Tuesday, September 3, 2013

what is the best rpg game for pc ever whitout counting skyrim?

best gaming pc for skyrim on Skyrim on PC is the best gaming experience ever. Ever. | IGN Boards
best gaming pc for skyrim image


i want now what is the best rpg game for pc whitout counting skyrim and with a good gameplay.

it looks like you like skyrim, so try the elder scrolls online and you can play solo, multiplayer, small group, large group, hard core, and the graphics is mush batter than skyrim or any other elder scrolls, you can start on elderscrollsonline.com/ if you don't have beta account create one here signup.elderscrollsonline.com its free create account and play with friends or solo or any anther way you like, or you can try bioshcok infinite or the walking dead or assassin's creed 3, black ops 2 and assassins creed black flag is coming soon.
I really hope this help in any thing :)

Gaming PC that can run Skyrim and Guild Wars 2?


I want to get into pc gaming but I know very little about PCs. The games I want to play are Skyrim and Guild Wars 2, I want to use mods on Skyrim (not sure if that matters). I want one thats around $500. I realize it wont be the best gaming pc, but Im just curious.

This is a good one around your budget:
Don't judge it by its case. Its a great computer at its price. but the problem with your budget is that with that money you'll only be able to buy the components, but none of the accessories. You need fans, lots of fans. Its no use buying a not expensive computer right now and having to buy another one in 4 years cause this one's already too worn out or overheated. I'd say you higher it a bit and customize one at ibuypower.com or cyberpowerpc.com, that's where im gonna get my computer and you can customize it the way you want. Its your choice anyway, the one I linked you there is great, I recommend it.
Here's another one. It's nice and its from the page I told you where you can customize. This should be able to hold skyrim. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229285

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Title Post: what is the best rpg game for pc ever whitout counting skyrim?
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