Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What is the best laptop to buy for gaming under 800 dollars?

best gaming desktop under 800 dollars on Best Gaming Headsets Under $100 | Dom's Tech & Computer Blog
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Gabriel F

Wanted to buy a new laptop because this one is crapping out on me. Anywho have any advice on which laptop to buy? I would like it to have a good video card because I want to be able to play current games on it like Fallout 3 or something.

I understand that you want a gaming laptop that's under $800, but under that price tag won't get you much. If you want to buy a good quality gaming laptop, I'd recommend that you should spend at least $1200. Gaming laptops are expensive because it's hard to put good graphic cards into computers. Most laptops run the graphics from the motherboard, but a separate graphic card can be rather pricey. The best brands for gaming are Alienware (Made by Dell) And Voodoo (Made by HP). with these brands, just DESKTOPS start at around $1200! For $800, you'll be able to get a good Toshiba, Dell or HP, but for sure not a gaming computer. If you want to save money and get a real gaming laptop, then build one yourself. IT takes a bit of effort and may take a bit longer, but you will still be able to save some money, and you can buy the parts separate so you'll get exactly what you want.
Overall, I'd recommend to either spend about $1200 and buy a gaming computer or about $1000 and build your own gaming computer. $800 will get you a nice laptop that can run your games, but the graphics won't be as good. So you decide, and I hope that I helped.

Happy 'top hunting!

What is the best gaming desktop for under 800 dollars?


Not including the monitor or anything else.





I would recommend any of the four PCs listed above for some medium - heavy gaming. These PCs are by no means considered to be enthusiast but below $800 they are quite good. If you are looking to save $50-$100 on anyone of these machines then you can go to a custom PC building site such as cyberpowerpc.com and configure one with the same specs as the ones i listed. Also when you go to a custom building site they will usually throw in a mouse, keyboard, and some cheapo speakers for free.

Hope this helps!

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