Friday, February 21, 2014

How to make a Gaming PC?


I need to know what is need to make a Gaming PC.

Detail information is fully appreciated.

A Gaming PC usually defined as a PC that is capable of playing the latest 3D games without any slowdown that can affect gameplay or reaction time.

To accomplish this you will need:
- Good CPU (multi-core processor so background process does not slow down your game).
- Ample RAM (so the game can load entirely into RAM and avoid swapping to hard drive).
- Good Graphic card (one that can play games at your desired setting at 30 frame-per-sec or better).
- Good PC case (one that is silent and have good airflow to cooldown your high performance components).
- Good Monitor (low latency and high refresh rate to eliminate ghosting and slow response).
- Gaming Keyboard/Mouse (can't play without a good, responsive input device).
- Gaming Headset (if you like to chat online and immersed in the 3D environment).

The choice of components will depend on your budget. Below I include a site that can help you decide which component you may be interested in to start building a gaming PC for any budget.

Good luck!

Building a Gaming PC?


What would you recommend?
Looking towards a mid range gaming pc that can at least run Battlefield Bad Company 2 on max graphics at around 40-60 fps
Price range would be around 600-750$ for everything.

if you are going to make a pc for gaming you are going to need a fast processor. and its going to have to be dual or more if you want it to run smoothly. secondly you are going to need a lot of rams, but that is very easy and cheap to upgrade or install. thirdly you are going to need a graphic card to run games at an awsome display and speed. ussually the least would be 1gb graphic or more to run some of the modern game real well. but after all that is placed you are now going to need a stronger power supply to run all this upgrades, or you will atleast need to set your bios to handle this.

there also other ways such as overclocking your system thru the bios
but it dosent work on all of them

oh and for the proccesor it is going to have to be atleast 2.0ghz dual core

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