Saturday, December 28, 2013

How much will it cost to build a gaming computer in 2013?

best gaming pc ever 2013 on South Haven Tribune - Schools, Education 12.16.13Baseline Middle ...
best gaming pc ever 2013 image


Price range is about $1000 - $1200
Dont need extremely good performance, the only game i play is League of legends
just need good performance and good performance for basic pc activities aswell
Include specific equipment if you think i would need them

If you are only use your new computer to play LOL and Facebook, there is no need to spend 1000$. Part by part list of the components. This PC is enough to play LOL on highest settings available with constant 100+ FPS. This PC will also suit if you ever want to play any modern games as it's able to max any current game on market. And with this 600$ you got left...Well buy yourself something nice... If you really pester on 1200$ rig (Not recommended for casual gamer) edit your question and I will fix you something up.

Some computer experts say that the graphical quality of video games has reached a plateau?

Q. e.g., look how good the graphics are for a game like Crysis 2. These are rendered on hardware that was nearly outdated in 2005. You could imagine the potential of similar hardware in 2011. Or would it even make a difference?

What will make the next generation of gaming distinctive from the current?

In the past, the answer to this question was easy: GRAPHICS.

PC graphics can continue to march forward with ever more impressive hardware optimizations, higher resolutions, better physics, etc. However consoles are going to have a much tougher time of it. Sure with this generation we saw the jump to HD, or at least 720p@30fps. However the next batch of consoles should have no problem with 1080p@60fps which is the maximum any HDTV is capable of producing. Even 3D won't be a problem for these consoles - if they decide to support it.

Really the only direction left is better physics, and better textures. However these are going to seem more like minor bumps vs. the huge leaps we've been used to. It might also mean consoles will come out less frequently - no need to upgrade as frequently.

The 360, for instance, will turn 7 later this year and while Microsoft is working on a new console we probably won't see it on shelves until 2013 at the earliest - nearly 9 years after the 360 came out.

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