam. Probably the most graphic game im going to play is Black Ops I. But if I decide to get something better I just want it to be REALLY good.

What I am looking for in my PC:

I would like 4 USB ports so I can plug in my keyboard, mouse, and any other equipment I decide to get. I need to have the outputs for my mic so yeah.

I would like 3.3GHz or better.

A Graphics card that can play most games on steam.

And well you get the point I want really good specs and such.

Now to finish it up I only have 640$ but I would like a little left over. I would pay at least 200$ more or so, so I could Get what I want and I could still save up. SO thanks a bunch Cya!

Best suggestion I can give to you is the budget build on this website

Remember you still need a monitor, mouse, keyboard, and Operating System. If you have a Monitor, mouse, and keyboard already, that would help out.

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