Friday, January 24, 2014

Should I buy a gaming pc in parts or all at once?

best gaming pc for $750 on Build A Gaming PC For $350 - February 2013 | DIY Reviews!
best gaming pc for $750 image


I'm trying to build a gaming PC that's around $1400.00. I'm on a tight budget so i was thinking i could buy it in parts. This would allow me to splurge a little on better parts. Problem is the return policy is only good for 30 days so if something's broken, I've just got a bunch of expensive paper weights lying around. This is my first time doing this and I'm curious as to how it's normally done. Any suggestions?

$1400 isn't a "tight" budget for a gaming PC. In fact, I would consider a budget over $1k quite roomy. A common midrange build goes for around $750. The tightest budget gaming build I ever worked on was ~$500.

So with $1400, buy it all at once. There is absolutely no reason to do otherwise.

Here's a ~$1200 build:

Note that there's enough extra budget space to a combo of any of the following:
>SSD, Bigger case, higher end motherboard, water cooling, more RAM, bigger HDD, or better GPU (though the GTX 670 is already the second fastest single-GPU card on the market).

What are the main things you need for a gaming pc?


I want to build a gaming pc and I need help. I mainly want to know whats required and wants mainly wanted.
I'm kind of on a $450 budget so please keep that in mind. Thanks!

Number 1 thing I'd look for first is a good graphics card you can go with ATI or Nvidia. Newegg and Tigerdirect usually have good deals on 550 ti or 560 Ti cards which are Nvidia.

Second thing your going to want a decent Cpu i5 or i7 for Intels will do good. Or you could go with Amd they just came out with there 8 core which is the same as Intels i7 but 60-70 $$ cheaper.

Good power supply, I'm not to worried about the brand but get one around 600-750 watts.

Ram go with 1600 or higher. With at least 8gb. I have 12 but never use it all.

Hard Drive go with 7200 rpm or get a solid state drive (SSD) and put your OS on it you will have good boot times and then you can put games or whatever on a different drive.

Motherboard - make sure it's compatible with your cpu if your getting a 8 core/quad core AMD will be AM3+ and intel will be LGA 1155 I believe.

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Title Post: Should I buy a gaming pc in parts or all at once?
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