Thursday, August 8, 2013

I want a good computer with a reasonable cost?

best gaming pc around 800 on Watch our interview with Martin Varsavsky, the Founder and CEO of Fon ...
best gaming pc around 800 image

This guy.

What is a great gaming computer around 600-800 bucks? i have a laptop and its great 17 inches i3 4 gb ram 450 hard drive etc its great but it doesn't have the best graphics card... i want a great gaming PC that can play all the new games on good graphics with around 600-800? is that being too greedy or can i find something like this? Please be mature with your answers and be professional.

if you want some one to give links of parts for gaming desktop . . send me E-mail with budget and games you want to play and your monitor size "resolution" and if you want windows 7 with, and other preference and specifications , and i will send you back a full list of links of the best parts Combination that will fit your budget and your requirements

What motherboard should I use for my new gaming pc?


Im building a gaming PC but I don't know what motherboard to use, my budget is 800$. So far I have a GTX 660, i7 3770K 3.5GHz ivy bridge cuad core, 1 Tb hdd and a blue ray drive. I haven't buy the ram yet but I plan on getting 8gb. So I did the math and im left with 200$ left. What mother board you guys would recommend? also should I get more ram?

Go with an i5 3570k instead of the i7. The only difference betwern them is that the i7 has hyperthreading, which is completely useless for gaming. That will save you about 100 dollars that you can put towards a better graphics card such as a gtx 670, maybe even a 680.

8gb of ram is more than plenty for gaming.

And for the motherboard I would suggest an asrock z77 extreme 4, it is an excellent motherboard and is priced around 140 dollars.

You might also consider an SSD for your OS and games, much faster boot and load times that way.

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Title Post: I want a good computer with a reasonable cost?
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