Thursday, August 8, 2013

Should I get a gaming pc or a regular pc and a Ps vita?

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brandon s

Okay so in a couple of weeks I'm going to buy a new pc. So should I buy a gaming pc or spend the same amount of money and buy an everyday pc and the Ps vita? Basically which one would you buy and why?

I would buy a simple Pc and the ps vita. Just because you can play with the vita almost any where and its so much fun that you do not have to sit in front of something to play a game where you can take your gaming station anywhere. The PS vita would be offering the games from ps3 on almost the same level of graphics which for a portable console is a remarkable thing, From my bookmarks here is a very brief description and sort of a review on Ps vita which would explain why I would be getting ps vita instead:

And here is the vita, which is available for pre order (I've chosen the WiFi plus 3ds so I do not have any kind of limitations):

What are the best specifications for a new gaming PC?


I checked the recommended sys requirements for GTA IV.
But this new gaming PC i'm taking shd play games for the next 3-4 years atleast.
So what are the best specifications??

LOL. I should would like to know how cerbphan plans to run 2 Nvidia cards on a Crossfire board? Use an X58 board, a big i7, 6GBs of ram(Crysis doesn't even use 4GBs) Use either 2 4870s in CF(2 in CF perform a little bit better than a 4870X2) or a single GTX295 thats coming out in 2 weeks:,2107.html

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Title Post: Should I get a gaming pc or a regular pc and a Ps vita?
Rating: 95% based on 99438 ratings. 4,5 user reviews.
Author: Unknown

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