Wednesday, February 19, 2014

PC Games for my Laptop?


My laptop runs on Pentium Dual CPU @ 1.86ghz.
It has a RAM of 2.00 GB.
And it's a Windows 32-bit..
Any kind of game will do just not those very old ones.. :)

You can download wild tangnet on youre laptop i have it on my pc all kinds of games!

What laptop can play any pc game?


i want a laptop that will not lag or anything . I want it to have really good graphics and sound also. i also want it to be able to play and burn blu-ray.Also lots of space on it for songs and things. One last thing i want this laptop/notebook to last along time and please leave the site of the pc. Thanks in advance.
budget is not to big of a deal just keep around 3000 i guess or 4000

You would need a gaming laptop like a dell xps. These are expensive new and I don't think are worth the money. I have a m1710 with a 256 card and a core 2 duo and it still runs the games nicely but won't run new games with full graphics I would recomend building a desktop if you want really good graphics with games or look for a m1710 with a 2.13 core cpu 7900gtx 512mb card and 4gigs of ram, it would probably cost you a little over 1000 on ebay. There are alot of scammers on ebay that sell gaming laptops! Make sure you only bid on someone with over 20 feedback and is covered by paypal for $2000 not $200!!!

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