Tuesday, September 3, 2013

what is a good laptop to play arma 2 on?

best gaming pc for 1000 dollars 2013 on para conectar por medio auxiliar a tablets, laptop, celular, l
best gaming pc for 1000 dollars 2013 image


i am 15(dont worry,i am very militant and will not be a douchebag on arma 2,trust me) but both of my parents are highschool dropouts.my dad has a good paying career where he worked for over 20 years.i have a dell d420 laptop which will not run arma,and i am on a very low budget.i am getting $100 from my dad for xmas,and 50 or so from my grandparents.i get $5 for lunch money,and i save it,so $25 a week.i want arma 2,so what is the lowest price laptop i can play it on?

Arma 2 is an older Game, but unfortunately is is Extremely CPU intensive. I understand that your budget is low, and unfortunately you may want to hold off buying one for less money; until you can afford a more advanced system. If you are looking to buy a good gaming rig, I would always go for a desktop over a laptop. For gaming, a desktop tends to dissipate heat much faster and process data much faster per dollar. For a good gaming desktop you are looking at about $500, or $1000 for an equivalent laptop.

I know it is not the answer you were hoping for, but the best Idea I can give you is to get a part time job and buy a good system. Right now (2012 &2013) is a good time to buy a long lasting gaming rig that should last you near a decade due to the fact that the next gen consoles (Release ETA winter 2013) will be running DirectX 11, which most current PC systems can already handle.

I went ahead and attached a link for the system requirements of Arma 2 with Operation Arrowhead expansion, so you can see the recommended Specifications for yourself.
Also keep in mind that Arma 3 is in development, and the recommended CPU for that will be an Intel-I5. So if you want the next installment, This is what you will need.

Good Luck!

What is a good gaming PC?


I'm looking to get a gaming PC because the new Xbox sucks and I'm not a PS fan. So I'm looking for a good PC. I've never had one so I don't know much about them. What is a good but cheap PC. I'm willing to pay $1000 if I have too but would like to avoid that. Any help is great. Thank you!

The gaming Pc is the one you build for yourself. You'll save hundreds of dollars building it yourself. They're real easy to build also. Go to youtube and find a video how to build one and a video quoting "gaming pc for $1000 2013". To show what parts to buy. Already built gaming pc are pretty much a rip off.

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