Saturday, February 8, 2014

Buying a PC Gaming System HELP!!!!?


Hello, I am very much interesting in buying a gaming pc or laptop. I have never purchased a gaming pc before so i do not know the ins and outs like some of you gaming vets. But I have done some research and found building your own if the cheapest and most effective way since it is better in the end. So my question to you all is can you give me a build list or bundle that has everything i will need for some where close to 850 bucks? My goals are to play SKYRIM with super quality graphics and NO LAG. Furthermore, i kinda need some convincing on why i should spend all this money because for one game it seems impractical so can you also name some future games that will come out similar to skyrim or fun pc games.
Also, if there is a good gaming laptop that can reach my requirements and can almost match a pc or is a "GOOD" deal let me know also cause i play a lot of games at friends and it would be a convenience but since i can pack up a pc and bring it, i don't really care.

Thanks for your help :)

PC gaming really shines when playing first person shooters. If you like those it's the way to go. There's also a sense of community that you rarely find with consoles. The graphics are always better than consoles but if you want to be assured of playing Skyrim (or any of the other graphics rich titles) on Ultra settings with high frame rates (no lag), the gpu (graphics card) alone will cost 4 to 500 US. On your budget I'd lower the standards just a bit. You can build a smoking PC but you're not going to Max out every game's settings.

On the laptop side, I'd consider the Asus G series. A little over your budget but it's a true desktop replacement. I have an Asus G74sx purchased from Best Buy for 1200. When I'm at home, it's hidden under my desk and plugged into a 32 inch TV at 1080p (native resolution is 1600x900 but with HDMI it goes to 1080) with a gaming mouse and keyboard attached. It out performs the gaming desktop that my son built for himself.

Gaming computers for new games ?


I have a hp probook 4510s and it's a bad laptop for gaming cause of the graphics card so I am contemplating a gaming pc I want to get a desk top. I was looking in the 600-800 dollar range I don't need tricked out computer costing me 1400 dollars.I want is to play diablo, swtor,battlefield, skyrim. on good graphics not in high or anything one that can run smoothly and have a good frame rate. So should I build one or can you give me a suggestion on a computer that I can order. Thanks for the help

Building a PC is more exciting. If you just want to buy one, something like this is tricked out and still in your price range. (just an example)

This thing would run all of the games very nice.

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