Monday, February 17, 2014

Can Someone tell me if this gaming PC will be alright:


this will be my first gaming pc, didn't want anything too flash so I put together this list on pricespy, can someone tell me if it will be alright or whether there are any problems like wrong motherboard for cpu, too small psu...ect. Just wanna make sure its all ok before I buy.

Also let me now if you have any suggestions for changes within the similar price range

That is a great build, but most of the parts are WAY overpriced. The i5 3570k is 230 dollars on newegg, the I have the same RAM, it is 45 dollars on newegg (or amazon the prices are comparable) the Radeon HD 7850 is 250 dollars (I have that card) and you could get a 120gb SSD for 100 dollars. A pretty good build, (the 7850 can crush every game I own, it can run BF3 on ultra) and that processor is a great choice, as is the motherboard. I recommend getting a cheaper case, my NZXT Source 210 Elite is an amazing case for 50 dollars, really nice construction. However, it doesn't come with any bells and whistles ie. LED lights, or a window to see inside. Also, your PSU is overpriced, I got a nice corsair 600w one for 60 dollars.

To sum up, all of your parts are overpriced by A LOT. I would buy off of amazon, (I assume you live in New Zealand based on the URL) Amazon ships internationally and even buying international shipping would be cheaper than getting your parts at those prices. Also, a 600w PSU can power everything in your build, and it could also power a second 7850 should you choose. Happy Building!

Wireless Xbox 360 controller for playing CoD:MW2 on my PC?

Gregulas M

I have a normal xbox 360 wireless controller, and CoD:MW2 for the PC, and i was wondering what method i should use to hook that controller up to my PC for that game.
- will the game accept the use of the controller?
- do i have to buy some sort of device to hook it up to the computer?

just wondering
Thanks in advance

you need to download and install the software

then you need to have the wireless to pc adapter

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Title Post: Can Someone tell me if this gaming PC will be alright:
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Author: Unknown

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