Friday, August 9, 2013

How important is a CPU in a gaming PC?

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I am thinking about building a new gaming PC, but I'm on a fairly tight budget (around £600). So is it more important to invest in a good CPU and a good GPU or an average CPU and a really good GPU.

Thanks in advance for answering. :)


I would write more,but that's basically how it works for games. Grab yourself an average CPU with good overclocking potential and pair that with a decent GPU. Don't forget enough ram (2+GB) and a solid PSU.

Can anyone help me with finding a gaming PC to buy?


I think I'll ask for a gaming PC for Christmas, but I need help finding one. Can anyone direct me to somewhere I can get a gaming PC that will run games like Battlefield 3, Call of Duty and Minecraft with little to no lag that I can get delivered to/in Ireland? What kind of price range and specs am I looking at? Thanks.

Build your own. You are looking at 600 if you build your own. If you choose to get a crappy dell then it will cost you 1200.

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