Monday, February 17, 2014

What is the best gaming laptop or desktop for under $900?


one that is fairly good and can play modern warfare 2 and just cause 2

a desktop, gaming on a laptop will break your heart, get a gaming desktop that you can upgrade when needed and a $500 laptop

Gaming desktop vs. gaming laptop?


I´ve always been a console gamer for the most part of my gaming life, but I´ve been recently wanting to buy a powerful PC so as to play many PC exclusives or get to play the better version of a multi-platform game. For me, power is the most important aspect, and I know that if it were only to that I would be better off with a desktop. But the thing is that the vast majority of my friends have high end gaming laptops and they like to play together in between classes or getting together to play at the end of the day. What do you think?

Gaming Desktops Vs Gaming Laptops.
Gaming laptops are very expensive for a decent one. But the thing is, you can move them around and travel with them. Gaming desktops are much cheaper, upgradable, AND they're better for the majority of the time. However, you can't play between classes and such. I have myself a gaming desktop and it can pair on my friend's alienware which he bought for 2 grand, while mine only cost me $900. (ofc, i got a good deal, but still)

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Title Post: What is the best gaming laptop or desktop for under $900?
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