Tuesday, December 24, 2013

How can i play pc game with xbox remote?

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I have a pc with graphic card so i am able to play some cool games, but there are so many games which is difficult to play with keyboard, i have a frontech usb remote but this does not supported by all games, some game uses xbox controller such as lost planet, i want to know is there xbox remote availble for pc or not if yes what woud be the price in India

Yes, there are Xbox 360 controllers for the PC.

You basically get the Xbox 360 controller for the console and then get a USB attachment for it. Then, you will go here and following the instructions to download the drivers for it:

However, if you have Windows 7, you will have to click on the "Support for Windows 7 page" link or you can click here: http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/windows7/support.mspx

After that, you are done!

I hope this helps!

How much is the average american willing to spend on a computer/gaming computer?


How much would they spend on average, and can someone tell me why they would in detail?

Average Americans spend more on getting consoles. But PC is also quite popular for gaming there. They tend to get the best hardware for their gaming computers and do look towards the future.
So hardcore gamers would spend around $1000 for the best gaming PC. But average American would try to get it in $800.
We Indians tend to look at performance as well as price. Price is an important factor here at India. Hardcore gamers would spend around Rs. 50000/- , but average Indians would spend Rs. 30000/- to get the best bang for buck. There are some idiots here who are still buying useless NVIDIA 9400GT and 9500GT just to reduce cost.

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Title Post: How can i play pc game with xbox remote?
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