Saturday, April 12, 2014

Which gaming pc should i buy?

Q. So basically i don't have a big budget so i was looking for something cheap on ebay and there was a lot of crap actually but after searching for ages i found these decently specced machines; i know the graphics arnt amazing or anything but they should be fine for gaming if i just turn settings down wont they, which one should i buy?

and just to conclude i'll also include a video of the type of person i am :)

I agree with you that these are decently specced computers. If you can afford it, I would go with something a little better but it is your choice and I will answer this question specifically.

I would say go for the Mesh Gaming Tower computer. It seems to have better specs than the other computer you posted. I did a little research and the 9600GT beats the 7800 GTX in most modern games.The 9600GT is newer and will probably give you the most bang for your buck (or pound) in this situation.

When looking at gaming computers, there are a couple of things you should know. CPU speed, RAM and the GPU are all extremely important factors in gaming. The Mesh Gaming Tower would be my choice because it has more RAM, a higher clocked CPU and a newer video card. This computer should be able to run a good number of games with the settings turned down a little bit.

Finally, one thing you could do is buy the Mesh Computer and and upgrade from there once you have the money. You may want to upgrade the amount of RAM, or get a newer video card, or even a SSD but either way, I think the Mesh Gaming Tower is your best bet.

PS. That video.... I really hope you are not that kind of person. Lol

Best site to buy a custom gaming desktop pc??


I want to buy a good gaming desktop computer. There are so many sites out there (ex. Alienware, ShuttlePC, WidowPC, among others) its hard to figure out which ones are better than others.

What is the best site to buy a gaming PC for a reasonable price?

Most sites for gaming PCs are a ripoff. Buy an HP with good specs. Don't get a video card for it. You can get a really fast HP for about $1000. That comes with monitors and everything. You'll need a good power supply and a nice video card. Go for 600-700W power supply. Then buy an 8800 video card. It'll perform way better than an Alienware or whatever of the same price.

Edit: Please don't buy Dell.

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