Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What is the best gaming desktop for under 800 dollars?


Not including the monitor or anything else.


I would recommend any of the four PCs listed above for some medium - heavy gaming. These PCs are by no means considered to be enthusiast but below $800 they are quite good. If you are looking to save $50-$100 on anyone of these machines then you can go to a custom PC building site such as and configure one with the same specs as the ones i listed. Also when you go to a custom building site they will usually throw in a mouse, keyboard, and some cheapo speakers for free.

Hope this helps!

Whats a really good gaming desktop under 700 or 800 Dollars.?


I want a really good gaming desktop that has high graphics and can run games like battlefield 4 or GTA V when it comes out for PC. It has to be really fast, no lag and really good graphics.

ok here is the deal battlefield 4 and gta V requires ALOT OF graphics Card memory
I built a pc for you that will run them Smooth but not ultra setings ok?
if you want to run ultra settings i suggest i7 + 400 dollar GEforce ^_^
Hope i HElped

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