Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Gaming Laptop/PC Help?


Im thinking about buying a Gaming computer. I don't know alot about this stuff.. Usually I would ask my friends about this stuff but no one I know owns a gaming computer :/. I'm trying to spend within my budget ($350), if that's possible?.. If you could help me out that'll be tight. :)

1.) What is better/cheaper? Gaming Laptop or PC?

2.) Do I have to pay to play online??

3.) What is the least I should spend on a gaming computer? (I'll be playing BF4, Day-Z, The Forest)

4.) Do gaming computers overheat quickly??

That's all I think I should know.? If you'd like to add something I forgot, feel free. Also if you find any websites selling gaming computers that you think will fit me and my game style around the price im looking for that would be perfect :) Thnx

gaming desktops are always going to be cheaper in a price to performance ratio aswell as more powerful if you're spending the same price. that being said, a desktop would be your best choice, gaming laptops are really only for the convenience of portability.

as for paying for online you don't need to, that's the best part about pc gaming, you don't have to pay for something you already pay for.

as for the least to spend on a gaming computer, for the games you wan't you're going to want to spend at least like 500 bucks, anything lower and the computer just isn't going to do much in terms of gaming. mid end, you're going to be looking at about 750 bucks. and high end pc's are going to run about 1200 bucks, anything more and you're not getting that much for your money.

as for overheating, you shouldn't have too much problems aslong as you're in a nice enviorment. Spend some money on an aftermarket cooler, it will do wonders for your CPU and as for the GPU they typically have their own fans.

try out newegg to find the best prices for computers and if you want to get yours custom built, try Cyberpowerpc

Good gaming laptop/pc!!!?

Dvin B

ok my current pc is just DEAD with viruses, and my laptop is so slow im purposely trying to kill it to get my dad to buy a new one...i need a good gaming pc! any computer ppl here? what should i look for? like RAM and GHz-and whats the average cost? i got mine my laptop for 900 i think and it has 448 MB of RAM and 1.60GHz..shameful.
thanks in advance :)
oh..i want it for gaming, the game i play is world of warcraft and its a huge game-my laptop fails at running it

Most important thing is the processor. Compare processors - not just the GHZ (the general processor speed measure) but also the cache and bus. Dont be fooled by highly clocked processors with tiny caches and such...

Also, it might be better to get a single core processor, not these fancy dual and quad cores. Right now, less than %5 of applications out there and just a handful of games can actually utilize more than one core - wich means that if you have a 2ghz dual core processors, most games will play as if they were on a 1ghz processor (wich cant really play anything)

Eventually everything will be able to take advantage of multiple core tech, but until then, either get a much cheaper single core, or go fo a high end dual core wich will still be able to operate OK on one core. Mediocre dual cores a pretty useless right now...

For ram: At least 1 gb. But check the type too - DDR3, 240 pin, thats good stuff... dont be fooled by computers using old DDR ram that will operate much slower...

Your going to need a video card - careful, they make a lot of cards with tons of cheap memory in them so the specs look good bu they actually suck. Like a sucky 512mb card can easily be beat by a good 256mb card.

Best thing you can do is build the system yourself. Its actually very easy and will save you a lot of money as well as get you the best possible configuration. If you dont want to mess with that - pay to have a system built - this can still come out a lot cheaper.

And your old computer... if its full of viruses and such, just wipe the hard drive with DBAN and then reinstall windows using an OEM cd. It will be running like new.

Also if you want something for gaming dont go with a laptop as it will cost you at least 3x more and will not be as good.

***just saw your add - if you just want to play WOW you can get any used system on craigslist for like <$200, or a laptop for like <$400. WOW is old business graphically...

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